If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

How would buying chips create anything? You are making this BS all up. Even if what you are saying is true, what you are then saying is he was worth less than reported which further supports my point.

Fred Bought millions in Chips (that he had no intention to use to play any games) to provide the Casino with the illusion of profitability. That's what made it illegal.

Nobody really cares to be quite honest. So he screwed some dancer/ porn star. That wouldn't have lost him one vote.

Sure it would have... believe it or not, some of these Christians can only stretch their hypocrisy so far.

And polls are all BS like always. Wait until November to see how off they are today compared to how badly Trump beats confused Joe. Why did the founders create the Electoral Collage? Here is a map of the counties won by Trump WITH the most votes:

Yes, the COUNTIES WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE!!! The idea in a democracy is to count PEOPLE. Not states, not electors and not land mass.
He didn't win on a technicality. Is having more points than the other team in a football game a technicality? Maybe we should have crowned the Bengals NFL champs last year if they had the longest time of possession, despite only winning 2 games.

These are rules that have been in existence for many years. The rules were actually very well thought out. Just because you have masses of poor people in a few pockets around the country doesn't mean they should be able to make the laws for everybody. Everyone needs representation.

Actually, if the majority of this country is poor, then YES, they should be making the rules.

The purpose of having elections is to get the will of the people. The electors were supposed to take the will of the people into account. The will of the people was Trump lost by 3 million votes.

The issues you have in Chicago are very different from the issues we have in my state.

You done der got a point, Cleetus. Possum Control is really not a major issue in Chicago...

Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.

If those 4 states represent the majority, um, yeah, they should.

One person. One vote. It's how we pick every other office in the country EXCEPT for the President.

Given when the EC ignores the clearly stated will of the people, you get mistakes like Trump, Bush, Rutherford B. Hayes, etc.
The state of PA is similar to the US average

Look at the war coming between men and women

A landslide of men supporting trump and a landslide of women supporting Biden

This gender gap is all over the world

Who can guess what will happen now ??

Liberals have no chance

They and women will now go down world wide

A logic test for voting will come world wide to stop globalists and stoopid voters
Moron, the rules are not a "Technicality." You are really a moron.

Letting the 3-4 big states rule the country was not something they wanted for the system, you moron.

If those 4 states represent the majority, um, yeah, they should.

One person. One vote. It's how we pick every other office in the country EXCEPT for the President.

Given when the EC ignores the clearly stated will of the people, you get mistakes like Trump, Bush, Rutherford B. Hayes, etc.

They ignored nothing. They voted with the will of the citizens in their state.
Fred Bought millions in Chips (that he had no intention to use to play any games) to provide the Casino with the illusion of profitability. That's what made it illegal.

So who brought him up on charges? What did the jury decide? How much did he have to pay in fines? How much prison time did he get?

Sure it would have... believe it or not, some of these Christians can only stretch their hypocrisy so far.

Christians may not approve of playboys, but they disapprove of baby killers much more. That's why presidential candidates like Biden and Kerry were both denied Holy Communion when they went to a Catholic church.

Yes, the COUNTIES WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE!!! The idea in a democracy is to count PEOPLE. Not states, not electors and not land mass.

Yes, we count electors who represent the vote of the people, and we count land.

The President is not just the President of the people, he's President of the entire country. When Trump got in, he signed the Keystone Pipeline against the will of some of the people in those states. The President may have the final say over where nuclear waste gets dumped or where to train garbage to from places that have no more room for landfills. Then EC gives those places some power to be heard and redress if necessary.

Remember too it's your people who insist that pollution is not a state matter, but a federal one. The pollution created in a state like South Dakota may have an effect on you in your state of Illinois.

You people are hypocrites. You are against leveling the playing field when it comes to voting, but are all for taking money from the rich with the excuse we need to level the playing field.
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I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

And just what is Mr. Barr looking into? That's right, the corruption of the Obama administration.
Actually, if the majority of this country is poor, then YES, they should be making the rules.

The purpose of having elections is to get the will of the people. The electors were supposed to take the will of the people into account. The will of the people was Trump lost by 3 million votes.

Just what we need is ignorant, brainwashed masses in inner cities determining the President. Seems as those the ignorant like to group think so they congregate.

