If banning rifles is a winner for democrats, why do they want to hide it from voters?

No they just want to ban so called "assault rifles" which are nothing but semiautomatic rifles

and I never said anything about a comprehensive ban on all guns but the repeal of the Second would be used for such a purpose

Maybe one day you'll stop talking from both sides of your mouth and your ass all at the same time

The original intent of the AR-15 was that of an assault rifle. And it is still engineered for that. Just because you can shoot a ground hog with it doesn't mean it's not an assault rifle. You can shoot a deer with a M-60 as well, does that make the M-60 a deer rifle? If they made a single shot M-60 would that be called a Deer Sporting Rifle? Are you aware that there is a FLN version of the M249 in civilian trim? Does that make it a Sporting Rifle? By your definition the Civilian M249S can also qualify as a sporting rifle. It can easily fire 200 rounds a minute single shot using belt feed without jamming. If you think it's acceptable, it's not. Most states won't let it within miles of their state line. Like the AR and the M-60, it's designed for WAR and it's pretty damned good at it even when you castrate it a bit. At some point, we have to decide where the line has to be drawn. Those 5 words you keep misinterpreting the way you read them won't allow that line to be drawn. If you think someone walking down the street with an AR-15 makes the public jumpy, try walking down the street with a M-249S. It's also a 223 or specifically a 556 Nato Round Rifle that is semi auto, single shot. Sure an glad that it can't be imported easily to the United States and it costs more than 8000 bucks.

So stop making shit up.

It is a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle
That is all it is that is all it will ever be

Stop making shit up

The Mini-14 fits that definition. The AR-15 is designed for a scared shitless 18 year old to go into war, shoot the gun,reload it and continue shooting it even with shaking hands without ever taking his finger very far from the trigger. It's designed to fire fast. An ordinary semiauto rifle is designed for hunting, not to see how many rounds it can fire in such a short time. I doubt if you really want to pump all your rounds into whatever animal you are hunting. I like to bag it on the first with the capability to fire a second if the first did not finish the job humanely. If it takes 10 or 30 rounds to down a varmint then you really shouldn't be out there in the first place since you are danger to everyone and everything around you. And come up with your own tag line. And, did I mention, Stop making shit up.

The Mini 14 chambered for 5.56 is no fucking different than an AR 15

And ALL semiautomatics fire at the same rate of one round er trigger pull

There is no other rate of fire that a semiautomatic is capable of

Magazine size is completely irrelevant.

And unlike you I don't make shit up.

You're the idiot trying to say that one particular semiautomatic rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for the same

I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.
Ah, the old strawman defense.

Well perhaps s0n....but those on the side of this strawman....are winning. And that's all that matters!! :113:

Pew survey finds sharp drop in overall support for gun control

Nobody cares about gun control.

51% of those polled want common sense gun regulations while the other 49% will vary from some gun regulation to no gun regulation. It's not cut and dried like you present it as. And you are trying to use it to say you are right. Nope, you are just making crap up again. Stop making shit up. Your own cite say your are wrong.

Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
The original intent of the AR-15 was that of an assault rifle. And it is still engineered for that. Just because you can shoot a ground hog with it doesn't mean it's not an assault rifle. You can shoot a deer with a M-60 as well, does that make the M-60 a deer rifle? If they made a single shot M-60 would that be called a Deer Sporting Rifle? Are you aware that there is a FLN version of the M249 in civilian trim? Does that make it a Sporting Rifle? By your definition the Civilian M249S can also qualify as a sporting rifle. It can easily fire 200 rounds a minute single shot using belt feed without jamming. If you think it's acceptable, it's not. Most states won't let it within miles of their state line. Like the AR and the M-60, it's designed for WAR and it's pretty damned good at it even when you castrate it a bit. At some point, we have to decide where the line has to be drawn. Those 5 words you keep misinterpreting the way you read them won't allow that line to be drawn. If you think someone walking down the street with an AR-15 makes the public jumpy, try walking down the street with a M-249S. It's also a 223 or specifically a 556 Nato Round Rifle that is semi auto, single shot. Sure an glad that it can't be imported easily to the United States and it costs more than 8000 bucks.

