If a Browner, Gayer nation is one far more criminal why would Democrats encourage such a movement?

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The only thing I want these armchair racists to do is tell me -- policy-wise, how do they plan to address their hatred for people who are gay or who are of a darker skin tone than they are?

Personally, I’m hoping we deport the fuck out of Brown people and shame the others into finally becoming legitimate human beings...only then will the hatred subside. Meanwhile scared PC cowards like Golfing Gator and Wry Catcher will tell us how awesome the two percent of them are, how we should be grateful for them and how we all benefit from their presence.
"Personally, I’m hoping we deport the fuck out of Brown people and shame the others into finally becoming legitimate human beings...only then will the hatred subside."

Actually it's too bad we can't deport the F*** out of you, brokeloser. We'd get rid of a whole lot of hate if we could. Problem is that I can't think of anybody I dislike enough to dump you and your vitriol onto, except maybe Kim Jong Un or Assad.

Look bud, I don’t blame you...If I were a unAmerican lowlife piece of shit with wetback ties I’d hate good real Americans like me to.
I suppose I always thought it was the responsibility of Father Government to kinda keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute

White nationalists, by their very nature are stupid, narrow minded and bigotted, look at the make up of the prison population and made the false assumption that non-whites and gays are less law abiding than white straight people.

POOR PEOPLE are less law abiding than people who have good paying jobs that provide a good living for themselves and their families. People who have less opportunity, less education, and less hope for their futures, are more dangerous because they have less to lose. They have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse.

You have well documented histories of police departments using poor neighbourhoods as "cash cows", with excessive traffic stops, every little infraction, prosecuted to the hilt, citizens serving time in jail for traffic fines they cannot afford. There's also well documented histories which show that non-white youths, when caught doing minor infractions, are far more likely to get jail time that white youths doing similar stupid stuff. Toss in minimum sentencing requirements, and over-policing in minority neighbourhoods, and those statistics are hardly surprising.

But all of your firmly held beliefs on race, crime, and violence are being put to the lie, by the most recent statistic on violent crime in the USA, which shows that poor mid-Western rural white America is now home to more violent crime than the inner cities. This increase in crime, drug addiction, and violence, is the direct result of the poverty, lack of opportunity, and hopelessness felt by poor white Americans left behind by the Republican economy.

When Reagan was elected President, there were 30,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. Thanks to Republican zero tolerance policies, the War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, there are now 300,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. There are now more black and brown men doing forced labour in "for-profit" prisoners, than were held in slavery in the Deep South when Lincoln took office.

When you take away people's jobs, opportunities, and hope for a better future, you create poverty, which comes complete with high levels of crime, violence and addiction. The colour of the skin or the religion are the least relevant pieces of information to that outcome. In Northern Ireland, white Catholics were the oppressed minority, and white Protestants the powerful majority. Catholics were discriminated against in housing, and in hiring. Catholics were routinely paid less than Protestants, and were considered by police to be lazy troublemakers.

Everything you say about non-whites, the Northern Irish Protestants said about the Catholic minority.

Everything you say about non-whites, Japanese say about white people. They use the USA as an example of how violent and nasty white people are and compare Japanese crime rates to American crime rates.

The common denominator in all violent cultures in society, is poverty.
I suppose I always thought it was the responsibility of Father Government to kinda keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute

White nationalists, by their very nature are stupid, narrow minded and bigotted, look at the make up of the prison population and made the false assumption that non-whites and gays are less law abiding than white straight people.

POOR PEOPLE are less law abiding than people who have good paying jobs that provide a good living for themselves and their families. People who have less opportunity, less education, and less hope for their futures, are more dangerous because they have less to lose. They have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse.

You have well documented histories of police departments using poor neighbourhoods as "cash cows", with excessive traffic stops, every little infraction, prosecuted to the hilt, citizens serving time in jail for traffic fines they cannot afford. There's also well documented histories which show that non-white youths, when caught doing minor infractions, are far more likely to get jail time that white youths doing similar stupid stuff. Toss in minimum sentencing requirements, and over-policing in minority neighbourhoods, and those statistics are hardly surprising.

But all of your firmly held beliefs on race, crime, and violence are being put to the lie, by the most recent statistic on violent crime in the USA, which shows that poor mid-Western rural white America is now home to more violent crime than the inner cities. This increase in crime, drug addiction, and violence, is the direct result of the poverty, lack of opportunity, and hopelessness felt by poor white Americans left behind by the Republican economy.

