If An advanced alien life form came to Earth, How should we treat them?

Related and interesting question is what if the aliens who arrived weren't advanced at all beyond having perfected 'suspended animation.' But took the 'slow boat' method to get here? What if they pose zero threat to us, have no advanced tech other than a well-built (but slow) ship and the capability of suspending and reviving themselves.

Let's say they're refugees from their home planet numbering a few hundred. Obviously we're taking the ship and cryonic technology. But then what? Imprison the hundreds of refugees, incorporate them into which ever countries are willing to take them, kill them?
Related and interesting question is what if the aliens who arrived weren't advanced at all beyond having perfected 'suspended animation.' But took the 'slow boat' method to get here? What if they pose zero threat to us, have no advanced tech other than a well-built (but slow) ship and the capability of suspending and reviving themselves.

Let's say they're refugees from their home planet numbering a few hundred. Obviously we're taking the ship and cryonic technology. But then what? Imprison the hundreds of refugees, incorporate them into which ever countries are willing to take them, kill them?

In other words 'what if we created nuclear weapons but still used stone tools?"

What if aardvarks are the real rulers of the world and they just let us think we are?
I am guessing we would be less concerned about how we treat them and more concerned about how they treat us. If aliens were to arrive on Earth, they would naturally be far more technologically evolved to be able to travel through space in that manner. To them, we would appear to be primitive, stone-age level creatures. Remember the Europeans and the Native Americans? How did that work out? I would expect the same.

Red Indians were not on a "stone age level" - whatever this could be if you take a look at the temples of the Maya and/or Göbekli Tepe in Anatolia for example. Biologically Red Indians and Europeans are the same - that's why pestilences caused gigantic problems for example. But all living children of mother Earth are the same - every life here is using the same way how to code biological processes (DNA). But what about if ETs are not biological entities? If I could transfrom my own spirit for example in pure space as a carrier medium then I would not be limited any longer from the restrictions of the lightspeed - if I would know how to do this and I would be able to survive this procedure. I could be everywhere ¿nearly? immediatelly now.

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Related and interesting question is what if the aliens who arrived weren't advanced at all beyond having perfected 'suspended animation.' But took the 'slow boat' method to get here? What if they pose zero threat to us, have no advanced tech other than a well-built (but slow) ship and the capability of suspending and reviving themselves.

Let's say they're refugees from their home planet numbering a few hundred. Obviously we're taking the ship and cryonic technology. But then what? Imprison the hundreds of refugees, incorporate them into which ever countries are willing to take them, kill them?

In other words 'what if we created nuclear weapons but still used stone tools?"

What if aardvarks are the real rulers of the world and they just let us think we are?

Wha dya mean 'what if?'

We have nuclear weapons and simultaneously are human beings still using stone aged tools among indigenous tirbes in Brazil, and elsewhere. :)
I am guessing we would be less concerned about how we treat them and more concerned about how they treat us. If aliens were to arrive on Earth, they would naturally be far more technologically evolved to be able to travel through space in that manner. To them, we would appear to be primitive, stone-age level creatures. Remember the Europeans and the Native Americans? How did that work out? I would expect the same.

Red Indians were not on a "stone age level" - whatever this could be if you take a look at the temples of the Maya and/or Göbekli Tepe in Anatolia for example. Biologically Red Indians and Europeans are the same - that's why pestilences caused gigantic problems for example. But all living children of mother Earth are the same - every life here is using the same way how to code biological processes (DNA). But what about if ETs are not biological entities? If I could transfrom my own spirit for example in pure space as a carrier medium then I would not be limited any longer from the restrictions of the lightspeed - if I would know how to do this and I would be able to survive this procedure. I could be everywhere ¿nearly? immediatelly now.

Did the Native Americans use iron?
I am guessing we would be less concerned about how we treat them and more concerned about how they treat us. If aliens were to arrive on Earth, they would naturally be far more technologically evolved to be able to travel through space in that manner. To them, we would appear to be primitive, stone-age level creatures. Remember the Europeans and the Native Americans? How did that work out? I would expect the same.

