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If A Terrorist Group of Mexicans

"such a typical trait that exist in Israel" is such and Anti-zionist crap that holds ignorant people.

You have friends, but you have never seen anything with your own eyes, you've read books and magazines, but never experienced on your own flesh.
"It doesn't matter how much I know about Israel what I do know is that I hate the country".

So you admit yourself, you hate something you know nothing about.

It isn't rare, though.

Most haters have the same problem.

kinda making me think that the holocaust wasn't so bad, now. i mean, i have never seen it with my own eyes or experienced it with my own flesh. does a brief brush with internment count?

are you a holocaust denier? your argument seems designed for one.

Since it IS the clean debate zone, I will keep what I really want to say to myself.

I told people before, I do not speak in general, of the Holocaust.

i was merely using your argument and your logic. i won't suggest you direct your anger inward as that is unhealthy but directing it towards me is misplaced.

perhaps you should just admit to aristotle that you made a very poor argument.

also, you may really want to realise that those closest to the situation in most cases are the ones with the least objective opinion. there were true believers in the six counties in northeastern ireland who could not distinguish between the way the felt and the way they thought. some of us could. those who do not confuse their hearts with their heads acted efectively.

the holocaust was way beyond horribele. you need not experience it first hand to know that. people have common joys, and they have common tragedies, and empathy allows them to share.

i think you should apologise to aristotle for your brusque dismissal.
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To people who have never been persecuted or have any ties to a homeland, it won't matter. one cannot expect you to understand that concept.

Does that mean you understand the Palestinian refugees plight?

The Palestinian refugee plight, as it is presented these days, is to call for a "Palestine" in place and instead of Israel.

Which I do not understand, nor I am willing to.

If it is to establish a state ALONGSIDE Israel, where both nations can live with respect, that is something I don't have any problem with.
To people who have never been persecuted or have any ties to a homeland, it won't matter. one cannot expect you to understand that concept.

Does that mean you understand the Palestinian refugees plight?

i think she meant that she supports oglaigh na hEireann (sealadaigh?). an dtuigeann tu, lippy darlin'? go raibh ma agat, a stor.


Sorry, I don't speak Capslockism.
if Hamas hides the missiles inside schools, kindergardens, houses, hospitals, THEY and only THEY are to be blamed if innocent people are killed.
Wrong! You're the one pulling the trigger. You're the one making the decision to fire. As the "occupier", it is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions, to limit civilian casualties.

You can't target hospitals under any condition. They're off limits!

Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then! If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.

In a normal world, I would have agreed with you. But when they Target civilized areas in Israel from INSIDE civilized areas among THEIR women and children, well, that is not normal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?

i dunno. maybe if israel agreed to ground their planes and dock their navy...and then gave HAMAS maybe fifteen firing batteries of 155 and 105 hows, a bunch of tanks, and a ton of ord and give them maybe three years to get up to speed...maybe then they could make precision hits on hospitals and schools like the israelis do.

then, about the only thing missing is a military court that exonerates their actions and a spokesman trained to say "we apologise for this regretable but unavoidable accident."

i notice you didn't answer my question about whether the list of israeli military bases were near populated ares and some of the other questions in my post awhile back.
kinda making me think that the holocaust wasn't so bad, now. i mean, i have never seen it with my own eyes or experienced it with my own flesh. does a brief brush with internment count?

are you a holocaust denier? your argument seems designed for one.

Since it IS the clean debate zone, I will keep what I really want to say to myself.

I told people before, I do not speak in general, of the Holocaust.

i was merely using your argument and your logic. i won't suggest you direct your anger inward as that is unhealthy but directing it towards me is misplaced.

perhaps you should just admit to aristotle that you made a very poor argument.

also, you may really want to realise that those closest to the situation in most cases are the ones with the least objective opinion. there were true believers in the six counties in northeastern ireland who could not distinguish between the way the felt and the way they thought. some of us could. those who do not confuse their hearts with their heads acted efectively.

the holocaust was way beyond horribele. you need not experience it first hand to know that. people have common joys, and they have common tragedies, and empathy allows them to share.

i think you should apologise to aristotle for your brusque dismissal.

He said himself he doesn't know much about our people, besides what he hears from Arabs. The way I see it, it equals ignorance. And it is untill proven otherwise.

I have seen pictures and read articles and heard stories about many subject. It hardly makes me in anyway an expert which can be used as an excuse to hate any side of a specific conflict.