So stop making shit up.

It is a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle
That is all it is that is all it will ever be

Stop making shit up

The Mini-14 fits that definition. The AR-15 is designed for a scared shitless 18 year old to go into war, shoot the gun,reload it and continue shooting it even with shaking hands without ever taking his finger very far from the trigger. It's designed to fire fast. An ordinary semiauto rifle is designed for hunting, not to see how many rounds it can fire in such a short time. I doubt if you really want to pump all your rounds into whatever animal you are hunting. I like to bag it on the first with the capability to fire a second if the first did not finish the job humanely. If it takes 10 or 30 rounds to down a varmint then you really shouldn't be out there in the first place since you are danger to everyone and everything around you. And come up with your own tag line. And, did I mention, Stop making shit up.

The Mini 14 chambered for 5.56 is no fucking different than an AR 15

And ALL semiautomatics fire at the same rate of one round er trigger pull

There is no other rate of fire that a semiautomatic is capable of

Magazine size is completely irrelevant.

And unlike you I don't make shit up.

You're the idiot trying to say that one particular semiautomatic rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for the same

I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.
It is a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle
That is all it is that is all it will ever be

Stop making shit up

The Mini-14 fits that definition. The AR-15 is designed for a scared shitless 18 year old to go into war, shoot the gun,reload it and continue shooting it even with shaking hands without ever taking his finger very far from the trigger. It's designed to fire fast. An ordinary semiauto rifle is designed for hunting, not to see how many rounds it can fire in such a short time. I doubt if you really want to pump all your rounds into whatever animal you are hunting. I like to bag it on the first with the capability to fire a second if the first did not finish the job humanely. If it takes 10 or 30 rounds to down a varmint then you really shouldn't be out there in the first place since you are danger to everyone and everything around you. And come up with your own tag line. And, did I mention, Stop making shit up.

The Mini 14 chambered for 5.56 is no fucking different than an AR 15

And ALL semiautomatics fire at the same rate of one round er trigger pull

There is no other rate of fire that a semiautomatic is capable of

Magazine size is completely irrelevant.

And unlike you I don't make shit up.

You're the idiot trying to say that one particular semiautomatic rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for the same

I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle
The Mini-14 fits that definition. The AR-15 is designed for a scared shitless 18 year old to go into war, shoot the gun,reload it and continue shooting it even with shaking hands without ever taking his finger very far from the trigger. It's designed to fire fast. An ordinary semiauto rifle is designed for hunting, not to see how many rounds it can fire in such a short time. I doubt if you really want to pump all your rounds into whatever animal you are hunting. I like to bag it on the first with the capability to fire a second if the first did not finish the job humanely. If it takes 10 or 30 rounds to down a varmint then you really shouldn't be out there in the first place since you are danger to everyone and everything around you. And come up with your own tag line. And, did I mention, Stop making shit up.

The Mini 14 chambered for 5.56 is no fucking different than an AR 15

And ALL semiautomatics fire at the same rate of one round er trigger pull

There is no other rate of fire that a semiautomatic is capable of

Magazine size is completely irrelevant.

And unlike you I don't make shit up.

You're the idiot trying to say that one particular semiautomatic rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for the same

I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.
The Mini 14 chambered for 5.56 is no fucking different than an AR 15

And ALL semiautomatics fire at the same rate of one round er trigger pull

There is no other rate of fire that a semiautomatic is capable of

Magazine size is completely irrelevant.

And unlike you I don't make shit up.

You're the idiot trying to say that one particular semiautomatic rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for the same

I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Wow.... you rock the magazine in..... that is just totally so different that of course they aren't the same rifle....right? They are both semi auto rifles, and the anti gunners want the AR-15 and the Mini 14 banned.....as well as all the other guns...

And yet.... they are both Constitutionally protected rifles.....
The Mini 14 chambered for 5.56 is no fucking different than an AR 15

And ALL semiautomatics fire at the same rate of one round er trigger pull

There is no other rate of fire that a semiautomatic is capable of

Magazine size is completely irrelevant.

And unlike you I don't make shit up.

