Idiot Howard Dean: 'Hate Speech Is Not Protected By The First Amendment' (I Beg To Differ!)

Dean's tweet by itself was incorrect, but the context was Ann Coulter and appearing at Berkeley.

She has no 'free speech' right to speak at Berkeley.

Sure she does. Berkeley is a public tax supported university. That means it has an obligation to allow all sides of an issue to express their views.

No they don't.

Nor do we the people have an obligation to provide federal funding. HOWEVER, if an institution does accept federal funding then they are bound by Title II, VII, and IX. Berkley MUST respect free speech, or lose federal funding, which Trump pointed out to them. (which is why they backed down on Coulter.)
The democrat war on free speech rages on.

The fascist bastards seek to end all civil rights.
^^ The unhappy person above who wrote that knows that the antifas are overwhelmingly trying to suppress any speech that disagrees with their neo-fascist alt right desire to take over the country, with bloodshed if necessary.
Dean's tweet by itself was incorrect, but the context was Ann Coulter and appearing at Berkeley.

She has no 'free speech' right to speak at Berkeley.

Sure she does. Berkeley is a public tax supported university. That means it has an obligation to allow all sides of an issue to express their views.

No they don't.

Nor do we the people have an obligation to provide federal funding. HOWEVER, if an institution does accept federal funding then they are bound by Title II, VII, and IX. Berkley MUST respect free speech, or lose federal funding, which Trump pointed out to them. (which is why they backed down on Coulter.)

The 1st Amendment does not require anyone public or private to hire anyone to give a speech just because that person wants to.
Dean's tweet by itself was incorrect, but the context was Ann Coulter and appearing at Berkeley.

She has no 'free speech' right to speak at Berkeley.

Sure she does. Berkeley is a public tax supported university. That means it has an obligation to allow all sides of an issue to express their views.

No they don't.

Nor do we the people have an obligation to provide federal funding. HOWEVER, if an institution does accept federal funding then they are bound by Title II, VII, and IX. Berkley MUST respect free speech, or lose federal funding, which Trump pointed out to them. (which is why they backed down on Coulter.)

The 1st Amendment does not require anyone public or private to hire anyone to give a speech just because that person wants to.
Uncensored clearly does not understand the law. Based on his understanding of the law, if his house is in anyway financed with government programs, we could free speech demonstrations in his driveway and he would have to hire security.
Dean's tweet by itself was incorrect, but the context was Ann Coulter and appearing at Berkeley.

She has no 'free speech' right to speak at Berkeley.
Oh yes she does, just like anti-American Mexican president Vicente Fox spoke there.
Speech that incites violence is not protected by the first amendment. Perhaps that is what he is referring to?

Incitement must be proven on a case by case basis. You Nazicrats simply outlawing words and phrases that offend the preferred groups that make your core constituency is not covered.

Look, you're fascist thugs on a mission to end civil rights, we get it. But your latest assault on the 1st amendment will not stand. We have Gorsuch on the court, you have only 3 dedicated Marxists, and one of them has an IQ under 80. Sotomayor will vote as Kagan tells her, but she can never defend her positions, she lacks the intellect.
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Speech that incites violence is not protected by the first amendment. Perhaps that is what he is referring to?

Let's see if I've got this right. If a person voices an opinion different from that of the fascist leftist brownshirts, the fact that they react violently to it justifies squashing the rights of the speaker to voice such an opinion because they have somehow incited such/

Damn. There is stupid and there is REALLY stupid.

That's right up there with blaming women for being raped.
You mean rabid neo-fascits alt right brownshirts. I am glad to fix it for you, so no need to thank me. The hard right antifas will never be allowed to end free speech.
You want some real hate speech? Just mention the word Israel to the rabid leftist brownshirts who seek to prevent conservatives from speaking.
You mean rabid neo-fascits alt right brownshirts. I am glad to fix it for you, so no need to thank me. The hard right antifas will never be allowed to end free speech.
I am sorry you are stupid, Jake, I really am.
The Regressive Left is not stupid. They're dishonest and cowardly.
That's right! Howard Dean is the epitome of an idiot. So called 'Hate Speech' (whatever that is) is indeed protected by the First Amendment. I can't say how many times in my life I called a negro a 'nigg*r' to his/her face and never was arrested for cotton picking hate speech.

