Idiot is being schooled in negotiation

Actually I can. Parts of several Airbus aircraft are made in the U.K. and those parts are vital for among other aircraft the A-380. Slap an export tariff on it if 500% and sit back and smile. Airbus will lose money on every plane or helicopter. When the EU complains apologize and explain that without a trade deal that you have to apply various technology tariffs to the items.

Then when Trump gives a free trade deal to the U.K. and the EU gets diddly squat the German auto industry will be screaming.

Jaguar will gain market share while BMW, Mercedes, and of course Audi lose sales because the Jag is much cheaper.

American cars which already sell well in England will gain even more market share at the expense of the German autos.

Produce grown in Europe will be far more expensive than produce grown in South America which will hurt the European farmers.

The EU was doomed from the beginning. Here is why. Monetary policy. The United States could use tricks like Quantitative Easing to increase the money in circulation. The EU could, but not the individual nations. They had no control over their independent economies once they agreed to the Euro.

Germany would not agree to anything like QE to stimulate the economies of the poorest nations as it would weaken their own economy. So Greece went belly up and could do nothing to turn it around. They made Putin an enemy by seizing the savings accounts of Russian Oligarchs in Cyprus. All while they are downsizing their own military.

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Theresa May’s call for early deal on EU migrant rights ‘blocked by Angela Merkel’

They are desperate to have some good news to report but the EU know that they have the upper hand.

Can anybody see a decent treaty emerging out of this ?

The EU are going to make the UK an example to others.

Is that why the rumours of Italy being next to implement article 50, followed closely by France are being told all over Europe. If we accept all that the EU throws at us we still win because the EU will lose trade with the Americas, and they cant afford that at the moment seeing as trade is stagnating due to the failure of the neo marxist utopia

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