If banning rifles is a winner for democrats, why do they want to hide it from voters?

How long have they been after your guns now? What, like 40 years or more?

And yet you still got your precious guns.

You people are seriously deranged.
yeah no one is calling for gun bans in this ountry

No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find
How long have they been after your guns now? What, like 40 years or more?

And yet you still got your precious guns.

You people are seriously deranged.
yeah no one is calling for gun bans in this ountry

No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

And none of those things are ever going to happen.
List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find
yeah no one is calling for gun bans in this ountry

No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

And none of those things are ever going to happen.
List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find
Wow what a fucking witty reply
How long have they been after your guns now? What, like 40 years or more?

And yet you still got your precious guns.

You people are seriously deranged.
yeah no one is calling for gun bans in this ountry

No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.
yeah no one is calling for gun bans in this ountry

No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.

No they just want to ban so called "assault rifles" which are nothing but semiautomatic rifles

and I never said anything about a comprehensive ban on all guns but the repeal of the Second would be used for such a purpose

Maybe one day you'll stop talking from both sides of your mouth and your ass all at the same time
Last edited:
Your the anti-gun nutter, If the shoe fits

Do you mean that I need to develop an Undying Need to turn all my firearms in to have them destroyed? Nope, I do have an undying need for them to come to your loony bin, seize all your weapons and lock your crazy butt up until you get better. Much, much better.

What we have is another liberal pussy that wants someone ELSE to do the job he is too chickenshit to do himself...typical.

Here's the deal, Daryl ****, you can only have my gun when you are man enough to take it from me....and I don't ever see that happening in this lor any other lifetime. You are just another commie pussy that talks a better game than he could ever hope to play.

Why would I want to take your gun? Are you in the process of committing a crime? Are you planning a school mass shooting? Are you perched on top of a building overlooking a large gathering of unsuspecting people? Ore you in the process of entering a Dennys with a killing spree in mind? Let me know now so we can have someone come and take your guns. If not, why are you so worried? Paranoia is not a healthy thing at this level.

Hey, dumb fuck, stop the pretense, m'kay? The leftist commie agenda is the eventual confiscation of any type of weapon.

According to you, I am a Lefty that is after banning all guns,right? Fess up. Get it off your chest. You'll feel much better. Tell Sigmund Daryl all about it.
You are a progressive anti-gun grabber... Your true colors have been exposed
I don't know what you people are worried about.

You got The White House, The Senate, The House, and the Supreme Court.

Your guns aren't going anywhere for at least another 30 years or until the Republicans fuck up so badly that the Dems get back into power.

The bodies of dems will be stacked like cord-wood should they ever try.......

Oohh, feel the love on this one. Funny, most Reps I know want some Gun Regs as well. Does that automatically make them Dems? Actually, they have felt abandoned by the Republican Party for the last 10 years since they are Fiscal Conservatives like most Republicans really are. And they know that their guns are not at jepordy. Only you fruitcakes are trying to spread the fear and hate. Well, you got your message out. We hear you, and hear you and hear you and hear you and hea......... We just think you are crazy.
You certainly are not a conservative...you want the federal government in every aspect of personal life
yeah no one is calling for gun bans in this ountry

No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.
You don’t get to say what firearms are banned... You have no credibility on the subject. You being an anti-gun Nutter...
No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.

No they just want to ban so called "assault rifles" which are nothing but semiautomatic rifles

and I never said anything about a comprehensive ban on all guns but the repeal of the Second would be used for such a purpose

Maybe one day you'll stop talking from both sides of your mouth and your ass all at the same time

The original intent of the AR-15 was that of an assault rifle. And it is still engineered for that. Just because you can shoot a ground hog with it doesn't mean it's not an assault rifle. You can shoot a deer with a M-60 as well, does that make the M-60 a deer rifle? If they made a single shot M-60 would that be called a Deer Sporting Rifle? Are you aware that there is a FLN version of the M249 in civilian trim? Does that make it a Sporting Rifle? By your definition the Civilian M249S can also qualify as a sporting rifle. It can easily fire 200 rounds a minute single shot using belt feed without jamming. If you think it's acceptable, it's not. Most states won't let it within miles of their state line. Like the AR and the M-60, it's designed for WAR and it's pretty damned good at it even when you castrate it a bit. At some point, we have to decide where the line has to be drawn. Those 5 words you keep misinterpreting the way you read them won't allow that line to be drawn. If you think someone walking down the street with an AR-15 makes the public jumpy, try walking down the street with a M-249S. It's also a 223 or specifically a 556 Nato Round Rifle that is semi auto, single shot. Sure an glad that it can't be imported easily to the United States and it costs more than 8000 bucks.

