If 12 NBA Players "Self-Identified as Women," Could They Play in the WNBA as a Team?

I was about to say I was surprised that we haven't seen this translate to race too, but then there's that Dolezal lady.

Well, whatever. This stuff has great comedic value across the board, so that's good enough for me.

Because laughing at other people's struggles is funny!

You not getting it and going on a rampage about how "it's just a game", sure is funny!

I think this comes down to the problem that you haven't located the Weiner yet. Maybe go see a doctor and he can help you with that. They have excellent microscopes. You will finally get to know the difference between the genders.
I actually watched a little bit of an WNBA game... they bury it so deep in basic cable you need a Ouija Board and a Hunting dog to find it.. And frankly, I was kind of embarrassed for these women.

First, because most of them looked even LESS feminine than your average tranny...

And second, because the level of play was so dull, so boring, you have to honestly wonder why they bother.

Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean it isn't for others. Okay, so it's boring and not many are interested. It doesn't discount the fact that it is (was) enjoyable for them and an accomplishment if they win whatever trophy or award they get. For some I'm sure it means the world to them.

Women cannot compete against men in any sport. They don't have the physical advantages we do. So do we get rid of all sports for women, especially the Olympics because they physically can't match up so they are boring?

I never watched a game yet, but what's frustrating is how this country caters to such a small group of people and ruining it for everybody else. In other words, I'm sick of the minority controlling the overwhelmingly majority.
Oh, I remember that stunt. A top female player was able to beat a very mediocre male player. Yawn.

Pit the top female tennis players against the top male players. Play by men's rules. I'll let you pretend the results would not be totally lopsided in the men's favor.

For that matter, pit the champions of the WNBA against the NBA champions. Again, I'll let you pretend biology doesn't exist.

I don't pretend it doesn't exist.


Today we have women in combat.

Interesting, if weak, tactic. When presented with undeniable and inconvenient contradictory fact, pretend it suddenly doesn't matter, after taking a long time trying to make the case that just blew up.
I was about to say I was surprised that we haven't seen this translate to race too, but then there's that Dolezal lady.

Yeah, I mean I know, when you have racist shit Islamophobes going around calling themselves Hispanic Liberals, labels don't mean a thing, Stormy Mac.

At least you can understand Dolezal's mental illness... what's your excuse.

Well, whatever. This stuff has great comedic value across the board, so that's good enough for me.

Because laughing at other people's struggles is funny!

Tell that to the women who are playing the game. They take their sport very seriously like any male sportsman.

I actually watched a little bit of an WNBA game... they bury it so deep in basic cable you need a Ouija Board and a Hunting dog to find it.. And frankly, I was kind of embarrassed for these women.

First, because most of them looked even LESS feminine than your average tranny...

And second, because the level of play was so dull, so boring, you have to honestly wonder why they bother.

Reality is there’s no such thing as gender reassignment. There’s mutilation of the crotch but there’s not a surgeon in the world that can change someone’s sex.

Mike do you sit up worrying all night that the lady you picked up in the bar might be a tranny? Seriously, did you all get brain transplanted with NovaSteve.

And what ever happened to NovaSteve, anyway?

So you have finally made it to the next level (comparable to 4 year old), and admitted that gender exists.

How much more will it take to admit that the difference is significant in sports? You know men are stronger, faster, smarter... I thought you wanted fair matches.

You could actually never have another match again and I truly wouldn't give a fuck. Okay, I watched this WNBA game today and they had a bunch of butch women playing ball badly...

So what was the point again?

That women are not as large or as strong as men. You know, that inconvenient truth that makes your demand that everything be equal impossible.
You not getting it and going on a rampage about how "it's just a game", sure is funny!

I think this comes down to the problem that you haven't located the Weiner yet. Maybe go see a doctor and he can help you with that. They have excellent microscopes. You will finally get to know the difference between the genders.

Hey, I understand the difference just fine.

A Lady WNBA player makes $75,000 a year on average.

A Male NBA player makes $6,400,000 on average.

The thing is you feel your masculinity absolutely threatened because some people have gender dysphoria is what makes you kind of sad.
That women are not as large or as strong as men. You know, that inconvenient truth that makes your demand that everything be equal impossible.

And if being "large and strong" was important to anything other than playing games, that might even be an issue.

But we send women into combat now. So it really isn't.
That women are not as large or as strong as men. You know, that inconvenient truth that makes your demand that everything be equal impossible.

And if being "large and strong" was important to anything other than playing games, that might even be an issue.

But we send women into combat now. So it really isn't.

And the result is, they don't do well.

If a war broke out, they would be pregnant quicker than you could even imagine. Even the ones with no male friends. Why do you have trouble admitting the facts? Women aren't in general even close to men's level in sports or combat.
Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean it isn't for others. Okay, so it's boring and not many are interested. It doesn't discount the fact that it is (was) enjoyable for them and an accomplishment if they win whatever trophy or award they get. For some I'm sure it means the world to them.

