If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

It was a stupid argument, but it's what set Trump aside from all the other Republicans who were just pitching the usual bad ideas. He had the bad ideas with an extra dollop of racism and you guys ate it up like pigs at a trough.

Except for the fact it had nothing to do with his race. You've been programmed to make anything out of race, and that's why you think it had something to do with it. His father was from Kenya, he moved out of the US for six years when he was five years old to live in Indonesia, and he changed his name. Race? Again, nothing that even hints of it.

Nope, it was completely about your racism... you all lost your shit when a black guy won.

He's been gone four years now, you can find your shit again...whoops, nope, their Kamala, with her funny name, you can lose your shit all over again.

She's not even of African descent. She's Indian and Jamaican. Yeah, DumBama has been gone four years, and he (like Clinton and Carter) still run in front of a camera anytime they see one. Why don't ex Republican Presidents ever do that?
It was a stupid argument, but it's what set Trump aside from all the other Republicans who were just pitching the usual bad ideas. He had the bad ideas with an extra dollop of racism and you guys ate it up like pigs at a trough.

Except for the fact it had nothing to do with his race. You've been programmed to make anything out of race, and that's why you think it had something to do with it. His father was from Kenya, he moved out of the US for six years when he was five years old to live in Indonesia, and he changed his name. Race? Again, nothing that even hints of it.

Nope, it was completely about your racism... you all lost your shit when a black guy won.

He's been gone four years now, you can find your shit again...whoops, nope, their Kamala, with her funny name, you can lose your shit all over again.

She's not even of African descent. She's Indian and Jamaican. Yeah, DumBama has been gone four years, and he (like Clinton and Carter) still run in front of a camera anytime they see one. Why don't ex Republican Presidents ever do that?
I don't know if she's taken a DNA test, but the vast majority of Jamaican blacks have roots going back to Africa.
Except for the fact it had nothing to do with his race. You've been programmed to make anything out of race, and that's why you think it had something to do with it. His father was from Kenya, he moved out of the US for six years when he was five years old to live in Indonesia, and he changed his name. Race? Again, nothing that even hints of it.

Yes, nothing even hints at the first black president having his American citizenship status questioned by racists.

"My racism is totally not racist" says the guy who routinely compares black people to feral animals and spoiled milk.

She's not even of African descent. She's Indian and Jamaican.

Uh, wow, you do realize that most of the people of Jamaica came from Africa, right. I mean, after the Europeans exterminated the fuck out of the people who were there originally..

Yeah, DumBama has been gone four years, and he (like Clinton and Carter) still run in front of a camera anytime they see one. Why don't ex Republican Presidents ever do that?

Well, the only one who is still alive is Bush-43, and frankly, given how bad that guy fucked up, well, everything, it's probably for the best he keep quiet.

Bush" Look how bad I fucked up Iraq, Katrina and the economy."

Trump "Hold my beer!"
Yes, nothing even hints at the first black president having his American citizenship status questioned by racists.

Right, because you knew everybody who questioned his citizenship and that they were racists. Noooooo, you don't have a problem with race.. :auiqs.jpg:

Uh, wow, you do realize that most of the people of Jamaica came from Africa, right. I mean, after the Europeans exterminated the fuck out of the people who were there originally..

Most people from Jamaica can't stand Africans, especially African Americans. MLK once said his dream was that his children would be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Well why did Creepy Joe limit his choices to a black female, the content of their character?

Well, the only one who is still alive is Bush-43, and frankly, given how bad that guy fucked up, well, everything, it's probably for the best he keep quiet.

Bush" Look how bad I fucked up Iraq, Katrina and the economy."

Trump "Hold my beer!"

After Nixon resigned you never heard from him again. Reagan kept his trap shut as well. It's Democrats who can't can't retire in peace; the dictator mentality. Once in power, always in power. We'll be hearing from Ears for the next 20 years or more just like Carter.
Right, because you knew everybody who questioned his citizenship and that they were racists. Noooooo, you don't have a problem with race..

