If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

...Joe Biden cannot win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...The Left may indeed steal the election...
Or the Left may win the election fair-and-square, after dealing with your POS Orange Baboon-God's idiocy for four years?

...But, there is NO WAY Biden will legally win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...And, most Americans already have firearms...
And you will keep your guns in their lockers at-home and abide by the results of the election and you will abide by the laws of the United States.

To borrow a line from the old Cajun chef Justin Wilson...


...Keep in mind B. Hussein was one of the Greatest Gun Salesman's of ALL Time !!!!
You aren't going to do $hit, except abide by the results of the election, and obey the laws of the United States.
...Joe Biden cannot win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...The Left may indeed steal the election...
Or the Left may win the election fair-and-square, after dealing with your POS Orange Baboon-God's idiocy for four years?

...But, there is NO WAY Biden will legally win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...And, most Americans already have firearms...
And you will keep your guns in their lockers at-home and abide by the results of the election and you will abide by the laws of the United States.

To borrow a line from the old Cajun chef Justin Wilson...


...Keep in mind B. Hussein was one of the Greatest Gun Salesman's of ALL Time !!!!
You aren't going to do $hit, except abide by the results of the election, and obey the laws of the United States.

This was you back on 2016 wasn't it?

The rest of the normal thinking Americans understood the political atmosphere in this Country much better.

I suspect it will be the same again for you guys in November.

Leftist are so Gullible.
...I post evidence --you post babble crap
I could post evidence, too... for example...

That day is bright, and night is dark...

But that has nothing to do with Obumble being the origin of the Hate Whitey mindset...

Just as your post of White-vs-Black voting patterns in 2012 does nothing to assert that Obumble is the point-of-origin for the Hate Whitey movement...

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, boy... didn't you ever take a course in basic Logic? :auiqs.jpg:
...Joe Biden cannot win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...The Left may indeed steal the election...
Or the Left may win the election fair-and-square, after dealing with your POS Orange Baboon-God's idiocy for four years?

...But, there is NO WAY Biden will legally win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...And, most Americans already have firearms...
And you will keep your guns in their lockers at-home and abide by the results of the election and you will abide by the laws of the United States.

To borrow a line from the old Cajun chef Justin Wilson...


...Keep in mind B. Hussein was one of the Greatest Gun Salesman's of ALL Time !!!!
You aren't going to do $hit, except abide by the results of the election, and obey the laws of the United States.

This was you back on 2016 wasn't it?

The rest of the normal thinking Americans understood the political atmosphere in this Country much better.

I suspect it will be the same for you guys in November.

Leftist are so Gullible.
Sit down, child... and get back to me when you can put a coherent thought together.
...Obama got it going to full steam
Only amongst those White Folk who couldn't stand the idea of a Black fellow becoming President. The rest of us were OK with it.
woooohooooo--you fked up now
.....blacks are the ones who vote based on skin color--not whites--whites are fair
..I liked Obama until he revealed his racism/hate of America/whites/cops
View attachment 378714

The theme in our little exchange was that the Hate Whitey mindset has existed in a broadly noticeable form since the 1950s or 1960s...

Your regurgitating of the Black-vs-White voting trends during either of Obumble's election cycles does nothing to contradict that longer history...

And, although the Hate Whitey mindset does, indeed, exist, in some considerable weight, the data you belched-up here does nothing to support it...

Hell... that was just Black Folks' first real shot at "The Title" and a chance to put someone in office who looked more like them than us...

In their place, I probably would have done the same damned thing, and not thought about Whitey one way or another, never mind bringing Hate into it...

Do us all a favor, eh? If you're going to serve-up evidence that Obumble was the trigger for the Hate Whitey movement, think it through, first eh? :auiqs.jpg:
MLK was a civil rights movement/etc
BLM the Hate Whitey Movement started in 2013--the year Obama was in office
sorry--you lose HAHAHAHHAHh
more evidence for YOUR babble crap
...I post evidence --you post babble crap
I could post evidence, too... for example...

That day is bright, and night is dark...

But that has nothing to do with Obumble being the origin of the Hate Whitey mindset...

Just as your post of White-vs-Black voting patterns in 2012 does nothing to assert that Obumble is the point-of-origin for the Hate Whitey movement...

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, boy... didn't you ever take a course in basic Logic? :auiqs.jpg:
you could provide evidence --but you HAVEN'T
...I post evidence --you post babble crap
I could post evidence, too... for example...

That day is bright, and night is dark...

But that has nothing to do with Obumble being the origin of the Hate Whitey mindset...

Just as your post of White-vs-Black voting patterns in 2012 does nothing to assert that Obumble is the point-of-origin for the Hate Whitey movement...

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, boy... didn't you ever take a course in basic Logic? :auiqs.jpg:
AND--BLM wants to KILL white people--I'd say that is hate
..they say looting is ---------------OK!!!!!!!!!!!
MLK never said that
...Joe Biden cannot win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...The Left may indeed steal the election...
Or the Left may win the election fair-and-square, after dealing with your POS Orange Baboon-God's idiocy for four years?

...But, there is NO WAY Biden will legally win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...And, most Americans already have firearms...
And you will keep your guns in their lockers at-home and abide by the results of the election and you will abide by the laws of the United States.

To borrow a line from the old Cajun chef Justin Wilson...


