If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

...never discussed, or even considered?

There must be all kinds of stories of fathers who wanted to keep their child, but the mother aborted and they could do nothing to stop it.

I am convinced the pro-abort media is censoring these stories, which must be in the millions by now.

I do have a story of a friend of mine, who was blackmailed into a very bad marriage.

She said, "Marry me, or I will abort your child."

So he married her, even though I told him the marriage would never last, even though his father told him he'd get an all-expenses paid trip through Europe if he didn't marry her.

Of course, none of us knew about the abortion threat, because he kept that a secret.

And, sure enough, the marriage was very unhappy, and as I predicted, ended in divorce.

Why doesn't the media cover a story like that?

I find the story very interesting, don't you?

Do you just fuck woman?

From the title of this thread that just seems to be the point.
Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

Again you show us you aren't an American and that you're not living in the US.

Redirect Notice
YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

Again you show us you aren't an American and that you're not living in the US.

Redirect Notice

Standard lib response. Look for a reason to marginalize the person who is saying stuff you don't like.

Have you ever had unsafe sex outside of marriage?
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, your talk of th
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, do you have anything to say about the OP's point, ie the way men have no say in what happens to their children?
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.
What is morally irreprehensible is the position that men should not have to be held responsible for their own children once they are born.
If they are willing to pay for an abortion they should only be responsible for the cost of the abortion as long as abortion is legal. It's still the woman's choice whether to have the kid or not she just can't force the man to pay for it for 18 years.

Serious questions here.

1. Do children have a right to their life starting at the first moment their life begins?

2. Do you agree or disagree that children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws?
So, your talk of th
So, do you have anything to say about the OP's point, ie the way men have no say in what happens to their children?
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.

Not surprisingly, your solution is to strip women of their rights and give control to men.

Until 1880, abortion was legal and advertised throughout the US. In 1869 the women first organized the suffragette movement. There had been sporadic demonstrations for years, but a concerted, organized and planned movement towards achieving women's right to vote began in 1869.

Every time women demand power in the US, men try to strip them of their rights.

Now that women are demanding political power and are running for President attempts to strip them of the right to a safe abortion has never been stronger.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you don't want a woman to abort your baby, don't have sex with a woman who doesn't want a child.

Leave everyone else alone. It's not your life, not your body, not your family and not your choice.
Your solution is to strip men of equal decision making on their future finances, the same as a woman has.

If a man has sex with a woman, knowing that a pregnancy is always a possibility, even if "precautions" are taken to prevent it, and knowing that if the woman does become pregnant, he could potentially be required to provide financial support for said offspring whether he wants to or not, then IMO he has already, in essence, agreed to accept her decision, one way or another.
I see why you believe men are stupid apes.
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.

Not surprisingly, your solution is to strip women of their rights and give control to men.

Until 1880, abortion was legal and advertised throughout the US. In 1869 the women first organized the suffragette movement. There had been sporadic demonstrations for years, but a concerted, organized and planned movement towards achieving women's right to vote began in 1869.

Every time women demand power in the US, men try to strip them of their rights.

Now that women are demanding political power and are running for President attempts to strip them of the right to a safe abortion has never been stronger.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you don't want a woman to abort your baby, don't have sex with a woman who doesn't want a child.

Leave everyone else alone. It's not your life, not your body, not your family and not your choice.
Your solution is to strip men of equal decision making on their future finances, the same as a woman has.

If a man has sex with a woman, knowing that a pregnancy is always a possibility, even if "precautions" are taken to prevent it, and knowing that if the woman does become pregnant, he could potentially be required to provide financial support for said offspring whether he wants to or not, then IMO he has already, in essence, agreed to accept her decision, one way or another.
I see why you believe men are stupid apes.

I don't believe men are stupid apes. My question to you is what would make you think that I do?

Upthread, Correll asked if I had ever had unprotected sex when I wasn't married. The answer is never. Not even once. Which is not to say I didn't have sex, but there was no way I getting pregnant.

I did have unprotected sex after I got married and taking the pill became a problem for me. I had two unplanned pregnancies as a result. One ended in miscarriage, and the other turned 43 a couple of weeks ago.

"Unplanned" doesn't mean "unwanted", just as "pro-choice" doesn't mean "pro-abortion". I could not and would not have an abortion. That was my choice and it's one I have never regretted.

By the same token, I held the banner at the head of a pro-choice parade when I was 6 months pregnant with my third child, because I wanted the little girl I was carrying to have the same right to choose that I have.

God gave us free will. Our biology gives us the ability to decide whether or not to carry a child to term. I'm not prepared to give up my rights, even if I choose not to exercise it.

My body, my choice.
Looks like you thought I was a woman too. :laugh:

I'm a godfather and we did none of that bullshit. I have just been in the childs life since her birth. Hell I was the one there with her mom when she was born instead of her real father.
Buy a dictionary you aren't a godfather it's got religious connotations. There are no secular godfathers.
I dont need to buy a dictionary. Godfather has zero religious connotations for me. There are plenty of secular godfathers. There is even a movie about them.
words used to have meanings before Liberal wacko's twist them into other meanings.
Why do Liberals have the power to redefine words and Conservatives don't.
Like Confederacy, Federalism vs Nationalism.
None of that makes a difference. You cant tell me what a word means to me. I am called a godfather regardless of if you agree or not.