Yup, it was all racism. If his father was born in Europe, you'd have never had a question.

Most people from Jamaica can't stand Africans, especially African Americans. MLK once said his dream was that his children would be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Well why did Creepy Joe limit his choices to a black female, the content of their character?

How about, because given where we are at in history, it was well past time. Seriously, we've never had a female vice president or president, ever.

Also, given you guys put up such idiots like Palin and Dan Quayle, you really don't get to talk about "content".

After Nixon resigned you never heard from him again.

Uh, yeah, that's because he had to RESIGN IN DISGRACE. You know, for all the crimes and stuff.

Reagan kept his trap shut as well.

That was because he had full-blown Alzheimer's, and didn't know where he was.

It's Democrats who can't can't retire in peace; the dictator mentality. Once in power, always in power. We'll be hearing from Ears for the next 20 years or more just like Carter.

And man, we know that pisses you off, that uppity black man telling you stuff.
Yes, nothing even hints at the first black president having his American citizenship status questioned by racists.

Right, because you knew everybody who questioned his citizenship and that they were racists. Noooooo, you don't have a problem with race.. :auiqs.jpg:

Uh, wow, you do realize that most of the people of Jamaica came from Africa, right. I mean, after the Europeans exterminated the fuck out of the people who were there originally..

Most people from Jamaica can't stand Africans, especially African Americans. MLK once said his dream was that his children would be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Well why did Creepy Joe limit his choices to a black female, the content of their character?

Well, the only one who is still alive is Bush-43, and frankly, given how bad that guy fucked up, well, everything, it's probably for the best he keep quiet.

Bush" Look how bad I fucked up Iraq, Katrina and the economy."

Trump "Hold my beer!"

After Nixon resigned you never heard from him again. Reagan kept his trap shut as well. It's Democrats who can't can't retire in peace; the dictator mentality. Once in power, always in power. We'll be hearing from Ears for the next 20 years or more just like Carter.
"Well why did Creepy Joe limit his choices to a black female, the content of their character?

Well, no, he didn't. But being a conservative means you can't help but lie.

Right, because you knew everybody who questioned his citizenship and that they were racists. Noooooo, you don't have a problem with race..

Yup, it was all racism. If his father was born in Europe, you'd have never had a question.

Most people from Jamaica can't stand Africans, especially African Americans. MLK once said his dream was that his children would be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. Well why did Creepy Joe limit his choices to a black female, the content of their character?

How about, because given where we are at in history, it was well past time. Seriously, we've never had a female vice president or president, ever.

Also, given you guys put up such idiots like Palin and Dan Quayle, you really don't get to talk about "content".

After Nixon resigned you never heard from him again.

Uh, yeah, that's because he had to RESIGN IN DISGRACE. You know, for all the crimes and stuff.

Reagan kept his trap shut as well.

That was because he had full-blown Alzheimer's, and didn't know where he was.

It's Democrats who can't can't retire in peace; the dictator mentality. Once in power, always in power. We'll be hearing from Ears for the next 20 years or more just like Carter.

And man, we know that pisses you off, that uppity black man telling you stuff.
As if we won't ever hear from Impeached Trump again after he leaves office.
Yup, it was all racism. If his father was born in Europe, you'd have never had a question.

I didn't question anything. If DumBama's parents were both in the US and stayed here, nobody would be questioning a thing. But his mother had jungle fever and was running around screwing whatever all over the world, and his father was a foreign radical which Hussein embraced; you know Dreams of My Father?

If his father was from Europe, with his grandmothers claim he was born in Europe along with his half-brother, of course people would have questioned it. That and the fact the only real way he could have entered or afforded the colleges he attended would be if he applied and was accepted as a foreign student.

People have questions not because of his race, but because of his suspicious history.

How about, because given where we are at in history, it was well past time. Seriously, we've never had a female vice president or president, ever.

