Idiot rapper Kanye West finally does something I agree with.......

History gives lie to myth of black Confederate soldiers

A racist fabrication has sprung up in the last decade: that the Confederacy had "thousands" of African- American slaves "fighting" in its armies during the Civil War.

Unfortunately, even some African-American men today have gotten conned into Putting on Confederate uniforms to play "re-enactors" in an army that fought to ensure that their ancestors would remain slaves.

There are two underlying points of this claim: first, to say that slavery wasn't so bad, because after all, the slaves themselves fought to preserve the slave South; and second, that the Confederacy wasn't really fighting for slavery. Both these notions may make some of our contemporaries feel good, but neither is historically accurate.

When one speaks of "soldiers" and "fighting" in a war, one is not talking about slaves who were taken from their masters and forced to work on military roads and other military construction projects; nor is one talking about slaves who were taken along by their masters to continue the duties of a personal valet that they performed back on the plantation. Of course, there were thousands of African-Americans forced into these situations, but they were hardly "soldiers fighting."

Another logical point against this wacky modern idea of a racially integrated Confederate army has to do with the prisoner of war issue during the Civil War. Through 1862, there was an effective exchange system of POWs between the two sides. This entirely broke down in 1863, however, because the Confederacy refused to see black Union soldiers as soldiers - they would not be exchanged, but instead were made slaves (or, as in the 1864 Fort Pillow incident, simply murdered after their surrender). At that, the United States refused to exchange any Southern POWs and the prisoner of war camps on both sides grew immensely in numbers and misery the rest of the war.

History gives lie to myth of black Confederate soldiers

You know there had to be a couple of fools and uncle toms that would have gladly killed to get an approving nod from "massa". I don't believe for a minute there was thousands. There is no way thousands would be willing to fight for a system that allows your female family members to be raped while you sat there looking stupid.

As usual stupid racist whites think people are are going to fall for for their fairy tales like Columbus discovered America. They padded the rosters and took a few pictures because they know it will fool some people.

You idiots forget that there were free blacks living in the south during the civil war and many had slaves themselves.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of your victim status.

You're still a victim and you always will be a victim.

White liberals own you!

You know there had to be a couple of fools and uncle toms that would have gladly killed to get an approving nod from "massa". I don't believe for a minute there was thousands. There is no way thousands would be willing to fight for a system that allows your female family members to be raped while you sat there looking stupid.

As usual stupid racist whites think people are are going to fall for for their fairy tales like Columbus discovered America. They padded the rosters and took a few pictures because they know it will fool some people.

You idiots forget that there were free blacks living in the south during the civil war and many had slaves themselves.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of your victim status.

You're still a victim and you always will be a victim.

White liberals own you!

I think everyone already knows that dumbass. I don't believe for a second there were thousands of Black slaves or Black slave owners who fought to keep the system alive. I know there were some Black slave owners that owned whites so maybe thats what you are thinking about.

You cant even prove anything because its known that slaves were often forced to come with their owners and added to the lists of confederate soldiers. In other words your sources are highly tainted.
I can't stand the guy but his latest publicity stunt may have some merit.

West's new fashion statement features the sacred "Stars and Bars". Which has long been vilified by it's detractors as a symbol of slavery. When it fact the Confederate Flag is a symbol of 'states rights".

Maybe his use of the flag will stir up debate within the black community and restore the true meaning of this national treasure. . :thup:


Actually, the rebel flag is a sign for treason. At its core. It is a about people celebrating a time in this country that is embarrassing and horrible.

Now its (imho) its representative of racism and people really trying to go back to "the good ol days" and that makes it wrong on so many levels in my opinion.

If this idiot is trying to soften it, then whatever. I love the thought of some ass hole who has flown this for years being offended because a black guy is basically making fun of him.

You know there had to be a couple of fools and uncle toms that would have gladly killed to get an approving nod from "massa". I don't believe for a minute there was thousands. There is no way thousands would be willing to fight for a system that allows your female family members to be raped while you sat there looking stupid.

As usual stupid racist whites think people are are going to fall for for their fairy tales like Columbus discovered America. They padded the rosters and took a few pictures because they know it will fool some people.

You idiots forget that there were free blacks living in the south during the civil war and many had slaves themselves.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of your victim status.