So stop making shit up.
The liberal ideology and 'platform' is rife with deception because they would never get elected otherwise. The ignorance of the masses is appalling but it has always been & always will be... The electorate cares more about the pebble in the shoe than the nuance and feasibility of what they are promised. If you want more taxes for a nanny state / socialism... tell the masses that U deserve free college, healthcare, cell phones, internet, "nutrition" assistance, etc. etc. The response is a cacophony of raa, raa, Yes we want it... Yes we deserve it. You tell them the wonkish stuff about where the money comes from and how it is unsustainable like Trump is doing and only the Truth seekers (on both sides of the isle) will be buoyed to rise to the occasion & vote pragmatically in the real world & not the fantasy world of apparitions conjured up for them by the Bernie Sanders, and Warrens of the left.
Uhmmmmm. rump won the uneducated white vote.
Lol, perfectly comfortable with a, preamble, "do over" in a few months... ROTHFL
No one that I personally know or would vote for. But dont' let that bit of facts get in the way of a good lie. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.
You don’t get to say what firearms are banned... You have no credibility on the subject. You being an anti-gun Nutter...

I get to say with my vote. And I have had a pretty good run of luck with that in this state even with the underhanded tactics that has tried to take away the right of the vote here. In the end, all laws that were passed still stand. And more states are headed in this same direction. Our Columbine and Aurora Shootings caused people to say, enough. Now, many of the cities are looking to pass laws to completely ban the AR-15 specifically. And that IS within the Constitution and has been upheld in the Federal Courts. Yah, Yah, I know, your new guy will change all that. Don't count on it. Unless he is willing to rewrite the US Constitution and the State Constitutions while he is at it and that is not the job of the Courts.
I don't know what you people are worried about.

You got The White House, The Senate, The House, and the Supreme Court.

Your guns aren't going anywhere for at least another 30 years or until the Republicans fuck up so badly that the Dems get back into power.

The bodies of dems will be stacked like cord-wood should they ever try.......

Oohh, feel the love on this one. Funny, most Reps I know want some Gun Regs as well. Does that automatically make them Dems? Actually, they have felt abandoned by the Republican Party for the last 10 years since they are Fiscal Conservatives like most Republicans really are. And they know that their guns are not at jepordy. Only you fruitcakes are trying to spread the fear and hate. Well, you got your message out. We hear you, and hear you and hear you and hear you and hea......... We just think you are crazy.
You certainly are not a conservative...you want the federal government in every aspect of personal life

You peeked, cupcake. Stop making shit up.
I don't give a flying or any other kid of FUCK who you would vote for

The fact is that there are people in this country today calling for gun bans and the repeal of the Second

Deny that and be labeled a fucking liar

List them. All of them. Just sit and compile a list of them.

That should keep you out of trouble for a bit.

Fucking idiot

Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea

Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need

Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment – Rolling Stone

Opinion | To Repeat: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gee that took all of .42 seconds to find

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.

