If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

No, he's not saying that, he's saying he would do a much better job than confused Joe because he works for us, and not his party like Joe has for decades.

Trump works for Trump... this is a guy who calls veterans and war dead "Losers" and "Suckers".

Democrats use that birth rate thing as a means to slip in their agenda. Who says we need more people all the time? We have 330 million now. How much more do we need? In fact, we could lose several million and nobody would ever know the difference.

People of color aren't going away and they are reproducing faster than whites. Deal with it.

If you want to see a country that has limited immigration as a policy, check out Japan and their Demographic Death Spiral... not enough young to take care of the old. Where's Godzilla when you need him?

Who's afraid of the popular vote? Not me, because the popular vote doesn't mean anything in our election process, only the EC's do.

Your side has only won the popular vote ONCE since 1988. you should be terrified of it, especially if people actually started participating.

What progress did he make on racial issues? Two riots under DumBama. He had to have a beer summit over his stupid comments.

Two small riots under Obama vs. Riots that have gone on for FOUR MONTHS under Trump. Um, yeah, I'll take that progress.

Our economy was floating along. The worst recovery since WWII. Nobody can make the case that the economy had anything to do with him. You can't credit the most anti-business President of our lifetime with a good economy. It grew in spite of him, not because of him.

I mean, I know, man, it would kill you to give the black guy credit for anything.

I think you'd rather fall off a cliff than let a black guy pull you up.
Or the Democrats can change their policies so they can win enough EC votes to win elections. But they're going to have a tough time doing that by allowing their cities to be destroyed, getting rid of or greatly weakening their police departments, getting rid of ICE and opening the borders to diseased third worlders, stopping our energy independence and being the major exporter of energy. Talking about destroying property values by placing their high-crime poverty people into our neighborhoods.

Actually, demographics are not your friend... non-whites are reproducing and immigrating here faster than whites, and if you keep up with this racist shit, you won't win the EC, either. You probably won't win it this year... Trump is arguing that only he can stop the riots, recession and plague that broke out on his watch.

"Only I can save you from the mess I've Created" is not a winning strategy.

You might be fooling yourself thinking that most Americans want these things along with being disarmed by the government, but most of the country does not want to go this route. Most of the country wants to see problems solved, not new ones created by the left.

If "most of the country" wanted more of the same, you wouldn't be terrified of a Popular Vote.

Thing is, we HAD most of the problems solved when Trump took over. The economy was good, we were making progress on racial issues, and then Trump came along and pretty much screwed it all up.
where were you living? china? BARRAGs economy sucked the big one, and when the asswipe bailed banks instead of AMERICAN people out , that said what was important.
No, he's not saying that, he's saying he would do a much better job than confused Joe because he works for us, and not his party like Joe has for decades.

Trump works for Trump... this is a guy who calls veterans and war dead "Losers" and "Suckers".

Democrats use that birth rate thing as a means to slip in their agenda. Who says we need more people all the time? We have 330 million now. How much more do we need? In fact, we could lose several million and nobody would ever know the difference.

People of color aren't going away and they are reproducing faster than whites. Deal with it.

If you want to see a country that has limited immigration as a policy, check out Japan and their Demographic Death Spiral... not enough young to take care of the old. Where's Godzilla when you need him?

Who's afraid of the popular vote? Not me, because the popular vote doesn't mean anything in our election process, only the EC's do.

Your side has only won the popular vote ONCE since 1988. you should be terrified of it, especially if people actually started participating.

What progress did he make on racial issues? Two riots under DumBama. He had to have a beer summit over his stupid comments.

Two small riots under Obama vs. Riots that have gone on for FOUR MONTHS under Trump. Um, yeah, I'll take that progress.

Our economy was floating along. The worst recovery since WWII. Nobody can make the case that the economy had anything to do with him. You can't credit the most anti-business President of our lifetime with a good economy. It grew in spite of him, not because of him.

I mean, I know, man, it would kill you to give the black guy credit for anything.