You're still a victim and you always will be a victim.

White liberals own you!

What is the percentage of slave owners who fell in this miniscule demographic? I love when people say this crap.
You know there had to be a couple of fools and uncle toms that would have gladly killed to get an approving nod from "massa". I don't believe for a minute there was thousands. There is no way thousands would be willing to fight for a system that allows your female family members to be raped while you sat there looking stupid.

As usual stupid racist whites think people are are going to fall for for their fairy tales like Columbus discovered America. They padded the rosters and took a few pictures because they know it will fool some people.

You idiots forget that there were free blacks living in the south during the civil war and many had slaves themselves.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of your victim status.

You're still a victim and you always will be a victim.

White liberals own you!

What is the percentage of slave owners who fell in this miniscule demographic? I love when people say this crap.

Its smoke an mirrors. I dont know if they go to a website and study a plan on how to avoid the point or what. IMO they will do anything to avoid you completing a conversation on the solutions.
You know there had to be a couple of fools and uncle toms that would have gladly killed to get an approving nod from "massa". I don't believe for a minute there was thousands. There is no way thousands would be willing to fight for a system that allows your female family members to be raped while you sat there looking stupid.

As usual stupid racist whites think people are are going to fall for for their fairy tales like Columbus discovered America. They padded the rosters and took a few pictures because they know it will fool some people.

You idiots forget that there were free blacks living in the south during the civil war and many had slaves themselves.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of your victim status.

You're still a victim and you always will be a victim.

White liberals own you!

I think everyone already knows that dumbass. I don't believe for a second there were thousands of Black slaves or Black slave owners who fought to keep the system alive. I know there were some Black slave owners that owned whites so maybe thats what you are thinking about.

You cant even prove anything because its known that slaves were often forced to come with their owners and added to the lists of confederate soldiers. In other words your sources are highly tainted.

A few thousand is the best estimate. And the war wasn't about keeping slavery alive dumbass!!

No black slave owners owned whites. But keep dreaming!

I didn't list a source moron!

Not only are you a perpetual victim, you're an idiot too.
You idiots forget that there were free blacks living in the south during the civil war and many had slaves themselves.

But hey, don't let me get in the way of your victim status.

You're still a victim and you always will be a victim.

White liberals own you!

I think everyone already knows that dumbass. I don't believe for a second there were thousands of Black slaves or Black slave owners who fought to keep the system alive. I know there were some Black slave owners that owned whites so maybe thats what you are thinking about.

You cant even prove anything because its known that slaves were often forced to come with their owners and added to the lists of confederate soldiers. In other words your sources are highly tainted.

A few thousand is the best estimate. And the war wasn't about keeping slavery alive dumbass!!

No black slave owners owned whites. But keep dreaming!

I didn't list a source moron!

Not only are you a perpetual victim, you're an idiot too.

A few thousand is your best estimate which means less than nothing. Yes the war was about slavery. Says so in Mississippi's Articles of Secession dumbass.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.

Here is Georgias dumbass

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.

I apologize for my Moorish ancestors and early colonial ancestors owning your European ancestors. They even had to pass laws to outlaw Black people from owning whites here in the US

" It is enacted that no negro or Indian though baptized and enjoined their own freedom shall be capable of any such purchase of Christians [white slaves]...."......Statutes of the Virginia Assemble, Vo. 2,pp.280-81...[This statute was passed in 1670 to stop the growing 'problem', brought to a head especially by the purchasing of white females slaves by blacks and Indians].
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I think everyone already knows that dumbass. I don't believe for a second there were thousands of Black slaves or Black slave owners who fought to keep the system alive. I know there were some Black slave owners that owned whites so maybe thats what you are thinking about.

You cant even prove anything because its known that slaves were often forced to come with their owners and added to the lists of confederate soldiers. In other words your sources are highly tainted.

A few thousand is the best estimate. And the war wasn't about keeping slavery alive dumbass!!

No black slave owners owned whites. But keep dreaming!

I didn't list a source moron!

Not only are you a perpetual victim, you're an idiot too.

A few thousand is your best estimate which means less than nothing. Yes the war was about slavery. Says so in Mississippi's Articles of Secession dumbass.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.

