If average joe repubs can never explain with specifics why they vote for their party, are they....

Why are FOX news ratings so high?

It's on in every retirement home...
The reactionaries have no other channel to watch for their daily propaganda. Draws them like flies to wet cow shit.

...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Republicans Celebrate the 4th of July....

Democrats celebrate April 15th....

Enough said

Thread closed

Like driving on roads?
Like having organizions like the cdc, fda and nws protecting your ass?
Like having the best science insitutions on earth or do you want to defund them all?

You don't like paying taxes but I bet you blame the president if he doesn't use those organizions when the shit hits the fan. You losererterians are a bunch of idiots.

Isn't the ideology of libertarianism basically "Stay out of my life, government, I don't want to pay no taxes"?

It sounds like spoiled children that were never taught to play nicely with others all turn to libertarianism.

(And by "all turn to", I mean "never grow out of"..)
It sounds like that to you because you're stupid.

Hate to break it to ya, but by replying with nothing more than:

"Nuh uhhhh. UR STUPID!"

you just further prove my point.
The reactionaries have no other channel to watch for their daily propaganda. Draws them like flies to wet cow shit.

...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Republicans Celebrate the 4th of July....

Democrats celebrate April 15th....

Enough said

Thread closed

Like driving on roads?
Like having organizions like the cdc, fda and nws protecting your ass?
Like having the best science insitutions on earth or do you want to defund them all?

You don't like paying taxes but I bet you blame the president if he doesn't use those organizions when the shit hits the fan. You losererterians are a bunch of idiots.

Isn't the ideology of libertarianism basically "Stay out of my life, government, I don't want to pay no taxes"?

It sounds like spoiled children that were never taught to play nicely with others all turn to libertarianism.

(And by "all turn to", I mean "never grow out of"..)
It sounds like that to you because you're stupid.

Hate to break it to ya, but by replying with nothing more than:

"Nuh uhhhh. UR STUPID!"

you just further prove my point.
You prove my point. You have no idea what libertarianism is and you default to some caricature based on what leftists tell you.
Because you're a dumbshit.
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Aand another Billy Triple Fail Fail-O thread where he gets his ass handed to him before abandoning it. Hey, Billy, arent you tired of getting your ass handed to you?
The truth is the only party at least talking about lower taxes and downsizing gov't are the Republicans. Democrats are interested only in the politics of envy and bribing people through higher taxes.

Would you like explain, specifically, how voting Republican helps your best interests? Or would you like to go down as just another tally mark on the 'Deflective Sheep' side of the page?

Choice is yours :wink_2:
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Aand another Billy Triple Fail Fail-O thread where he gets his ass handed to him before abandoning it. Hey, Billy, arent you tired of getting your ass handed to you?
The truth is the only party at least talking about lower taxes and downsizing gov't are the Republicans. Democrats are interested only in the politics of envy and bribing people through higher taxes.

Would you like explain, specifically, how voting Republican helps your best interests? Or would you like to go down as just another tally mark on the 'Deflective Sheep' side of the page?

Choice is yours :wink_2:
Republicans represent limited government and lower taxes and regulations. They dont always vote that way of course. But Democrats never represent those things. Since we have basically a two party system those are my choices: a party that professes belief in limited gov't vs a party that wants gov't to control every aspect of people's lives. It's a no brainer. Except if you're stupid.
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Aand another Billy Triple Fail Fail-O thread where he gets his ass handed to him before abandoning it. Hey, Billy, arent you tired of getting your ass handed to you?
The truth is the only party at least talking about lower taxes and downsizing gov't are the Republicans. Democrats are interested only in the politics of envy and bribing people through higher taxes.

Would you like explain, specifically, how voting Republican helps your best interests? Or would you like to go down as just another tally mark on the 'Deflective Sheep' side of the page?

Choice is yours :wink_2:
Republicans represent limited government and lower taxes and regulations. They dont always vote that way of course. But Democrats never represent those things. Since we have basically a two party system those are my choices: a party that professes belief in limited gov't vs a party that wants gov't to control every aspect of people's lives. It's a no brainer. Except if you're stupid.

