Idiot Cubs fan steals ball from little kid

I normally would be against the death-penalty for theft ... but.
At a Cubs game many years ago us fans took care of a similar incident.

A foul ball carried deep along the first base line high up into the lower level seats. As usual several fans had outstretched arms in hopes of snagging it but it hit someone and bounced around a bit and ended up down by the legs of the seats where this young boy was about to grab it. Except a nearby man thrust his big mitt in there and took it away from the kid! And then holds it up for all to see, smiling and waving it around in gleeful celebration.

Surrounding fans took exception and started booing him loudly but to no avail as the guy sat down clutching his prize. And then the chant started. And then more and more people joined in and it got louder and louder...Give the kid the ball!...Give the kid the ball!...Give the kid the ball! Add to it folks were standing while chanting and pointing at the jerk, a bit threateningly I must admit. But that’s probably what brought about the guy’s change of heart as he finally give the kid the ball.
But the kid won in the long run. Autographed balls. That guy will always be remembered as the guy who stole a ball from a kid.

He should have grabbed the ball and hand it to the boy. He knew who it was intended for.

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