If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Lol god you people are such unhinged drama queens.
You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?

Not really the same thing, since narcotics are addictive... it was a medical problem that was treated as a criminal one.

Now, reading post by you and Dick Tiny (AKA 2AGuy), I kind of suspect guns might be an addiction for you. "I got to fondle my gun, man!!!!"
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Lol god you people are such unhinged drama queens.
You noticed that, huh?
You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?

Not really the same thing, since narcotics are addictive... it was a medical problem that was treated as a criminal one.

Now, reading post by you and Dick Tiny (AKA 2AGuy), I kind of suspect guns might be an addiction for you. "I got to fondle my gun, man!!!!"
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Lol god you people are such unhinged drama queens.
You noticed that, huh?
Don't agree with Terrorist and want a weapon just in case........is unhinged........You sniffed draino as a kid didn't you...........


You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?

Not really the same thing, since narcotics are addictive... it was a medical problem that was treated as a criminal one.

Now, reading post by you and Dick Tiny (AKA 2AGuy), I kind of suspect guns might be an addiction for you. "I got to fondle my gun, man!!!!"
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Lol god you people are such unhinged drama queens.
You noticed that, huh?
Don't agree with Terrorist and want a weapon just in case........is unhinged........You sniffed draino as a kid didn't you...........


What does it have to do with me?
You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?

Not really the same thing, since narcotics are addictive... it was a medical problem that was treated as a criminal one.

Now, reading post by you and Dick Tiny (AKA 2AGuy), I kind of suspect guns might be an addiction for you. "I got to fondle my gun, man!!!!"
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Lol god you people are such unhinged drama queens.
You noticed that, huh?
Don't agree with Terrorist and want a weapon just in case........is unhinged........You sniffed draino as a kid didn't you...........


What does it have to do with me?

You are ageeing with Billy.......saying we are the ones unhinged.........DO YOU SUPPORT BLM......BURN LOOT MURDER.

Are you telling me..........RAISE YOUR FISTS OR ELSE.........I will threaten you will violence...........OH.....THESE ARE REALLY PEACEFUL PEOPLE.

I served against assholes like these.....................I WOULDN'T PISS ON THEM IF THEY WERE ON FIRE............Come to my home threaten me..........will not end well...............

The DNC is aiding and abeting TERRORIST.........PITIFUL.........that they now remind me of RAGHEAD TERRORIST......

Are you telling me..........RAISE YOUR FISTS OR ELSE.........I will threaten you will violence...........
You're asking me that now? "Unhinged Drama Queens" .... yep JoeB131 was right.
Joe is a radical POS.......in my sig line...........you agree with him.......then watch this.......LMAO.

You bunch of brain dead morons......LOL

Is the plan to kill all blacks, or all of us Democrats?
Is the plan to kill all blacks, or all of us Democrats?
All of us democrats? I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same but any fool can see the democrats are the party that has become the more evil of the two with all these governors and senators wanting to take our guns away,you have also obviously never seen the Obama deception that documents how that traiter took a crap on the constitution same as bush before him expanding the corruption bush got started.
The objective open minded people have seen recently how the dems are the worst of the two,one poster in her late sixtys who has been a lifetime democrat even made a thread that she did not vote for Obama the second time and will never vote democrat again because of all these democrat governors and senators, jfk is rolling over in his grave right now the way the democrat party has become so evil and corrupt,only a non American would vote for biden. You need to wake the hell up as that one life long democrat poster recently has and stop being so freaking damn ignorant ignoring facts.
Are you going to join a white nationalist group because they have sprung up everywhere since tramp took office, or came out of the woodwork.

They will protect tramp when he loses, which he will.
I am going to remember this post so I can call you out on it when you have shit alll over your face in embarrassment.lol
Just curious, did FOX ever run any peaceful protest footage, or only when some rioting took place? Making you think it was non stop rioting? INSTILLING FEAR FEAR FEAR....

Remember, this unrest that you fear, is happening under Trump's reign, not Joe Biden's.

Biden likely would have less civil unrest...He wouldn't be fuelling the flames via TWEET.

And governors would trust him, When offering federal help.

If you want more safety, then vote Biden! :)
For A globalist who went along with And tooted the horn of a mass murderer of women and children in obomination who expanded the wars in the Mideast that bushwacker started,something trump did not,and lied to the people about getting rid of bush’s dreconian patriot act reinstating and expanding it? Uh I don’t think so

I have always stAted both parties are corrupt and if you vote for either your an idiot because your part of the problem voting for evil but in the case of trump I made the exception the fact he is not a globalist as bush and Romney and Hitlery are so I was pleasantly surprised he got in.i did not expect much from him sense both parties are corrupt but I took the chance that him not being a career politician,he would be different and to a degree,he has been which again,is a pleasant surprise.

