If An advanced alien life form came to Earth, How should we treat them?

If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: The question is, how will they treat US! Any alien that can get here is going to be so far ahead of us technologically, that we had better hope they are nice.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: The question is, how will they treat US! Any alien that can get here is going to be so far ahead of us technologically, that we had better hope they are nice.

Edited. :)

Might well be nice. I'd be more concerned with their safety. Look how we treat our own species, countrymen, and families. To say nothing of non-human species eating them, making themd o tricks for our amusement, and use them for Nazi-like medical research.

If we're judged by aliens on how we treat others, we're royally screwed.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: The question is, how will they treat US! Any alien that can get here is going to be so far ahead of us technologically, that we had better hope they are nice.

Edited. :)

Might well be nice. I'd be more concerned with their safety. Look how we treat our own species, countrymen, and families. To say nothing of non-human species eating them, making themd o tricks for our amusement, and use them for Nazi-like medical research.

If we're judged by aliens on how we treat others, we're royally screwed.

Get real, they would be magical creatures compared to us. We quite simply couldn't touch them if we wanted to. On the other hand, they could vaporize you at will and there's not a damned thing you could do to stop it.

It's that simple.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: The question is, how will they treat US! Any alien that can get here is going to be so far ahead of us technologically, that we had better hope they are nice.

Edited. :)

Might well be nice. I'd be more concerned with their safety. Look how we treat our own species, countrymen, and families. To say nothing of non-human species eating them, making themd o tricks for our amusement, and use them for Nazi-like medical research.

If we're judged by aliens on how we treat others, we're royally screwed.

Get real, they would be magical creatures compared to us. We quite simply couldn't touch them if we wanted to. On the other hand, they could vaporize you at will and there's not a damned thing you could do to stop it.

It's that simple.

Wouldn't be 'making contact' if they wanted us dead. Could do that from orbit and we'd never know they were there. Could poison the atmosphere, release a plague, nuke us, etc. If they show up, the assumption is they're either friendly in not killing us outright heh, or they want to trade things.

My fave 'we're screwed, they're hostile' scenario is the aliens understand us enough that they give one faction of humanity advanced weapons technology and we use it wiping ourselves out. Like the bit from "Real Men" where one faction of CIA wants an alien weapon "big gun" which can destroy the whole planet. The opposing faction reasoning, what's the point of that? But bureaucracy being what it is this goes unlistened to. :)

Be very poetic to give the US advanced alien weapons tech and we kill ourselves indirectly.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: The question is, how will they treat US! Any alien that can get here is going to be so far ahead of us technologically, that we had better hope they are nice.

Edited. :)

Might well be nice. I'd be more concerned with their safety. Look how we treat our own species, countrymen, and families. To say nothing of non-human species eating them, making themd o tricks for our amusement, and use them for Nazi-like medical research.

If we're judged by aliens on how we treat others, we're royally screwed.

Get real, they would be magical creatures compared to us. We quite simply couldn't touch them if we wanted to. On the other hand, they could vaporize you at will and there's not a damned thing you could do to stop it.

It's that simple.

Wouldn't be 'making contact' if they wanted us dead. Could do that from orbit and we'd never know they were there. Could poison the atmosphere, release a plague, nuke us, etc. If they show up, the assumption is they're either friendly in not killing us outright heh, or they want to trade things.

My fave 'we're screwed, they're hostile' scenario is the aliens understand us enough that they give one faction of humanity advanced weapons technology and we use it wiping ourselves out. Like the bit from "Real Men" where one faction of CIA wants an alien weapon "big gun" which can destroy the whole planet. The opposing faction reasoning, what's the point of that? But bureaucracy being what it is this goes unlistened to. :)

Be very poetic to give the US advanced alien weapons tech and we kill ourselves indirectly.

Like I said, when they arrive we had better hope they are nice because we don't stand a chance otherwise.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: The question is, how will they treat US! Any alien that can get here is going to be so far ahead of us technologically, that we had better hope they are nice.

Edited. :)

Might well be nice. I'd be more concerned with their safety. Look how we treat our own species, countrymen, and families. To say nothing of non-human species eating them, making themd o tricks for our amusement, and use them for Nazi-like medical research.

If we're judged by aliens on how we treat others, we're royally screwed.

Get real, they would be magical creatures compared to us. We quite simply couldn't touch them if we wanted to. On the other hand, they could vaporize you at will and there's not a damned thing you could do to stop it.

It's that simple.