When Reagan was elected President, there were 30,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. Thanks to Republican zero tolerance policies, the War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, there are now 300,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. There are now more black and brown men doing forced labour in "for-profit" prisoners, than were held in slavery in the Deep South when Lincoln took office.

When you take away people's jobs, opportunities, and hope for a better future, you create poverty, which comes complete with high levels of crime, violence and addiction. The colour of the skin or the religion are the least relevant pieces of information to that outcome. In Northern Ireland, white Catholics were the oppressed minority, and white Protestants the powerful majority. Catholics were discriminated against in housing, and in hiring. Catholics were routinely paid less than Protestants, and were considered by police to be lazy troublemakers.

Everything you say about non-whites, the Northern Irish Protestants said about the Catholic minority.

Everything you say about non-whites, Japanese say about white people. They use the USA as an example of how violent and nasty white people are and compare Japanese crime rates to American crime rates.

The common denominator in all violent cultures in society, is poverty.

There you have it folks....the bleeding heart loons continue to tell the pieces of shits among us that they are suppose to be pieces of shits and it's not their fault that they are piece of shits...and we wonder why they stay pieces of shits.
Imagine if you couldn't dare be straight up with your fuck-up child and tell him..."Look dude, you are fucking up, pull your head out of your fucking ass and get your shit right!"
What if you always told him "Look bud, it's not your fault you're a fuck up, you're suppose to be a fuck up because your parents are fuck ups and you're poor."
I suppose I always thought it was the responsibility of Father Government to kinda keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute

White nationalists, by their very nature are stupid, narrow minded and bigotted, look at the make up of the prison population and made the false assumption that non-whites and gays are less law abiding than white straight people.

POOR PEOPLE are less law abiding than people who have good paying jobs that provide a good living for themselves and their families. People who have less opportunity, less education, and less hope for their futures, are more dangerous because they have less to lose. They have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse.

You have well documented histories of police departments using poor neighbourhoods as "cash cows", with excessive traffic stops, every little infraction, prosecuted to the hilt, citizens serving time in jail for traffic fines they cannot afford. There's also well documented histories which show that non-white youths, when caught doing minor infractions, are far more likely to get jail time that white youths doing similar stupid stuff. Toss in minimum sentencing requirements, and over-policing in minority neighbourhoods, and those statistics are hardly surprising.

But all of your firmly held beliefs on race, crime, and violence are being put to the lie, by the most recent statistic on violent crime in the USA, which shows that poor mid-Western rural white America is now home to more violent crime than the inner cities. This increase in crime, drug addiction, and violence, is the direct result of the poverty, lack of opportunity, and hopelessness felt by poor white Americans left behind by the Republican economy.

When Reagan was elected President, there were 30,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. Thanks to Republican zero tolerance policies, the War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, there are now 300,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. There are now more black and brown men doing forced labour in "for-profit" prisoners, than were held in slavery in the Deep South when Lincoln took office.

When you take away people's jobs, opportunities, and hope for a better future, you create poverty, which comes complete with high levels of crime, violence and addiction. The colour of the skin or the religion are the least relevant pieces of information to that outcome. In Northern Ireland, white Catholics were the oppressed minority, and white Protestants the powerful majority. Catholics were discriminated against in housing, and in hiring. Catholics were routinely paid less than Protestants, and were considered by police to be lazy troublemakers.

Everything you say about non-whites, the Northern Irish Protestants said about the Catholic minority.

Everything you say about non-whites, Japanese say about white people. They use the USA as an example of how violent and nasty white people are and compare Japanese crime rates to American crime rates.

The common denominator in all violent cultures in society, is poverty.
Yeah right, they are poor so that makes them violent. lol
I suppose I always thought it was the responsibility of Father Government to kinda keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute

White nationalists, by their very nature are stupid, narrow minded and bigotted, look at the make up of the prison population and made the false assumption that non-whites and gays are less law abiding than white straight people.

POOR PEOPLE are less law abiding than people who have good paying jobs that provide a good living for themselves and their families. People who have less opportunity, less education, and less hope for their futures, are more dangerous because they have less to lose. They have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse.