Also, given you guys put up such idiots like Palin and Dan Quayle, you really don't get to talk about "content".

So what? Biden chose a minority woman not because she was the best pick out of the group, but because of her gender and skin color. This isn't little league or high school dodge ball. We don't choose people based on everybody should get their turn. Given the likelihood that Biden will be too mentally unfit to complete his first term, she may be put in the position of running the country. She only got 2% of the voters in her primary, so even the Democrats know that the only reason she was there is because she slept her way there. Palin actually worked her way to that position.

Uh, yeah, that's because he had to RESIGN IN DISGRACE. You know, for all the crimes and stuff.

Oh please, Clinton was a felon who was impeached for perjury. At least Nixon had the decency to resign when he got caught.

And man, we know that pisses you off, that uppity black man telling you stuff.

It doesn't matter what he says because nobody is really listening. Like Clinton and Carter, he will once again display that Democrats have no dignity.
That's because you like these other leftists here …..
I’m a leftist?
….. believe that if not for guns, people wouldn't kill other people.
No, without guns people wouldn't shoot other people. You seem to have trouble following logic and comprehension. Are you struggling with English, is that your main problem?
You really think that guns are responsible for killing and people are not.
No, I think that guns facilitate murder by people with a propensity for killing and/or irresponsible character. If you want me to break it down further I can do that for you.
Until you can show me a video of guns jumping out of the gun safe and indiscriminately shooting people all by themselves, you have no case. Murder is not within the weapon, it's within the person.
Until you can show me a video of a person being shot to death without a gun, you have no case. Shooting (you have tried to blindside the discussion by inserting “murder” rather than “shooting”) is done with a gun. Murder with a gun is not done within the person, it’s by a person with a gun.
Like drugs in this country, if they are not available, it creates a market if the demand is there, and others will make them available. What you end up with is black market guns only available to bad guys, and we good guys would be helpless because it would be against the law for us to also have firearms.
Silly logic. No guns = no shootings. It’s very simple. I didn’t even introduce the “no gun” notion in this thread. I am merely responding to it.
I doubt you spent any time living in the US.
I told you that I lived 20 years in the U.S. Are you calling me a liar?
If you had, you would realize everything is political in this country.
What is your point? That everything is political in the U.S.? Yeah, and so what?
For crying out loud, the left made soft drinks political. The Democrats don't want to get rid of guns to stop the violence, they want to get rid of guns to increase the violence. You would understand that if you knew anything about our politics and parties here.
Oh Jesus. It’s the left! It’s the right! You wouldn’t know left from right if it was etched into the palm of each hand … and it makes no difference in any case. The reason the U.S. has never amounted to anything is precisely because you’ve all been herding in cattle cars believing that “two choices” are all there are in the world.
But his mother had jungle fever and was running around screwing whatever all over the world,

Tell us again how you aren't a racist, Ray, that never gets old. Come on, tell us true, THIS pisses you off.


People have questions not because of his race, but because of his suspicious history.

Nothing suspicious about his story. Now you want to talk about a suspicious story, it's the "Billionaire" who had dozens of bankruptcies and failed business ventures and STILL called himself a success.

So what? Biden chose a minority woman not because she was the best pick out of the group, but because of her gender and skin color.

Bush picked Quayle because of his relations to the Christian Right.. Same with why McCain picked Palin. Either one of them was less qualified than Harris is.

. Palin actually worked her way to that position.

Palin was Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska before she spent less than two years as governor. Then she got a job she trained for all of her life- Talking to a retarded toddler, which prepared her for being a commentator on Fox News. Even McCain's people realize now picking her was a mistake.

Harris, on the other hand, spent 14 years as a prosecutor, 7 years as a District Attorney for the 16th Largest city, Six years as Attorney General of the largest state in the union, and four years as a senator.

Oh please, Clinton was a felon who was impeached for perjury. At least Nixon had the decency to resign when he got caught.