I could have just googled the Republican 'platform'.

That isn't what I asked, Rabbi. Though nice attempt at deflection, yet again...

How does their platform represent your best interests?
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Aand another Billy Triple Fail Fail-O thread where he gets his ass handed to him before abandoning it. Hey, Billy, arent you tired of getting your ass handed to you?
The truth is the only party at least talking about lower taxes and downsizing gov't are the Republicans. Democrats are interested only in the politics of envy and bribing people through higher taxes.

Would you like explain, specifically, how voting Republican helps your best interests? Or would you like to go down as just another tally mark on the 'Deflective Sheep' side of the page?

Choice is yours :wink_2:
Republicans represent limited government and lower taxes and regulations. They dont always vote that way of course. But Democrats never represent those things. Since we have basically a two party system those are my choices: a party that professes belief in limited gov't vs a party that wants gov't to control every aspect of people's lives. It's a no brainer. Except if you're stupid.

I could have just googled the Republican 'platform'.

That isn't what I asked, Rabbi. Though nice attempt at deflection, yet again...

How does their platform represent your best interests?
It represents the best interest of people that aren't lazy and want to just be carried along by other people's taxes through the government. Liberals are pussies that want to lawfully take everyone's money and redistribute it to people that don't do anything.
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"
Aand another Billy Triple Fail Fail-O thread where he gets his ass handed to him before abandoning it. Hey, Billy, arent you tired of getting your ass handed to you?
The truth is the only party at least talking about lower taxes and downsizing gov't are the Republicans. Democrats are interested only in the politics of envy and bribing people through higher taxes.

Would you like explain, specifically, how voting Republican helps your best interests? Or would you like to go down as just another tally mark on the 'Deflective Sheep' side of the page?

Choice is yours :wink_2:
Republicans represent limited government and lower taxes and regulations. They dont always vote that way of course. But Democrats never represent those things. Since we have basically a two party system those are my choices: a party that professes belief in limited gov't vs a party that wants gov't to control every aspect of people's lives. It's a no brainer. Except if you're stupid.

I could have just googled the Republican 'platform'.

That isn't what I asked, Rabbi. Though nice attempt at deflection, yet again...

How does their platform represent your best interests?
I have an interest in living in a country with a strong thriving economy because I am part of that economy. Is that simple enough for you? Any words there you need explained?
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"

I'd vote Republican.... in 1864.

Today's Republicans use Religion, Race, and fear of the other to divide us and keep their base all ginned up.
Guess I'm not an average Joe Republican because I always know specifically why I choose to vote for a GOP candidate.
...just kidding themselves?

Why would anyone vote republican? The best answer they give is that they "aren't democrats"

I'd vote Republican.... in 1864.