You can call yourself the King of England but that doesn't mean you're royalty.

A Godfather is a religious role in a child's life. The man must renounce Satan and take an oath to ensure the child is raised in the faith.

Your actual role in this child's life is that of a mentor, a role model and possibly a benefactor but unless you have sworn before God and your congregation to help raise this child to be a church-going Christian, you are not a Godfather.
Thats not what the dictionary says. If you had read it then you would have know it. However, I dont need a dictionary. its what I am called and frankly there is nothing anyone can do about it.
I dont need to buy a dictionary. Godfather has zero religious connotations for me. There are plenty of secular godfathers. There is even a movie about them.
words used to have meanings before Liberal wacko's twist them into other meanings.
Why do Liberals have the power to redefine words and Conservatives don't.
Like Confederacy, Federalism vs Nationalism.
None of that makes a difference. You cant tell me what a word means to me. I am called a godfather regardless of if you agree or not.
When you are talking to other people there needs to be a general agreement what word means what. We use the dictionary for that, not a personal redefinition of definitions.
I dont need your agreement to tell you I am a godfather. I wasnt asking for your agreement or acceptance. I was telling what I was called.
I call you an Imbecile.
Not really any of my business what you call me. Youre no one even in your own life..
Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

Your нижнее белье is showing, comrade.
YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

Your нижнее белье is showing, comrade.

Your idiocy is showing.
All the more reason to promote birth control...no conception is the ultimate Alot less pregnancies is the answer.
All the more reason to promote birth control...no conception is the ultimate Alot less pregnancies is the answer.
Yes. Especially for stupid people. They should quit spreading their genes.

It's always the stupid ones who breed. They're not smart enough to keep from getting pregnant. And right wingers have convinced them that babies are God's will and should never be aborted.

The number of people who vote Republican in spite of their lies, which are never fact checked, and their history of fucking up the economy in favour of the wealthy, is proof positive of that.

The poorest states in the nation are in the Deep South, which has voted Republican since Johnson pushed through the Civil Rights Act.
All the more reason to promote birth control...no conception is the ultimate Alot less pregnancies is the answer.
Yes. Especially for stupid people. They should quit spreading their genes.

It's always the stupid ones who breed. They're not smart enough to keep from getting pregnant. And right wingers have convinced them that babies are God's will and should never be aborted.

The number of people who vote Republican in spite of their lies, which are never fact checked, and their history of fucking up the economy in favour of the wealthy, is proof positive of that.

The poorest states in the nation are in the Deep South, which has voted Republican since Johnson pushed through the Civil Rights Act.

Your displays of your leftarded bigotry are much appreciated.
All the more reason to promote birth control...no conception is the ultimate Alot less pregnancies is the answer.
Yes. Especially for stupid people. They should quit spreading their genes.

It's always the stupid ones who breed. They're not smart enough to keep from getting pregnant. And right wingers have convinced them that babies are God's will and should never be aborted.

The number of people who vote Republican in spite of their lies, which are never fact checked, and their history of fucking up the economy in favour of the wealthy, is proof positive of that.

The poorest states in the nation are in the Deep South, which has voted Republican since Johnson pushed through the Civil Rights Act.

Your displays of your leftarded bigotry are much appreciated.

It wasn't the left which elected W, one of the worst, most destructive Presidents in history, or Trump, or Nixon.

The only good Republican President in my lifetime was Eisenhauer.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.

Women ultimately control whether they get pregnant or not.
Not always, but that is not the point. The point is that men are not helplessly without control.
I am not responsible for your delusions.

So, back to the OP.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.
It's also not my problem that your illiteracy prevents you from comprehending what I'm saying. I never said men have "no control."

They have plenty of control. Up until the point their seed impregnates a woman. As I pointed out, that is their opportunity to exercise their control.

And beyond that point, no control, and full responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.
And your remedy would be what? To force women to carry until birth against their will?
Try typing a response next time.
Who is saying that? Men who don't support their children are scumbags,

No one said that. He just started spouting off about it instead of answering my post.
I've answered your post. You simply lack the ability to understand it.

I'm actually fairly bright. If I misunderstood you, the problem might be you.
Doubtful since I clearly stated men do have some control and you falsely claimed they have none.

NO, it's you ignoring the context of the thread.
Getting pregnant is part of the equation. I do not need your acceptance of that pesky detail.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.

Only one of them can get pregnant. That makes them very unequal partners. The last say he gets was taking off his underpants.
Which is why only one of them gets to make the utlimate decision regarding abortion.
Men don't get pregnant. Women do. Therefore it is ultimately the woman's responsibility to not get pregnant if they are not ready.

Suuuure, uh-huh. Men bear no responsibility. :eusa_doh:

I didn't say that at all. Try reading what I said. If I were a woman I'd either be on BC, he'd wear a condom, or it ain't happening.
Again, you're putting the responsibility on the woman. Men and women share the responsibility of getting pregnant.

Women ultimately control whether they get pregnant or not.
Not always, but that is not the point. The point is that men are not helplessly without control.

Nobody said otherwise. Again, women ultimately have 100% control over pregnancy.

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