Nobody sensible thought that lying about a blow job was a big deal. If you guys really thought it was, then you should insist that Trump resign over fucking Stormy Daniels. Not to mention being impeached over the Ukraine thing.

Party of Family Values, everyone.

It doesn't matter what he says because nobody is really listening. Like Clinton and Carter, he will once again display that Democrats have no dignity.

Actually, the real problem is, Trump will never be part of the Ex-Presidents Club because they all despise him.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
LoL! Do yourself, and society, a favor and throw yourself off a cliff.

You're off your rockers.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
/—-/ If Dementia Joe wins, the only way you will get a gun is on the black market or with a 3D Printer. Ammo is another story.
Tell us again how you aren't a racist, Ray, that never gets old. Come on, tell us true, THIS pisses you off.

I didn't invent the term, blacks did. Just like Barack the Magic Negro. You're not around black people enough to know that. All you self-hating whites move to the whitest communities your money can afford, and preach your love for blacks over there. I know. My community used to be the same way. Then when their wish started to come true, they were the first to sell their home and get out of Dodge.

Nothing suspicious about his story. Now you want to talk about a suspicious story, it's the "Billionaire" who had dozens of bankruptcies and failed business ventures and STILL called himself a success.

What's not successful about him? A couple of his businesses (not him) filed for bankruptcy five times. Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career. Did some fail? Of course. Show me any business person who ran that many bushiness that were all a success.

He became a multi-billionaire, has been flying around on his private jet liner for many years, been with the most beautiful women in the world, and was a household name long before even thinking of running for President.

Yeah Joe, that's what I call a success. Glad your envy meter is about to explode.

Bush picked Quayle because of his relations to the Christian Right.. Same with why McCain picked Palin. Either one of them was less qualified than Harris is.

What the qualifications are for a President are outlined in the US Constitution. You should read it sometime. It's not about her qualifications either. It's the fact the Democrats totally rejected her. It would be like if Trump picked Kasich to be his running mate.

There is nothing wrong with picking a VP because they share some of your views, or have attributes you don't have yourself such as youth, age, and political leanings. McCain was a complete RINO. He's been disliked by us conservatives most all his career. Palin was young, attractive, good speaker and most importantly, very conservative. It's called balancing the ticket.

When you pick somebody solely based on the color of their skin and nothing else, that's racist. When you pick somebody that limits their choice on gender, that's sexist. So this was not a decision made on having the same feelings on a subject or trying to fill in the gaps you don't have. It was a racist/ sexist decision.

Actually, the real problem is, Trump will never be part of the Ex-Presidents Club because they all despise him.

That's how you know he's good. The best Mayor our city ever had was the enemy of our city Council. That's one of the ways I knew he was good. He wasn't a swamp creature.
No, without guns people wouldn't shoot other people. You seem to have trouble following logic and comprehension. Are you struggling with English, is that your main problem?

Without guns, only bad people and police would shoot people. The other people would be knifing, beating, or choking people to death. You think that would be an improvement?

No, I think that guns facilitate murder by people with a propensity for killing and/or irresponsible character. If you want me to break it down further I can do that for you.

No need to breakdown stupidity for me. It's easily recognizable. What you just said is that guns assist in murders. Well so do cars, bats, machetes, knives...... Do we get rid of all these things to stop people killing other people? I showed you the stats in London. They had more murders in one year than New York City, and they have no guns in London.

Guns are used in murders, but more importantly is they are used in self-defense.

Silly logic. No guns = no shootings. It’s very simple. I didn’t even introduce the “no gun” notion in this thread. I am merely responding to it.

Again, there will be shootings because the criminals will never give up their guns. Even if none were around, they'd find a way to get them.

I told you that I lived 20 years in the U.S. Are you calling me a liar?

If you're not lying, you spent 20 years here without learning a Fn thing.