I think you'd rather fall off a cliff than let a black guy pull you up.
and you are the idiot that jumps on the FAKE NEWS bandwagon
Trump works for Trump... this is a guy who calls veterans and war dead "Losers" and "Suckers".

Except that's already a proven lie.

People of color aren't going away and they are reproducing faster than whites. Deal with it.

If you want to see a country that has limited immigration as a policy, check out Japan and their Demographic Death Spiral... not enough young to take care of the old. Where's Godzilla when you need him?

Then maybe it's time we start looking at changing policies where people can invest their money to take care of themselves, and not have people taking care of them when they are old. This is the failure of socialism, it's a Ponzi scheme. Somebody at the end somewhere is going to lose out.

Your side has only won the popular vote ONCE since 1988. you should be terrified of it, especially if people actually started participating.

Why would I be terrified? We don't use the popular vote to elect Presidents. You are terrified because we do use the EC as we've had for a couple of hundred years now. Mob rule is the path to end a country.

Two small riots under Obama vs. Riots that have gone on for FOUR MONTHS under Trump. Um, yeah, I'll take that progress.

You mean the riots that Democrat Mayors and Governors did nothing about? The same who demanded Trump remove any help from Homeland Security when he sent them in? Yeah, Trump's fault.

I mean, I know, man, it would kill you to give the black guy credit for anything.

I think you'd rather fall off a cliff than let a black guy pull you up.

I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But I won't give somebody credit simply for just being there. Show me what he did for businesses. Oh yes, he burdened them with Commie Care, he raised their taxes, he inflicted them with job killing regulations, he increased their fuel prices. Yeah, that would make any industry want to create more jobs.
where were you living? china? BARRAGs economy sucked the big one, and when the asswipe bailed banks instead of AMERICAN people out , that said what was important.

The economy sucked because Bush Crashed the economy.
Obama fixed it.
Trump fucked it up again.
Biden will fix it.
The the GOP will play on your racial, religious and sexual fears, and you'll elect some other moron.
where were you living? china? BARRAGs economy sucked the big one, and when the asswipe bailed banks instead of AMERICAN people out , that said what was important.

The economy sucked because Bush Crashed the economy.
Obama fixed it.
Trump fucked it up again.
Biden will fix it.
The the GOP will play on your racial, religious and sexual fears, and you'll elect some other moron.

Trump did nothing to crash the economy and you know it. The virus has affected the entire world's economy in case you haven't noticed.

Biden couldn't set a nail without being told which end of the hammer to hold.
Except that's already a proven lie.

Not really. All Trump's sycophants, the same people who sat by when he tried to conspire with Russia and the Ukraine, pinky swear he never said these kinds of things he's been saying for year.

Then maybe it's time we start looking at changing policies where people can invest their money to take care of themselves, and not have people taking care of them when they are old. This is the failure of socialism, it's a Ponzi scheme. Somebody at the end somewhere is going to lose out.

It's not a matter of "investment", it's a matter of labor. There's a certain point where people can't work anymore. Some people actually insist on NOT working because they can't get the job they want and insist that the rest of us take care of them (cough, cough).

Why would I be terrified? We don't use the popular vote to elect Presidents. You are terrified because we do use the EC as we've had for a couple of hundred years now. Mob rule is the path to end a country.

I'm terrified that we get morons like Bush and Trump when the people clearly reject them,and they precede to really fuck things up.

You mean the riots that Democrat Mayors and Governors did nothing about? The same who demanded Trump remove any help from Homeland Security when he sent them in? Yeah, Trump's fault.

Trump spent years stirring the racial tensions that caused these riots. (Not to mention the plague and the recession that probably helped.)

I'll give anybody credit deserving of it. But I won't give somebody credit simply for just being there. Show me what he did for businesses. Oh yes, he burdened them with Commie Care, he raised their taxes, he inflicted them with job killing regulations, he increased their fuel prices. Yeah, that would make any industry want to create more jobs.