Red Indians were not on a "stone age level" - whatever this could be if you take a look at the temples of the Maya and/or Göbekli Tepe in Anatolia for example. Biologically Red Indians and Europeans are the same - that's why pestilences caused gigantic problems for example. But all living children of mother Earth are the same - every life here is using the same way how to code biological processes (DNA). But what about if ETs are not biological entities? If I could transfrom my own spirit for example in pure space as a carrier medium then I would not be limited any longer from the restrictions of the lightspeed - if I would know how to do this and I would be able to survive this procedure. I could be everywhere ¿nearly? immediatelly now.

Did the Native Americans use iron?

You are the native American - I'm a native German. You should know. I entered for example one day a room and the TV was switched on. They reported about something and showed a nice medieval masony of a castle or something like this. But suddenly I saw: the structure of the stones was astonishing good - very exact. Much better than the structure of the walls of the castles I ever saw - and we are masters in building castles. Then I found out my mistake: it was a film about a red indian culture of Southamerica. And no - the red indians did not use iron as far as I heard - but the red indians used other metals. Platin for example. Specially the metal "gold" - a yellow metal - caused gigantic problems.

PS: I was wrong. For sure Nazca used iron before europeans arrived there. But they used it not for tools - they used it for colors - specially in ceramics.
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If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

We enslave them before they can enslave us.

Just get them to sign on to Obamacare so we can finally have real "universal" coverage!!!
And no - the red indians did not use iron as far as I heard...For sure Nazca used iron before europeans arrived there. But they used it not for tools - they used it for colors - specially in ceramics.

So in other words, they were in the stone age. ;)
Hey Delta

we already have enough tech to send robots and probes out.
With the advent of A.I., we could even send androids to the Asteroid belt for research, mining, and placing the foundation for intersolar(our star system) industry.

All this could happen in the next 100 years.

When I imagine these kind of things happening, it kind of dawn on me that whatever "aliens" we meet won't be the aliens that sent them--but probably their version of a research android or 'bio-droid" of some kind.

That is probably more of a likely situation--we do not meet the adult aliens, but some kid aliens highschool project.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.
I think the first thing to do would be to cook them and find out what they taste like on a pizza.
If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.

This is all moot. Looking back at the history of epidemics, diseases, the Plagues, the effects of Old World germs meeting New World lack of antibodies, the best probability is massive die outs of humans, and probably most animal and fish species. That might work both ways, and they never return to their planet to tell anybody where we are.

We could, however, feed them some journalists first, to see what happens; they're the most expendable and useless category of humans, so no loss there.
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Hey Delta

we already have enough tech to send robots and probes out.
With the advent of A.I., we could even send androids to the Asteroid belt for research, mining, and placing the foundation for intersolar(our star system) industry.

All this could happen in the next 100 years.

When I imagine these kind of things happening, it kind of dawn on me that whatever "aliens" we meet won't be the aliens that sent them--but probably their version of a research android or 'bio-droid" of some kind.

That is probably more of a likely situation--we do not meet the adult aliens, but some kid aliens highschool project.

Keeps the problem: AI is a myth only. We don't have any lousy idea how to create intelligence, spirit or intuition or any other psychological quality. We don't know how this works. This is maybe as impossible as to build a perpetuum mobile. Example: What do you see if you see the color red - ¿What is "red"? - and why is thís completly different from this what you see if you see other colors or the taste of lever or a humming bird?

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If such a thing occurred, I think we should approach them with caution--they may want to enslave us or even worst--dissect us for the advancement of their science!!

Of course, given the level of tech they may have, we may have to listen to why they came and comply to their requests.
I think the first thing to do would be to cook them and find out what they taste like on a pizza.

I did not know that protozoons are able to cook. Day by day I'm learning more. What a wonderful world. But how tastes "pizza" - what is this?

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