If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.
I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

You are likening consensual sex to a crime.

And lefties claim the RIGHT is anti-sex...

Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?
So are limitations on late term abortions, which you oh so conveniently left out.

That is people who consider the unborn to be people with rights, to be forcing their views on "others" legally and constitutionally.
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, your talk of th
So are limitations on late term abortions, which you oh so conveniently left out.

That is people who consider the unborn to be people with rights, to be forcing their views on "others" legally and constitutionally.
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, do you have anything to say about the OP's point, ie the way men have no say in what happens to their children?
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.

Not surprisingly, your solution is to strip women of their rights and give control to men.

Until 1880, abortion was legal and advertised throughout the US. In 1869 the women first organized the suffragette movement. There had been sporadic demonstrations for years, but a concerted, organized and planned movement towards achieving women's right to vote began in 1869.

Every time women demand power in the US, men try to strip them of their rights.

Now that women are demanding political power and are running for President attempts to strip them of the right to a safe abortion has never been stronger.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you don't want a woman to abort your baby, don't have sex with a woman who doesn't want a child.

Leave everyone else alone. It's not your life, not your body, not your family and not your choice.
Your solution is to strip men of equal decision making on their future finances, the same as a woman has.
So, your talk of th
So, do you have anything to say about the OP's point, ie the way men have no say in what happens to their children?
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.

Not surprisingly, your solution is to strip women of their rights and give control to men.

Until 1880, abortion was legal and advertised throughout the US. In 1869 the women first organized the suffragette movement. There had been sporadic demonstrations for years, but a concerted, organized and planned movement towards achieving women's right to vote began in 1869.

Every time women demand power in the US, men try to strip them of their rights.

Now that women are demanding political power and are running for President attempts to strip them of the right to a safe abortion has never been stronger.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you don't want a woman to abort your baby, don't have sex with a woman who doesn't want a child.

Leave everyone else alone. It's not your life, not your body, not your family and not your choice.

"Women" did not run for President.

Hillary did.

She was not defeated because she was a woman.

Save your hysterical gender baiting.

This thread is about the father's lack of control over his unborn child.

Do you have something to say about that?

So did Carly Fiorino. That makes two women who ran for President. 2016. One got the nomination and one didn't, but nice try, Evgeny.

The thread is about a man's lack of control over women but one has to look at why this has become such a huge issue NOW, at this point in time in history. Why are men so bent out of shape that they can't control women? One of the reasons men are seeking to exert control over women is that women are asking for more and more power, at home, at work, and in government.

Hillary Clinton had a 68% approval rating as Secretary of State. When she announced she was running for President, it dropped to 53%.

There is a very strong connection between women demanding equal rights, and men seeking ways to end or curtail their right to a medically safe abortion.

Two women ran, and TWENTY ONE men, and you assume that the fact that a man won is evidence of a male pushback against women's rights?

This thread is about the interest a man has in his unborn child and his completely lack of any say.

The question is not why now, but why the hell not far, far sooner.
If abortion is going to be legal at least do it for less flimsy reasons then the baby will interfere with my ability to party hardy and fucky fucky all nighty.

Better reasons; because it has a genetic defect such as Downs Syndrome, or the Gay Gene.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

You are likening consensual sex to a crime.

And lefties claim the RIGHT is anti-sex...

Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, your talk of th
I left nothing out, dimwit. I purposefully said, "legal abortions." The Supreme Court, in affirming the right of abortion, stated there are limitations on that right. Just as there are limitations on other rights.

So, do you have anything to say about the OP's point, ie the way men have no say in what happens to their children?
Sure, my opinion is that men know they have no rights in forcing a woman to either have an abortion or to not have one. That places a higher burden on men to take even extra precautions in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with consequences of having no rights over the woman's body.

So, you support the status quo that men have no control, but complete responsibility.

I do not see that as morally or ethically defensible.

Not surprisingly, your solution is to strip women of their rights and give control to men.

Until 1880, abortion was legal and advertised throughout the US. In 1869 the women first organized the suffragette movement. There had been sporadic demonstrations for years, but a concerted, organized and planned movement towards achieving women's right to vote began in 1869.