You're the idiot trying to say that one particular semiautomatic rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO is somehow more deadly than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for the same

I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Don't have to use the charging handle if you swap a mag while one round is still in the chamber do you?

The minuscule differences you are fixated on have nothing to do with the lethality of the weapon.

Really you are quibbling over nothing just like you said that cops don't carry 15 round magazines because they are sooooooo much heavier than 10 round magazines
I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Wow.... you rock the magazine in..... that is just totally so different that of course they aren't the same rifle....right? They are both semi auto rifles, and the anti gunners want the AR-15 and the Mini 14 banned.....as well as all the other guns...

And yet.... they are both Constitutionally protected rifles.....

The Mini-14 isn't the same as the AR is and you know it. The Mini-14 didn't rewrite how wars are fought in the modern day world. The AR did. You can do the dog and pony act all you want but if a law is passed specifically naming the AR-15 and all it's clones then that IS constitutional and has held up in Federal court. Stop making shit up.
I can see you haven't handled both. Otherwise you would see the difference.

You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Don't have to use the charging handle if you swap a mag while one round is still in the chamber do you?

The minuscule differences you are fixated on have nothing to do with the lethality of the weapon.

Really you are quibbling over nothing just like you said that cops don't carry 15 round magazines because they are sooooooo much heavier than 10 round magazines

The Cops usually carry a 20 rounder in their Colt Military Grade AR-15. It's what comes with them.

And you must stop and count your rounds. No wonder you shoot so slow. Bang.....that's one......Bang......that's two......Bang....that's I don't know about others but if I have a 10 round mag or more, I shoot till the bolt locks open. Did that for 20 years with the M-16 and the AR-15 Model 601. If you are busy counting, you are also busy dying. When I handle a Civilian AR-15 I shoot it the same way. When I handle a Mini-14 I still shoot it the same way. You beginners don't have a clue. Guess the safest place when you are shooting at me is right in front of you, cupcake.

Now, stop making shit up.
Well perhaps s0n....but those on the side of this strawman....are winning. And that's all that matters!! :113:

Pew survey finds sharp drop in overall support for gun control

Nobody cares about gun control.

51% of those polled want common sense gun regulations while the other 49% will vary from some gun regulation to no gun regulation. It's not cut and dried like you present it as. And you are trying to use it to say you are right. Nope, you are just making crap up again. Stop making shit up. Your own cite say your are wrong.

Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
You obviously have never been to rapid city, it’s booming.
The reason why poverty is showing up is because of the fucking Indian reservations you fucking moron...
Well perhaps s0n....but those on the side of this strawman....are winning. And that's all that matters!! :113:

Pew survey finds sharp drop in overall support for gun control

Nobody cares about gun control.

51% of those polled want common sense gun regulations while the other 49% will vary from some gun regulation to no gun regulation. It's not cut and dried like you present it as. And you are trying to use it to say you are right. Nope, you are just making crap up again. Stop making shit up. Your own cite say your are wrong.

Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
Actually a lot of manufacturing is moving to South Dakota because of the low taxes and lack of regulations. So shut the fuck up
The population was 67,956 as of the 2010 Census.
You can't see shit

I've owned 3 mini 14s and have fired AR !5s or AR clones many times.

Both rifles are virtually identical in performance.

Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Wow.... you rock the magazine in..... that is just totally so different that of course they aren't the same rifle....right? They are both semi auto rifles, and the anti gunners want the AR-15 and the Mini 14 banned.....as well as all the other guns...

And yet.... they are both Constitutionally protected rifles.....

The Mini-14 isn't the same as the AR is and you know it. The Mini-14 didn't rewrite how wars are fought in the modern day world. The AR did. You can do the dog and pony act all you want but if a law is passed specifically naming the AR-15 and all it's clones then that IS constitutional and has held up in Federal court. Stop making shit up.
Both the ar15 and mini14 are sporting rifles... You need to educate yourself
51% of those polled want common sense gun regulations while the other 49% will vary from some gun regulation to no gun regulation. It's not cut and dried like you present it as. And you are trying to use it to say you are right. Nope, you are just making crap up again. Stop making shit up. Your own cite say your are wrong.

Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
You obviously have never been to rapid city, it’s booming.
The reason why poverty is showing up is because of the fucking Indian reservations you fucking moron...

I lived there for 3 years until I figured a way to get the hell out of there. I was stationed at Ellsworth but played music in the clubs all over the 5 state region. Your idea of booming is businesses closing down. Remember Vetter Faring? It used to be the largest employer in Rapid City until it shut down. Rancid City is a welfare town. The City even owns the Cement Factory. So you like a Socialist City as long as it's one of your own.

Now, stop making shit up.
51% of those polled want common sense gun regulations while the other 49% will vary from some gun regulation to no gun regulation. It's not cut and dried like you present it as. And you are trying to use it to say you are right. Nope, you are just making crap up again. Stop making shit up. Your own cite say your are wrong.

Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
Actually a lot of manufacturing is moving to South Dakota because of the low taxes and lack of regulations. So shut the fuck up
The population was 67,956 as of the 2010 Census.

Just think, that is the 2nd largest city in South Dakota. Wow, Wyoming would be proud. If it weren't for Sioux Falls, South Dakota would be part of North Dakota. The largest paying job in Rancid City is Welfare.
Then you are lying, cupcake. You are just plain making shit up and embarrassing yourself.

You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Wow.... you rock the magazine in..... that is just totally so different that of course they aren't the same rifle....right? They are both semi auto rifles, and the anti gunners want the AR-15 and the Mini 14 banned.....as well as all the other guns...

And yet.... they are both Constitutionally protected rifles.....

The Mini-14 isn't the same as the AR is and you know it. The Mini-14 didn't rewrite how wars are fought in the modern day world. The AR did. You can do the dog and pony act all you want but if a law is passed specifically naming the AR-15 and all it's clones then that IS constitutional and has held up in Federal court. Stop making shit up.
Both the ar15 and mini14 are sporting rifles... You need to educate yourself

The Mini-14 is a true sporting rifle by all definitions. The AR-15 is a weapon of war by all definitions. I won't try and educate you. Now, stop making shit up.
Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
You obviously have never been to rapid city, it’s booming.
The reason why poverty is showing up is because of the fucking Indian reservations you fucking moron...

I lived there for 3 years until I figured a way to get the hell out of there. I was stationed at Ellsworth but played music in the clubs all over the 5 state region. Your idea of booming is businesses closing down. Remember Vetter Faring? It used to be the largest employer in Rapid City until it shut down. Rancid City is a welfare town. The City even owns the Cement Factory. So you like a Socialist City as long as it's one of your own.

Now, stop making shit up.
You do realize that the Pineridge Indian reservation out on 44 is only an hour and a half drive from Rapid City. That is socialist central.... the federal government.

Actually people do pretty good in Rapid City, it’s the Indian reservations that make the place look bad.
Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
Actually a lot of manufacturing is moving to South Dakota because of the low taxes and lack of regulations. So shut the fuck up
The population was 67,956 as of the 2010 Census.

Just think, that is the 2nd largest city in South Dakota. Wow, Wyoming would be proud. If it weren't for Sioux Falls, South Dakota would be part of North Dakota. The largest paying job in Rancid City is Welfare.
Self-employment pays very well in South Dakota, because of the low taxes and lax regulations. South Dakota defies the federal government quite often… Which is always a good thing
You being the feeble old fuck that you are might have trouble with a Mini 14 but I assure you I can fire drop swap and fire again quite easily

Other than your obvious difficulty with changing magazines because of the rock in mag on the mini 14 there is virtually ZERO difference between the rifles especially when comparing the post 2005 Rugers to any AR stock rifle

You left out the charging handle is on the right side where you either have to take your finger away from the trigger area to operate it or the normal way is to rotate the gun sideways and do it with your left hand. There are millions of M-1 and M-14 Veterans that are very aware of this. Stop making shit up.

Wow.... you rock the magazine in..... that is just totally so different that of course they aren't the same rifle....right? They are both semi auto rifles, and the anti gunners want the AR-15 and the Mini 14 banned.....as well as all the other guns...

And yet.... they are both Constitutionally protected rifles.....