He passed a stimulus
He saved the Auto industry
He reformed the banks

But man, it would kill you to give any credit to the black guy.
Trump did nothing to crash the economy and you know it. The virus has affected the entire world's economy in case you haven't noticed.

The rest of the world handled this virus the right way, which is why they've had less economic damage than we've had. Trump has pissed away 3 Trillion on corporate welfare and we are still in a mess.
But man, it would kill you to give any credit to the black guy

LOL..the ole' racists crap again. Obama was corrupt and his policies were a detriment to our country. That is why many didn't like him. I don't like Biden for the same reasons and he is as white as the driven snow, but by all means, make it about race.
But man, it would kill you to give any credit to the black guy

LOL..the ole' racists crap again. Obama was corrupt and his policies were a detriment to our country. That is why many didn't like him. I don't like Biden for the same reasons and he is as white as the driven snow, but by all means, make it about race.

Anybody on the right that Joe suspects as white is a racist to him. So I am in good company because those are some good people.
LOL..the ole' racists crap again. Obama was corrupt and his policies were a detriment to our country. That is why many didn't like him. I don't like Biden for the same reasons and he is as white as the driven snow, but by all means, make it about race.

Actually, I've never seen a criticism of Obama that wasn't racist at it's core. I can imagine you guys when Kamala becomes president. "She's black AND she has a vagina!!!!"



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Trump did nothing to crash the economy and you know it. The virus has affected the entire world's economy in case you haven't noticed.

The rest of the world handled this virus the right way, which is why they've had less economic damage than we've had. Trump has pissed away 3 Trillion on corporate welfare and we are still in a mess.

We were in better shape that the rest of the world thanks to Trump. We will recover better as well if he gets re-elected. If Biden wins, lefties will blame the collapse on Trump, of course, but those with an IQ higher than a Pomeranian know the truth.
LOL..the ole' racists crap again. Obama was corrupt and his policies were a detriment to our country. That is why many didn't like him. I don't like Biden for the same reasons and he is as white as the driven snow, but by all means, make it about race.

Actually, I've never seen a criticism of Obama that wasn't racist at it's core. I can imagine you guys when Kamala becomes president. "She's black AND she has a vagina!!!!"

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You can't be serious. Obamacare was a disaster. The Iran deal was completely and totally insane, unless we were actually trying to get them nuclear weapons, in which case, it was brilliant. His handling of ISIS was too soft. Those are just a few off the top of my head. How are these racist at their core? Let the spin begin.
And I've seen you compared people of color to thugs, rabid animals, and spoiled milk.

You know, just because some is black doesn't preclude them from being called a thug or an rabid animal. It also doesn't mean all black people are thugs and rabid animals. There are white thugs and rabid animals as well. The problem is, you and your kind of a hair trigger for calling someone a racist.
Not really. All Trump's sycophants, the same people who sat by when he tried to conspire with Russia and the Ukraine, pinky swear he never said these kinds of things he's been saying for year.

It's all BS. Don't you think that if this Commie Atlantic magazine had this information, they would have came out with it two years ago, supposedly when it happened? And who were these people that told the Atlantic Trump said this? Oh, that's right, they were all anonymous sources, the same anonymous sources that report on Trump to the NYT.

It's not a matter of "investment", it's a matter of labor. There's a certain point where people can't work anymore. Some people actually insist on NOT working because they can't get the job they want and insist that the rest of us take care of them (cough, cough).

Well if all that money we paid into SS and FICA were used to make conservative long term investments, we wouldn't have to worry about that any longer, would we? Everybody would retire as a millionaire and some long before the age of 67.

Because of these flawed social program systems, we need to keep bringing in more people, right? So when do we stop? When we have 400 million people? How about 700 million people? How about a billion people like China?

Then who will feed all these people? Besides the amount of people, we would have to put them some place. So we'd need to develop our farm land into housing units.

I'm terrified that we get morons like Bush and Trump when the people clearly reject them,and they precede to really fuck things up.