Every time women demand power in the US, men try to strip them of their rights.

Now that women are demanding political power and are running for President attempts to strip them of the right to a safe abortion has never been stronger.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. If you don't want a woman to abort your baby, don't have sex with a woman who doesn't want a child.

Leave everyone else alone. It's not your life, not your body, not your family and not your choice.
Your solution is to strip men of equal decision making on their future finances, the same as a woman has.

If a man has sex with a woman, knowing that a pregnancy is always a possibility, even if "precautions" are taken to prevent it, and knowing that if the woman does become pregnant, he could potentially be required to provide financial support for said offspring whether he wants to or not, then IMO he has already, in essence, agreed to accept her decision, one way or another.
If abortion is going to be legal at least do it for less flimsy reasons then the baby will interfere with my ability to party hardy and fucky fucky all nighty.

Better reasons; because it has a genetic defect such as Downs Syndrome, or the Gay Gene.
Lots of kids have the markers for downs syndrome, very few of them are actually born with downs syndrome.

It's not a good reason to kill your baby. For one thing, the test isn't even done until you're 5 months along.
The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

You are likening consensual sex to a crime.

And lefties claim the RIGHT is anti-sex...

Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.
You are likening consensual sex to a crime.

And lefties claim the RIGHT is anti-sex...

Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?
I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.

We have the choice whether we engage in sexual intercourse-you know the risks ahead of time, so if things go awry why shouldn't you be held accountable for your actions? Are you against personal responsibility?

I've had sex with plenty of women I didn't want to knock up and guess what? I used a condom every single time. Once I didn't have one on me (I learned that lesson the hard way LOL), so guess what I did? I chose not to have sex. It's called making responsible decisions to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Leftists are most definitely pro-sex Correll. Right wingers are only in favour of sex if it's between married couples, in the missionary position, and the woman has no orgasm. Female orgasms are bad because they encourage wanton behaviour. So is birth control, for the same reason.

Correll is a Russian troll farm poster. He doesn't understand the expression because he's not from North America. It's in small ways like this that these guys give themselves away. No 51 year old male has the time to make 30,000 posts in just over 2 years (that's about 40 posts a day), unless that's their actual job.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it. It means that you if you don't want to face the potential consequences of your actions, don't engage in the action(s) in the first place. It's not about crime-but rather personal responsibility and taking risks.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed-however it is currently a crime.
Last edited:
I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.

YOu lefties claim that, but you keep wanting to destroy people for normal sexual behavior.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed however it is currently a crime.

Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?
I'm not for abortion (except in cases of rape, incest, mother's life in danger, or the baby will die during child birth regardless).

With that said...if you're going to have legalized abortion-the choice should be the women's and not the man's.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.

Really? Who has the left tried to destroy for normal sexual behaviour?

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed however it is currently a crime.

Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.
If women get a choice then men should get a choice whether to finance that embryo for 18 years.

The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.

In this example the lefty in question likened having unsafe sex with a crime and supports making him "do the time".

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed however it is currently a crime.

Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.

For someone who are just as "guilty" as those "somebodies" you are pretty quick to throw them to the wolves.
The guy had the choice to wrap it up, not just the woman. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.

No Evgeny, he did not. The expression "If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime" is a well known North American expression that has nothing to do with things being illegal. If you weren't a Russian troll farm worker, you would know what it means.

It means, if you can't accept the consequences of your act, then you shouldn't risk doing it.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed however it is currently a crime.

Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.

For someone who are just as "guilty" as those "somebodies" you are pretty quick to throw them to the wolves.

If I got her pregnant (luckily I did not), I would have paid child support and stepped up to be a father-like you're supposed to do.I have zero sympathy for those that wouldn't do the same.

Not taking care of your child makes somebody a piece of shit-and yes I am a father who does his best to care for my kid, and does that make me a better person than somebody who doesn't? You're damned right it does. I have zero sympathy and zero respect for adults who run away from their responsibilities their children.
Your statement doesn't counter my statement that if women gets a choice so should men. If women is permitted to get an abortion then men should be permitted to abscond responsibility for the spawn should the woman decides not to get an abortion.

