If Biden were PM of GB in 1941

So you want a tougher response to Russia?

Glad to have you on record.

Most of your retard buddies wat to go the Chamberlain route
Bill Clinton said we would defend them

Bush Jr defended them

Obama no

Trump defended them

Biden no
We would all be speaking German now.

The man is a coward, career politician (like Chamberlain), a loser and not respected by men like Putin. Hitler steamrolled Europe but he was cautious with two men. Stalin and Churchill. Stalin was as crazy as he was but Churchill was no coward and a true patriot. He stood alone against the Reich until Hitler stupidly opened a 2nd front.

We have three more years at least with this uncharismatic vegetable in charge. I am sure China is now emboldened to take Taiwan. Elections have consequences. Next time elect a strong leader who sends mean tweets instead of a Depends wearing fool who is a doormat.

Truth over Facts
I believe you have underestimated Biden, he is stronger than you think
Nah. I think we should just invade Canada and liberate the people from the Fascist Trudeau.
It's possible some time in the future that your country will try to use force instead of just cheating on a free trade agreement.

In any case, America won't have it's ducks lined for quite a few years, and probably never now with China claiming the driver's seat.

I see a possibility of a Canada/China economic alliance being possible in the near future.
It's possible some time in the future that your country will try to use force instead of just cheating on a free trade agreement.

In any case, America won't have it's ducks lined for quite a few years, and probably never now with China claiming the driver's seat.

I see a possibility of a Canada/China economic alliance being possible in the near future.
Given how you treat your own people............MAKES SENSE......Enjoy your inner Communism.
We would all be speaking German now.

The man is a coward, career politician (like Chamberlain), a loser and not respected by men like Putin. Hitler steamrolled Europe but he was cautious with two men. Stalin and Churchill. Stalin was as crazy as he was but Churchill was no coward and a true patriot. He stood alone against the Reich until Hitler stupidly opened a 2nd front.

We have three more years at least with this uncharismatic vegetable in charge. I am sure China is now emboldened to take Taiwan. Elections have consequences. Next time elect a strong leader who sends mean tweets instead of a Depends wearing fool who is a doormat.

Truth over Facts
To be fair to Chamberlain, he was playing for time. The UK was in no way prepared for war during the Munich crisis. I’m pretty sure he knew “peace in our time” had a three of four year limit. He needed time to get the Spitfire into mass production and the various “shadow factories” into operation. The French were trying to gear up as well but it’s economy was in such a mess France was reduced to buying American weapons and aircraft because a French manufacturers couldn’t produce the weapons of war in anything resembling a timely fashion.
We would all be speaking German now.

The man is a coward, career politician (like Chamberlain), a loser
Truth over Facts
AzogtheDefiler is deluded about Chamberlain. Chamberlain did the Right thing. It was USA & UK /Roosevelt & Churchill who started WW2, first by secretly declaring war on Syro-Aryan-Christian Israel Germany, and then telling traitors in the Polish regime that they would be protected by UK & USA if Poland was obnoxious enough to rile up Germany. So they refused all peaceful solutions, started torturing and murdering Germans in Poland, and threatening to attack Germany. When Germany attempted to save Poland from such traitors, the UK declared war on Germany.
What is happening in UKraine is a similar situation.
You don’t get it. Biden makes the US look weak. I do not care about the Ukraine either.
Biden doesn’t make the US “look” weak, he makes it actually weak. He isn’t going to respond effectively to aggression by our enemies any more than Carter did. I don’t know or care if that is because he is in the Russian’s and Chinese’ pockets or because he has always been an ineffectual boob, but he won’t do more than bluster.
AzogtheDefiler is deluded aobut Chamberlain. Chamberlain did the Right thing. It was USA & UK /Roosevelt & Churchill who started WW2, first by secretly declaring war on Syro-Aryan-Christian Israel Germany, and then telling traitors in the Polish regime that they would be protected by UK & USA if Poland was obnoxious enough to rile up Germany. So they refused all peaceful solutions, started torturing and murdering Germans in Poland, and threatening to attack Germany. When Germany attempted to save Poland from such traitors, the UK declared war on Germany.
What is happening in UKraine is a similar situation.
Altered history from hell IVAN........Germany and Russia made a deal to each take half of Poland......and both went there.......Forcing the War..