The only one that was rejected the last race was Hillary, just like Biden will be in this race. You can't lose at a game of gin rummy and say you actually won the game because you had a good poker hand. It's a stupid statement.

Trump spent years stirring the racial tensions that caused these riots. (Not to mention the plague and the recession that probably helped.)

And yet you can't point to anything racial about Trump, his words, or his policies. Want me to remind you the things that creepy Joe said about race in the past?

He passed a stimulus
He saved the Auto industry
He reformed the banks

But man, it would kill you to give any credit to the black guy.

What stimulus? You mean that worthless extra few bucks we got in our paycheck every week that helped weaken Social Security? Sorry, that didn't do shit for the economy. Auto industry? Yeah, he paid back his union buddies that donate to the Democrat party, and it didn't do squat for the economy. Do you know how many UAW workers we have today? A little over 400,000. You can't take such a small group of people and stimulate a country of over 300 million people that way. How did "reforming banks" do anything for the economy?
We were in better shape that the rest of the world thanks to Trump.

No we aren't. We've had 180K deaths, even though we have 4% of the world's population, we account for 22% of the total deaths.

Trump's criminal mismanagement of Covid will be taught in government schools under "Don't do THAT!!!"

You can't be serious. Obamacare was a disaster.

Actually, it was fine. 20 million people got coverage, the insurance companies were prohibited from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Here's how you know that it was a success. When the GOP finally got a president who would sign a repeal, they suddenly stopped trying to repeal it.

The Iran deal was completely and totally insane, unless we were actually trying to get them nuclear weapons, in which case, it was brilliant.

Actually, it was brilliant. IRan doesn't have a nuke, do they? If they did, they'd have done a test right after Trump made everything worse by killing Sulimani. We are talking about 80 year old technology here, sport. If they don't have nukes, it's because they choose not to have them.

His handling of ISIS was too soft.

Really, Let's look at that.

Bush engages in a disastrous invasion of Iraq. We extricate ourselves from that situation by having the Iraqi government pay off the Sunni Militias to play nice so we can leave in good order, which everyone wanted us to. This was Bush and Petreaus' policy, not Obama's. So all that had to happen was after we left, Maliki had to just keep the payments to the Sunnis and give them representation... which he didn't do.

And big surprise, they revolted against the government. Just not seeing how that was Obama's fault.
It's all BS. Don't you think that if this Commie Atlantic magazine had this information, they would have came out with it two years ago, supposedly when it happened? And who were these people that told the Atlantic Trump said this? Oh, that's right, they were all anonymous sources, the same anonymous sources that report on Trump to the NYT.

Except that these sources have been confirmed by numerous other new outlets, INCLUDING Fox News...

Also, common sense. Trump has been saying these kinds of rude things for years. Remember when he said, "I like guys who don't get captured" when running McCain down? Or when he said to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson, "He knew what he signed up for!" Or that according to Mary Trump, he threatened to disown Donald Jr. if he signed up for the army. It isn't just that the man doesn't respect those of us that served, it's that his narcissistic mind can't understand why anyone would serve.

I could explain why 18 year old me signed up, but I doubt he'd understand it. It wasn't because I was a loser or a sucker.

Well if all that money we paid into SS and FICA were used to make conservative long term investments, we wouldn't have to worry about that any longer, would we? Everybody would retire as a millionaire and some long before the age of 67.
Then who will feed all these people? Besides the amount of people, we would have to put them some place. So we'd need to develop our farm land into housing units.
The only one that was rejected the last race was Hillary, just like Biden will be in this race. You can't lose at a game of gin rummy and say you actually won the game because you had a good poker hand. It's a stupid statement.

I think you miss the point. This isn't a card game. The purpose of an election is to determine the will of the people. The Will of the People was made very clear in 2016. They didn't want Trump. He was clearly rejected. That he won on some technicality because we haven't gotten rid of this anachronism that quietly slept in the background for 100 years is kind of the problem. We should have gotten rid of the EC years ago.

