If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

.............................................. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim .......................
No. "Take away all the guns" and there will be no more shootings. None.

You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?
When did you "take away all the recreational narcotics in this country?" I didn't hear about it. Maybe you can tell me when that was. Huh?
.............................................. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim .......................
No. "Take away all the guns" and there will be no more shootings. None.

You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?
When did you "take away all the recreational narcotics in this country?" I didn't hear about it. Maybe you can tell me when that was. Huh?

Recreational narcotics have been against the law all of my life. Today, we have the biggest problem with OD's and OD deaths. Gee, how can that be when those dangerous drugs are outlawed?
.............................................. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim .......................
No. "Take away all the guns" and there will be no more shootings. None.

You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?
When did you "take away all the recreational narcotics in this country?" I didn't hear about it. Maybe you can tell me when that was. Huh?
I am waiting for you to tell me when you "took away all the recreational narcotics in this country". Those are your own words. Well?
.............................................. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim .......................
No. "Take away all the guns" and there will be no more shootings. None.

You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?
When did you "take away all the recreational narcotics in this country?" I didn't hear about it. Maybe you can tell me when that was. Huh?
I am waiting for you to tell me when you "took away all the recreational narcotics in this country". Those are your own words. Well?

You know exactly what I mean, so playing semantics isn't going to work. The fact is if you could make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them, just like they do with narcotics today. That would leave us with a society where only the police and criminals have guns. In other words, you wouldn't solve anything, and only make things worse for law abiding citizens, and better for the criminal element.
.............................................. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim .......................
No. "Take away all the guns" and there will be no more shootings. None.

You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?
When did you "take away all the recreational narcotics in this country?" I didn't hear about it. Maybe you can tell me when that was. Huh?
I am waiting for you to tell me when you "took away all the recreational narcotics in this country". Those are your own words. Well?

You know exactly what I mean, so playing semantics isn't going to work. The fact is if you could make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them, just like they do with narcotics today. That would leave us with a society where only the police and criminals have guns. In other words, you wouldn't solve anything, and only make things worse for law abiding citizens, and better for the criminal element.
How many time is the goal post going to be changed? Until you (pl) have finally found a place to put your foot in the door?

* Statement one: If all guns are removed .......bla, bla, bla.
* Statement two: When the U.S. removed all of the recreational drugs ..... bla, bla, bla.

Do you want to debate with me? Fine, then stop changing directions just because you can't keep up with the subject. Go back and start at the beginning and better luck this time.
Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!
So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

See Post Number 22
You're royally.........screwed

Enjoy !
.............................................. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim .......................
No. "Take away all the guns" and there will be no more shootings. None.

You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?
When did you "take away all the recreational narcotics in this country?" I didn't hear about it. Maybe you can tell me when that was. Huh?
I am waiting for you to tell me when you "took away all the recreational narcotics in this country". Those are your own words. Well?

You know exactly what I mean, so playing semantics isn't going to work. The fact is if you could make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them, just like they do with narcotics today. That would leave us with a society where only the police and criminals have guns. In other words, you wouldn't solve anything, and only make things worse for law abiding citizens, and better for the criminal element.
How many time is the goal post going to be changed? Until you (pl) have finally found a place to put your foot in the door?

* Statement one: If all guns are removed .......bla, bla, bla.
* Statement two: When the U.S. removed all of the recreational drugs ..... bla, bla, bla.

Do you want to debate with me? Fine, then stop changing directions just because you can't keep up with the subject. Go back and start at the beginning and better luck this time.

What are you, 8 years old or something? You know exactly what I meant. Yes, recreational drugs were removed at one time. Where do you think Coca-Cola got their name from? The stuff used to be legal.

Now that you realize you lost the argument, you want to use semantics to try and deflect. Again, not going to work. Nobody is changing directions. The point stands that even if you could pass a law that prohibits firearm ownership, the bad guys will still get them. That's why they are the bad guys; they don't obey laws.
Ray9, I am sure you already own a gun or two or three & you are on the FBI watch list.

Then again, I could be wrong,

Am I ?:)-
What are you, 8 years old or something? You know exactly what I meant. Yes, recreational drugs were removed at one time. Where do you think Coca-Cola got their name from? The stuff used to be legal.

You can stop being silly now. The statement about everyone being a victim when there are no guns is stupid ..... and I said so. Then you tried to make some sort of adolescent analogy about how it was when all recreational drugs were removed from the U.S. which is another completely ridiculous statement and I said so. Neither of those statements was made by me but both logical replies are mine. What do you want to talk about now? Something equally stupid and childish or something with sense and (most importantly) something relevant?

Now that you realize you lost the argument, you want to use semantics to try and deflect. Again, not going to work. Nobody is changing directions. The point stands that even if you could pass a law that prohibits firearm ownership, the bad guys will still get them. That's why they are the bad guys; they don't obey laws.

No, there has been no "argument". I steamrollered over your blabber and the best you've been able to do is whine & whimper about it. You made the mistakes and I corrected them. It’s as simple as that. Is your brain switched on now?
And it isn't that way because of guns, it's that way because of Democrats.

Last time I checked, Trump was in charge of the country... we didn't have this shit go on when Obama was in charge. (no, a week of minor riots in Furgeson doesn't count, buddy.)

Trump Plague, Trump Recession, Trump Riots... is he done making America great again yet?
You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?

Not really the same thing, since narcotics are addictive... it was a medical problem that was treated as a criminal one.

Now, reading post by you and Dick Tiny (AKA 2AGuy), I kind of suspect guns might be an addiction for you. "I got to fondle my gun, man!!!!"

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