If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

Obviously the point flew right over your head. Once the lowlifes learned that I purchased a firearm and well prepared to use it, they never came back.

I'm assuming by your stance you currently have no firearms in your home. Would you be willing to tell everybody that? Would you advertise to the criminals you have no real way of protecting yourself against them--the same people that do have firearms?

Again, if you knew they were the ones who robbed you, you should have reported it to the cops, not invited them to your house and started twirling your gun around like a nut.

My guess is, the first time they robbed you, you weren't home, and they probably wouldn't have had an issue robbing you a second time when you weren't home, gun or not. They probably figured they really didn't need a gun that bad.

Personal vehicles are a wonderful thing. We can go to the store two blocks away, or on vacation ten states away. Having a personal vehicle gives us liberty, it allows us to obtain necessary and non-necessary goods, it gives us the ability to help family members, friends or neighbors that need to get to places. But we lose 35,000 Americans a year to auto deaths, many of which are the fault of the operator. Should we all be forced into public transportation?

Uh, guy, if we regulated firearms the way we regulate cars, we wouldn't have an issue. To get a car you must be licensed, registered, take competency tests, required to get insurance, must only operate the car in designated areas under strict rules and they can take away your car if you fuck up. I'm all for regulating guns the way we regulate cars. I don't think you gun nuts would be too keen on it, though.

Firearms are no different. Even with the unbiased FBI statistics, Americans defend themselves (or others) hundreds of thousands of times a year with firearms. Firearm ownership gives criminals uncertainty about committing crimes. They provide people with jobs, security, and contribute to our economic system. But like with the internet, personal vehicles, people will use guns to cause harm to themselves or other people. And like the internet or personal vehicles, it's absolutely ridiculous to say we need to ignore all the good that comes from the freedom of owning firearms because of the negative aspects that comes along with it.

DGU's are a myth. Only 200 people a year are killed by civilians in "Justified" self-defense with guns. (And that's usually some poor battered wife, not someone shooting a criminal.) By comparison, 14,000 people are murdered and 25,000 commit suicide with guns.

Criminals are not deterred by gun ownership. If they were, we wouldn't have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world.

As far a the "contribution" of guns, 39,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries and $270,000,000,000 in economic losses due to loss of life, medical treatment and additional precautions businesses have to take to protect themselves from gun nuts they just fired. By comparison, the Gun Industry itself is only a $28 Billion dollar industry, and half of that is sales to government agencies. So, no, the gun economy is a net loss.

The REST OF THE WORLD has figured this out, which is why they limit who can own a gun or ban them altogether. They have nowhere near or murder rates, nowhere near our crime rates.

The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
You are a Repubtard, and you don't have a gun??? Don't let your Repubtard buddies know that or you will be laughed out of Dodge! Bigly
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.
Guns save more lives than criminals take with them....
Bull shit.

Obviously the point flew right over your head. Once the lowlifes learned that I purchased a firearm and well prepared to use it, they never came back.

I'm assuming by your stance you currently have no firearms in your home. Would you be willing to tell everybody that? Would you advertise to the criminals you have no real way of protecting yourself against them--the same people that do have firearms?

Again, if you knew they were the ones who robbed you, you should have reported it to the cops, not invited them to your house and started twirling your gun around like a nut.

My guess is, the first time they robbed you, you weren't home, and they probably wouldn't have had an issue robbing you a second time when you weren't home, gun or not. They probably figured they really didn't need a gun that bad.

Personal vehicles are a wonderful thing. We can go to the store two blocks away, or on vacation ten states away. Having a personal vehicle gives us liberty, it allows us to obtain necessary and non-necessary goods, it gives us the ability to help family members, friends or neighbors that need to get to places. But we lose 35,000 Americans a year to auto deaths, many of which are the fault of the operator. Should we all be forced into public transportation?

Uh, guy, if we regulated firearms the way we regulate cars, we wouldn't have an issue. To get a car you must be licensed, registered, take competency tests, required to get insurance, must only operate the car in designated areas under strict rules and they can take away your car if you fuck up. I'm all for regulating guns the way we regulate cars. I don't think you gun nuts would be too keen on it, though.

Shit, I would love it! Buy and own whatever I want with no restrictions, a carry permit from any state is valid in every state and territory of the United States. I could build stuff in my garage and even legally sell it! Hell yes, sounds good to me!

Joe conveniently forgets that people drive cars without licenses all the time.
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

We had 10 mass public shootings in 2019....76 people killed....in a country of over 320 million people, with 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....


In 2019 we had 10,265 gun murders.....70-80% or more of the victims are criminals involved in criminal activity, and of the rest, a large majority are friends and family of those criminals caught in the crossfire....

