If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:
now that is SUPER babble crap
...what planet are you on?? blacks murder other BLACKS at four times the national average---
Thank you for making my point for me.
.....you prove you are a RACIST .......why are you people obsessed with RACE?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a Never Trumper, dipshit. Try again.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:

Such a RACIST DemoKKKrat, you sound like. Believing blacks can't or don't own guns.
Comprehension fail, retard. Try again.
Comprehension fail, retard. Try again.
Comprehension fail, retard. Try again.

The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions.

Get it now, retard?

I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
I am a 70 year old white man and know what you say comes from a paranoid, mentally damaged man, that is scared of getting older and closer to death. You want to blame others for what you fear. Unnecessary fear and insecurity is ruining the last part of your life.
You are a danger to yourself and those around you. People as paranoid and detached from reality to you talking about guns is a problem.
Please get a mental exam. I am asking as one old white man to another.

There is nothing paranoid about the concern of the escalating lawlessness and inequity being propagated by the left. Nothing at all. We should all be very concerned.
The rioters are a small % of the Biden supporters. Just as bad are the "proud Boys" and the like fighting the far left rioters in Portland.
They all need to be rounded up and taken care of; extreme left and right.
Biden does not want to defund the police, just the opposite. He wants to provide more resources.
Another Trump lie.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
I am a 70 year old white man and know what you say comes from a paranoid, mentally damaged man, that is scared of getting older and closer to death. You want to blame others for what you fear. Unnecessary fear and insecurity is ruining the last part of your life.
You are a danger to yourself and those around you. People as paranoid and detached from reality to you talking about guns is a problem.
Please get a mental exam. I am asking as one old white man to another.

There is nothing paranoid about the concern of the escalating lawlessness and inequity being propagated by the left. Nothing at all. We should all be very concerned.
The rioters are a small % of the Biden supporters. Just as bad are the "proud Boys" and the like fighting the far left rioters in Portland.
They all need to be rounded up and taken care of; extreme left and right.
Biden does not want to defund the police, just the opposite. He wants to provide more resources.
Another Trump lie.

No, BLM and antifa are doing the work of the leftists. They will be trampled eventually. Biden wouldn't admonish BLM. These are his marxist idiots. Own it, its your left today.
you fked up again!!! NO they are NOT held accountable
..and the police ARE held accountable--there are always FAIR investigations

No, it's not a fair investigation when you investigate yourself, dummy.

I mean, let's let the Mafia investigate themselves, while we are at it.
...they aren't investigating themselves--the county prosecutor/etc does that....the police do not render the verdicts
..most of your posts are total bullshit = without evidence
No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

No, they kind of did when they decided to make excuses for any thug who kills a black person.

George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason van Dyke, Amber Guyger, Darren Chauvin, they've all had people come on this board and make excuses for them.

Black folks don't need an academic or a politician to TELL them to be upset about this... Heck, I'm upset this sort of thing goes on, and I'm white.
I believe they called people like you "collborators" in the 1930's.

You really should get some help for that mental disorder.

No black person is going to kill you.

Your paranoia is working overtime.

BLM isn't a violent organization. All they do is march and protest.

If you have been paying attention to honest factual news you would know that the violence, not the looting, was caused by the boogaloo boys, the proud boys and some other rag tag far right groups. They are infiltrating BLM and trying to blame their violence on BLM. Boogaloo boys killed a cop in California.

If you had been paying attention to honest news you would know this.

You are afraid of the wrong people. All BLM wants is for the police to stop murdering them.

No BLM wants to harm your fat, lazy white ass.
This is your brain on drugs Ray..........Never do drugs..............

Seems the LSD clowns had kids and they are as fucked up as their treasonous parents.

Maybe they will not breed..........that would be good for this country.

Oh........hey Dana................put the drugs down and step away from the bong
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
I am a 70 year old white man and know what you say comes from a paranoid, mentally damaged man, that is scared of getting older and closer to death. You want to blame others for what you fear. Unnecessary fear and insecurity is ruining the last part of your life.
You are a danger to yourself and those around you. People as paranoid and detached from reality to you talking about guns is a problem.
Please get a mental exam. I am asking as one old white man to another.