As for Howard Dean....yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh
Howard Dean's Scream

Then why do you rightwing nuts complain about flag burning?
They say protected speech is only what they do, not what others they do not like do.
No they don't, Nazi, and you know it.

You might want to search 'flag burning' on this forum and see how many of your rightwing pals support it being a right.

More oppose it, Nazicrat.

I see none of you fascists condemning Dean, quite the opposite.
That's right! Howard Dean is the epitome of an idiot. So called 'Hate Speech' (whatever that is) is indeed protected by the First Amendment. I can't say how many times in my life I called a negro a 'nigg*r' to his/her face and never was arrested for cotton picking hate speech.

As for Howard Dean....yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh
Howard Dean's Scream

Then why do you rightwing nuts complain about flag burning?
They say protected speech is only what they do, not what others they do not like do.
No they don't, Nazi, and you know it.

You might want to search 'flag burning' on this forum and see how many of your rightwing pals support it being a right.

More oppose it, Nazicrat. I see none of you fascists condemning Dean, quite the opposite.
Calm down. You are confused as usual. Numbers have nothing to do with the 1st Amendment. All of the neo-fascist alt right can condemn flag burning, and who cares.
You want some real hate speech? Just mention the word Israel to the rabid leftist brownshirts who seek to prevent conservatives from speaking.
You mean rabid neo-fascits alt right brownshirts. I am glad to fix it for you, so no need to thank me. The hard right antifas will never be allowed to end free speech.
I am sorry you are stupid, Jake, I really am.
The Regressive Left is not stupid. They're dishonest and cowardly.

I don't think these traits are mutually exclusive. Jakey is certainly dishonest and cowardly, but a person cannot be intelligent when they live in such a childish, simple-minded world that they react to an action based upon no more complexity of thought than whether it is labeled right or left.
Dean's tweet by itself was incorrect, but the context was Ann Coulter and appearing at Berkeley.

She has no 'free speech' right to speak at Berkeley.

As long as Berkley gets federal funds she does.

Look, I'm ALL for defunding Berkley. If we MUST use federal funds for higher education, make it in the form of vouchers that a student can spend as they choose. End ALL grants to the Marxist shit holes.
You want some real hate speech? Just mention the word Israel to the rabid leftist brownshirts who seek to prevent conservatives from speaking.
You mean rabid neo-fascits alt right brownshirts. I am glad to fix it for you, so no need to thank me. The hard right antifas will never be allowed to end free speech.
I am sorry you are stupid, Jake, I really am.
The Regressive Left is not stupid. They're dishonest and cowardly.

I don't think these traits are mutually exclusive. Jakey is certainly dishonest and cowardly, but a person cannot be intelligent when they live in such a childish, simple-minded world that they react to an action based upon no more complexity of thought than whether it is labeled right or left.
I tell the truth and out people like Dogmaphobe every time they cross the line. That neo-fascists on the alt right don't like free speech is obvious: they want to shut it down. Hate speech is not free speech.
You want some real hate speech? Just mention the word Israel to the rabid leftist brownshirts who seek to prevent conservatives from speaking.
You mean rabid neo-fascits alt right brownshirts. I am glad to fix it for you, so no need to thank me. The hard right antifas will never be allowed to end free speech.
I am sorry you are stupid, Jake, I really am.
The Regressive Left is not stupid. They're dishonest and cowardly..
I don't think these traits are mutually exclusive. Jakey is certainly dishonest and cowardly, but a person cannot be intelligent when they live in such a childish, simple-minded world that they react to an action based upon no more complexity of thought than whether it is labeled right or left.
I think a perfectly intelligent person can be overcome by partisan ideology. They're two parallel tracks. And part of being overcome by a partisan ideology is lying to yourself and others as naturally as you breathe. It's like an infection, an affliction.