So what? Frankly, the thing is, the whole WNBA is actually the worst kind of virtue signalling. Title IX insists colleges treat women's sports just as seriously as the male sports the colleges actually make money on. The WNBA "We got Lesbians" is just an extension of that. No one wants to see a bunch of butch women play basketball poorly. But man, if a couple of Trannies signed up for a WNBA team, you guys would have an absolute shitfit, even though you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference on the field.

Women cannot compete against men in any sport. They don't have the physical advantages we do. So do we get rid of all sports for women, especially the Olympics because they physically can't match up so they are boring?

Nothing would make me happier than to get rid of the fucking Olympics. That's three weeks where i can watch the shows I want to watch instead of three weeks of watching sports nobody cares about most of the time. And when they get rid of wrestling to include baton twirling, you know that they aren't taking it seriously either.

I never watched a game yet,

And that's the point, nobody is watching these games.

but what's frustrating is how this country caters to such a small group of people and ruining it for everybody else. In other words, I'm sick of the minority controlling the overwhelmingly majority.

Um. No. As I said, the only reason why you have a WNBA is because a bunch of virtue signalling feminists insisted on it, not because anyone actually wanted to watch it. Shit, signing up a couple of trannies might even be a benefit, as people might watch in a train wreck sort of way.
Responding to JoeB, including the military argument:

Watch it very carefully.
Responding to JoeB, including the military argument:

Watch it very carefully.

I watched about 47 seconds of it and found it the most retarded, misogynistic thing posted here...

Seriously, dude, you need help.
Responding to JoeB, including the military argument:

Watch it very carefully.

I watched about 47 seconds of it and found it the most retarded, misogynistic thing posted here...

Seriously, dude, you need help.

You are immune to facts.

Whatever, you can ignore reality, but it for sure isn't going to ignore you.
You are immune to facts.

Whatever, you can ignore reality, but it for sure isn't going to ignore you.

We've had a bunch of space shuttle missions with women on them... and they turned out just fine.

Except those two where the shuttles blew up because MEN ignored clear warning signs about what a bad design the Space shuttle actually was.
You are immune to facts.

Whatever, you can ignore reality, but it for sure isn't going to ignore you.

We've had a bunch of space shuttle missions with women on them... and they turned out just fine.

Except those two where the shuttles blew up because MEN ignored clear warning signs about what a bad design the Space shuttle actually was.

Nasa yesterday: Let's put man to moon.

Nasa today: Let's put women to low atmosphere.

That is the difference.

We should always hire only the best, nothing should be done based on insane leftist quotas. Today Nasa is a diversity freak show instead of being a supreme space exploration agency.
Nasa yesterday: Let's put man to moon.

Nasa today: Let's put women to low atmosphere.

That is the difference.

Um, yeah. Let's look at that.

What is the current goal of the space program. It's to study the effects of long term living in space. Something we'll have to do if we ever want to send people to Mars because, hey, it will take a long time to get there.

You see, Mars is 50 MM kilometers away from the Earth at its closest... about 200 times the distance of the moon. And both bodies are constantly moving. So, yeah, we need to know how living for years in space will effect people, as opposed to the couple of days it takes to get to the moon.

But you keep thinking that its because the women are making NASA weaker... I know you need to believe that.

And another thing. We aren't funding NASA anywhere near the level we funded it back during the Apollo program. You whine about how we aren't accomplishing great things, but here's the thing... we also aren't investing to do great things.
If 12 NBA players decided that they "feel more like women than men" and began to "self-identify as women," could they form a team and play in the WNBA? They would almost certainly win every game, cruise through the playoffs, and win the WNBA championship in a sweep. They would set new records for number of wins, points scored, rebounds, fewest points allowed per game, etc., etc. (Similarly, the two boys posing as girls in Connecticut who were allowed to compete in girls' races finished first and second, and one of those boys set new state records for "female" times in the 100-meter and 200-meter dash.) Would liberals be okay with this?

I mean, never mind that science knows of no gender of "transgender." Never mind that there are established scientific tests to determine gender. Never mind all the scientific evidence about the differences between male and female brains. Never mind all the scientific evidence about the average strength, size, muscle mass, and agility of males vs. females. Never mind all that. If 12 NBA players decided to "self-identify as women," would liberals be okay with allowing them to form a WNBA team to compete against other WNBA teams? And when the "transgender" WNBA team won every game they played and cruised to the championship, what would liberals say then? "Sorry, but this is the price we must pay for 'tolerance' and 'diversity'"?!

Hopefully, there are enough good parents and public officials in Connecticut to end this obscene insanity of allowing boys to compete against girls in sporting events in that misguided, deep-blue state.

