If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

After reading another of your deranged rants - I highly recommend therapy.
He inherited money from his dad, fucked up just about every business her ran. Seriously, how can you lose money running a CASINO. His finances are so shady he doesn't dare release his tax records like every other president has done since the 1970's.

It has noting to do with being shady. Trump, like most wealthy businessmen get audited constantly by the IRS. You don't turn a couple million into multi-billions by failing every business you ran.

You are right. Kamala is just as qualified as any of the WHITE MEN who've run for Vice President before her. As for why Trump didn't pick Kasich or Cruz (after savagely attacking them), it's because they didn't want to be assoicated with what should have been a losing ticket. Pence was the only guy needy enough to take the job.

Voters rejected LBJ in 60, Bush in 80, Gore in 88, Kemp in 80, Biden in 88 and 08, and yet they were all picked to be vice presidents on tickets... mostly because they had been vetted. Bush calling Reagan's tax plan "Voodoo Economics" should have been a deal killer, but it wasn't.

Harris was not picked because she was the best qualified. She was picked because of her gender and race. That was announced before he even decided on who he would consider.

So by your own standard, there was nothing wrong with picking Kamala. She was qualified, she balances the ticket and she's been vetted.

Yes, she's been vetted, under the covers. Yes, there is something wrong with picking a person only because of race and gender.

Again, there were a lot of reasons to pick her as opposed to the other women who were considered (some of whom were white.) To the point, all the prior Vice Presidential Candidates have been White and all but two have been dudes... Seems like it's time for a little balance.

You don't pick a representative because you need racial or gender balance, you pick them because they best fit your administration, goals and best for the people of the United States. No, Biden didn't consider anybody white. How do we know this? Because he stated months ago he would only choose a female of color.

The inability to work with other duly elected representatives is nothing to be proud of. Trump couldn't even work with members of his own party who were terrified of him.

And that's why we elected him. We conservatives got sick of the Republican swamp who always promised they would work for us, and then did otherwise once in power. We didn't need another professional politician doing the exact same. We wanted somebody different. We didn't want another professional politician. We got that from President Donald Trump.
What do I have to do with Leftists?
You are one.
And you know this, huh?
Not only do I know this, I have statistics on it. People get murdered a number of different ways in this country like other places. All our murders are not by firearms.
You watch too many Joan Wayne films and Drew Carey sitcoms. You have never “saved my ass” from anybody.
Personally, no I haven't, but this country has.
I didn’t move there.
I see, so you claim to have lived here for 20 years, but never moved here. That's quite a magic trick. Care to explain how it's possible to live somewhere and not move there first?
You have zero experience to make any of those statements and I see that you've made no comment about the document I posted. I wonder why that can be????? Maybe you didn’t see it. Shall I post it again?
I don't comment on documents that had nothing to do with what was being discussed. I don't cater to or entertain deflection.
I'm so happy for you.
Silly logic. No guns = no shootings. It’s very simple. I didn’t even introduce the “no gun” notion in this thread. I am merely responding to it.

Of course, no guns = no shootings. The problem is we don't live in a fantasy world where having no guns is possible. You guys are always thinking in terms of an "ideal" world, not the real world.
Silly logic. No guns = no shootings. It’s very simple. I didn’t even introduce the “no gun” notion in this thread. I am merely responding to it.

Of course, no guns = no shootings. The problem is we don't live in a fantasy world where having no guns is possible. You guys are always thinking in terms of an "ideal" world, not the real world.

We could take guns away....It just would be authoritarian

Annual random sweeps would get rid of 99%+ in a generation
Of course, no guns = no shootings.
That's what I've been saying since my first response. You're quoting me.

The problem is we don't live in a fantasy world where having no guns is possible. You guys are always thinking in terms of an "ideal" world, not the real world.
"Us guys"? What guys are those? I stated a fact .... "no guns = no shootings." That's the real world. Maybe you imagine something other than that? Please speak up. Take the microphone and tell me what is on your mind. Don't be afraid.
It has noting to do with being shady. Trump, like most wealthy businessmen get audited constantly by the IRS. You don't turn a couple million into multi-billions by failing every business you ran.