So a guy who the people didn't want engaged in policies most of them oppose, and proceeds to wreck the economy, and this by you is good, because the Black Guy hurt your feelings?

And yet you can't point to anything racial about Trump, his words, or his policies.

I have many times, but you just go on with the tiresome, "Well, that's not really racist"

What stimulus? You mean that worthless extra few bucks we got in our paycheck every week that helped weaken Social Security? Sorry, that didn't do shit for the economy. Auto industry? Yeah, he paid back his union buddies that donate to the Democrat party, and it didn't do squat for the economy. Do you know how many UAW workers we have today? A little over 400,000. You can't take such a small group of people and stimulate a country of over 300 million people that way. How did "reforming banks" do anything for the economy?

Actually, what you don't get is the trickle down effect. It wasn't just the 400K Auto WOrkers, it was everyone else who worked in an adjecent industry. At the time, I worked for a company that imported components for the Auto Industry. Had the auto industry not been saved, those jobs would have been eliminated as well.
Except that these sources have been confirmed by numerous other new outlets, INCLUDING Fox News...

Also, common sense. Trump has been saying these kinds of rude things for years. Remember when he said, "I like guys who don't get captured" when running McCain down? Or when he said to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson, "He knew what he signed up for!" Or that according to Mary Trump, he threatened to disown Donald Jr. if he signed up for the army. It isn't just that the man doesn't respect those of us that served, it's that his narcissistic mind can't understand why anyone would serve.

No, it has not been confirmed because nobody can confirm anonymous sources. Even if they could, it's still a he said--she said situation. There is no video or audio of Trump ever saying that. If Fox came out with a story where some people said Biden supported the KKK years ago, would you believe it without any proof, especially since the sources were anonymous?

I think you miss the point. This isn't a card game. The purpose of an election is to determine the will of the people. The Will of the People was made very clear in 2016. They didn't want Trump. He was clearly rejected. That he won on some technicality because we haven't gotten rid of this anachronism that quietly slept in the background for 100 years is kind of the problem. We should have gotten rid of the EC years ago.

So a guy who the people didn't want engaged in policies most of them oppose, and proceeds to wreck the economy, and this by you is good, because the Black Guy hurt your feelings?

It's you that doesn't get it. If you live in a strong Democrat state like CA or NY and are Republican, it's kind of a waste of time to vote for a Republican President. They stand no chance at winning anyway, so you just stay home.

If we had a popular vote, those people would not stay home. Even if they're the minority in their state, their vote would still go towards the final total. The combined population of NY and CA is over 60 million people. Think of how many of those people don't bother voting for a Republican President with our current system.

Therefore we don't know how the turnout would have been. Did Hillary get the popular vote? Yes, and that overage came from one state--California, and it was only popular with the people who voted, not the entire country.

That's why I stated you are making claim of winning a game that wasn't played.

I have many times, but you just go on with the tiresome, "Well, that's not really racist"

No. I have asked many times, and you have ignored my question many times.

Actually, what you don't get is the trickle down effect. It wasn't just the 400K Auto WOrkers, it was everyone else who worked in an adjecent industry. At the time, I worked for a company that imported components for the Auto Industry. Had the auto industry not been saved, those jobs would have been eliminated as well.

No they would not have. Look, if I'm in the market for a new car and GM closes down, I'll buy a car from another company. Those other companies will get the work and need to hire more workers to get the product out. That means their product providers will also need to pump out more parts, and of course, hire more people to do it. So the bailout didn't help squat.

That's besides the fact that without money, the auto industry would have had to file for bankruptcy. It would have gone to bankruptcy court, and the judge would have worked out an operation plan to get them out of the hole and keep them afloat. That's what other business do.
Actually, it was fine. 20 million people got coverage, the insurance companies were prohibited from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Here's how you know that it was a success. When the GOP finally got a president who would sign a repeal, they suddenly stopped trying to repeal it.

While ignoring how many millions of Americans lost their coverage like I did. The hardest hit were small companies like the one I worked for.


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