Stalin was no better.........was a alliance of having the same enemy.
Yea...and Trump saying nothing when Russian mercs attacked us in Syria, and abandoning our Kurd allies, and setting in motion the Afghan pull out made us look tough huh?
Trump bombed Syria and aided the terrorists operating there, and stole oil and burned wheat fields, and supported the bombing of Syria by anti-Christs pretending to be Biblical Israel.
The Kurds were sell outs to the anti-Christs.
The Kurds were betrayed by USA over an over in Iraq. The Kurds did not learn very well.
Trump bombed Syria and aided the terrorists operating there, and stole oil and burned wheat fields, and supported the bombing of Syria by anti-Christs pretending to be Biblical Israel.
The Kurds were sell outs to the anti-Christs.
The Kurds were betrayed by USA over an over in Iraq. The Kurds did not learn very well.
The Kurds did the Armenian Genocide..........guess you missed that part of history.

And we killed ISIS........after the idiots in Iraq let them go.......As they were mowing down everyone.

More BS Ivan
AzogtheDefiler is deluded about Chamberlain. Chamberlain did the Right thing. It was USA & UK /Roosevelt & Churchill who started WW2, first by secretly declaring war on Syro-Aryan-Christian Israel Germany, and then telling traitors in the Polish regime that they would be protected by UK & USA if Poland was obnoxious enough to rile up Germany. So they refused all peaceful solutions, started torturing and murdering Germans in Poland, and threatening to attack Germany. When Germany attempted to save Poland from such traitors, the UK declared war on Germany.
What is happening in UKraine is a similar situation.
Boy, that’s some alternate history fiction right there. When Russia and a Germany invaded Poland, the US wouldn’t have been able to defeat Mexico, let alone protect a country on the other side of the Atlantic that, by the way, had a larger and more modern army than the USA did at the time.
Trump bombed Syria and aided the terrorists operating there, and stole oil and burned wheat fields, and supported the bombing of Syria by anti-Christs pretending to be Biblical Israel.
The Kurds were sell outs to the anti-Christs.
The Kurds were betrayed by USA over an over in Iraq. The Kurds did not learn very well.
Thanks for Putin's "take" on things

By the way Trump bombed an empty air strip after warning ahead of time.

Tough guy
Altered history from hell IVAN........Germany and Russia made a deal to each take half of Poland......and both went there.......Forcing the War..

Stalin was no better.........was a alliance of having the same enemy.
It still remain's the UK's treachery towards Poland that started the problem. And You forget that it was USA that conspired to kill the the Russian Czar as the national officer of the Christian-Aryan-Israelite nation of Russia that is not a part of GOG.
And it was USA that spent many billions of dollars to rescue Stalin and his murdering gangs from a Heroic Germany trying to save their Russian Christian Brothers. These billions of dollars were so spent when USA had previously refused to help millions of Americans during the Federal Reserve's Great Depession in which Stupid Congress let 8 million Americans die of starvation etc.
It still remain's the UK's treachery towards Poland that started the problem. And You forget that it was USA that conspired to kill the the Russian Czar as the national officer of the Christian-Aryan-Israelite nation of Russia that is not a part of GOG.
And it was USA that spent many billions of dollars to rescue Stalin and his murdering gangs from a Heroic Germany trying to save their Russian Christian Brothers. These billions of dollars were so spent when USA had previously refused to help millions of Americans during the Federal Reserve's Great Depession in which Stupid Congress let 8 million Americans die of starvation etc.
Oh STFU. Stalin purged millions of his own people..........he was just as bad as Hitler......But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Oh STFU. Stalin purged millions of his own people..........he was just as bad as Hitler......But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So comrad eagle has a problem knowing that USA spent many billions of dollars to save Stalin. Too bad for Thou.
So comrad eagle has a problem knowing that USA spent many billions of dollars to save Stalin. Too bad for Thou.
We spent the money to kill Germany and Japan.........who started the War.......as you support Stalin who was a murdering asshole.

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