If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

Uhhhhmmmmm again, scroll back and you will find that I am all about holding the men(sic) more accountable
From what I am seeing and reading, you want to FORCE a woman to carry that seed to full term. Regardless of how it came to be. Whether she wants to or not. You want to control her body. Tough shit.

You only see what you want to see then.

If it doesn't fit your prejudiced template, you don't see it at all.
And the same right back attcha. See how that goes?

Honey I was a pro-abort myself (before I changed) likely before you were even conceived. I could argue your case even better than you can on any given day.

But the facts that compelled me to change my position and the Constitution itself is not going to change. As a matter of fact, the more fetal homicide laws that are being passed and the longer the debate goes on, the weaker and more pathetic you child deniers arguments will become.
lol. I am probably older than you are, bub.

I doubt it... but even if you are that old, that wouldn't change any other part of what I said.
Can we outlaw males ejaculating sperm outside of a vagina? Those sperm have rights, goddammit.

No jacking off, dudes. Male masturbation that results in ejaculation without an appropriate vaginal receptacle is in violation of human rights!!!
Can we outlaw males ejaculating sperm outside of a vagina? Those sperm have rights, goddammit.

No jacking off, dudes. Male masturbation that results in ejaculation without an appropriate vaginal receptacle is in violation of human rights!!!

Make your case that sperm cells are human beings / persons.

Let's see it.

I am all for protecting their rights if you can.

You should know though that any argument you can make for doing so will only make the case against abortion that much easier to make.
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Then you know (or should know) how idiotic that line was.
Oh, Jesus Aardvark-Fucking Christ. Sorry my joke was scientifically inaccurate. I will go to medical school or maybe just take a human anatomy class so I can tell scientifically/anatomically correct jokes in the future.
Make your case that sperm cells are human beings / persons.

Let's see it.

I am all for protecting their rights if you can.
Are they alive? Are sperm cells alive, with the potential to become humans?

Yes, sperm cells are alive and yes, they have at least half the potential to become that which a child in the zygote, embryo or fetal stage already is.

Your point?
Yes, sperm cells are alive and yes, they have at least half the potential to become that which a child in the zygote, embryo or fetal stage already is.

Your point?
fetus/zygote only have the potential to become independent human beings. They are not actually humans. They are a part of mama's body.

We can play this game all day.

The point is this: Do you want government to decide every aspect of your body for you, or do you want to decide on your own. You may have a moral objection to abortion. The question is whether you want the most evil, corrupt, oppressive entity in human existence dictating to you what you can eat, when/if you can jack off, fuck, shit, piss, etc. Forget your passionate and emotional abhorrence for abortion and expand it to all other aspects of your life.

If they can stop abortions, they can stop it all. Why give GOVERNMENT that power?
fetus/zygote only have the potential to become independent human beings. They are not actually humans. They are a part of mama's body.

We can play this game all day.

You really should try selling that denial bullshit to some of those already doing time in prison for MURDER - for killing those (according to you) mere "potential" children in the womb.

They would likely pay top dollar for your expertise on the subject.

"(All challenges were unsuccessful. All challenges were based at least in part on Roe v. Wade and/or denial of equal protection, unless otherwise noted.)"
Constitutional Challenges to Unborn Victims (Fetal Homicide) Laws

fetus/zygote only have the potential to become independent human beings. They are not actually humans. They are a part of mama's body.

We can play this game all day.

You really should try selling that denial bullshit to some of those already doing time in prison for MURDER - for killing those (according to you) mere "potential" children in the womb.

They would likely pay top dollar for your expertise on the subject.

"(All challenges were unsuccessful. All challenges were based at least in part on Roe v. Wade and/or denial of equal protection, unless otherwise noted.)"
Constitutional Challenges to Unborn Victims (Fetal Homicide) Laws

Again, forget abortion for a minute.

Government is force by threat of violence. We obey laws made by government because if we don't, government will either take away our liberty, or kill us in the attempt to do so.

If government is permitted by the governed to use force/threat of violence to make a woman give birth to a child she doesn't want to give birth to, government can force anyone to do anything, fuck all human rights.

Is that really what you want?
fetus/zygote only have the potential to become independent human beings. They are not actually humans. They are a part of mama's body.

We can play this game all day.

You really should try selling that denial bullshit to some of those already doing time in prison for MURDER - for killing those (according to you) mere "potential" children in the womb.

They would likely pay top dollar for your expertise on the subject.

"(All challenges were unsuccessful. All challenges were based at least in part on Roe v. Wade and/or denial of equal protection, unless otherwise noted.)"
Constitutional Challenges to Unborn Victims (Fetal Homicide) Laws

Again, forget abortion for a minute.


That's like trying to tell me to forget about children being molested for a minute so you can try to make a case for why I should look the other way on it.

Don't like the comparison?

Too fucking bad.

Show me a child that escapes un molested from an abortion procedure.

The molestation may not be sexual.... but the assault is still there.
Very simple reason. You dont have to carry the load for 9 months and have basically a parasite eating off you.
If we lived in a civilized world populated by civilized people, you would have to hide yourself in shame for the rest of your life for uttering those horrible words.

But among liberals, who are morally corrupt and reprehensible in all ways that matter, your words will barely register at all.

Oh, you're talking about morals, as if you are the leader of our morality.
The molestation may not be sexual.... but the assault is still there.
Isn't mother being assaulted by the presence of the baby? There's two sides to that coin.

Set that aside for just a fucking minute.

If you can't or won't look at the bigger picture of government overreach, we can go ahead and group you with the commies. You don't care how far government goes, as long as somebody else's unwanted kids that you will never see, get born, goddammit. Fuck the rest of us.
The molestation may not be sexual.... but the assault is still there.
Isn't mother being assaulted by the presence of the baby? There's two sides to that coin.

Set that aside for just a fucking minute.

If you can't or won't look at the bigger picture of government overreach, we can go ahead and group you with the commies. You don't care how far government goes, as long as somebody else's unwanted kids that you will never see, get born, goddammit. Fuck the rest of us.

If I accosted you in the night while you were un-aware and connected your body to my own in such a way that you will DIE if that connection is broken before say 9 months time. . . My claim that YOU were invading MY body would be pretty fucking weak.

Wouldn't it.
If I accosted you in the night while you were un-aware and connected your body to my own in such a way that you will DIE if that connection is broken before say 9 months time. . . My claim that YOU were invading MY body would be pretty fucking weak.

Wouldn't it.
Yes. Ignore my real point about government control.

If I accosted you in the night while you were un-aware and connected your body to my own in such a way that you will DIE if that connection is broken before say 9 months time. . . My claim that YOU were invading MY body would be pretty fucking weak.

Wouldn't it.
Yes. Ignore my real point about government control.


Yes, ignore my points about children's rights.

baby killer.
Yes, ignore my points about children's rights.

baby killer.
Think of the CHILDREN!

How many abuses can a government impose with children in mind?

Do you support absolute power and control of government? Because, that is what government will have if government can prevent abortions.

You REFUSE to see the bigger picture. You have no principles. You are a one-issue voter. You love authoritarian government.

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