Idiot Rand Paul calls for decriminalizing everything that disproportionately incarcerates blacks

The War on Drugs has put a significant dent in violent crimes like rape and murder. Murder and rape rates are down since the 70s and the advent of the War on Drugs. But I suppose he is willing to trade off stiff drug sentencing for higher murder rates in order to be "fair". Maybe he can explain this "fairness" to the next rape victim who was assaulted by a "non-violent" offender out on the street due to lighter sentencing for crack possession or theft.
correlation does not equate to causation.
Are we really gonna eat our own and subject them to draconian scrutiny? On balance, Rand Paul is a fine conservative. I'm pretty sure what Rand was saying is that sentencing laws that are disproportionately enforced against blacks, such as the death penalty, should be at least suspended until the problem is fixed, and lesser penalties applied in the meantime. He's made this point on other occasions. I know he said "repealed," and that might need to be done--after all, repealed laws can always be un-repealed/reinstated, but I think his basic idea is credible.

I think the evidence is clear that the death penalty is applied to black murderers at a substantially higher rate than it is to white murderers. That is a problem.

Rand Paul is solid as a rock on the budget, on defense, on taxes, on regulatory reform, on life, on marriage, on energy, etc., etc.

Let's don't go ballistic over the fact that he may have misspoken regarding laws that disproportionately affect minorities.
Blacks commit half the murder in this country and yet some here believe they're being mistreated? I live in the fucking twilight zone.

What a gaffe. Is he really that stupid?

Rand Paul calls for decriminalizing everything that disproportionately incarcerates blacks

Rand Paul is backpedaling after making the ludicrous statement “I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally and any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed.”

Black Americans commit murder at nine times the white rate. That means that Rand Paul would have to repeal laws against murder.

Rand Paul campaign spokesman Eleanor May is now saying that Rand Paul only meant “non-violent crimes.”

Is shoplifting non-violent? Blacks typically commit shoplifting at astronomical rates compared to whites. We have already seen a black British MP call for decriminalizing shoplifting to keep black people out of trouble with the law.
I have said it many times, the fruit don't fall far from the nut tree.

Rand Paul is an idiot, he better just keep his Senate seat, he needs the job.
I think the evidence is clear that the death penalty is applied to black murderers at a substantially higher rate than it is to white murderers. That is a problem.


As long as whites are screwed by affirmative action, i don't want to hear about how unfairly blacks are treated.
Are we really gonna eat our own and subject them to draconian scrutiny? On balance, Rand Paul is a fine conservative. I'm pretty sure what Rand was saying is that sentencing laws that are disproportionately enforced against blacks, such as the death penalty, should be at least suspended until the problem is fixed, and lesser penalties applied in the meantime. .

Then he should have said that. This was a gaffe. He didn't think before running his mouth. Obozo does that all the time and the press looks the other way. They don't do that with conservatives.
The War on Drugs has put a significant dent in violent crimes like rape and murder. Murder and rape rates are down since the 70s and the advent of the War on Drugs. But I suppose he is willing to trade off stiff drug sentencing for higher murder rates in order to be "fair". Maybe he can explain this "fairness" to the next rape victim who was assaulted by a "non-violent" offender out on the street due to lighter sentencing for crack possession or theft.
correlation does not equate to causation.
This is the real world, not some study. Society shouldn't have to suffer because some cleversillies like yourself don't have the common sense to see the connection between higher incarceration rates and lower murder and rape rates.
Are we really gonna eat our own and subject them to draconian scrutiny? On balance, Rand Paul is a fine conservative. I'm pretty sure what Rand was saying is that sentencing laws that are disproportionately enforced against blacks, such as the death penalty, should be at least suspended until the problem is fixed, and lesser penalties applied in the meantime. .

Then he should have said that. This was a gaffe. He didn't think before running his mouth. Obozo does that all the time and the press looks the other way. They don't do that with conservatives.
Rand Paul isn't a conservative.
The War on Drugs has put a significant dent in violent crimes like rape and murder. Murder and rape rates are down since the 70s and the advent of the War on Drugs. But I suppose he is willing to trade off stiff drug sentencing for higher murder rates in order to be "fair". Maybe he can explain this "fairness" to the next rape victim who was assaulted by a "non-violent" offender out on the street due to lighter sentencing for crack possession or theft.
correlation does not equate to causation.
This is the real world, not some study. Society shouldn't have to suffer because some cleversillies like yourself don't have the common sense to see the connection between higher incarceration rates and lower murder and rape rates.
What were the incarceration rates in the4 90's when crime spiked DRAMATICALLY?

You lack the common sense to understand that causation is NOT correlation, period. Your assumption that incarcerating people for petty drug crimes somehow helps lower the murder and rape rates is not only completely unfounded but based on absolutely nothing. If you look at the actual data you will find that one simply does not follow from the other. In Washington and Colorado weed has been legalized. Is there a dramatic raise in crime rates there? I would bet that over the next 5 years you will not see a damn thing change.
The guy agrees with Sharpton and I heard this after Furgason! This guy sucks as he believes blacks are treated unfairly but this simply isn't so as they commit most of the crimes. So should we just stop punishing them for their crimes? I hate this fucker. I hate him for being a loseretrians but this tops the cake.
I think we need to be more specific about what crimes Blacks (and Whites) are being incarcerated for. Because it is a fact that the integrity of this Nation has been seriously undermined by the effects of the so-called War On Drugs, which has been going on for four decades with absolutely no positive or constructive result. And while I don't necessarily agree with Einstein that doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity, I do believe it is a definite sign of sheer stupidity or official corruption -- or both.

