If a recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth,we started the Biden recession yesterday, -1.4% in Q1 and -2.1% in Q2.

A committee within the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a nonprofit research organization that’s not affiliated with the federal government, determines when the U.S. economy has entered into a recession.
A recession is defined by the NBER as a “significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” The organization takes into account many factors, including GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and consumer spending, in its determination.
Though people often cite two consecutive quarters of GDP decline as the definition of a recession, and countries like Great Britain use this designation, it is not an “official designation” in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, an independent, federal statistical agency.

What's astonishing is how rightards think this is new.

What is also astonishing is how leftards love semantics.

Please, most everyone loves semantics.

But in this case, what are the semantics? We have two definitions for a recession. One held by the NBER which is the body tracking recessions.
I identify as President of the Untied States, my pronouns are Sir and Your Majesty, I'm wearing summer shorts and a cool t shirt I picked up in Cadaques Spain
All you did, after quoting my post, is REPEAT the exact same words that I posted in my post, that you quoted. Nothing is changed .

As I said the NBER's definition of recession is the same as 2 (or more) consecutive quarters of RECEDING (reducing) GDP #s. So by their definition, we're in a recession, and if one is adept at handling the English language, all they need is a dictionary (not the NBER) to define recession (the act of receding).


noun (1)

re·ces·sion | \ ri-ˈse-shən \

Definition of recession

(Entry 1 of 2)
1: the act or action of receding : WITHDRAWAL

Uhh no that’s not what I did. Here I’ll narrow it down as it appears you didn’t read what I posted.

The organization takes into account many factors, including GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and consumer spending, in its determination.
Though people often cite two consecutive quarters of GDP decline as the definition of a recession, and countries like Great Britain use this designation, it is not an “official designation” in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, an independent, federal statistical agency.
On Tuesday, the 28th, two days before the BEA publicly announced second quarter GDP, you declared it was negative...

"Quick question: Are we in a recession now that we have 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP?"
Are you claiming the numbers were positive two days before they announced they are negative? That is the ONLY way I could have lied, Simp.

You really should tap out. The beatdown you are taking is epic.:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Are you claiming the numbers were positive two days before they announced they are negative? That is the ONLY way I could have lied, Simp.

You really should tap out. The beatdown you are taking is epic.:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

No, I'm claiming no one outside of the BEA, which includes you, knew if the number would positive or negative until the BEA officially released the number.
That by chance, it turned out that way, doesn't mean you didn't lie by expressing something not known at the time you said it.


Wishes the forum's glutton for punishment.
That doesn‘t fit the definition a lie, Simp.

Why do you Dimtards think you can make up new definitions when reality kicks you in the teeth?
It wasn't meant to be a rebuttal. I just found it funny how you claimed saying Nostra sucked off Trump is not a lie. And here you were, trying to defend him.
Again, (and I'm not sure why you are having difficulty with this)
Lie: say something that knowingly isn't true.
So if YOU say Nostra sucked someone off, it is an unproven claim which may or may not be true, but not a "lie".
And then when Nostra proves that it is untrue, he can sue your dumb ass for libel/ slander.

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