You have well documented histories of police departments using poor neighbourhoods as "cash cows", with excessive traffic stops, every little infraction, prosecuted to the hilt, citizens serving time in jail for traffic fines they cannot afford. There's also well documented histories which show that non-white youths, when caught doing minor infractions, are far more likely to get jail time that white youths doing similar stupid stuff. Toss in minimum sentencing requirements, and over-policing in minority neighbourhoods, and those statistics are hardly surprising.

But all of your firmly held beliefs on race, crime, and violence are being put to the lie, by the most recent statistic on violent crime in the USA, which shows that poor mid-Western rural white America is now home to more violent crime than the inner cities. This increase in crime, drug addiction, and violence, is the direct result of the poverty, lack of opportunity, and hopelessness felt by poor white Americans left behind by the Republican economy.

When Reagan was elected President, there were 30,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. Thanks to Republican zero tolerance policies, the War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, there are now 300,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. There are now more black and brown men doing forced labour in "for-profit" prisoners, than were held in slavery in the Deep South when Lincoln took office.

When you take away people's jobs, opportunities, and hope for a better future, you create poverty, which comes complete with high levels of crime, violence and addiction. The colour of the skin or the religion are the least relevant pieces of information to that outcome. In Northern Ireland, white Catholics were the oppressed minority, and white Protestants the powerful majority. Catholics were discriminated against in housing, and in hiring. Catholics were routinely paid less than Protestants, and were considered by police to be lazy troublemakers.

Everything you say about non-whites, the Northern Irish Protestants said about the Catholic minority.

Everything you say about non-whites, Japanese say about white people. They use the USA as an example of how violent and nasty white people are and compare Japanese crime rates to American crime rates.

The common denominator in all violent cultures in society, is poverty.

Japan has a low crime rate because they don't have an angry, envious minority group to deal with.
It's a result of the democrat crime party.

How do they always seem to justify ignoring current data?
How do they pretend that we don’t know where things are headed?

If you don’t like this country, get the fuck out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You don't want that, too many piece of shits like you count on my productivity.

Tell me what you do that I would have any interest in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alinsky would be proud. First you create a scenario that sounds good to certain angry mostly left wing faction like "a browner more gayer nation is far more criminal" and then you pretend that it is fact. The truth is that most intelligent people outside of the democrat base understand that the only criminals are the people who enter the U.S. illegally and denying hairy men access to the ladies room to powder their noses isn't part of a right wing conspiracy.
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Nobody but freaking idiots assume that a "browner more gayer nation is far more criminal" but the phrase falls into a scenario mostly created by the crazy left. Maybe it's easy to fool victims of liberal government sponsored education with cliches and slick phrases like "brown nation" but the fact is that most intelligent people outside of the democrat base understand that the only criminals are the people who enter the U.S. illegally and denying hairy men access to the ladies room to powder their noses isn't part of a right wing conspiracy.
I suppose I always thought it was the responsibility of Father Government to kinda keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute

White nationalists, by their very nature are stupid, narrow minded and bigotted, look at the make up of the prison population and made the false assumption that non-whites and gays are less law abiding than white straight people.

POOR PEOPLE are less law abiding than people who have good paying jobs that provide a good living for themselves and their families. People who have less opportunity, less education, and less hope for their futures, are more dangerous because they have less to lose. They have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse.

You have well documented histories of police departments using poor neighbourhoods as "cash cows", with excessive traffic stops, every little infraction, prosecuted to the hilt, citizens serving time in jail for traffic fines they cannot afford. There's also well documented histories which show that non-white youths, when caught doing minor infractions, are far more likely to get jail time that white youths doing similar stupid stuff. Toss in minimum sentencing requirements, and over-policing in minority neighbourhoods, and those statistics are hardly surprising.

But all of your firmly held beliefs on race, crime, and violence are being put to the lie, by the most recent statistic on violent crime in the USA, which shows that poor mid-Western rural white America is now home to more violent crime than the inner cities. This increase in crime, drug addiction, and violence, is the direct result of the poverty, lack of opportunity, and hopelessness felt by poor white Americans left behind by the Republican economy.

When Reagan was elected President, there were 30,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. Thanks to Republican zero tolerance policies, the War on Drugs, and minimum sentencing, there are now 300,000 non-white prisoners in federal penitentiaries. There are now more black and brown men doing forced labour in "for-profit" prisoners, than were held in slavery in the Deep South when Lincoln took office.