Except he had more than a couple of million. Fred Trump was worth 900 Million when he croaked. And since we can't see Trump's books, we only have his word that he's a "Billionaire".

Harris was not picked because she was the best qualified. She was picked because of her gender and race. That was announced before he even decided on who he would consider.

He only said for certain he would pick a woman, and he didn't limit himself to a black woman. (Liz Warren and Tammy Duckworth were also in the mix.)

Yes, she's been vetted, under the covers. Yes, there is something wrong with picking a person only because of race and gender.

Again, Trump fucks porn stars, that's okay, but Harris had a relationship 30 years ago, and that makes her bad, forget everything else she's accomplished since then. Misogyny much?

You don't pick a representative because you need racial or gender balance, you pick them because they best fit your administration, goals and best for the people of the United States. No, Biden didn't consider anybody white. How do we know this? Because he stated months ago he would only choose a female of color.

No, you pick someone who helps you get elected. Keep in mind, the ONLY reason Hillary lost 3 rust belt states was because Black folks stayed home... They won't stay home this time.

And that's why we elected him.

We didn't elect him. He lost by 3 million votes.
Except he had more than a couple of million. Fred Trump was worth 900 Million when he croaked. And since we can't see Trump's books, we only have his word that he's a "Billionaire".

First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

He only said for certain he would pick a woman, and he didn't limit himself to a black woman. (Liz Warren and Tammy Duckworth were also in the mix.)

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

Biden shared the detail during an interview on MSNBC as host Craig Melvin pressed him about renewed speculation about who might be his No. 2 on the Democratic ticket.

Again, Trump fucks porn stars, that's okay, but Harris had a relationship 30 years ago, and that makes her bad, forget everything else she's accomplished since then. Misogyny much?

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

No, you pick someone who helps you get elected. Keep in mind, the ONLY reason Hillary lost 3 rust belt states was because Black folks stayed home... They won't stay home this time.

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

We didn't elect him. He lost by 3 million votes.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

Actually, Blacks will vote against him by overwealming numbers, just like they always vote against the racist stupidity of the GOP. They don't hate other people of color the way you do and they know very well who is cheering on the racist cops murdering them.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
That's like saying your football team won because they had a greater time of possession despite not scoring as many points. You and many others think just like spoiled children.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"
Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

She's already been caught with several lies in that book, and is going to be fighting major lawsuits, particularly by her judge aunt. I'm sure Donald will follow after his second term is up. In any case, Donald had no control over what his children got from their grandfather. Again, you are completely ignorant our are laws work in this country. Fred was not worth anything close to 900 million. Donald took a good sum of money and turned it into extreme wealth.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Don't you know how to read? It says right there he was ONLY considering four black women.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

He paid her to go away like most wealthy men do. In any case, Stormy did not and could not advance his career in any way or form. She was a tramp and Donald had fun with her like he did with hundreds of other tramps; a life you can only fantasize about having.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

The only overage came from our most communist state in the country--California. Our founders were geniuses by coming up with an election system that prohibited one state or two states from picking the President for the entire country, which is exactly what would have happened in this instance. Trump is your President, and will continue to be your President past the next four years. If you don't like our Republic, then move to a country that doesn't have one. We are a Republic.
She's already been caught with several lies in that book, and is going to be fighting major lawsuits, particularly by her judge aunt.

Kind of hard for her to do that, since she's got her Aunt on tape saying what an idiot Donald is.

I'm sure Donald will follow after his second term is up. In any case, Donald had no control over what his children got from their grandfather.

Actually, at the time Fred Sr. Will was changed, he was in the midst of full-blown dementia.... and Trump and the family manipulated him.

Again, you are completely ignorant our are laws work in this country. Fred was not worth anything close to 900 million. Donald took a good sum of money and turned it into extreme wealth.

Was that even English? Fred was worth a lot, and he bankrolled Trump's so called success, including illegally buying chips at his casino to create an illusion of profitability.

Don't you know how to read? It says right there he was ONLY considering four black women.

No, it said he was considering more than one black woman. Not that he was ONLY considering black women.