No they just want to ban so called "assault rifles" which are nothing but semiautomatic rifles

and I never said anything about a comprehensive ban on all guns but the repeal of the Second would be used for such a purpose

Maybe one day you'll stop talking from both sides of your mouth and your ass all at the same time

The original intent of the AR-15 was that of an assault rifle. And it is still engineered for that. Just because you can shoot a ground hog with it doesn't mean it's not an assault rifle. You can shoot a deer with a M-60 as well, does that make the M-60 a deer rifle? If they made a single shot M-60 would that be called a Deer Sporting Rifle? Are you aware that there is a FLN version of the M249 in civilian trim? Does that make it a Sporting Rifle? By your definition the Civilian M249S can also qualify as a sporting rifle. It can easily fire 200 rounds a minute single shot using belt feed without jamming. If you think it's acceptable, it's not. Most states won't let it within miles of their state line. Like the AR and the M-60, it's designed for WAR and it's pretty damned good at it even when you castrate it a bit. At some point, we have to decide where the line has to be drawn. Those 5 words you keep misinterpreting the way you read them won't allow that line to be drawn. If you think someone walking down the street with an AR-15 makes the public jumpy, try walking down the street with a M-249S. It's also a 223 or specifically a 556 Nato Round Rifle that is semi auto, single shot. Sure an glad that it can't be imported easily to the United States and it costs more than 8000 bucks.

So stop making shit up.

It is a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle
That is all it is that is all it will ever be

Stop making shit up

Yet, not a single one speaks of a total ban of Guns. Not one. What they all have in common is something I have brought up. And that is that the phrase that you lift out of the 2nd amendment, "The Right to Bear Arms" is way too vague. The 2nd amendment needs to be undated. The problem is, in order to update it, it first must be repealed. Then it can be replaced at the same time with a new amendment. Do I have a right to have a M-2 pointing out the front of my house? Do I have a right to ride around with a box of Fragment Grenades in the back of my Pickup Truck? Do I have the right to have a Van full of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel parked in front of a government building? If I use your definition then it's Yes to all of the above. The first part and the last part of the 2nd amendment has already been made obsolete. But those 5 words have proven to be way too vague and are up to broad interpretations. Luckily, it's been left up to the States to legally make those interpretations and most are stepping up to the plate. But until the 2nd amendment is amended, uneducated people like you will try and bully others into making some pretty stupid decisions. Well, bully, go for it. I have the time. And stop making shit up.

No they just want to ban so called "assault rifles" which are nothing but semiautomatic rifles

and I never said anything about a comprehensive ban on all guns but the repeal of the Second would be used for such a purpose

Maybe one day you'll stop talking from both sides of your mouth and your ass all at the same time

The original intent of the AR-15 was that of an assault rifle. And it is still engineered for that. Just because you can shoot a ground hog with it doesn't mean it's not an assault rifle. You can shoot a deer with a M-60 as well, does that make the M-60 a deer rifle? If they made a single shot M-60 would that be called a Deer Sporting Rifle? Are you aware that there is a FLN version of the M249 in civilian trim? Does that make it a Sporting Rifle? By your definition the Civilian M249S can also qualify as a sporting rifle. It can easily fire 200 rounds a minute single shot using belt feed without jamming. If you think it's acceptable, it's not. Most states won't let it within miles of their state line. Like the AR and the M-60, it's designed for WAR and it's pretty damned good at it even when you castrate it a bit. At some point, we have to decide where the line has to be drawn. Those 5 words you keep misinterpreting the way you read them won't allow that line to be drawn. If you think someone walking down the street with an AR-15 makes the public jumpy, try walking down the street with a M-249S. It's also a 223 or specifically a 556 Nato Round Rifle that is semi auto, single shot. Sure an glad that it can't be imported easily to the United States and it costs more than 8000 bucks.

So stop making shit up.

It is a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle
That is all it is that is all it will ever be

Stop making shit up

The Mini-14 fits that definition. The AR-15 is designed for a scared shitless 18 year old to go into war, shoot the gun,reload it and continue shooting it even with shaking hands without ever taking his finger very far from the trigger. It's designed to fire fast. An ordinary semiauto rifle is designed for hunting, not to see how many rounds it can fire in such a short time. I doubt if you really want to pump all your rounds into whatever animal you are hunting. I like to bag it on the first with the capability to fire a second if the first did not finish the job humanely. If it takes 10 or 30 rounds to down a varmint then you really shouldn't be out there in the first place since you are danger to everyone and everything around you. And come up with your own tag line. And, did I mention, Stop making shit up.
The liberal ideology and 'platform' is rife with deception because they would never get elected otherwise. The ignorance of the masses is appalling but it has always been & always will be... The electorate cares more about the pebble in the shoe than the nuance and feasibility of what they are promised. If you want more taxes for a nanny state / socialism... tell the masses that U deserve free college, healthcare, cell phones, internet, "nutrition" assistance, etc. etc. The response is a cacophony of raa, raa, Yes we want it... Yes we deserve it. You tell them the wonkish stuff about where the money comes from and how it is unsustainable like Trump is doing and only the Truth seekers (on both sides of the isle) will be buoyed to rise to the occasion & vote pragmatically in the real world & not the fantasy world of apparitions conjured up for them by the Bernie Sanders, and Warrens of the left.
Uhmmmmm. rump won the uneducated white vote.
Lol, perfectly comfortable with a, preamble, "do over" in a few months... ROTHFL