Oh Jesus. It’s the left! It’s the right! You wouldn’t know left from right if it was etched into the palm of each hand … and it makes no difference in any case. The reason the U.S. has never amounted to anything is precisely because you’ve all been herding in cattle cars believing that “two choices” are all there are in the world.

The US didn't amount to anything? Are you mentally retarded? The US is the world police of free countries. We are not only the strongest, but also the financial engine of the world. We spend tens of billions of dollars every year trying to keep people out because so many would love to get across our border to live here, even if illegally. Why are you in our political forum? Doesn't your wonderful country (whatever that may be) have a political forum of their own?

We are such a failure that everybody wants to be here, even if only in our forums. The USA is the greatest country in the world.
Without guns, only bad people and police would shoot people.
I want you to pay really close attention this time: “Without guns” there can be NO SHOOTINGS. Read it again. Let me put it another way: NO GUN = NO SHOOTING. Is it sinking in now? It’s not very difficult to understand if your English comprehension is even rudimentary.
….. people would be knifing, beating, or choking people to death.
You think that would be an improvement?
Absolutely. That would mean far less murder.
No need to breakdown stupidity for me.
You are most definitely wrong on that point. The “breakdown” is in response to your statement about “people” not “guns” being responsible for shootings. It is required for a person to pull the trigger in order for a gun to discharge, right? Do we agree? So, if the gun doesn’t fire all on its own then all of those murders (and accidents) by guns must have been the fault of the person handling the gun, right? Are we still in agreement? It is abundantly clear, therefore, that Americans (in particular) should definitely not have access to guns … as the murder rate proves. Do you have a problem understanding that?
It's easily recognizable. What you just said is that guns assist in murders.
Precisely, yes. That is what I said.
Well so do cars, bats, machetes, knives......
Yes, they do. But they do not assist so greatly in that task. Pulling a trigger takes little physical effort.
Do we get rid of all these things to stop people killing other people?
Who knows. Let me know the murder rate once guns are eliminated and then I’ll give you my answer.
If you're not lying, you spent 20 years here without learning a Fn thing.
There is a fair chance that I am more well-informed than you and have more experience in the U.S. than you.
The US didn't amount to anything?
That’s right.
We spend tens of billions of dollars every year trying to keep people out because so many would love to get across our border to live here, even if illegally.
I’m very happy you said that ……. “ to get across our border”. Your border is nothing. Europe has god knows how many borders and there are third world citizens busting their buns to get here, even from as far away as Latin America. I guess they figure it’s better to come to Europe then the U.S.
Why are you in our political forum? Doesn't your wonderful country (whatever that may be) have a political forum of their own?
Ah! Another good point about “freedom”! We are free to join in on any political forum we want. Of course, we learn several languages so the “freedom” is much easier to utilize.
We are such a failure that everybody wants to be here ….
No. Everybody doesn’t want to be in the U.S. You didn’t know that?
… even if only in our forums.
We are in all forums. How many can you even name?
The USA is the greatest country in the world.
What a silly boy you are.
The US is the world police of free countries.
Says who? The White House and CIA? Yeah, the same people who brought us non-existent WMD’s in Iraq and has intentionally and systematically destroyed Democracies around the world. Believe me (no, you won’t) Europe has more freedom than the U.S. by a long shot and we are at the top of world-wide Democracies while the U.S. is nowhere near us.

World Democracy Index 1.jpg
World Democracy Index 2.jpg
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I want you to pay really close attention this time: “Without guns” there can be NO SHOOTINGS. Read it again. Let me put it another way: NO GUN = NO SHOOTING. Is it sinking in now? It’s not very difficult to understand if your English comprehension is even rudimentary.

That's under the leftist delusion that can possibly be accomplished, but it can't. There is no possible way to confiscate every gun in the US, and prevent people from bringing in more just like they do with drugs.

Absolutely. That would mean far less murder.

How would it mean less murder? If somebody wants to kill another person, the inability to get a firearm isn't going to stop them.