It is a saying that equates what is being discussed with a crime and shows support for punishing the person for it.

YOu ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed however it is currently a crime.

Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.

For someone who are just as "guilty" as those "somebodies" you are pretty quick to throw them to the wolves.

If I got her pregnant (luckily I did not), I would have paid child support and stepped up to be a father-like you're supposed to do.I have zero sympathy for those that wouldn't do the same.

Not taking care of your child makes somebody a piece of shit-and yes I am a father who does his best to care for my kid, and does that make me a better person than somebody who doesn't? You're damned right it does. I have zero sympathy and zero respect for adults who run away from their responsibilities their children.

What if the woman won't let you see the child?
First of all it is a very common expression here in America...there's a reason why nobody else has jumped all over my case for using it.

PS: Having a baby and not paying court ordered child support IS a crime-whether that's right or not is what's being discussed however it is currently a crime.

Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.

For someone who are just as "guilty" as those "somebodies" you are pretty quick to throw them to the wolves.

If I got her pregnant (luckily I did not), I would have paid child support and stepped up to be a father-like you're supposed to do.I have zero sympathy for those that wouldn't do the same.

Not taking care of your child makes somebody a piece of shit-and yes I am a father who does his best to care for my kid, and does that make me a better person than somebody who doesn't? You're damned right it does. I have zero sympathy and zero respect for adults who run away from their responsibilities their children.

What if the woman won't let you see the child?

In the United States the woman doesn't have that ability (unless you've lost your parental rights-which are very hard to lose).
Just discussing what is revealed about your mindset. on the issue.

You ever have unsafe sex outside of marriage?

When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.

For someone who are just as "guilty" as those "somebodies" you are pretty quick to throw them to the wolves.

If I got her pregnant (luckily I did not), I would have paid child support and stepped up to be a father-like you're supposed to do.I have zero sympathy for those that wouldn't do the same.

Not taking care of your child makes somebody a piece of shit-and yes I am a father who does his best to care for my kid, and does that make me a better person than somebody who doesn't? You're damned right it does. I have zero sympathy and zero respect for adults who run away from their responsibilities their children.

What if the woman won't let you see the child?

In the United States the woman doesn't have that ability (unless you've lost your parental rights-which are very hard to lose).

I've seen it happen. Your trust in the courts to protect the rights of the father, what few he has, is misplaced.
When I was 15 one time-haven't since. The reason why I didn't is because I knew what the potential consequences could be, so I made responsible decisions...if somebody else doesn't-that's their problem.

For someone who are just as "guilty" as those "somebodies" you are pretty quick to throw them to the wolves.

If I got her pregnant (luckily I did not), I would have paid child support and stepped up to be a father-like you're supposed to do.I have zero sympathy for those that wouldn't do the same.

Not taking care of your child makes somebody a piece of shit-and yes I am a father who does his best to care for my kid, and does that make me a better person than somebody who doesn't? You're damned right it does. I have zero sympathy and zero respect for adults who run away from their responsibilities their children.

What if the woman won't let you see the child?

In the United States the woman doesn't have that ability (unless you've lost your parental rights-which are very hard to lose).

I've seen it happen. Your trust in the courts to protect the rights of the father, what few he has, is misplaced.

Unless it is court ordered that is child abduction and yes the courts take that VERY seriously. It actually happens often.

Actually women are charged with abducting their children


Roughly 1/3rd of parents who're charged with abducting their children are the biological mothers.

Do you live in the US? Seriously you were confused about "if you can't do the crime don't do the time", and now you're confused about child abduction laws
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.
If we lived in a civilized world populated by civilized people, you would have to hide yourself in shame for the rest of your life for uttering those horrible words.

But among liberals, who are morally corrupt and reprehensible in all ways that matter, your words will barely register at all.
Dont get emotional. Use your brain. Its horrible to witness a abortion however until you have to carry the child you really dont have a say in the matter.

RU 486 is horrible to watch?

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