You done der got a point, Cleetus. Possum Control is really not a major issue in Chicago...

Keeping possums off our beautiful golf courses and out of large in-ground pools isn't really an issue. On the other hand, keeping the rats out of your coach roach infested "middle-class" neighborhoods may need to be addressed.
Oh, is that why all you give is stupid answers??
Stupid questions & stupid comments eventually deserve stupid replies & stupid answers. It's like speaking another language. I speak several so I can communicate with people from many different countries and cultures. If someone speaks to me in a "foreign" language I can usually communicate with them. "Stupid" in your case seems to be your best "language of communication" so it is fortunate that I know how to converse in "your language" so that you understand me better. :113:
No, I said no guns = no shootings. I've said it long and often enough for you to get it right.
I know what you said. no guns = no shootings. Great, what is the point?
The point (which you ought to have understood from square one) is that the person to whom I was responding is wrong when he expressed the contrary. Is that really so difficult to understand? If I said that the sun goes dark at night would you not correct me?
Maybe there is a language barrier issue here, because you are making zero sense in English.
That’s funny because I’m thinking the same thing about you, right there in the previous comment.
Now, THIS is "nonsensical, rhetoric", but I didn't say it ... you did.
So we don't take precautions to protect ourselves from murderers?
Your problem is short-sightedness. You see raindrops hit the floor but you don’t look upwards to see where it is coming from. So you get a bucket and put it on the floor under the drops instead of fixing the hole in the roof. It’s sort of like getting a gun because of fear rather than eliminating the fear by fixing the problem. But I know that you are unable to see where the raindrops are coming from so you have no choice but to listen to “nonsensical rhetoric” such as the common nonsensical rhetoric just after a shooting and saying, “If everybody had a gun it never would have happened”.
So who brought him up on charges? What did the jury decide? How much did he have to pay in fines? How much prison time did he get?

Silly boy, you think the rich actually have to obey the law?

Christians may not approve of playboys, but they disapprove of baby killers much more. That's why presidential candidates like Biden and Kerry were both denied Holy Communion when they went to a Catholic church.

You mean some religious fanatic did, not their home parishes.. but never mind... I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about the REAL kids their priests molest as they are about hypothetical ones eliminated by abortion.

The President is not just the President of the people, he's President of the entire country.

Funny, Trump doesn't act like it.

When Trump got in, he signed the Keystone Pipeline against the will of some of the people in those states. The President may have the final say over where nuclear waste gets dumped or where to train garbage to from places that have no more room for landfills. Then EC gives those places some power to be heard and redress if necessary.

The EC does nothing of the sort. So let's take you example. The folks in SD didn't want the Keystone Pipeline, mostly because if it ruptures, their water table will be screwed. But the OIL COMPANIES wanted it.. and we know Trump works for the oil companies.

Remember too it's your people who insist that pollution is not a state matter, but a federal one. The pollution created in a state like South Dakota may have an effect on you in your state of Illinois.

Yes, it might. But the real problem is, as long as the Koch Brothers can buy our elections, what the people need is besides the point. You live in a city where the rivers catch on fire because the One Percent dumped so much toxic shit in there.

You people are hypocrites. You are against leveling the playing field when it comes to voting, but are all for taking money from the rich with the excuse we need to level the playing field.

A level playing field is one person, one vote. It's the way we pick every other office in the country.

Just what we need is ignorant, brainwashed masses in inner cities determining the President. Seems as those the ignorant like to group think so they congregate.

Funny, I always thought the most ignorant people congregate in churches. "I Hate Mexicans and Gays, JUST LIKE JAY-A-ZUS DID!!!"
Silly boy, you think the rich actually have to obey the law?

Yep, they do.......well, unless you are the Speaker of the House that wants your hair done. By your own admission, you made this entire story up. Fred didn't buy any chips. Fred didn't break any laws. Your story doesn't even make sense because chips have no value until the casino gives it value by backing it with cash. Until that time, they are virtual worthless pieces of plastic.

The EC does nothing of the sort. So let's take you example. The folks in SD didn't want the Keystone Pipeline, mostly because if it ruptures, their water table will be screwed. But the OIL COMPANIES wanted it.. and we know Trump works for the oil companies.