He paid her to go away like most wealthy men do. In any case, Stormy did not and could not advance his career in any way or form. She was a tramp and Donald had fun with her like he did with hundreds of other tramps; a life you can only fantasize about having.

If she had gone public during the election, right after the Pussy Grabbing Tape, it would have been over for him. that's why he paid her.

The only overage came from our most communist state in the country--California. Our founders were geniuses by coming up with an election system that prohibited one state or two states from picking the President for the entire country, which is exactly what would have happened in this instance. Trump is your President, and will continue to be your President past the next four years. If you don't like our Republic, then move to a country that doesn't have one. We are a Republic.

The Founders were hardly geniuses. The Electoral College was devised by exhausted delegates as a method to get Geo. Washington to accept the Presidency without having to campaign for it. The system they devised was so flawed in practice that they immediately had to modify it with the 12th Amendment. Like after four elections.

One of two states couldn't "pick the President" with a direct popular vote.

The current system could have Trump BARELY win the red states, Biden overwhelmingly win the 20 or so Red states, with a total difference of maybe 10 million votes in Biden's favor, and Biden would still lose? That's crazy. ( I don't think it will happen, Trump is currently trailing in Seven States he won last time and Biden only has to pick up two of them.)
Actually, at the time Fred Sr. Will was changed, he was in the midst of full-blown dementia.... and Trump and the family manipulated him.
Was that even English? Fred was worth a lot, and he bankrolled Trump's so called success, including illegally buying chips at his casino to create an illusion of profitability.

How would buying chips create anything? You are making this BS all up. Even if what you are saying is true, what you are then saying is he was worth less than reported which further supports my point.

Yes, Donald was part of the inheritance just like his other siblings, nieces and nephews. In spite of Fred's wealth, when you start dividing up money so many ways, it's not a huge amount of money. Millions? Yes millions, but not hundreds of millions.

No, it said he was considering more than one black woman. Not that he was ONLY considering black women.

And yet he picked a non-white woman. Go figure. Plus he said if elected, he will also only consider a black woman for Supreme Court justice.

If she had gone public during the election, right after the Pussy Grabbing Tape, it would have been over for him. that's why he paid her.

Nobody really cares to be quite honest. So he screwed some dancer/ porn star. That wouldn't have lost him one vote.

The Founders were hardly geniuses. The Electoral College was devised by exhausted delegates as a method to get Geo. Washington to accept the Presidency without having to campaign for it. The system they devised was so flawed in practice that they immediately had to modify it with the 12th Amendment. Like after four elections.

One of two states couldn't "pick the President" with a direct popular vote.

The current system could have Trump BARELY win the red states, Biden overwhelmingly win the 20 or so Red states, with a total difference of maybe 10 million votes in Biden's favor, and Biden would still lose? That's crazy. ( I don't think it will happen, Trump is currently trailing in Seven States he won last time and Biden only has to pick up two of them.)

And polls are all BS like always. Wait until November to see how off they are today compared to how badly Trump beats confused Joe. Why did the founders create the Electoral Collage? Here is a map of the counties won by Trump WITH the most votes:


Do you see all that red? The founders didn't want all those tiny blue areas to pick a President to rule over the rest of the country which is mostly red. If they wanted a pure Democracy, we wouldn't have a Senate. We would only have a House. But like the electoral college, they wanted a system to prevent mob rule. So they created a Senate. The House has representatives equal to the amount of population, and in the Senate, everybody equally gets two senators. It doesn't matter if you live in Rhode Island or Texas. You only get two senators to help balance things out.
You watch too many Joan Wayne films and Drew Carey sitcoms. You have never “saved my ass” from anybody.
Personally, no I haven't, but this country has.

No, neither you nor your country has “saved my ass” from anybody. Actually, my country helped the western allies. The U.S. was part of the western allies in case you don’t know that. :26:

If your country is so great, why did you move here in the first place?
I didn’t move there.
I see, so you claim to have lived here for 20 years, but never moved here. That's quite a magic trick. Care to explain how it's possible to live somewhere and not move there first?