So am I. If all predictions are correct by both sides (not the couch potatoes) the Senate will be a 50-50 mix where Pences vote will be needed more than not when both sides vote with their petty partisan BS.
With the focus on recycling and all, I'd be willing to relinquish some of my AR-10's and 15's in to the US Military if they would have them... The thing is though, they aren't 'Military" grade weapons and no "assault" would ever be conducted by the US Military with these grade weapons... Facts are Facts, beotches... U don't get it both ways!

Actually, the AR-10 would be considered Military Grade. In order to have that distinction, only two companies can place that stamp on their civilian versions. And that is Colt and FN. I don't know if that is a law but it's the accepted way. If any company puts a "Military Grade" on any component then they will have to have purchased that component from either of those two companies. I don't know who made your AR-10 but if it was Colt or Armalite then it will be considered Military Grade. As for the AR-15, the only state side Military Grade AR-15 is made by Colt and it's made primarily for government agencies (not military) and police forces. But the do offer it for civilian sales.

If they do ban the AR, I don't see them going house to house for them. Like the Thompson, they outlaw their manufacture, manufacture of the parts for manufacture and repair, ban the transfer of the weapon by any two people without FFL Licenses. It takes about 10 years and they are essentially gone from the public. These same arguments were done in the early 30s. This isn't anything new. And these are the solutions they came up with and it worked. In otherwords, if you own it, you still have it. But when it wears out, you can't have it fixed or buy parts to do it yourself. You can't transfer it even in your estate. That 5 million ARs are gone within one generation.
Unlike Britain, Australia, France, Canada, Europe and Asia, we have had the protection of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights....but even that hasn't stopped rifle and pistol bans and now magazine bans..... and if they had the power, they would get rid of the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and use the Department of Justice to sue gun makers...... voting has slowed them down but it hasn't stopped them.

Like the man said, this sob story has been repeated over and over for the last 40 years. And we still have our guns. I even had a FFL License in the past which was as easy to get as if I were doing a gun background check today. Doesn't sound too serious to me. You just want to keep trying to make weak people keep fear going. It's not working. Common Sense People make up the majority of the population. The only guns I want removed other than outright dangerous people are from people like you who are the most likely to go off on the general public. The rest of us will be fine. Now, turn our guns in, check into the nearest fruitcake farm and leave the rest of us to get on with our lives in peace and tranquility. And stop making shit up.

You are an unserious person...... you can't lie anymore, your buddies shouted they plan on banning semi automatic weapons at the CNN town hall, at the School walk outs and the rallies held across the country... they stopped lying and stated the real agenda...

Oh, I see. Someone says that they want to ban the AR and it's various incarnations and you think they mean ALL semi auto weapons. Sorry to bust your bubble but the courts don't see it your way and neither does most of the public. It's legal to ban a specific weapon by name without banning the entire class of firearms. You can read into it to try and further your lie but in the end, you are a liar trying to sensationalize a lie. Stop making shit up.

