If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

...Obama got it going to full steam
Only amongst those White Folk who couldn't stand the idea of a Black fellow becoming President. The rest of us were OK with it.
woooohooooo--you fked up now
.....blacks are the ones who vote based on skin color--not whites--whites are fair
..I liked Obama until he revealed his racism/hate of America/whites/cops
View attachment 378714

The theme in our little exchange was that the Hate Whitey mindset has existed in a broadly noticeable form since the 1950s or 1960s...

Your regurgitating of the Black-vs-White voting trends during either of Obumble's election cycles does nothing to contradict that longer history...

And, although the Hate Whitey mindset does, indeed, exist, in some considerable weight, the data you belched-up here does nothing to support it...

Hell... that was just Black Folks' first real shot at "The Title" and a chance to put someone in office who looked more like them than us...

In their place, I probably would have done the same damned thing, and not thought about Whitey one way or another, never mind bringing Hate into it...

Do us all a favor, eh? If you're going to serve-up evidence that Obumble was the trigger for the Hate Whitey movement, think it through, first eh? :auiqs.jpg:
MLK was a civil rights movement/etc
BLM the Hate Whitey Movement started in 2013--the year Obama was in office
sorry--you lose HAHAHAHHAHh
more evidence for YOUR babble crap
Your reference was the Hate Whitey movement, not BLM, but nice try, amateur...
you know it's the same thing--you are trying to babble crap out of it--again
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Guns do not kill people, people kill people.

So you need a pistol perhaps a revolver at your age
A shotgun and a rifle

And remember that only you can kill people
This is so hilarious. If you only knew. There are poor people who live in my state and there are many VERY wealthy people, in fact, many Northerners with multi-million dollar vacations homes.

But you won't say which state it is, because I can totally call bullshit on you.

The South is full of poverty because that's what it's designed as, a Third World Country that just happens to be attached to a rich one.


My wife is an MD and I am a senior level administrator. Keep thinking we are a bunch of rednecks, that's fine. The reality is you are nothing more than a typical indoctrinated urban dweller who has taken the Democratic Party agenda hook line and sinker. For this reason, you will be stuck spinning your wheels in mediocrity and dependency, just like they want.

Naw, I conclude that because most Trump supporters are inbred rednecks.
...Obama got it going to full steam
Only amongst those White Folk who couldn't stand the idea of a Black fellow becoming President. The rest of us were OK with it.
woooohooooo--you fked up now
.....blacks are the ones who vote based on skin color--not whites--whites are fair
..I liked Obama until he revealed his racism/hate of America/whites/cops
View attachment 378714

The theme in our little exchange was that the Hate Whitey mindset has existed in a broadly noticeable form since the 1950s or 1960s...

Your regurgitating of the Black-vs-White voting trends during either of Obumble's election cycles does nothing to contradict that longer history...

And, although the Hate Whitey mindset does, indeed, exist, in some considerable weight, the data you belched-up here does nothing to support it...

Hell... that was just Black Folks' first real shot at "The Title" and a chance to put someone in office who looked more like them than us...

In their place, I probably would have done the same damned thing, and not thought about Whitey one way or another, never mind bringing Hate into it...

Do us all a favor, eh? If you're going to serve-up evidence that Obumble was the trigger for the Hate Whitey movement, think it through, first eh? :auiqs.jpg:
MLK was a civil rights movement/etc
BLM the Hate Whitey Movement started in 2013--the year Obama was in office
sorry--you lose HAHAHAHHAHh
more evidence for YOUR babble crap

You must be a youngin the movement started long before Obama back in the 60's and reinforced in the early 90's with the new black panther's. BLM had nothing to do with that.
Nope except for terrorrist acts at specified targets............like Obama's buddy........but in essence they didn't target small business and burn them to the ground.........so even though the black panthers were violent..........they didn't really loot and destroy people's lives like BLM

Now BLM.........BURN .......LOOT ...........MURDER..........they kill police.......beat old ladies..........kill a spanish lady for saying all lives matter...........beat old lady with a 2 x 4 outside her small store...........kill a black police man dead trying to protect a business..............throw piss and shit at officers..........drag truck drivers out into the street and beat them into a coma..........

and just about every violent thing you can imagine...............THEY ARE DEVOLVED INTO A TERRORIST ORG....IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.

They would not be missed if the National Guard came in with orders to take no prisoners.......oh well.