Trump risked losing the EC votes in states that were against the pipeline. It's something he had to consider, and probably one of the reasons he moved on that early in his term; hoping people will cool off by the next election.

South Dakota has less than 885,000 people in the entire state. That's one-eight of the population of NYC; almost one-third of the population of your city. Assuming less than half of that population in SD are active voters, that's only 400,000 votes. It wouldn't even be worth worrying about. However because we have the EC, it had to be something Trump considered before making his decision.

Yes, it might. But the real problem is, as long as the Koch Brothers can buy our elections, what the people need is besides the point. You live in a city where the rivers catch on fire because the One Percent dumped so much toxic shit in there.

No, that was over a half-century ago when we had the theory that chemicals could dissipate and virtually disappear due to the small amount of chemicals vs the huge body of water the great lakes has. It was a flawed theory, and when discovered, we moved to stop dumping those chemicals there.

Back to the point, the President does make decisions in regards to land, so land is something that needs representation whether ten thousand people live on that land or ten million.

A level playing field is one person, one vote. It's the way we pick every other office in the country.

Again, our Congress is designed with two bodies: the Senate and the House. Both bodies are used in creating laws, taxes, fines, and spending. One body represents the population, and the other body represents equal representation regardless of the amount of people. So in a sense, our law creators have an EC sort of speak.

Our Governors are elected through popular vote, however our governors only govern the state, not the rest of the country. Same with lesser offices like Mayors and Council.

Popular vote would give the few most populated states the ability to choose our President for the rest of the country. Our founders didn't want that because it would be unfair to most of the other states in the country. So they created the EC to help balance that inequity out. That's why we have it.
I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

And just what is Mr. Barr looking into? That's right, the corruption of the Obama administration.

Uh huh right. Eight years of Obama and no indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or prison sentences. You go with that. :icon_rolleyes:
I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

And just what is Mr. Barr looking into? That's right, the corruption of the Obama administration.

Uh huh right. Eight years of Obama and no indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or prison sentences. You go with that. :icon_rolleyes:

I will, because criminals will give cover to other criminals. Well, the head criminals are gone now, and it's time to face the music and the law.
I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

And just what is Mr. Barr looking into? That's right, the corruption of the Obama administration.

Uh huh right. Eight years of Obama and no indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or prison sentences. You go with that. :icon_rolleyes:

I will, because criminals will give cover to other criminals. Well, the head criminals are gone now, and it's time to face the music and the law.

If you're looking for criminals, look no further than the current POTUS, his corrupt administration and his personal attorney Mr Barr.
Your problem is short-sightedness. You see raindrops hit the floor but you don’t look upwards to see where it is coming from. So you get a bucket and put it on the floor under the drops instead of fixing the hole in the roof. It’s sort of like getting a gun because of fear rather than eliminating the fear by fixing the problem. But I know that you are unable to see where the raindrops are coming from so you have no choice but to listen to “nonsensical rhetoric” such as the common nonsensical rhetoric just after a shooting and saying, “If everybody had a gun it never would have happened”.

I am not even close to being short-sighted, in fact, quite the opposite. I am also very pragmatic. You obviously are not. If everybody had a gun, we would still have shootings, no question about it. If nobody had a gun, nobody would get shot, no question about it. The reality is that neither is possible. Everybody won't buy or use a gun and we can't get guns away from everybody. Since this is the case, the pragmatic solution is to allow law abiding citizens to have guns if they wish to protect themselves from criminals with guns. Again, should be rather obvious, unless you actually believe we can take guns away from criminals, which we obviously cannot.

Funny, I always thought the most ignorant people congregate in churches.

And therein lies your biggest problem.
Your problem is short-sightedness. You see raindrops hit the floor but you don’t look upwards to see where it is coming from. So you get a bucket and put it on the floor under the drops instead of fixing the hole in the roof. It’s sort of like getting a gun because of fear rather than eliminating the fear by fixing the problem. But I know that you are unable to see where the raindrops are coming from so you have no choice but to listen to “nonsensical rhetoric” such as the common nonsensical rhetoric just after a shooting and saying, “If everybody had a gun it never would have happened”.