You are most definitely wrong on that point. The “breakdown” is in response to your statement about “people” not “guns” being responsible for shootings. It is required for a person to pull the trigger in order for a gun to discharge, right? Do we agree? So, if the gun doesn’t fire all on its own then all of those murders (and accidents) by guns must have been the fault of the person handling the gun, right? Are we still in agreement? It is abundantly clear, therefore, that Americans (in particular) should definitely not have access to guns … as the murder rate proves. Do you have a problem understanding that?

I think you're the one with the problem. If I need to saw a board in half and circular saws were illegal, I would either get one off the black market, or use a hand saw. One way or another, if I want that board sawed in half, I'm going to get it sawed in half.

You have this hangup about getting shot and not murder itself. Murder is murder. In fact, if somebody were to violently kill me, I would rather get shot than carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Terrorists and MS-13 kill people that way because it's the most horrible way to go. I'm not focused on how people die like you, I'm concerned about people dying period.

Yes, they do. But they do not assist so greatly in that task. Pulling a trigger takes little physical effort.

Oh, so you believe you can stop murders by making it less convenient?

Who knows. Let me know the murder rate once guns are eliminated and then I’ll give you my answer.

Guns will never be eliminated here. They are protected by our US Constitution.

There is a fair chance that I am more well-informed than you and have more experience in the U.S. than you.

You don't even understand our politics.

Ah! Another good point about “freedom”! We are free to join in on any political forum we want. Of course, we learn several languages so the “freedom” is much easier to utilize.

So you're free. Big deal. I'm free to find a French forum, a Canadian forum, a German forum, but I don't. Why? Because those are boring places and I have no interest in discussing their policies or politics. I don't need to go there like you foreigners who need to come here.

Says who? The White House and CIA? Yeah, the same people who brought us non-existent WMD’s in Iraq and has intentionally and systematically destroyed Democracies around the world. Believe me (no, you won’t) Europe has more freedom than the U.S. by a long shot and we are at the top of world-wide Democracies while the U.S. is nowhere near us.

Irrelevant to my comment about being the world police. If you ever got attacked by a force like China, who would you be relying on to save your ass, Ghost Busters? We've done it before and we'd do it again.

Your claim is that you lived here for 20 years. If your country is so great, why did you move here in the first place? I have no desire to live anywhere in Europe. I may want to go there for vacation one day, but no desire to be part of it. I belong to the greatest country on earth and therefor have no desire to be anywhere else. Yes, we have our share of problems like your country, but we are not a culture thousands of years old. We became the world power and economic leader in just a few hundred years.
I didn't invent the term, blacks did. Just like Barack the Magic Negro. You're not around black people enough to know that. All you self-hating whites move to the whitest communities your money can afford, and preach your love for blacks over there. I know. My community used to be the same way. Then when their wish started to come true, they were the first to sell their home and get out of Dodge.

Yes, Ray, tell us again how not Racist you are...

He became a multi-billionaire, has been flying around on his private jet liner for many years, been with the most beautiful women in the world, and was a household name long before even thinking of running for President.

He inherited money from his dad, fucked up just about every business her ran. Seriously, how can you lose money running a CASINO. His finances are so shady he doesn't dare release his tax records like every other president has done since the 1970's.

What the qualifications are for a President are outlined in the US Constitution. You should read it sometime. It's not about her qualifications either. It's the fact the Democrats totally rejected her. It would be like if Trump picked Kasich to be his running mate.

You are right. Kamala is just as qualified as any of the WHITE MEN who've run for Vice President before her. As for why Trump didn't pick Kasich or Cruz (after savagely attacking them), it's because they didn't want to be assoicated with what should have been a losing ticket. Pence was the only guy needy enough to take the job.

Voters rejected LBJ in 60, Bush in 80, Gore in 88, Kemp in 80, Biden in 88 and 08, and yet they were all picked to be vice presidents on tickets... mostly because they had been vetted. Bush calling Reagan's tax plan "Voodoo Economics" should have been a deal killer, but it wasn't.