You don't know either that there are two black panther's, ones of the 60's and the New Black Panther's of the 90's. I knew if I brought it up none of you people would have known the difference but there might be a smart one in your group and decide to research, that is a stretch though.
No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

No, they kind of did when they decided to make excuses for any thug who kills a black person.

George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason van Dyke, Amber Guyger, Darren Chauvin, they've all had people come on this board and make excuses for them.

Black folks don't need an academic or a politician to TELL them to be upset about this... Heck, I'm upset this sort of thing goes on, and I'm white.

Everyone was united in the murder of George Floyd and the need for accountability and change. But that wasn’t good enough for the BLM movement and thugs who used the opportunity to burn, loot, and murder.
I think the criminals and thugs would have done what they did no matter who was having a protest march.... They saw it as their opportunity to loot and burn.... They USED the blm protests, to be themselves..... criminals.

Blaming the hundreds and thousands of both white and black people gathered to march for the shocking Floyd killing, is not just.

I think these protests have gone on so long and been so big, and everywhere, is because most are still unemployed, due to covid.... it's a bunch of circumstances, that all lined up, and all this civil unrest could not be repeated without them.

No. The Tea Party has held several peaceful protests without thugs and mobs burning, looting, and murdering. The reality is that the protests led by BLM and ANTIFA necessarily infringe on the rights of others and provide fertile environment for “civil unrest” (violence). BLM representatives have already come out and justified looting as a form of reparations.
No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

No, they kind of did when they decided to make excuses for any thug who kills a black person.

George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, Jason van Dyke, Amber Guyger, Darren Chauvin, they've all had people come on this board and make excuses for them.

Black folks don't need an academic or a politician to TELL them to be upset about this... Heck, I'm upset this sort of thing goes on, and I'm white.

Everyone was united in the murder of George Floyd and the need for accountability and change. But that wasn’t good enough for the BLM movement and thugs who used the opportunity to burn, loot, and murder.
I think the criminals and thugs would have done what they did no matter who was having a protest march.... They saw it as their opportunity to loot and burn.... They USED the blm protests, to be themselves..... criminals.

Blaming the hundreds and thousands of both white and black people gathered to march for the shocking Floyd killing, is not just.

I think these protests have gone on so long and been so big, and everywhere, is because most are still unemployed, due to covid.... it's a bunch of circumstances, that all lined up, and all this civil unrest could not be repeated without them.

No. The Tea Party has held several peaceful protests without thugs and mobs burning, looting, and murdering. The reality is that the protests led by BLM and ANTIFA necessarily infringe on the rights of others and provide fertile environment for “civil unrest” (violence). BLM representatives have already come out and justified looting as a form of reparations.
and BLM said they need to KILL white people:
Naw, I conclude that because most Trump supporters are inbred rednecks.

And I conclude that most never-Trumpers are losers full of excuses looking for handouts on the backs of successful folks.
...Obama got it going to full steam
Only amongst those White Folk who couldn't stand the idea of a Black fellow becoming President. The rest of us were OK with it.
woooohooooo--you fked up now
.....blacks are the ones who vote based on skin color--not whites--whites are fair
..I liked Obama until he revealed his racism/hate of America/whites/cops
View attachment 378714

The theme in our little exchange was that the Hate Whitey mindset has existed in a broadly noticeable form since the 1950s or 1960s...

Your regurgitating of the Black-vs-White voting trends during either of Obumble's election cycles does nothing to contradict that longer history...

And, although the Hate Whitey mindset does, indeed, exist, in some considerable weight, the data you belched-up here does nothing to support it...

Hell... that was just Black Folks' first real shot at "The Title" and a chance to put someone in office who looked more like them than us...

In their place, I probably would have done the same damned thing, and not thought about Whitey one way or another, never mind bringing Hate into it...

Do us all a favor, eh? If you're going to serve-up evidence that Obumble was the trigger for the Hate Whitey movement, think it through, first eh? :auiqs.jpg:
MLK was a civil rights movement/etc
BLM the Hate Whitey Movement started in 2013--the year Obama was in office
sorry--you lose HAHAHAHHAHh
more evidence for YOUR babble crap

You must be a youngin the movement started long before Obama back in the 60's and reinforced in the early 90's with the new black panther's. BLM had nothing to do with that.
Nope except for terrorrist acts at specified targets............like Obama's buddy........but in essence they didn't target small business and burn them to the ground.........so even though the black panthers were violent..........they didn't really loot and destroy people's lives like BLM

Now BLM.........BURN .......LOOT ...........MURDER..........they kill police.......beat old ladies..........kill a spanish lady for saying all lives matter...........beat old lady with a 2 x 4 outside her small store...........kill a black police man dead trying to protect a business..............throw piss and shit at officers..........drag truck drivers out into the street and beat them into a coma..........

and just about every violent thing you can imagine...............THEY ARE DEVOLVED INTO A TERRORIST ORG....IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.