Personally I think there should be trans-gender leagues. If you were born a man, you can't be playing in women's leagues, you'll be naturally stronger. It's not fair.
Nasa yesterday: Let's put man to moon.

Nasa today: Let's put women to low atmosphere.

That is the difference.

Um, yeah. Let's look at that.

What is the current goal of the space program. It's to study the effects of long term living in space. Something we'll have to do if we ever want to send people to Mars because, hey, it will take a long time to get there.

You see, Mars is 50 MM kilometers away from the Earth at its closest... about 200 times the distance of the moon. And both bodies are constantly moving. So, yeah, we need to know how living for years in space will effect people, as opposed to the couple of days it takes to get to the moon.

But you keep thinking that its because the women are making NASA weaker... I know you need to believe that.

Today the goal is getting 50/50 representation on a field that women aren't fit for and do not want to be fit for.

Today, they are wondering how in the hell did we ever make it to the moon. Well of course, not by diversity, but through expertise. Having the best of the best...

Next these stupid idiot leftists are going to demand that men produce 50% of the babies. As said, you can ignore the facts, but they won't be ignoring you. I tried creating a baby... I thought I was already very close, but when I looked at the toilet, nope it was a huge shit. Stop shitting on our society.
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Today the goal is getting 50/50 representation on a field that women aren't fit for and do not want to be fit for.

Today, they are wondering how in the hell did we ever make it to the moon. Well of course, not by diversity, but through expertise. Having the best of the best...

No, we made it to the moon because we spent 24.5 Billion dollars in 1973 money for six successful moon landings and one failed on. (Oddly, it's the failed one everyone remembers after the first one).

That would be 140 BILLION in today's dollars.

NASA's entire budget is 20 billion for ALL NASA programs, not just space shots.

And a lot of the money spent was spent unwisely, such as keeping the Awful Space Shuttle program alive for decades. (Initially, the space shuttles weren't supposed to be used after the 1990's, but we kept using them.)
Today the goal is getting 50/50 representation on a field that women aren't fit for and do not want to be fit for.

Today, they are wondering how in the hell did we ever make it to the moon. Well of course, not by diversity, but through expertise. Having the best of the best...

No, we made it to the moon because we spent 24.5 Billion dollars in 1973 money for six successful moon landings and one failed on. (Oddly, it's the failed one everyone remembers after the first one).

That would be 140 BILLION in today's dollars.

NASA's entire budget is 20 billion for ALL NASA programs, not just space shots.

And a lot of the money spent was spent unwisely, such as keeping the Awful Space Shuttle program alive for decades. (Initially, the space shuttles weren't supposed to be used after the 1990's, but we kept using them.)

Especially costly decision was making NASA a diversity enforcement agency instead of keeping it a space exploration agency.

Before: You landed a spacecraft on a comet.

After: Your shirt is sexist, you need to retire.

Leftism surely destroys everything it touches.
That women are not as large or as strong as men. You know, that inconvenient truth that makes your demand that everything be equal impossible.

And if being "large and strong" was important to anything other than playing games, that might even be an issue.

But we send women into combat now. So it really isn't.

I'll let you pretend for a while that's the only arena where size and strength might matter.

Here's a hint. Have fun when the 5' 3" 105 lb woman comes to drag your fat old (your words) carcass out of your burning house.
If 12 NBA players decided that they "feel more like women than men" and began to "self-identify as women," could they form a team and play in the WNBA? They would almost certainly win every game, cruise through the playoffs, and win the WNBA championship in a sweep. They would set new records for number of wins, points scored, rebounds, fewest points allowed per game, etc., etc. (Similarly, the two boys posing as girls in Connecticut who were allowed to compete in girls' races finished first and second, and one of those boys set new state records for "female" times in the 100-meter and 200-meter dash.) Would liberals be okay with this?

I mean, never mind that science knows of no gender of "transgender." Never mind that there are established scientific tests to determine gender. Never mind all the scientific evidence about the differences between male and female brains. Never mind all the scientific evidence about the average strength, size, muscle mass, and agility of males vs. females. Never mind all that. If 12 NBA players decided to "self-identify as women," would liberals be okay with allowing them to form a WNBA team to compete against other WNBA teams? And when the "transgender" WNBA team won every game they played and cruised to the championship, what would liberals say then? "Sorry, but this is the price we must pay for 'tolerance' and 'diversity'"?!

Hopefully, there are enough good parents and public officials in Connecticut to end this obscene insanity of allowing boys to compete against girls in sporting events in that misguided, deep-blue state.
Seems to me the precedent’s been set with boygirls running women’s track and whatnot. Imagine the WNBA would sprinkle the NBA boygirls around the league though rather than allow one super dominating team farcically trample all their competition.

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