That is my opinion, and I don't feel I should appologize for it. Unless the kind sir proves me wrong in a way that cannot be argued.

I am not saying my opinion is objective. Because it is not. Being raised to this conflict, I surely cannot say I can see both sides of the coin equaly. It is not my place, it is the place of the peole who have no connection to either one of the sides, that should look bothways.

Like mr. Aristotle.:redface:

But I think that you're confused. You cannot compare the Holocaust to any conflict or issue happening today ANYWHERE in the world. that comparison is incorrect.

The Holocaust, let us all it the Genocide of nations, because not only the Jewish Keddoshim were killed, but also the Romanis, disabled, outcasted, etc. Jus Naturale tells us that any mass murder based on race is horrible. Of course you don't need to be there to understand.

But the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is nothing like it. It's simply war. A child losing a brother or sister in Gaza, is no different then Nahlah Pass. a teenage boy's death in Gaza is no different in wrongness or terriblness than the brutal killing of Ofir Rahum.

That is my main point.
Does that mean you understand the Palestinian refugees plight?

i think she meant that she supports oglaigh na hEireann (sealadaigh?). an dtuigeann tu, lippy darlin'? go raibh ma agat, a stor.


Sorry, I don't speak Capslockism.

lolol...sorry, you speak hebrew occasionally. i speak irish occasionally. think of it as a cultural exchange.

i was just thanking you for supporting the irish republican army and flirting with you a bit.
i think she meant that she supports oglaigh na hEireann (sealadaigh?). an dtuigeann tu, lippy darlin'? go raibh ma agat, a stor.


Sorry, I don't speak Capslockism.

lolol...sorry, you speak hebrew occasionally. i speak irish occasionally. think of it as a cultural exchange.

i was just thanking you for supporting the irish republican army and flirting with you a bit.

Wrong! You're the one pulling the trigger. You're the one making the decision to fire. As the "occupier", it is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions, to limit civilian casualties.

You can't target hospitals under any condition. They're off limits!

Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then! If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.

In a normal world, I would have agreed with you. But when they Target civilized areas in Israel from INSIDE civilized areas among THEIR women and children, well, that is not normal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?

i dunno. maybe if israel agreed to ground their planes and dock their navy...and then gave HAMAS maybe fifteen firing batteries of 155 and 105 hows, a bunch of tanks, and a ton of ord and give them maybe three years to get up to speed...maybe then they could make precision hits on hospitals and schools like the israelis do.

then, about the only thing missing is a military court that exonerates their actions and a spokesman trained to say "we apologise for this regretable but unavoidable accident."

i notice you didn't answer my question about whether the list of israeli military bases were near populated ares and some of the other questions in my post awhile back.

Did you ever see what Hamas targets it's missiles upon?

Did you ever see what Hamas targets its SUICIDE BOMBERS upon?

It is not to be taken lightly!

In the south there are military bases near populated areas. not INSIDE populated areas.

We complitely separate military from populated areas. You won't find any military combat action in an area where it might risk Israeli women and children.
Wrong! You're the one pulling the trigger. You're the one making the decision to fire. As the "occupier", it is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions, to limit civilian casualties.

You can't target hospitals under any condition. They're off limits!

Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then! If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.

In a normal world, I would have agreed with you. But when they Target civilized areas in Israel from INSIDE civilized areas among THEIR women and children, well, that is not normal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?

i dunno. maybe if israel agreed to ground their planes and dock their navy...and then gave HAMAS maybe fifteen firing batteries of 155 and 105 hows, a bunch of tanks, and a ton of ord and give them maybe three years to get up to speed...maybe then they could make precision hits on hospitals and schools like the israelis do.

then, about the only thing missing is a military court that exonerates their actions and a spokesman trained to say "we apologise for this regretable but unavoidable accident."

i notice you didn't answer my question about whether the list of israeli military bases were near populated ares and some of the other questions in my post awhile back.

You want Israel to just give Hamas weapons?:confused:

And once again, why do the Israelis insist on living in a place where their neighbors want to kill them?

This is a very good question considering the fact that alternatives were offered to Jewish refugees, such as the place in British East Africa now known as Kenya. But the Zionists rejected that and insisted on settling in Israel.

Because Israel is the homeland of the Jewish nation.

We would not settle for anything else.

To people who have never been persecuted or have any ties to a homeland, it won't matter. one cannot expect you to understand that concept.
I understand the concept perfectly. But I wonder how long that bravado would remain constant without the kind of economic, diplomatic, and military support from the U.S. which Israel has enjoyed from Day One.

