Idiot rapper Kanye West finally does something I agree with.......

The black confederate soldiers were fighting for their families, home, and southern way of life.

And thus should be considered black heros; right along side with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. . :thup:

you are a demented, ignorant fuck! Probably been spoon fed this shit from birth.

1. Civil war was about slavery...period!!!
2. Blacks that fought for the confederacy were told to, or die...period!!!

to pretend there was any other reason is a feeble attempt to rewrite history.

What a crock of shit.

You give a slave a weapon then threaten him, guess who's going to be the first person shot?

The civil war wasn't about slavery, although slavery was an issue. The more important issues were state's rights and the economy.
The black confederate soldiers were fighting for their families, home, and southern way of life.

And thus should be considered black heros; right along side with Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. . :thup:

you are a demented, ignorant fuck! Probably been spoon fed this shit from birth.

1. Civil war was about slavery...period!!!
2. Blacks that fought for the confederacy were told to, or die...period!!!

to pretend there was any other reason is a feeble attempt to rewrite history.

What a crock of shit.

You give a slave a weapon then threaten him, guess who's going to be the first person shot?

The civil war wasn't about slavery, although slavery was an issue. The more important issues were state's rights and the economy.

The Civil War was definitely about slavery. Why is slavery the first thing Mississippi and Georgia list in their Articles of Secession? Everytime I catch you lying I will post this.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.


The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.
If that idiot is making racist who believe the confederate flag is a good thing, uncomfortable.....good. Fuck them.
......................................^^^ Thank You for acknowledging the Civil War was about the economy and not slavery. . :cool:

Thats why you see slavery and not economy in my quotes.
Although the word 'slavery' is used.

Slavery was just a means to further enhance the economy.

And maintaining the economy was the end goal not slavery. . :cool:
......................................^^^ Thank You for acknowledging the Civil War was about the economy and not slavery. . :cool:

Thats why you see slavery and not economy in my quotes.
Although the word 'slavery' is used.

Slavery was just a means to further enhance the economy.

And maintaining the economy was the end goal not slavery. . :cool:

if the economy was the issue why not give the work to poor whites to reinvest in their community? The end goal was slavery and thats why all the plans to cast the African as an animal were laid to rationalize slavery. Dont be stupid.
if the economy was the issue why not give the work to poor whites to reinvest in their community? The end goal was slavery and thats why all the plans to cast the African as an animal were laid to rationalize slavery. Dont be stupid.
Just because you are losing the debate is no reason to call me names. . :doubt:

Slavery was just a means to an economic goal.

Nothing more.......nothing less. .. :cool:
if the economy was the issue why not give the work to poor whites to reinvest in their community? The end goal was slavery and thats why all the plans to cast the African as an animal were laid to rationalize slavery. Dont be stupid.
Just because you are losing the debate is no reason to call me names. . :doubt:

Slavery was just a means to an economic goal.

Nothing more.......nothing less. .. :cool:

Where did I call you a name? Thanks for admitting slavery was the point. Now you agree with the reason for the Civil War. The economic part of it was just one of the benefits of slavery for whites.
Thanks for admitting slavery was the point. Now you agree with the reason for the Civil War. The economic part of it was just one of the benefits of slavery for whites.
Again, slavery wasn't the point of the Civil War.

It was the impending loss of an economic resource; not the practice of slavery which was the cause of the war. . :cool:
Thanks for admitting slavery was the point. Now you agree with the reason for the Civil War. The economic part of it was just one of the benefits of slavery for whites.
Again, slavery wasn't the point of the Civil War.

It was the impending loss of an economic resource; not the practice of slavery which was the cause of the war. . :cool:

Yes slavery was. Thats why it is the first thing mentioned in the articles of secession. Did you see my earlier post?


In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun.


The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.

No slavery issue no war. Got that now?
Again, slaves were just a source of labor to be used in the fields.

Much like a horse or a mule.

Thus the Civil War wasn't fought over horses, mules, or blacks. . :cool:
Again, slaves were just a source of labor to be used in the fields.

Much like a horse or a mule.

Thus the Civil War wasn't fought over horses, mules, or blacks. . :cool:

There were plenty of poor white trash looking for a job. Why didn't the slave owners just do that if it was about economics?
oh well...Kanye West does it makes it okay. I guess those millions of Americans murdered by traitors over slavery was justified because Kanye wore a jacket.

Millions of Americans murdered? what a hysterical little bitch you are.

Millions were murdered through slavery and the Civil War.

Are you under the impression that there was a slave murdering epidemic? If so, why do you suppose white people spent so much money on slaves, to just turn around and murder them? People think slaves were being whipped and murdered daily, when in reality that would be a very poor financial decision by their masters. Only psychos did that, and psychos aren't exactly common.
There were plenty of poor white trash looking for a job. Why didn't the slave owners just do that if it was about economics?
So poor white people are automatically 'trash"??

Your racism is starting to show....... :cool:

I thought thats what they called themselves. I saw it on a commercial for the chunky kid that does beauty pageants. Honey booboo or something like that.
There were plenty of poor white trash looking for a job. Why didn't the slave owners just do that if it was about economics?
So poor white people are automatically 'trash"??

Your racism is starting to show....... :cool:

I thought thats what they called themselves. I saw it on a commercial for the chunky kid that does beauty pageants. Honey booboo or something like that.

I guess by your logic, its cool if I call you a ******? Isnt that word you guys end every sentence with, like its some kind of verbal period?

"Goin to the store nigga. Gots ta get me some food nigga."
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So poor white people are automatically 'trash"??

Your racism is starting to show....... :cool:

I thought thats what they called themselves. I saw it on a commercial for the chunky kid that does beauty pageants. Honey booboo or something like that.

I guess by your logic, its cool if I call you a ******? Isnt that word you guys end every sentence with, like its some kind of verbal period?

"Goin to the store nigga. Gots ta get me some food nigga."

I dont recall saying it was ok for you to do so like she did. I don't talk like that and if I did you still wouldn't have my permission to do it. :lol:
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I thought thats what they called themselves. I saw it on a commercial for the chunky kid that does beauty pageants. Honey booboo or something like that.

I guess by your logic, its cool if I call you a ******? Isnt that word you guys end every sentence with, like its some kind of verbal period?

"Goin to the store nigga. Gots ta get me some food nigga."

I dont recall saying it was ok for you to do so like she did. I don't talk like that and if I did you still wouldn't have my permission to do it. :lol:

So explain why you think its ok for YOU to call people white trash?
I guess by your logic, its cool if I call you a ******? Isnt that word you guys end every sentence with, like its some kind of verbal period?

"Goin to the store nigga. Gots ta get me some food nigga."

I dont recall saying it was ok for you to do so like she did. I don't talk like that and if I did you still wouldn't have my permission to do it. :lol:

So explain why you think its ok for YOU to call people white trash?

Because she said so.

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