Nixon started the War On Drugs in 1971. By 1975 he recognized its negative potential and withdrew all support for it. But Ronald Reagan recognized the potentially positive appeal to mindless authoritarian Conservatives and in 1982 he created the anti-drug monster we're burdened with today. In the simplest analysis, the War On Drugs has done absolutely nothing to reduce recreational drug abuse in America. What the drug war has achieved is the creation of a law-enforcement industrial complex, the militarization of America's civilian police, the waste of trillions of dollars, and national prison census which is greater than those of the most repressive nations, combined.

The bottom line is, in spite of the fact that we know law-enforcement has no positive or useful effect on the problem of drug abuse, the vast majority of imprisoned Blacks are doing time for some drug-related offense. But rather than explore alternative approaches to this problem, as has Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Portugal, we just keep doing the same thing over and over again.

Over and over and over and over and over again.
You lack the common sense to understand that causation is NOT correlation, period. Your assumption that incarcerating people for petty drug crimes somehow helps lower the murder and rape rates is not only completely unfounded but based on absolutely nothing. If you look at the actual data you will find that one simply does not follow from the other. In Washington and Colorado weed has been legalized. Is there a dramatic raise in crime rates there? I would bet that over the next 5 years you will not see a damn thing change.
I think we'll see a reduction in the "crime" rate in those places because the simple fact is there is nothing "criminal' about marijuana. The only crime associated with it is the massive amounts of money being made at the highest levels, via major trafficking and official corruption.
The War on Drugs has put a significant dent in violent crimes like rape and murder. Murder and rape rates are down since the 70s and the advent of the War on Drugs. But I suppose he is willing to trade off stiff drug sentencing for higher murder rates in order to be "fair". Maybe he can explain this "fairness" to the next rape victim who was assaulted by a "non-violent" offender out on the street due to lighter sentencing for crack possession or theft.
correlation does not equate to causation.
This is the real world, not some study. Society shouldn't have to suffer because some cleversillies like yourself don't have the common sense to see the connection between higher incarceration rates and lower murder and rape rates.
What were the incarceration rates in the4 90's when crime spiked DRAMATICALLY?

You lack the common sense to understand that causation is NOT correlation, period. Your assumption that incarcerating people for petty drug crimes somehow helps lower the murder and rape rates is not only completely unfounded but based on absolutely nothing. If you look at the actual data you will find that one simply does not follow from the other. In Washington and Colorado weed has been legalized. Is there a dramatic raise in crime rates there? I would bet that over the next 5 years you will not see a damn thing change.
There was no spike in rape in the 90s.

FBI Homicide rates show the same for homicides.
Homicide Rate per 100 000 1950 2012

Also, we aren't talking about marijuana legalization, we are talking about decriminalization or reduced sentences for all "non-violent" offenses where blacks are disproportionately incarcerated. That includes robbery and hard drug possession as well. Let's just do a thought exercise, who is more likely to commit a violent crime, someone who has committed a non-violent crime or someone who has committed no crime? That's an easy answer. Therefore, the more individuals you have locked up for non-violent offenses, the lower the violent crime rate will be.

So not only do you lack common sense because you are autistic, but you don't know the numbers and are deceitful as well. You should stop wasting people's time here and stop posting.
What a gaffe. Is he really that stupid?

Rand Paul calls for decriminalizing everything that disproportionately incarcerates blacks

Rand Paul is backpedaling after making the ludicrous statement “I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally and any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed.”

Black Americans commit murder at nine times the white rate. That means that Rand Paul would have to repeal laws against murder.

Rand Paul campaign spokesman Eleanor May is now saying that Rand Paul only meant “non-violent crimes.”

Is shoplifting non-violent? Blacks typically commit shoplifting at astronomical rates compared to whites. We have already seen a black British MP call for decriminalizing shoplifting to keep black people out of trouble with the law.

Chip off the old block.
What a gaffe. Is he really that stupid?

Rand Paul calls for decriminalizing everything that disproportionately incarcerates blacks

Rand Paul is backpedaling after making the ludicrous statement “I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally and any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed.”

Black Americans commit murder at nine times the white rate. That means that Rand Paul would have to repeal laws against murder.

Rand Paul campaign spokesman Eleanor May is now saying that Rand Paul only meant “non-violent crimes.”

Is shoplifting non-violent? Blacks typically commit shoplifting at astronomical rates compared to whites. We have already seen a black British MP call for decriminalizing shoplifting to keep black people out of trouble with the law.

Looks like Rand Paul won't get the racist dickhead vote, a crucial constituency.
I think Rand Paul would have a good chance of beating Hillary. He would attract a lot of centrist and center-right independents. Everyone misspeaks occasionally (as in his comment about repealing laws that disproportionately affect blacks), but his voting record is solidly conservative, by any rational measurement.

I would encourage centrists and conservatives to watch Rand's announcement speech. I think he is a breath of fresh air in the GOP.

Items in brackets are my edits:
[RAND PAUL said:] If you look at the War on Drugs, three out of four people in prison are black or brown. White kids are doing [drugs] too. In fact, if you look at all the surveys, white kids do [drugs] just as much as black and brown kids -- but the prisons are full of black and brown kids because they don’t get a good attorney, they live in poverty, it’s easier to arrest them than to go to the suburbs. There’s a lot of reasons.

Rand Paul is fairly close to the truth on this point.
Can't legalize drugs, the American Government makes too much money from them.

AND our Military is in Afghanistan protecting the Poppy fields. What else can they do? Fight Al Qaida? ISIS? ISIL? The US funds THAT too!

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