They would not be missed if the National Guard came in with orders to take no prisoners.......oh well.

You don't know either that there are two black panther's, ones of the 60's and the New Black Panther's of the 90's. I knew if I brought it up none of you people would have known the difference but there might be a smart one in your group and decide to research, that is a stretch though.
You are not alone in your thinking
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

You are certainly not alone in your thinking on this. I just happened to see the article below after reading your OP. This was published on Friday, 8/21. Thought you might find it interesting.

Civil Unrest, Elections Pushing Women to Guns, Says AG &AG

Women cite recent civil unrest and the upcoming presidential election as motivating factors behind recent gun purchases, according to an August survey conducted by A Girl and A Gun Shooting League.

According to the survey which polled 6,000 AG & AG members, 14 percent of women cited riots, mobs, and civil unrest as the reason for their first gun purchase. Meanwhile, 12 percent of respondents said the presidential election slated for November pushed them towards gun ownership. The Coronavirus pandemic nabbed the fourth spot on the list, with 7-percent concerned about the virus and its impact.

Concerns over gun control often arise in election years causing more Americans to stock up on guns and ammo. This year's election has already proven important for gun rights due to presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden's support of a rebooted ban on semi-automatic firearms. Taking to social media in early August, Biden made it clear that so-called "assault weapons" have no place under his presidency, should he be elected come November.

"Weapons of war have no place in our communities," Biden's social media accounts said. "When I was a senator, I took on the NRA and secured a 10-year ban on assault weapons — and as president, I’ll ban these weapons again."
. . .

While the industry itself has seen an influx of new gun owners, Sandoval said AG & AG has also experienced a surge in membership. In the past year, the shooting club has seen an uptick of 150 percent in new members.
. . .

According to the AG & AG survey results, 40 percent of respondents were new gun owners, owning a firearm for less than a year. Additionally, 23 percent of women said they were the only gun owners in the home. Citing self-defense as a predominant factor, over 90 percent of women polled said they were in the process of, or already have, a CCW permit.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
I can sell you one, cheap.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
I can sell you one, cheap.
French guns aren't needed here...........never been fired..........and only dropped once.
And you lie...again.

The majority of gun deaths in the United States are suicides.

From the FBI the number of actual gun murder was 10,265 in 2018, and 70-80% of those murders were criminals murdered by other criminals.

Suicides are still dead.

The murder rate is 14,542 with guns, not 10,265

The gun murder rate in 2018 was 10,265 according to the FBI....law enforcement.....
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

You know a lot of Whites participate in Black Lives Matter Protests... I don't see them scared to death of the blacks they are protesting with. I have driven through areas and been shopping in areas where the protests have been going on where I live... funny thing the protesters left me alone. I wasn't afraid of them and they weren't afraid of me, I just minded my own business. I have driven through and rode my bike through areas that are mostly black neighborhoods during the black lives matter protests. I was not once attacked and was left alone and I didn't feel threatened or scared in anyway.

I have many friends that are black and I work with co-workers that are black and I am not frightened of them and they are not frightened of me. So I really don't understand why you are so terrified of blacks? Just because your white you think they are out to get you? Sounds really paranoid, irrational, and crazy.
Get a gun? Be careful what you advocate. What happens when Trump wins? A democrat activist Sanders supporter grabbed a gun and tried to assassinate conservative congresspeople practicing for a baseball game. I cringe to think what is going to happen on the next inauguration day.
Last edited:
Oh, sorry, is this your "Mansion" you keep bragging about?

For starters, I never said I lived in a mansion, but yeah, sure this is how we all live in the South especially in my town. Like I said, average incomes twice the national average and a very high college college graduate and post-graduate rate. Did I mention it is also very pro-Trump? You see educated folks making good money outside of big metro-areas who have not been brainwashed since birth have figured out that voting for Democrats will ultimately destroy everything they have worked for. We even convert some of the Northerners that move down over time, though many are too far gone to be saved from their adolescent indoctrination.

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