I favor no side in the conflict between Israel and the Arab world. I couldn't care less if they wipe each other out to the last man standing. I feel Israel and its problems are none of my Country's business. I believe the U.S. has done quite enough for Israel since 1947 and I do not believe the government con that Israel is an "ally" in the accepted sense of the word. Britain is an ally. Israel is a protectorate and a millstone about the neck of the American People. The only thing the U.S. has ever gotten from Israel in return for its support is the attack on the USS Liberty and the Jonathan Pollard espionage affair. And I have it on good authority that U.S. support of Israel was a major provocation for the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and for the attack on the USS Cole.

So I hope you can understand that concept. And if you believe anything I've said is false or biased, please be specific in your response.
Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then! If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.

In a normal world, I would have agreed with you. But when they Target civilized areas in Israel from INSIDE civilized areas among THEIR women and children, well, that is not normal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?

i dunno. maybe if israel agreed to ground their planes and dock their navy...and then gave HAMAS maybe fifteen firing batteries of 155 and 105 hows, a bunch of tanks, and a ton of ord and give them maybe three years to get up to speed...maybe then they could make precision hits on hospitals and schools like the israelis do.

then, about the only thing missing is a military court that exonerates their actions and a spokesman trained to say "we apologise for this regretable but unavoidable accident."

i notice you didn't answer my question about whether the list of israeli military bases were near populated ares and some of the other questions in my post awhile back.

You want Israel to just give Hamas weapons?:confused:

no, i was being facetious. what i want is for israel to stop making ridiculous excuses about why so many palestinian civilian and children are killed and stop conveying the impression of impunity to the troops.

the ratio of civilians and children killed to militanys killed is far too high.

i also want israel to stop complaining that HAMAS is targeting non military targets on the one hand and then saying the rockets are highly inaccurate on the other.

if you want HAMAS to fight the same kind of war israel fights, give them the same weaponry. superior firepower does not confer moral rectitude.
Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then!
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this and no one has provided any to date that they do. And if anyone ever did, that would be a war crime charge to Hamas, they'd have to deal with, it doesn't give you the right to declare the hospital a "free-fire zone".
But we're not even going to have this conversation, until you pony up the evidence that they have.

If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.
It doesn't mean that at all! It also doesn't absolve Israel's obligations as an occupying power. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Until you provide the evidence, we're not even going to have this conversation.

In a normal world, I would have agreed with you. But when they Target civilized areas in Israel from INSIDE civilized areas among THEIR women and children, well, that is not normal.
Are you on crack? They can't "Target" anything. Their rockets have no guidance systems. Their high-tech weapons consist of shooting rockets out of the trunk of their car and their guidance system consists of going home to turn on CNN to see where it landed. That's why their rockets are classified as "indescriminant weapons", which is a war crime. It doesn't matter if they're responding to an earlier Israeli attack, which the majority are, the use of these weapons are illegal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?
They live under the same rules Israel does. It's just that Israel follows them less and are more belligerent about their violations. But that's a mute point. Doesn't matter what rules are in place for Israel, they refuse to follow any. Shit, you people won't even take responsibility for the things you do and say.

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?
They don't get a "softer part of the hand". Stop being so obtuse! You constantly demonize Hamas as the ones who don't want peace, yet its Israel who's always breaking the ceasefires.

If Israel was getting more of the "hitting part", then there would be more discussions on:
  • why does Israel think they can control land that isn't theirs?
  • why does Israel think they can get away with assassinating the elected leaders of a sovereign population?
  • why does Israel think they can build walls and structures through someone else's property?
  • why is the most militarized country on earth, attacking a population of people that doesn't even have one, nor are they allowed to have weapons to defend themselves?
  • why do we keep talking about the rocket attacks as the problem and not the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza?
As far as I'm concernced, there's way too much Israeli ass-kissing going on that I care to stomach. Yet you want people to believe the emperor has new clothes. And I'm going to tell you right now, write it down for future reference...
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This is a very good question considering the fact that alternatives were offered to Jewish refugees, such as the place in British East Africa now known as Kenya. But the Zionists rejected that and insisted on settling in Israel.

Because Israel is the homeland of the Jewish nation.

We would not settle for anything else.

To people who have never been persecuted or have any ties to a homeland, it won't matter. one cannot expect you to understand that concept.
I understand the concept perfectly. But I wonder how long that bravado would remain constant without the kind of economic, diplomatic, and military support from the U.S. which Israel has enjoyed from Day One.