The Mini-14 isn't the same as the AR is and you know it. The Mini-14 didn't rewrite how wars are fought in the modern day world. The AR did. You can do the dog and pony act all you want but if a law is passed specifically naming the AR-15 and all it's clones then that IS constitutional and has held up in Federal court. Stop making shit up.
Both the ar15 and mini14 are sporting rifles... You need to educate yourself

The Mini-14 is a true sporting rifle by all definitions. The AR-15 is a weapon of war by all definitions. I won't try and educate you. Now, stop making shit up.
Na, the ar15 is the best varmint sporting rifle ever made...
Whatever you say s0n!:113:

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion ). Congress sure is knocking folks over with new gun legislation!:2up: After those kid marches.....David Hogg.....historic action!


For 10 years, gun grabbers have been in here taking bows in front of banners and billboards. Gun guys continue to laugh their nut sacks off!:bye1:

It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
Actually a lot of manufacturing is moving to South Dakota because of the low taxes and lack of regulations. So shut the fuck up
The population was 67,956 as of the 2010 Census.

Just think, that is the 2nd largest city in South Dakota. Wow, Wyoming would be proud. If it weren't for Sioux Falls, South Dakota would be part of North Dakota. The largest paying job in Rancid City is Welfare.
Just think there more people in a large suburb of Denver than in the whole state of South Dakota... That is always a good thing
It's no up to the US Congress. It's up to each individual States. The US Congress really can't pass may laws without getting into a States Rights issue on Gun Rights. First they would have to do a major rewrite of the US Constitution and fat chance of that happening. The US Congress can't even agree on what to have for breakfast.

Indeed....all those states!

:oops8:https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2018/03/05/these-3-states-want-to-make-gun-ownershi/amp :oops8:

Have you ever lived in either South Dakota or Oklahoma? I have. Both are depression states who are losing businesses to their next door neighbors. In South Dakota, the 3rd largest Town in the State is the off base Military Housing for Ellsworh AFB. The 2nd largest is Rapid City (nicknamed Rancid City for obvious reasons) with a population of less than 50,000. Both of these states would do anything to attract people to move there. The problem is, once they do move there, they look around and make tracks right back out of there. Both of these are listed as the Reddest States of them all. Both of these have an extreme rate of poverty. They are probably, per capita, the worst welfare states in the Union. You should be ashamed using these two bozo lands as an excuse for anything other than how not to do anything. Look around. I am sure there is at least one Red Stated that might make a good example. Stop being lazy.
You obviously have never been to rapid city, it’s booming.
The reason why poverty is showing up is because of the fucking Indian reservations you fucking moron...

I lived there for 3 years until I figured a way to get the hell out of there. I was stationed at Ellsworth but played music in the clubs all over the 5 state region. Your idea of booming is businesses closing down. Remember Vetter Faring? It used to be the largest employer in Rapid City until it shut down. Rancid City is a welfare town. The City even owns the Cement Factory. So you like a Socialist City as long as it's one of your own.

Now, stop making shit up.
You do realize that the Pineridge Indian reservation out on 44 is only an hour and a half drive from Rapid City. That is socialist central.... the federal government.

Actually people do pretty good in Rapid City, it’s the Indian reservations that make the place look bad.

LOL, I have a small bit of Cherokee (like every person born west of the Mississippi). I was warmly accepted by the Lakota. In fact, I played a gig in one of the nicer clubs in an all Indian Band. I have light skin, blue eyes and look a lot like the traditional Irishman. Of course, at the time, the Chief of the Cherokee Nation had blue eyes and was blond. I met some nice folks. But I also met some really poor bigots as well. I was dating a really pretty Lakota Girl (in her early 20s). 5 white rednecks threatened me that I should not do this. I informed them that my 1911 held 7 shot including the one in the chamber so I could afford to miss twice. They didn't like the game anymore and went away. I see you as one of those bigots.

But you have to understand, I spent my first 19 years around the Navajo and Utes. I understand different cultures. Hell, I love to visit different cultures. The Sioux was just another culture that you don't understand so you want to bad mouth it. Get over yourself and back under that friggin rock.

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