If a president commits treason all of their Supreme Court picks should be removed and replaced & all their decisions nullified

Biden's pick was never qualified to begin with. Affirmative action hires rarely turn out well, especially when you are trying to check multiple boxes with a single pick.
Black woman
Hard to check off many more than that
A Former federal prosecutor just said Donald Trump is “on the hook for treason” because he “levied war against the United States” on Jan. 6

Treason like having the brown turd's FBI spying on a US citizen in the hope of overturning the election results by saying that a bogus Russian Collusion document was real? That treason? How many justices did the brown turd pick again?
A Former federal prosecutor just said Donald Trump is “on the hook for treason” because he “levied war against the United States” on Jan. 6

Your thread title would be considered ex post facto, as those decisions made before the treasonous overthrow of election results act.
Treason would be opening our southern border and disobeying the immigration laws that he swore to uphold....
So I guess we should remove bidens SCOTUS pick.....
No man it's letting states determine whether or not 'women,' which don't actually exist according to democrats, can set the laws of killing your kid. That's treason.
A Former federal prosecutor just said Donald Trump is “on the hook for treason” because he “levied war against the United States” on Jan. 6

The utter stupidity on display that leftists can brag about.

Trump didn't plan or push "insurrection at all hell the DOJ isn't going to indict him because they KNOW there is no actual plan by Trump to overthrow a government to prove.

The Joke 6 dog and pony show is already an obvious failure as there is nothing new produced and again after 2 years or looking under his bed and peering into the windows of his various places there is still no mention of a smoking gun peice of evidence to holler about.

I am seriously wondering there is a brain eating virus that prefers leftists/Marxists only since their utter stupidity is becoming the normal of late.

I good idea.

They were all seditious and treasonous!

That should put us back to where we were and we can just burn all those laws and IRS forms back to the Declaration Of Independence.


Or seditious conspiracy, for that matter.
Have you considered that maybe Trump has the ideas of the founding fathers and we have lost our way? I know. It is difficult to grasp because absolute freedoms are not the norm in human history. And with that comes the most ignorant asses who interpret things their own ways. The problem is we have pushed all of these social justice rights for selective groups with a loss of many unalienable rights for all at the same time. And would we do this with a minimum of taxes and bills.

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