I am not even close to being short-sighted, in fact, quite the opposite. I am also very pragmatic. You obviously are not. If everybody had a gun, we would still have shootings, no question about it. If nobody had a gun, nobody would get shot, no question about it. The reality is that neither is possible. Everybody won't buy or use a gun and we can't get guns away from everybody. Since this is the case, the pragmatic solution is to allow law abiding citizens to have guns if they wish to protect themselves from criminals with guns. Again, should be rather obvious, unless you actually believe we can take guns away from criminals, which we obviously cannot.

Funny, I always thought the most ignorant people congregate in churches.

And therein lies your biggest problem.

Correct. If you took a white middle-class suburb, created a law that every household must have a gun, their violent crime rate would not change. Take a high crime lower income city, make guns totally illegal, their violent crime rate will not change either.

Guns are not murderers, people are murderers. Guns cannot commit crimes, only people can commit crimes. Guns don't go to prison for committing violent crimes, people go to prison for committing violent crimes.

How anybody can believe that taking guns away will change all these other indisputable facts is beyond me.
I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

And just what is Mr. Barr looking into? That's right, the corruption of the Obama administration.

Uh huh right. Eight years of Obama and no indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or prison sentences. You go with that. :icon_rolleyes:

I will, because criminals will give cover to other criminals. Well, the head criminals are gone now, and it's time to face the music and the law.

If you're looking for criminals, look no further than the current POTUS, his corrupt administration and his personal attorney Mr Barr.

I guess we will see when Mr. Durham completes his investigations, won't we?
I'm not an NRA member, but I respect what they do. However their membership is in excess of 5 million, and I'm sure most of them voters.

The only place I see real corruption is the Democrat Party; using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes.

Smart NRA members ain't gonna renew. The dumb ones will vote for Trump anyway.
As for "using federal agencies and phony charges to get even with political foes" ???
Perfect description of President Poopstain and his portly sidekick Mr Barr!

And just what is Mr. Barr looking into? That's right, the corruption of the Obama administration.

Uh huh right. Eight years of Obama and no indictments, guilty pleas, convictions or prison sentences. You go with that. :icon_rolleyes:

I will, because criminals will give cover to other criminals. Well, the head criminals are gone now, and it's time to face the music and the law.

If you're looking for criminals, look no further than the current POTUS, his corrupt administration and his personal attorney Mr Barr.

I guess we will see when Mr. Durham completes his investigations, won't we?

We won't get the actual report from your last hope Mr Durham. We'll get the four page Billy Barf edit - Just before the election I am certain.
He didn't win on a technicality. Is having more points than the other team in a football game a technicality? Maybe we should have crowned the Bengals NFL champs last year if they had the longest time of possession, despite only winning 2 games.

These are rules that have been in existence for many years. The rules were actually very well thought out. Just because you have masses of poor people in a few pockets around the country doesn't mean they should be able to make the laws for everybody. Everyone needs representation.

Actually, if the majority of this country is poor, then YES, they should be making the rules.

The purpose of having elections is to get the will of the people. The electors were supposed to take the will of the people into account. The will of the people was Trump lost by 3 million votes.

The issues you have in Chicago are very different from the issues we have in my state.

You done der got a point, Cleetus. Possum Control is really not a major issue in Chicago...

View attachment 384100
The rest of the world, in particular, Europe, is going to find out how dumb gun control is when their immigrant drug gangs decide to murder more people with guns....

And that is after they didn't learn the lesson of murdering 12 million unarmed men, women and children in the 1930s and 40s.
Oh, you want to talk about Europe? No more to say about America? Your serial killers and shopping mall spree shooters and school shoot 'em ups and road rage pot shots, bank robbers, native Indian massacres and drug cartels kill millions and millions more people than anything experienced in Europe.
Like Europe doesn't have serial killers? Seriously?

Bank robberies are way down pumpkin----new world with tech has made bank robberies almost none existent.

Natie american massacreas---150 years ago, do you wanna discuss Hitler and other genocides that Europe has been part of. Nowadays, Indians (who are not necessarily indians blood wise btw) are their own worse enemies.....Europe has us beat by a long shot when it comes to killing.

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