Somewhere, on some level, these people know what they're doing. But their affliction, maybe akin to alcoholism, makes them say things they know just aren't true.

My theory, anyway. This stuff is fascinating to me.
So the piece of art the Dems claimed this morning is protected by the First, depicting Trump being beheaded is not true, since it could invite reprisal, or violent action?

That's right! Howard Dean is the epitome of an idiot. So called 'Hate Speech' (whatever that is) is indeed protected by the First Amendment. I can't say how many times in my life I called a negro a 'nigg*r' to his/her face and never was arrested for cotton picking hate speech.

As for Howard Dean....yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh
Howard Dean's Scream
No, you have not done anything of the sort. Hate Speech that would logically invite retaliation and physical reprisal can be stopped by LEO, and the speaker can be taken into custody if s/he does not stop when so ordered.
You want some real hate speech? Just mention the word Israel to the rabid leftist brownshirts who seek to prevent conservatives from speaking.
You mean rabid neo-fascits alt right brownshirts. I am glad to fix it for you, so no need to thank me. The hard right antifas will never be allowed to end free speech.
I am sorry you are stupid, Jake, I really am.
The Regressive Left is not stupid. They're dishonest and cowardly.

I don't think these traits are mutually exclusive. Jakey is certainly dishonest and cowardly, but a person cannot be intelligent when they live in such a childish, simple-minded world that they react to an action based upon no more complexity of thought than whether it is labeled right or left.
I tell the truth and out people like Dogmaphobe every time they cross the line. That neo-fascists on the alt right don't like free speech is obvious: they want to shut it down. Hate speech is not free speech.

Admit it, Jake -- you are just a stupid right winger acting as a poe to make left wingers look like utter idiots.

Am I right?

So I can go to Berkeley, tell them I want to do a speech, my fee is 20,000, and if you refuse I'll take you to court for violating my free speech rights?


Nope, but if the "Young Brownshirts for Fuhrer Soros" invite you to speak and offer you a $20 fee and a bottle of Ripple, the administration may NOT block you from speaking or they risk federal funding.
That's right! Howard Dean is the epitome of an idiot. So called 'Hate Speech' (whatever that is) is indeed protected by the First Amendment. I can't say how many times in my life I called a negro a 'nigg*r' to his/her face and never was arrested for cotton picking hate speech.

As for Howard Dean....yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh
Howard Dean's Scream

Then why do you rightwing nuts complain about flag burning?
They say protected speech is only what they do, not what others they do not like do.
No they don't, Nazi, and you know it.

You might want to search 'flag burning' on this forum and see how many of your rightwing pals support it being a right.

More oppose it, Nazicrat.

I see none of you fascists condemning Dean, quite the opposite.

Condemn him? For being technically imprecise?
This "hate speech" thing is classic Regressive Left.

They make up a phrase over which they have complete control, and then act as judge, jury and executioner in leveraging it to control the words of others.

Absolutely classic. And classically cowardly.
Of course it does not. You could paint one of Obama, and it would not invite reprisal. You don't understand any of this.
So the piece of art the Dems claimed this morning is protected by the First, depicting Trump being beheaded is not true, since it could invite reprisal, or violent action?

That's right! Howard Dean is the epitome of an idiot. So called 'Hate Speech' (whatever that is) is indeed protected by the First Amendment. I can't say how many times in my life I called a negro a 'nigg*r' to his/her face and never was arrested for cotton picking hate speech.

As for Howard Dean....yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh
Howard Dean's Scream
No, you have not done anything of the sort. Hate Speech that would logically invite retaliation and physical reprisal can be stopped by LEO, and the speaker can be taken into custody if s/he does not stop when so ordered.

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