There is nothing wrong with picking a VP because they share some of your views, or have attributes you don't have yourself such as youth, age, and political leanings. McCain was a complete RINO. He's been disliked by us conservatives most all his career. Palin was young, attractive, good speaker and most importantly, very conservative. It's called balancing the ticket.

So by your own standard, there was nothing wrong with picking Kamala. She was qualified, she balances the ticket and she's been vetted.

When you pick somebody solely based on the color of their skin and nothing else, that's racist. When you pick somebody that limits their choice on gender, that's sexist. So this was not a decision made on having the same feelings on a subject or trying to fill in the gaps you don't have. It was a racist/ sexist decision.

Again, there were a lot of reasons to pick her as opposed to the other women who were considered (some of whom were white.) To the point, all the prior Vice Presidential Candidates have been White and all but two have been dudes... Seems like it's time for a little balance.

That's how you know he's good. The best Mayor our city ever had was the enemy of our city Council. That's one of the ways I knew he was good. He wasn't a swamp creature.

The inability to work with other duly elected representatives is nothing to be proud of. Trump couldn't even work with members of his own party who were terrified of him.
That's under the leftist delusion …
What do I have to do with Leftists?
…. that can possibly be accomplished, but it can't. There is no possible way to confiscate every gun in the US, and prevent people from bringing in more just like they do with drugs.
Your memory is terrible. Show me where I said that.
How would it mean less murder?
How could fewer weapons possible mean less murder? Duh! What a mystery!
If somebody wants to kill another person, the inability to get a firearm isn't going to stop them.
And you know this, huh?
You have this hangup about getting shot and not murder itself. Murder is murder.
Are you for real? I don’t think so.
In fact, if somebody were to violently kill me, I would rather get shot than carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey.
OMG. What a joke.
Terrorists and MS-13 kill people that way because it's the most horrible way to go. I'm not focused on how people die like you, I'm concerned about people dying period.
You don’t know what you are talking about.
You don't even understand our politics.
Better than you, obviously.
So you're free. Big deal. I'm free to find a French forum, a Canadian forum, a German forum, but I don't. Why? Because those are boring places and I have no interest in discussing their policies or politics. I don't need to go there like you foreigners who need to come here.
And how does this make my participation in this forum confuse you?
Irrelevant to my comment about being the world police. If you ever got attacked by a force like China, who would you be relying on to save your ass, Ghost Busters? We've done it before and we'd do it again
You watch too many Joan Wayne films and Drew Carey sitcoms. You have never “saved my ass” from anybody.
Your claim is that you lived here for 20 years. If your country is so great, why did you move here in the first place?
I didn’t move there.
I have no desire to live anywhere in Europe. I may want to go there for vacation one day, but no desire to be part of it.
Trust me, I am not sad.
I belong to the greatest country on earth and therefor have no desire to be anywhere else. Yes, we have our share of problems like your country, but we are not a culture thousands of years old. We became the world power and economic leader in just a few hundred years.
You have zero experience to make any of those statements and I see that you've made no comment about the document I posted. I wonder why that can be????? Maybe you didn’t see it. Shall I post it again?
What do I have to do with Leftists?

You are one.

And you know this, huh?

Not only do I know this, I have statistics on it. People get murdered a number of different ways in this country like other places. All our murders are not by firearms.

You watch too many Joan Wayne films and Drew Carey sitcoms. You have never “saved my ass” from anybody.

Personally, no I haven't, but this country has.

I didn’t move there.

I see, so you claim to have lived here for 20 years, but never moved here. That's quite a magic trick. Care to explain how it's possible to live somewhere and not move there first?

You have zero experience to make any of those statements and I see that you've made no comment about the document I posted. I wonder why that can be????? Maybe you didn’t see it. Shall I post it again?

I don't comment on documents that had nothing to do with what was being discussed. I don't cater to or entertain deflection.
....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.


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