There is nothing paranoid about the concern of the escalating lawlessness and inequity being propagated by the left. Nothing at all. We should all be very concerned.
The rioters are a small % of the Biden supporters. Just as bad are the "proud Boys" and the like fighting the far left rioters in Portland.
They all need to be rounded up and taken care of; extreme left and right.
Biden does not want to defund the police, just the opposite. He wants to provide more resources.
Another Trump lie.
...bullshit----a large percentage SUPPORT the riots- = a large % support Biden
We have been through this before. This inbred redneck is much more successful and obviously infinitely more intelligent. I don't want to reveal the state I live in for privacy reasons. It has nothing to do with being embarrassed. Like I've told you many times before, I live in a place where a lot of liberals from the NE and upper mid Wesr are fleeing to

Yeah, clearly I'm going to be able to search your ENTIRE state and figure out who you really are.

Oh, come on, the reason why you don't mention the state you live in is that like most Southern States, it's a Third World Country.

But I'm sure you have the nicest Double Wide in the Trailer Park, Cleetus.

I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

I suggest you put the cork in the bottle well before 3 AM. Actually, you should have corked the bottle more than 50 years ago.

What policies or laws do you oppose and find corruptive? Integration of our armed forces? Brown v. Board of Ed? The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts? AA, replaced by Consent Decrees?

Your excuse for Slavery is a ludicrous effort of sophistry.
Only slavery I see are brain dead liberals living on the streets of shithole Dem cities and States with barely enough money to buy a dang Taco because elitist pricks have killed the middle class there and fucked them without vasoline for decades.

We have no need to listen to people where the people living there are running away in droves and only foreigners from shithole countries come there..........unless they are rich Chi coms spending 2 to 3 million on a used old small house that we could build 10 of them here bigger and better here.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Dave Chappelle has the answer to the gun problem. He says every black person in America should buy guns.

Then you will see those pasty white Republicans suddenly become very interested in enacting gun control. :lol:

Defund the police and give them a leave of absense for a few months and enjoy.;
Comprehension fail, retard. Try again.

The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions.

Get it now, retard?

Only in liberal la la land..............try your shit in the south bitch.........it will not end well...........

You only do this crap in pussified liberal shit holes..........your HIVES..............Here.......not so much .......and here the leaders will call the national guard and end this BS........

Tell me about what happened in New Orleans after Katrina to the gangs who were murdering .........raping.......and looting..........hmmm...........what happened to them........oh well......they will not be missed.
No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

No, they kind of did when they decided to make excuses for any thug who kills a black person.

George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason van Dyke, Amber Guyger, Darren Chauvin, they've all had people come on this board and make excuses for them.

Black folks don't need an academic or a politician to TELL them to be upset about this... Heck, I'm upset this sort of thing goes on, and I'm white.
"Excuses" like being innocent? George Zimmerman" was declared "not guilty" by a jury of his peers. A grand jury declined to indict Darren Wilson after taking 25 days, over the span of three months, to hear more than 5,000 pages of testimony from 60 witnesses.
No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

No, they kind of did when they decided to make excuses for any thug who kills a black person.

George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason van Dyke, Amber Guyger, Darren Chauvin, they've all had people come on this board and make excuses for them.

Black folks don't need an academic or a politician to TELL them to be upset about this... Heck, I'm upset this sort of thing goes on, and I'm white.
"Excuses" like being innocent? George Zimmerman" was declared "not guilty" by a jury of his peers. A grand jury declined to indict Darren Wilson after taking 25 days, over the span of three months, to hear more than 5,000 pages of testimony from 60 witnesses.
Look at my sig line..........why I have had that Bolshevik POS on ignore forever.
No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

No, they kind of did when they decided to make excuses for any thug who kills a black person.

George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason van Dyke, Amber Guyger, Darren Chauvin, they've all had people come on this board and make excuses for them.

Black folks don't need an academic or a politician to TELL them to be upset about this... Heck, I'm upset this sort of thing goes on, and I'm white.
"Excuses" like being innocent? George Zimmerman" was declared "not guilty" by a jury of his peers. A grand jury declined to indict Darren Wilson after taking 25 days, over the span of three months, to hear more than 5,000 pages of testimony from 60 witnesses.
Wilson was investigated THREE times!!!!!
....once by the county prosecutor, once by OBAMA'S admin--and again recently by the BLACK RACIST white hating prosecutor--who found nothing
Wilson was investigated THREE times!!!!!
....once by the county prosecutor, once by OBAMA'S admin--and again recently by the BLACK RACIST white hating prosecutor--who found nothing

No, one prosecutor swept it under the carpet, and others said that reopening it would constitute Double Jeopardy.
The Grand Jury refused to indict him, moron.

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