I favor no side in the conflict between Israel and the Arab world. I couldn't care less if they wipe each other out to the last man standing. I feel Israel and its problems are none of my Country's business. I believe the U.S. has done quite enough for Israel since 1947 and I do not believe the government con that Israel is an "ally" in the accepted sense of the word. Britain is an ally. Israel is a protectorate and a millstone about the neck of the American People. The only thing the U.S. has ever gotten from Israel in return for its support is the attack on the USS Liberty and the Jonathan Pollard espionage affair. And I have it on good authority that U.S. support of Israel was a major provocation for the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and for the attack on the USS Cole.

So I hope you can understand that concept. And if you believe anything I've said is false or biased, please be specific in your response.

America supports Israel because it is AMERICAN interest. if it wasn't, you would not have done it.

And 9/11 was never about Israel. Only liars and fools will tell otherwise.
Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then!
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this and no one has provided any to date that they do. And if anyone ever did, that would be a war crime charge to Hamas, they'd have to deal with, it doesn't give you the right to declare the hospital a "free-fire zone".
But we're not even going to have this conversation, until you pony up the evidence that they have.

If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.
It doesn't mean that at all! It also doesn't absolve Israel's obligations as an occupying power. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Until you provide the evidence, we're not even going to have this conversation.

Are you on crack? They can't "Target" anything. Their rockets have no guidance systems. Their high-tech weapons consist of shooting rockets out of the trunk of their car and their guidance system consists of going home to turn on CNN to see where it landed. That's why their rockets are classified as "indescriminant weapons", which is a war crime. It doesn't matter if they're responding to an earlier Israeli attack, which the majority are, the use of these weapons are illegal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?
They live under the same rules Israel does. It's just that Israel follows them less and are more belligerent about their violations. But that's a mute point. Doesn't matter what rules are in place for Israel, they refuse to follow any. Shit, you people won't even take responsibility for the things you do and say.

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?
They don't get a "softer part of the hand". Stop being so obtuse! You constantly demonize Hamas as the ones who don't want peace, yet its Israel who's always breaking the ceasefires.

If Israel was getting more of the "hitting part", then there would be more discussions on:
  • why does Israel think they can control land that isn't theirs?
  • why does Israel think they can get away with assassinating the elected leaders of a sovereign population?
  • why does Israel think they can build walls and structures through someone else's property?
  • why is the most militarized country on earth, attacking a population of people that doesn't even have one, nor are they allowed to have weapons to defend themselves?
  • why do we keep talking about the rocket attacks as the problem and not the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza?
As far as I'm concernced, there's way too much Israeli ass-kissing going on that I care to stomach. Yet you want people to believe the emperor has new clothes. And I'm going to tell you right now, let this sink in to your little partisan Hebrew brain, write it down for future reference...

You speak of the Godstone report like of some kind of Bible. Let it go, we all know the Godstone report is trash. Even Goldstone himself admitted it, so why stick to things which have no real ground?
You speak of the Godstone report like of some kind of Bible. Let it go, we all know the Godstone report is trash. Even Goldstone himself admitted it, so why stick to things which have no real ground?
It's not trash. All the charges still stand today. Goldstone only admitted some conclusions would have been written differently, if Israel (and Hamas) would've cooperated more.

I just realized we're in the "Clean Debate Thread", so in the spirit of this thread, I'm going to go back and remove the "Hebrew brain" comment from my earlier post.
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Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then!
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this and no one has provided any to date that they do. And if anyone ever did, that would be a war crime charge to Hamas, they'd have to deal with, it doesn't give you the right to declare the hospital a "free-fire zone".
But we're not even going to have this conversation, until you pony up the evidence that they have.

If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.
It doesn't mean that at all! It also doesn't absolve Israel's obligations as an occupying power. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Until you provide the evidence, we're not even going to have this conversation.

Are you on crack? They can't "Target" anything. Their rockets have no guidance systems. Their high-tech weapons consist of shooting rockets out of the trunk of their car and their guidance system consists of going home to turn on CNN to see where it landed. That's why their rockets are classified as "indescriminant weapons", which is a war crime. It doesn't matter if they're responding to an earlier Israeli attack, which the majority are, the use of these weapons are illegal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?
They live under the same rules Israel does. It's just that Israel follows them less and are more belligerent about their violations. But that's a mute point. Doesn't matter what rules are in place for Israel, they refuse to follow any. Shit, you people won't even take responsibility for the things you do and say.