Take all of our gun murder and mass public shootings......since 1939....and you still can't beat the 12 million innocent...not criminals, innocent men, women and children murdered by European governments who first took guns away from those people....

And gun crime is going up in Europe as immigrant gangs take over the illegal drug business in Europe....

You have no leg to stand on...
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

At the same time......Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to government research done by our Centers for Disease Control...or you can say 1.5 million times a year if you look at our Department of Justice Research.......lives saved from rape, robbery and murder every single year.....
Guns save more lives than criminals take with them....
Bull shit.

LOL! If you believe that you'll believe anything. There are 328 million people living in the U.S. Why not claim they would all be dead if a gun weren't there to protect their lives.
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

At the same time......Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to government research done by our Centers for Disease Control...or you can say 1.5 million times a year if you look at our Department of Justice Research.......lives saved from rape, robbery and murder every single year.....
I repeat: There are 328 million people living in the U.S. Why not claim they would all be dead if a gun weren't there to protect their lives.
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

We had 10 mass public shootings in 2019....76 people killed....in a country of over 320 million people, with 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....


In 2019 we had 10,265 gun murders.....70-80% or more of the victims are criminals involved in criminal activity, and of the rest, a large majority are friends and family of those criminals caught in the crossfire....

Take all of our gun murder and mass public shootings......since 1939....and you still can't beat the 12 million innocent...not criminals, innocent men, women and children murdered by European governments who first took guns away from those people....

And gun crime is going up in Europe as immigrant gangs take over the illegal drug business in Europe....

You have no leg to stand on...
I cannot believe all the crap you swallow.
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

We had 10 mass public shootings in 2019....76 people killed....in a country of over 320 million people, with 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....


In 2019 we had 10,265 gun murders.....70-80% or more of the victims are criminals involved in criminal activity, and of the rest, a large majority are friends and family of those criminals caught in the crossfire....

Take all of our gun murder and mass public shootings......since 1939....and you still can't beat the 12 million innocent...not criminals, innocent men, women and children murdered by European governments who first took guns away from those people....

And gun crime is going up in Europe as immigrant gangs take over the illegal drug business in Europe....

You have no leg to stand on...
I cannot believe all the crap you swallow.

Are you this stupid in real life, or only when you post here?

12 million men, women and children murdered in Europe....after you took away their guns.....you have nothing to teach us as the place where socialism, imperialism and genocide originated...
Are you this stupid in real life, or only when you post here?

12 million men, women and children murdered in Europe....after you took away their guns.....you have nothing to teach us as the place where socialism, imperialism and genocide originated...

Uh, there were plenty of guns in Europe in WWII. The idea that a small community of Jews could do with a few handguns what the Combined Armies of the Allies took six years to do is kind of... silly.
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

You've been saying that for years... and it hasn't happened yet. The place that has collapsed into completely civil strife isn't Europe, it's Trumpian America.

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.

Actually, they've learned you don't support Narcissistic madmen... A lesson we never seemed to have learned.

The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

We had 10 mass public shootings in 2019....76 people killed....in a country of over 320 million people, with 600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million Americans carrying guns for self defense....


In 2019 we had 10,265 gun murders.....70-80% or more of the victims are criminals involved in criminal activity, and of the rest, a large majority are friends and family of those criminals caught in the crossfire....

Take all of our gun murder and mass public shootings......since 1939....and you still can't beat the 12 million innocent...not criminals, innocent men, women and children murdered by European governments who first took guns away from those people....

And gun crime is going up in Europe as immigrant gangs take over the illegal drug business in Europe....

You have no leg to stand on...
I cannot believe all the crap you swallow.

Are you this stupid in real life, or only when you post here?

12 million men, women and children murdered in Europe....after you took away their guns.....you have nothing to teach us as the place where socialism, imperialism and genocide originated...
My oh my. What a load of crap and absurd convictions."It's the lack of guns!" It's the Communists!":206: Jesus H. Christ, the idiocy runs wild.
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.

At the same time......Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....according to government research done by our Centers for Disease Control...or you can say 1.5 million times a year if you look at our Department of Justice Research.......lives saved from rape, robbery and murder every single year.....
I repeat: There are 328 million people living in the U.S. Why not claim they would all be dead if a gun weren't there to protect their lives.

Because not everybody's life is in danger of these criminals. The people who do find themselves in a precarious situation that have firearms are able to stop an assault, rape or murder in most of the cases. And remember, the reason you are safer in your home and on the street is because guns are legal, self-defense is legal, and criminals don't know who can protect themselves and who can't. Take away all the guns, everybody becomes a victim because the criminals know nobody can protect themselves, Instead of carefully choosing their target, we will all be targets and picked at random.

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