Wouldn't be 'making contact' if they wanted us dead. Could do that from orbit and we'd never know they were there. Could poison the atmosphere, release a plague, nuke us, etc. If they show up, the assumption is they're either friendly in not killing us outright heh, or they want to trade things.

My fave 'we're screwed, they're hostile' scenario is the aliens understand us enough that they give one faction of humanity advanced weapons technology and we use it wiping ourselves out. Like the bit from "Real Men" where one faction of CIA wants an alien weapon "big gun" which can destroy the whole planet. The opposing faction reasoning, what's the point of that? But bureaucracy being what it is this goes unlistened to. :)

Be very poetic to give the US advanced alien weapons tech and we kill ourselves indirectly.

Like I said, when they arrive we had better hope they are nice because we don't stand a chance otherwise.

Our chances depends on what they want. If they want something requiring they're being planetside, or out n about, we have a chance. If they're anything like us though we're dead, they'll wipe us out from orbit.
Of all the scenarios for hostile aliens, think the ones from the 50s makes the most sense. They wont want our resources since they could get those uncountested anywhere. If here and hostile, they want us or 'organic life' for food since that's gonna be a lot rarer.
I would send in the clowns.....................and stay way the hell back...................and see what happens to them...........

Perhaps they would see how retarded the clowns are and have pity on us and not kill us all............
Get real, they would be magical creatures compared to us. We quite simply couldn't touch them if we wanted to. On the other hand, they could vaporize you at will and there's not a damned thing you could do to stop it.

It's that simple

You guys would make a great sounding board for a science fiction author.

I am now having trouble with the premise for lots of alien invasion shows.

If aliens came to earth, it probably isn't for us, Earth's resources, or because they are dumb aliens that crashed.

If aliens did come, it probably a precursor to something in which contact with humanity was not part of their plan.
Like I said, when they arrive we had better hope they are nice because we don't stand a chance otherwise.

If a group of aliens found a wounded human in the jungle, tied him up and cut off his gangrenous hand to save his life, they might not seem very nice.
You guys would make a great sounding board for a science fiction author.

I am now having trouble with the premise for lots of alien invasion shows.

If aliens came to earth, it probably isn't for us, Earth's resources, or because they are dumb aliens that crashed.

If aliens did come, it probably a precursor to something in which contact with humanity was not part of their plan.

With all the signals we're sending out into space that could well be. Were headed somewhere else, noticed an old episode of The Honeymooners, and changed course. :)

Given what we can determine about other star systems and their planets ourselves, I'd think anyone showing up here would have had similar 'best bet' info about our being here. We can determine atmospheric composition of planets light-years away, gravity, temperature, etc. So could aliens. There could be many advanced civilizations already well aware we're here and simply face the same problems we do - they may have seemingly magical technology at home, but like everyone else face insurrmountable problems with interstellar travel.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.
I'm more worried about how they will treat us.
Rationally thinking, any species that advanced in technology and thinking, would also have advanced and controlled their behavior and emotional states, especially if they had
many more years to progress then us.
Just because we can be pathetic doesn't mean all species has to be.

I am not so sure---they may not have controlled their curiousity else why would they talk to us?

Sometimes someone is doing something only on the reason one's doing it - ask ETeens.

Should treat aliens like we treat our own pets. :) If we treat them like we do other people, it's not going to go down well. :)
... Can assume any alien species getting here has a certian level of technology we can only describe with science-fiction. Interstellar travel is impossible for us right now, and for some centuries to come. ...

Not really. I heard within the next 100000 years we could colonize the whole galaxy with generation ships. We start with one or two ships and within a few hundred years they will find a planet. The ship will build a colony and continue to travel - and the new founded civilisation there will build also a generation ship some hundred years later - using the ressources of this new solar system and so on and so on. But if someone like we would be everywhere in the galaxy we would "hear" them. Human beings are loud. They communicate. I fear: No one seemed to do so before - and as far as I'm able to see there could exist civilisations which are 9 billion years older than your own civilisation, the NSA. Why do we hear nothing?

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I am guessing we would be less concerned about how we treat them and more concerned about how they treat us. If aliens were to arrive on Earth, they would naturally be far more technologically evolved to be able to travel through space in that manner. To them, we would appear to be primitive, stone-age level creatures. Remember the Europeans and the Native Americans? How did that work out? I would expect the same even if their intentions were not hostile. A superior power is going to naturally overtake an inferior power even if it is simply to 'save them from themselves'.
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