Judging by your performance on this thread it seems very likely that you haven't lived in the U.S. (or anywhere else) for as much as 20 years. But anyway ….. did you "move there"? Huh? :death:
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....and you're being hysterical cuz he wants to buy one.
Typical lib bs. Condemn a guy cuz he wants to buy a gun but could care less if a blm beats up old men, women and children and destroys property.

Uh, guy, we have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries a year because guys like Ray want to compensate for their tiny peckers. Gun violence costs us 270 BILLION a year. We all have to live with security camera, magnetic locked doors, active shooter drills, bullet proof backpacks for the kiddies, because we can never tell which gun nut is going to go off this week. But at least they arent' telling you to wear a mask!!!

So how many people have been killed by BLM so far. Give me a number.

Thankfully, their favorite organization won't be around much longer thanks to the grifting and corruption of LaPierre & Co.

LOL, Ever heard of Gun Owners of AMerica?
It's a much better organization
Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

He didn't win on a technicality. Is having more points than the other team in a football game a technicality? Maybe we should have crowned the Bengals NFL champs last year if they had the longest time of possession, despite only winning 2 games.

These are rules that have been in existence for many years. The rules were actually very well thought out. Just because you have masses of poor people in a few pockets around the country doesn't mean they should be able to make the laws for everybody. Everyone needs representation. The issues you have in Chicago are very different from the issues we have in my state.
First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

Actually, Blacks will vote against him by overwealming numbers, just like they always vote against the racist stupidity of the GOP. They don't hate other people of color the way you do and they know very well who is cheering on the racist cops murdering them.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
That's like saying your football team won because they had a greater time of possession despite not scoring as many points. You and many others think just like spoiled children.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.
Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

He didn't win on a technicality. Is having more points than the other team in a football game a technicality? Maybe we should have crowned the Bengals NFL champs last year if they had the longest time of possession, despite only winning 2 games.

These are rules that have been in existence for many years. The rules were actually very well thought out. Just because you have masses of poor people in a few pockets around the country don't mean they should be able to make the laws for everybody. Everyone needs representation. The issues you have in Chicago are very different from the issues we have in my state.

Joe is the quint essential leftist. If you can't win by the rules of the game, don't change your strategy, change the rules of the game instead.

I remember back in the Bush/ Kerry race. Exit polls showed Kerry had a good lead over Bush. When Bush won the election, the leftists were suggesting we should choose a President by exit polls instead of vote.

They have excuses for every election they lost in the last 25 years, instead of the real reason they lose which is their ideas and policies suck, and Americans don't want them in most cases.
First off 900 million is BS. Need the Factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Secondly, he also passed his wealth to his several children and grandchildren. The only one excluded was Fred Jr for reasons unknown, and one of the grandchildren took it to court for a higher payout.

Actually, Fred Jr. was dead, and Trump cheated his children out of their share. Mary Trump details it in her book. Also why Trump is as batshit crazy as he is.

From May of this year:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that more than one African American woman is being considered to be his running mate.

That doesn't say he was ONLY considering African American women.

Trump didn't fuck anybody to advance his career.

Bullshit. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair...

Yes they will, but more blacks that do come out will vote for Trump if polls are somewhat correct; I don't trust polls. In any case, blacks are waking up to the fact they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their race since records were kept before the Wuhan virus. They also understand that Trump's never ending attempts at keeping illegals out of this country is benefiting them.

Actually, Blacks will vote against him by overwealming numbers, just like they always vote against the racist stupidity of the GOP. They don't hate other people of color the way you do and they know very well who is cheering on the racist cops murdering them.

We did elect him. That's why Hillary is not your President today.
That's like saying your football team won because they had a greater time of possession despite not scoring as many points. You and many others think just like spoiled children.

Sigh. Yes, Trump won on a technicality. The people said "NO". Loudly. Clearly. You can't claim the people chose him. You can claim that he won on the moronic system set up by Slave Rapists 220 years ago. The people said "No", 306 Political Hacks said "Yes"

Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.

Exactly. The population of NYC is larger than our 7 lowest populated states combined. One city in the US has more power than 7 of our states. Joe thinks that's the way it should be.

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