I apologize for my Moorish ancestors and early colonial ancestors owning your European ancestors. They even had to pass laws to outlaw Black people from owning whites here in the US

" It is enacted that no negro or Indian though baptized and enjoined their own freedom shall be capable of any such purchase of Christians [white slaves]...."......Statutes of the Virginia Assemble, Vo. 2,pp.280-81...[This statute was passed in 1670 to stop the growing 'problem', brought to a head especially by the purchasing of white females slaves by blacks and Indians].

hey i got Moorish blood in me.....those guys invaded Italy in the 9th Century and kinda inhabited Sicily and the Boot part.....its why us Sicilians are darker than the whiter Italians in the northern part of the Country......and you know dam well many a Dego Woman got fucked.....
A few thousand is the best estimate. And the war wasn't about keeping slavery alive dumbass!!

No black slave owners owned whites. But keep dreaming!

I didn't list a source moron!

Not only are you a perpetual victim, you're an idiot too.

A few thousand is your best estimate which means less than nothing. Yes the war was about slavery. Says so in Mississippi's Articles of Secession dumbass.

I apologize for my Moorish ancestors and early colonial ancestors owning your European ancestors. They even had to pass laws to outlaw Black people from owning whites here in the US

" It is enacted that no negro or Indian though baptized and enjoined their own freedom shall be capable of any such purchase of Christians [white slaves]...."......Statutes of the Virginia Assemble, Vo. 2,pp.280-81...[This statute was passed in 1670 to stop the growing 'problem', brought to a head especially by the purchasing of white females slaves by blacks and Indians].

hey i got Moorish blood in me.....those guys invaded Italy in the 9th Century and kinda inhabited Sicily and the Boot part.....its why us Sicilians are darker than the whiter Italians in the northern part of the Country......and you know dam well many a Dego Woman got fucked.....

The Sicilians I have met are pretty cool people.
A few thousand is your best estimate which means less than nothing. Yes the war was about slavery. Says so in Mississippi's Articles of Secession dumbass.

I apologize for my Moorish ancestors and early colonial ancestors owning your European ancestors. They even had to pass laws to outlaw Black people from owning whites here in the US


hey i got Moorish blood in me.....those guys invaded Italy in the 9th Century and kinda inhabited Sicily and the Boot part.....its why us Sicilians are darker than the whiter Italians in the northern part of the Country......and you know dam well many a Dego Woman got fucked.....

The Sicilians I have met are pretty cool people.

yes we are.....those "lighter" Italians.....i dont know......i mean Italian's with Red hair? ......seriously?....
The black confederate soldiers were fighting for their families, home, and southern way of life.

And thus should be considered black heros; right along side with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. . :thup:

You might want to read up on the history of the 1st Louisiana Native Guards, unless you already have and are just trolling :)
The black confederate soldiers were fighting for their families, home, and southern way of life.

And thus should be considered black heros; right along side with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. . :thup:

You might want to read up on the history of the 1st Louisiana Native Guards, unless you already have and are just trolling.
It was composed of free blacks who were willing to fight but never allowed to.
The black confederate soldiers were fighting for their families, home, and southern way of life.

And thus should be considered black heros; right along side with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. . :thup:

You might want to read up on the history of the 1st Louisiana Native Guards, unless you already have and are just trolling.
It was composed of free blacks who were willing to fight but never allowed to.

Thats code for they were forced to pretend even though there was a traitor or 2 amongst them.
The South did not use this Confederate Native Guard regiment in any military action, and failed to provide it with uniforms or arms. Most of the men in the unit used their own resources to obtain weapons and uniforms which were displayed in a parade in New Orleans on January 8, 1862.[3] It was largely considered part of the Confederacy's "public relations" campaign.
Shit, they call each other ******* all the time, they might as well embrace the Confederate flag too.
The black confederate soldiers were fighting for their families, home, and southern way of life.

And thus should be considered black heros; right along side with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. . :thup:

you are a demented, ignorant fuck! Probably been spoon fed this shit from birth.

1. Civil war was about slavery...period!!!
2. Blacks that fought for the confederacy were told to, or die...period!!!

to pretend there was any other reason is a feeble attempt to rewrite history.

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