When you take away people's jobs, opportunities, and hope for a better future, you create poverty, which comes complete with high levels of crime, violence and addiction. The colour of the skin or the religion are the least relevant pieces of information to that outcome. In Northern Ireland, white Catholics were the oppressed minority, and white Protestants the powerful majority. Catholics were discriminated against in housing, and in hiring. Catholics were routinely paid less than Protestants, and were considered by police to be lazy troublemakers.

Everything you say about non-whites, the Northern Irish Protestants said about the Catholic minority.

Everything you say about non-whites, Japanese say about white people. They use the USA as an example of how violent and nasty white people are and compare Japanese crime rates to American crime rates.

The common denominator in all violent cultures in society, is poverty.
Japanese people are learning first hand how different the attitudes of black people are than everyone else.
Alinsky would be proud. First you create a scenario that sounds good to certain angry mostly left wing faction like "a browner more gayer nation is far more criminal" and then you pretend that it is fact. The truth is that most intelligent people outside of the democrat base understand that the only criminals are the people who enter the U.S. illegally and denying hairy men access to the ladies room to powder their noses isn't part of a right wing conspiracy.

I don't make up the facts and statistics....they are there for all to see.
Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
About 1/4 of all Americans under 20 are of Hispanic descent already. But I do encourage the right wing to continue their alienation policy
Unfortunately, it is not illegal to be brown or gay -- until Republicans stand up with courage and conviction and put a stop to this -- brown and gay people may remain legal for decades, thus destroying our country..

It's about time we restore America back to a time before there were gay and brown people before it is too late.
Let's just go back to a time when brown and gay people weren't loathesome and obnoxious.
I suppose I always thought it was the responsibility of Father Government to kinda keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute

The Marxists want to destroy our culture. They hate white Christian capitalist culture. When you accept the fact that Dems want to destroy our culture, everything they do makes perfect sense. If it’s bad for the country at whole, Dems will support it. If something is good for our country, Dems will oppose it.
The only thing the Talk Radio Right knows to do on this topic is complain and make veiled threats about an imaginary Civil War.

Over and over and over and over. A zillion threads on this, all saying the same things.
Unfortunately, it is not illegal to be brown or gay -- until Republicans stand up with courage and conviction and put a stop to this -- brown and gay people may remain legal for decades, thus destroying our country..

It's about time we restore America back to a time before there were gay and brown people before it is too late.
Let's just go back to a time when brown and gay people weren't loathesome and obnoxious.
Oh, I get it...you mean back to a time when brown and gay people didn't fight back when denied full citizenship, full pay. Back to the time when the old cliche that they had to 'try twice as hard for half as much' was in full play. Then when they said 'enough!', they became loathsome, right?
The only thing the Talk Radio Right knows to do on this topic is complain and make veiled threats about an imaginary Civil War.

Over and over and over and over. A zillion threads on this, all saying the same things.

The issue has reached a fever pitch Mac...it’s not going away, Brownies are officially on the second class citizen list where they’ve belonged all along. You didn’t think they should get away with breaking and entering and illegal homesteading forever did you?
The only thing the Talk Radio Right knows to do on this topic is complain and make veiled threats about an imaginary Civil War.

Over and over and over and over. A zillion threads on this, all saying the same things.

The issue has reached a fever pitch Mac...it’s not going away, Brownies are officially on the second class citizen list where they’ve belonged all along. You didn’t think they should get away with breaking and entering and illegal homesteading forever did you?
Your partial, temporary wall won't get you what you want.

But if it makes you happy, have fun with it.
The only thing the Talk Radio Right knows to do on this topic is complain and make veiled threats about an imaginary Civil War.

Over and over and over and over. A zillion threads on this, all saying the same things.

The issue has reached a fever pitch Mac...it’s not going away, Brownies are officially on the second class citizen list where they’ve belonged all along. You didn’t think they should get away with breaking and entering and illegal homesteading forever did you?
Your partial, temporary wall won't get you what you want.

But if it makes you happy, have fun with it.

Don’t get your hopes up buddy...I’m not sure there’s any historical data to prove that $20B functional structures are ever demo’d on the basis of the FEELZ
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