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?
They don't get a "softer part of the hand". Stop being so obtuse! You constantly demonize Hamas as the ones who don't want peace, yet its Israel who's always breaking the ceasefires.

If Israel was getting more of the "hitting part", then there would be more discussions on:
  • why does Israel think they can control land that isn't theirs?
  • why does Israel think they can get away with assassinating the elected leaders of a sovereign population?
  • why does Israel think they can build walls and structures through someone else's property?
  • why is the most militarized country on earth, attacking a population of people that doesn't even have one, nor are they allowed to have weapons to defend themselves?
  • why do we keep talking about the rocket attacks as the problem and not the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza?
As far as I'm concernced, there's way too much Israeli ass-kissing going on that I care to stomach. Yet you want people to believe the emperor has new clothes. And I'm going to tell you right now, let this sink in to your little partisan Hebrew brain, write it down for future reference...

You keep repeating the same errors I pointed out to you before. Why?

First thing I have told you, Hamas DOES TARGET civilized areas. Not through Guided systems, but they have other ways, much easier ones. They have locations. They know that if they fire the missile from a specific location, and in a specific angle, they are more likely hit a city, than an IDF base.

In "Pillar of cloud" they tried and succeded in locating civilians through cellular networks. They have their own ways of succeding targeting civilians. Missiles don't need guide systems for that.
You keep repeating the same errors I pointed out to you before. Why?

First thing I have told you, Hamas DOES TARGET civilized areas. Not through Guided systems, but they have other ways, much easier ones. They have locations. They know that if they fire the missile from a specific location, and in a specific angle, they are more likely hit a city, than an IDF base.

In "Pillar of cloud" they tried and succeded in locating civilians through cellular networks. They have their own ways of succeding targeting civilians. Missiles don't need guide systems for that.
I'm not disagreeing with that. And I'm not saying Hamas isn't trying shit they're not supposed to be doing. But it's not an "error" on my part, pointing out that whatever Hamas does, doesn't relieve Israel of the things its responsible for.
Hospitals are off limits? Tell Hamas not to hide inside them, then!
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of this and no one has provided any to date that they do. And if anyone ever did, that would be a war crime charge to Hamas, they'd have to deal with, it doesn't give you the right to declare the hospital a "free-fire zone".
But we're not even going to have this conversation, until you pony up the evidence that they have.

If they do, it means that THEY see it at legitimate! Just like they see Israeli hospitals and kindergartens.
It doesn't mean that at all! It also doesn't absolve Israel's obligations as an occupying power. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Until you provide the evidence, we're not even going to have this conversation.

Are you on crack? They can't "Target" anything. Their rockets have no guidance systems. Their high-tech weapons consist of shooting rockets out of the trunk of their car and their guidance system consists of going home to turn on CNN to see where it landed. That's why their rockets are classified as "indescriminant weapons", which is a war crime. It doesn't matter if they're responding to an earlier Israeli attack, which the majority are, the use of these weapons are illegal.

Why should you people demant special morales from Israel, but never do so with Hamas?
They live under the same rules Israel does. It's just that Israel follows them less and are more belligerent about their violations. But that's a mute point. Doesn't matter what rules are in place for Israel, they refuse to follow any. Shit, you people won't even take responsibility for the things you do and say.

What Have Hamas done, to be deserved to get the softer part of the hand, while the hitting part goes for Israel only?
They don't get a "softer part of the hand". Stop being so obtuse! You constantly demonize Hamas as the ones who don't want peace, yet its Israel who's always breaking the ceasefires.

If Israel was getting more of the "hitting part", then there would be more discussions on:
  • why does Israel think they can control land that isn't theirs?
  • why does Israel think they can get away with assassinating the elected leaders of a sovereign population?
  • why does Israel think they can build walls and structures through someone else's property?
  • why is the most militarized country on earth, attacking a population of people that doesn't even have one, nor are they allowed to have weapons to defend themselves?
  • why do we keep talking about the rocket attacks as the problem and not the 45 year occupation of Palestinian land and the illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza?
As far as I'm concernced, there's way too much Israeli ass-kissing going on that I care to stomach. Yet you want people to believe the emperor has new clothes. And I'm going to tell you right now, write it down for future reference...

When you speak of "rules", you speak of what, exactly?

International law?

We follow the rules much better than our enemies, in each way you look at it.

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