If barack obama had a son, would he look like chris lane?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Figures - Obama and his administration isn’t even aware of the murder of a white jogger shot by ‘bored’ black teens and the media doesn’t seem overly interested in reporting the shocking crime. When asked about the tragedy today, the Obama administration said it wasn’t familiar with the case. Mmm... Obama couldn't wait to comment on George Zimmerman (who didnt shoot a man because he was "bored" but rather out of self-defense) and they couldn't scream fast enough that the white Cambridge Police "acted stupidly".

My question is, where is the outrage by wing-nuts like [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]? I mean, when a thug beating someone gets shot, they change their avatars. But when an innocent white kid is brutally murdered, they don't seem to care. I guess the slaughter of white people simply doesn't further the liberal agenda, uh?

If Barack Obama Had a Son, Would He Look Like Chris Lane? | Power Line
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When Trayvon Martin was (rightfully) shot - Jesse Jackson was outraged and claimed that Florida was "incentivising the killing of African-Americans". The buffoon even called for "the U.N. to investigate" (apparently this uneducated racist has no concept of jurisdiction :lol:).

However, when 3 black thugs admit to cold-blooded murder, Jesse Jackson tweets "justice must prevail". Oh really Jesse? You didn't seem one ounce concerned with "justice" when George Zimmerman had a justifiable shooting in self-defense!!!

Jesse Jackson tweets that killing of Chris Lane ?frowned upon?

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