Today's Republicans use Religion, Race, and fear of the other to divide us and keep their base all ginned up.
Sorry but which party is using religion (anti Christian rhetoric), Race (stirring up tensions in e.g. Ferguson) and fear (Republicans want you to die quickly) to keep their base ginned up?
When republicans are asked what their party does for them? Lame answers. "I want to live in a country with a strong thriving economy." "It represents people that aren't lazy etc. and so on. Repubs can't come up with one specific thing their party does to help them out but tax cuts for the very wealthy. Hmmm, maybe they identify with the wealthy? "If I work harder and smarter I can be just like romney or the coke brothers" sez the republican fork lift operator who fights for right to work for less and down with unions.
Why do republicans wish to defund nws, nhc, cdc, nasa, jpl, ssi, and all educational, r&d and infrastructure funding??? Seems counter productive for maintaining our country as a power in this world.
Oh shut the fuck up. Who told you this bullshit...
Ohm, by the way, accuweather, weather underground and intellicast can fill in the vacuum left behind if teh US Dept of Commerce has its budget cut....it's not as though weather forecasting would become non existent without the government...Same goes for roads and bridges. States may most of the freight anyway....The states would be free to set up tolls as a means to fund their highways. So what?
Again....Shut the fuck up. Sick of your whining.
When republicans are asked what their party does for them? Lame answers. "I want to live in a country with a strong thriving economy." "It represents people that aren't lazy etc. and so on. Repubs can't come up with one specific thing their party does to help them out but tax cuts for the very wealthy. Hmmm, maybe they identify with the wealthy? "If I work harder and smarter I can be just like romney or the coke brothers" sez the republican fork lift operator who fights for right to work for less and down with unions.
I don't want to be like romney or the coke brothers. I don't like politicians but I want a weak government with fewer social programs. The government is give a dollar and then turn that dollar into 60 cents worth of production some how. It's corrupt and charities do a much better job then our government will ever do with helping people out. The government should only be responsible for the basic and the very necessary regulations on the economy. Otherwise let people be free to fail or succeed. Don't punish people for succeeding. The liberals are just a bunch of pussies that need government aid or too rich and distant from reality to realize the truths about people who fail in this country. Natural selection needs to be allowed to take place.
Here's the funding for NASA... I don't know why you keep saying republicans don't support NASA when Obama has done nothing for NASA either. Steadily gone down since the 60s. Reagan was the last president to raise the budget and he's a republican so you're misinformed sir.

When republicans are asked what their party does for them? Lame answers. "I want to live in a country with a strong thriving economy." "It represents people that aren't lazy etc. and so on. Repubs can't come up with one specific thing their party does to help them out but tax cuts for the very wealthy. Hmmm, maybe they identify with the wealthy? "If I work harder and smarter I can be just like romney or the coke brothers" sez the republican fork lift operator who fights for right to work for less and down with unions.
It's because we dont want or need Big Daddy Government doling out goodies at other people's expense. We can pay for our own health insurance, our own birth control,. our own college tuition, etc. It's called "Independence" and is what this country was founded on.
What about that do you not get?
When republicans are asked what their party does for them? Lame answers. "I want to live in a country with a strong thriving economy." "It represents people that aren't lazy etc. and so on. Repubs can't come up with one specific thing their party does to help them out but tax cuts for the very wealthy. Hmmm, maybe they identify with the wealthy? "If I work harder and smarter I can be just like romney or the coke brothers" sez the republican fork lift operator who fights for right to work for less and down with unions.
I don't want to be like romney or the coke brothers. I don't like politicians but I want a weak government with fewer social programs. The government is give a dollar and then turn that dollar into 60 cents worth of production some how. It's corrupt and charities do a much better job then our government will ever do with helping people out. The government should only be responsible for the basic and the very necessary regulations on the economy. Otherwise let people be free to fail or succeed. Don't punish people for succeeding. The liberals are just a bunch of pussies that need government aid or too rich and distant from reality to realize the truths about people who fail in this country. Natural selection needs to be allowed to take place.
yeah, no conservative has ever had welfare
When republicans are asked what their party does for them? Lame answers. "I want to live in a country with a strong thriving economy." "It represents people that aren't lazy etc. and so on. Repubs can't come up with one specific thing their party does to help them out but tax cuts for the very wealthy. Hmmm, maybe they identify with the wealthy? "If I work harder and smarter I can be just like romney or the coke brothers" sez the republican fork lift operator who fights for right to work for less and down with unions.
I don't want to be like romney or the coke brothers. I don't like politicians but I want a weak government with fewer social programs. The government is give a dollar and then turn that dollar into 60 cents worth of production some how. It's corrupt and charities do a much better job then our government will ever do with helping people out. The government should only be responsible for the basic and the very necessary regulations on the economy. Otherwise let people be free to fail or succeed. Don't punish people for succeeding. The liberals are just a bunch of pussies that need government aid or too rich and distant from reality to realize the truths about people who fail in this country. Natural selection needs to be allowed to take place.
yeah, no conservative has ever had welfare
Why can't you rationalize that every statement is not absolute? You need to look at the percentages. More Dems are useless members of society by percentage. End of story. I don't think I need to bring up statistics cause everyone knows it's true.

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