Oy.....what a dolt.:aug08_031:

Nobody is complying with these "assault" weapon bans where it's been done in some states. And the same weapons are available without the scary features!!:2up::113::113:

Oh and the courts are about to become a graveyard for the gun grabbers:backpedal:

The same debate was done in the early 30s over the Thompson. You think you are being original? The only difference is, you have the internet to spout off in. There were also thousands of Sten Guns in the general population as well plus a number of other brand new SMGs. There was quite a debate on how to handle it. What they came up with is one of attrition. They went after one specific weapon, the light machine gun. Not the other brand new just coming onto the market semi auto sport rifles. They didn't go house to house looking for them. The banned the manufacture for civilians of the weapons, parts and support. They banned the transfer of the weapons from one private person to another without both having a valid FFL License. And as the Criminals were apprehended with them, they gathered the weapons up and destroyed them. It took about 10 years to get them off the streets and into the collectors hands. Meanwhile, the Military and Government Agencies were still able to buy new Thompsons. This is how it's done. Our older generation ain't so stupid afterall but you are. Now stop making shit up.


In a number of states they banned "assault" weapons like the AK47 with a pistol grip and suppressor. So manufacturers developed models without those features.:flirtysmile4: In fact, I got one in 7.62x39.....no pistol grip. Big shit!:eusa_dance: Same with AR models.....can still get 'em anywhere sans the "ASSault" features. Same hellacious firepower ftmfw while goofball progressives take bows when a feature is removed from a weapon.:113:
Like the man said, this sob story has been repeated over and over for the last 40 years. And we still have our guns. I even had a FFL License in the past which was as easy to get as if I were doing a gun background check today. Doesn't sound too serious to me. You just want to keep trying to make weak people keep fear going. It's not working. Common Sense People make up the majority of the population. The only guns I want removed other than outright dangerous people are from people like you who are the most likely to go off on the general public. The rest of us will be fine. Now, turn our guns in, check into the nearest fruitcake farm and leave the rest of us to get on with our lives in peace and tranquility. And stop making shit up.

You are an unserious person...... you can't lie anymore, your buddies shouted they plan on banning semi automatic weapons at the CNN town hall, at the School walk outs and the rallies held across the country... they stopped lying and stated the real agenda...

Oh, I see. Someone says that they want to ban the AR and it's various incarnations and you think they mean ALL semi auto weapons. Sorry to bust your bubble but the courts don't see it your way and neither does most of the public. It's legal to ban a specific weapon by name without banning the entire class of firearms. You can read into it to try and further your lie but in the end, you are a liar trying to sensationalize a lie. Stop making shit up.

Oy.....what a dolt.:aug08_031:

Nobody is complying with these "assault" weapon bans where it's been done in some states. And the same weapons are available without the scary features!!:2up::113::113:

Oh and the courts are about to become a graveyard for the gun grabbers:backpedal:

The same debate was done in the early 30s over the Thompson. You think you are being original? The only difference is, you have the internet to spout off in. There were also thousands of Sten Guns in the general population as well plus a number of other brand new SMGs. There was quite a debate on how to handle it. What they came up with is one of attrition. They went after one specific weapon, the light machine gun. Not the other brand new just coming onto the market semi auto sport rifles. They didn't go house to house looking for them. The banned the manufacture for civilians of the weapons, parts and support. They banned the transfer of the weapons from one private person to another without both having a valid FFL License. And as the Criminals were apprehended with them, they gathered the weapons up and destroyed them. It took about 10 years to get them off the streets and into the collectors hands. Meanwhile, the Military and Government Agencies were still able to buy new Thompsons. This is how it's done. Our older generation ain't so stupid afterall but you are. Now stop making shit up.


In a number of states they banned "assault" weapons like the AK47 with a pistol grip and suppressor. So manufacturers developed models without those features.:flirtysmile4: In fact, I got one in 7.62x39.....no pistol grip. Big shit!:eusa_dance: Same with AR models.....can still get 'em anywhere sans the "ASSault" features. Same hellacious firepower ftmfw while goofball progressives take bows when a feature is removed from a weapon.:113:
Make sure that it doesn't have pica tinny rails... they make the gun much 'assaultier'...
Look....nobody wants to see the aftermath of an aggressive ban on these weapons. Sorry.... on some constitutional rights people are just not going to stand for it. That's the way it is..... they banned assault type weapons in New York and Connecticut in 2013. What % complied? Try 3%:spinner:

Senate going to have to be about 70-30 s0ns!!:backpedal:

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