He did not start any new wars in the Mideast as Obama did,last president you could say that was like that was carter.Its the freaking corrupt democrats Einstein that are behind this whole Covid virus,they failed with their phony collusion against him and other tactics so they created this mess to bo blame it all on trump.you vote for biden then we will have you to thank for the destruction of America and more civil libertys and freedoms taken from as just as both bush and Obama did.
This is tramp's America:

WHEN IT COMES to left-wing protests, the bias comes into sharp focus. On June 4, 2017, police unleashed less lethal weapons on leftists, illegally kettled nearly 400 people, recorded their IDs, and retained the information despite assurances that they wouldn’t. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon said of the incident, “No other police force in America uses crowd control weapons with the regularity of the Portland Police Bureau.”

Just over a year later, on August 4, 2018, the police launched an unprovoked assault against peaceful protesters, nearly killing one when a flashbang grenade punctured his helmet, resulting in a brain hemorrhage. And on May 1 this year, 20 Patriot Prayer members led by Gibson and accompanied by Ngo attacked antifascists at a bar, fracturing the vertebrae of one woman (whose name was released by Ngo, leading to threats of violence against her, according to her friends). The bar owner claimed that it took police an hour to respond despite numerous emergency calls. The police released a lengthy statement seeking to justify why they didn’t respond until after the fight had ended despite knowledge of the attack as it was happening.

Obviously you have never seen the Obama deception otherwise you would understand only a moron would vote for Biden.lol
This is tramp's America:

WHEN IT COMES to left-wing protests, the bias comes into sharp focus. On June 4, 2017, police unleashed less lethal weapons on leftists, illegally kettled nearly 400 people, recorded their IDs, and retained the information despite assurances that they wouldn’t. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon said of the incident, “No other police force in America uses crowd control weapons with the regularity of the Portland Police Bureau.”

Just over a year later, on August 4, 2018, the police launched an unprovoked assault against peaceful protesters, nearly killing one when a flashbang grenade punctured his helmet, resulting in a brain hemorrhage. And on May 1 this year, 20 Patriot Prayer members led by Gibson and accompanied by Ngo attacked antifascists at a bar, fracturing the vertebrae of one woman (whose name was released by Ngo, leading to threats of violence against her, according to her friends). The bar owner claimed that it took police an hour to respond despite numerous emergency calls. The police released a lengthy statement seeking to justify why they didn’t respond until after the fight had ended despite knowledge of the attack as it was happening.

Obviously you have never seen the Obama deception otherwise you would understand only a moron would vote for Biden.lol

Voting for Creepy Joe has little to do with DumBama. All you have to do is listen to Biden talk and what he wants to do with this country.

He wants to end our fuel independence by getting rid of fracking, which would cause all our fuel prices to double or more. It would also mean the loss of tens of thousands of jobs since in recent years, we became the worlds fuel exporter. He's working on a plan with Cory Booker to take over the suburbs and systematically destroy them. If you live in the burbs, Biden is a huge threat. You might lose half of your property value, your schools destroyed, and stores closing up like a set of dominos falling. Your now safe suburb may soon become a place where you are afraid to walk on your street at night.

He plans to greatly increase taxes on our job creators at a time we really need them the most. He wants to bring back Commie Care causing financial stress for individuals and companies alike. He says if the virus isn't gone when he gets in, he'd be willing to close down the entire country causing thousands of businesses to permanently close on top of the ones that already have. I guess they'll have to learn how to code or something.

He said wall construction will stop his first day in office. I can assure anybody that the welcome mat will be once again placed at our border causing diseased third worlders to be more attracted to coming here and taking American jobs away from us. He's even talking about taxing our IRA's higher and differently. So all of us who saved for our retirement for decades would be in danger of losing more of it to the government instead of that money providing for our own comfort.

Every one of his agendas are destructive to this country. I can't think of one policy he talked about that would benefit us all. If Biden gets in with a Dem House and Senate, we are finished as a country.
Joe is a radical POS.......in my sig line...........you agree with him.......then watch this.......LMAO. You bunch of brain dead morons......LOL
Take another look at the world once you get your hand unhooked from your zipper, Bonzo Boy.
Come make me........I've seen the world .....Don't give a rats ass about your advice........put the animals in a zoo cage or leash them
Joe is a radical POS.......in my sig line...........you agree with him.......then watch this.......LMAO. You bunch of brain dead morons......LOL
Take another look at the world once you get your hand unhooked from your zipper, Bonzo Boy.
Come make me........I've seen the world .....Don't give a rats ass about your advice........put the animals in a zoo cage or leash them
Come and make you????? Jesus! I was right! You really are an adolescent! Believe me, you haven't seen 2% as much as I have seen of the world but you haven't been around the block yet so you'd have no idea about it.
You mean like what happened when we took away all the recreational narcotics in this country?

Not really the same thing, since narcotics are addictive... it was a medical problem that was treated as a criminal one.

Now, reading post by you and Dick Tiny (AKA 2AGuy), I kind of suspect guns might be an addiction for you. "I got to fondle my gun, man!!!!"

When are you leftists going to realize the theory of reverse psychology was a failed thing of the 70's because smart people realized it was too transparent and didn't work?

Guns are addictive to criminals because with a gun, they rule. If the commies make us all defenseless then they have the upper hand and nobody can stop them. I realize that's the leftist utopia, but for the rest of us, it doesn't work.

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