...Keep in mind B. Hussein was one of the Greatest Gun Salesman's of ALL Time !!!!
You aren't going to do $hit, except abide by the results of the election, and obey the laws of the United States.

This was you back on 2016 wasn't it?

The rest of the normal thinking Americans understood the political atmosphere in this Country much better.

I suspect it will be the same for you guys in November.

Leftist are so Gullible.
Sit down, child... and get back to me when you can put a coherent thought together.
you need to sit down--I'm tearing you up--big time
evidence posted
BLM is the Hate Whitey/KILL whitey movement
...Joe Biden cannot win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...The Left may indeed steal the election...
Or the Left may win the election fair-and-square, after dealing with your POS Orange Baboon-God's idiocy for four years?

...But, there is NO WAY Biden will legally win...
Why? Because YOU don't WANT him to? Not good enough.

...And, most Americans already have firearms...
And you will keep your guns in their lockers at-home and abide by the results of the election and you will abide by the laws of the United States.

To borrow a line from the old Cajun chef Justin Wilson...


...Keep in mind B. Hussein was one of the Greatest Gun Salesman's of ALL Time !!!!
You aren't going to do $hit, except abide by the results of the election, and obey the laws of the United States.

This was you back on 2016 wasn't it?

The rest of the normal thinking Americans understood the political atmosphere in this Country much better.

I suspect it will be the same for you guys in November.

Leftist are so Gullible.
Sit down, child... and get back to me when you can put a coherent thought together.
My post was very coherent for all to see.

You simply just don't like me pointing out the obvious.

Normal thinking Americans, just like in 2016 .... know exactly what's going on.

It's only you Gullible Leftist who can't see it.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
You’re patient zero. Biden derangement syndrome is here

RACIST DemoKKKrat Candycorn means he believes Senile old Joe Biden will protect him from all these PREDATORS. Like he did Hunter from being shot, and Jill from being hit over the head with a hammer! LMAO

Is the plan to kill all blacks, or all of us Democrats?

If you believe Old Senile Joe Biden, he'll just put all blacks... errr PREDATORS into prison and throw away the key, because they are "IRREDEEMABLE".
But do senile DemoKKKrats like Joe Biden ever know what they're really talking about?
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:
You have white guilt. The only reason for someone to feel guilty is if they have done something or feel something they believe to be wrong. I have no guilt so therefore my concsious doesn't bother me. White folks with these feelings need to figure out what is causing this guilt.

I'm sure your conscience doesn't bother you at all, Cleetus.
We should feel bad when we see police misconduct and we don't do anything about it.

Guns don't kill people. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens doesn't mean criminals will turn them in. The vast majority of gun deaths are at the hands of criminals with illegal guns, not law abiding citizens with legal ones. You still haven't figured these things out? Oh that's right, you live one of the ultra-brainwashed cities of the US, Chicago.

Look, you inbred redneck, every other industrialized country limits or bans guns.
Their criminals don't have guns because there are no guns to be had.

Most gun deaths are domestic violence and suicide... a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Notice you still haven't told us what city or state you live in. Are you embarrassed?
We have been through this before. This inbred redneck is much more successful and obviously infinitely more intelligent. I don't want to reveal the state I live in for privacy reasons. It has nothing to do with being embarrassed. Like I've told you many times before, I live in a place where a lot of liberals from the NE and upper mid Wesr are fleeing to
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:
now that is SUPER babble crap
...what planet are you on?? blacks murder other BLACKS at four times the national average---
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

"If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun."""

Your post is so full of ignorance, I don't know where to start.

Yeah, you Trumptards get your guns and hit the street and become a domestic terrorist group. It's the final step in turning this country into Mussolini's wet dream, you stupid fuck.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:
now that is SUPER babble crap
...what planet are you on?? blacks murder other BLACKS at four times the national average---
Thank you for making my point for me.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

"If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun."""

Your post is so full of ignorance, I don't know where to start.

Yeah, you Trumptards get your guns and hit the street and become a domestic terrorist group. It's the final step in turning this country into Mussolini's wet dream, you stupid fuck.
....the right is not the ones BURNING/looting/rioting/murdering at FOUR times the national average --that's the left/BLM/blacks
BLM are the terrorists--undeniable
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:

Such a RACIST DemoKKKrat, you sound like. Believing blacks can't or don't own guns.
Now sure many white DemoKKKrats keep them from owning them in DemoKKKrat run cities, but everywhere else they can own guns.
Why are you such a RACIST? Is it how you're programmed by the DNC?
Next you'll claim you actually believe the DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-SGT-Shultz when she said ALL BLACKS make minimum wage.

"Harry Reid has helped ALL BLACKS, like uh...um... with his support for raising the minimum wage." - Debbie SGT-Shultz trying to defend DemoKKKrat Reid's "Negro Accent" statement

I'm sure every black lawyer, doctor and business owner appreciate Massa Reid and DemoKKKrats trying to give them RAISES! LMAO

Democrats, you're all natural RACISTS!
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:
now that is SUPER babble crap
...what planet are you on?? blacks murder other BLACKS at four times the national average---
Thank you for making my point for me.
.....you prove you are a RACIST .......why are you people obsessed with RACE?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:

Such a RACIST DemoKKKrat, you sound like. Believing blacks can't or don't own guns.
Comprehension fail, retard. Try again.

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