If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.
Bullshit. Whoever wins regardless, we all need to get many guns including machine guns.

Machine guns or Valhalla!

I don't see a surge in firearm purchases if Trump wins, and especially if the Republicans take the House. What I see if Biden wins is such a fireman and ammo surge while at the same time, the stock market getting hit hard.
Yes, you put out racist false stats... and then claim you are totally not racist.

The vast majority of gun violence in the US is in densely populated minority areas. Sorry you don't like the facts, but it doesn't make me a racist for pointing them out. It does however make you a race baiter.

Naw, just holding them accountable when they shoot people. After we've taken guns away from everyone else, they won't have excuses to shoot people.

LOL, you still think we can take guns away from "everyone else". You are quite a dullard.
I've told you this repeatedly, a police officer (or armed citizen) is not restricted to only shoot another armed person. By law, a citizen or officer may use deadly force anytime they believe that there is a threat of serious bodily harm or death to themselves or other people.

and that's what needs to change... this crazy idea that you can shoot Negroes because they scare you.
The vast majority of gun violence in the US is in densely populated minority areas. Sorry you don't like the facts, but it doesn't make me a racist for pointing them out. It does however make you a race baiter.

Cleetus, the cleaners said you need to avoid getting soot from the cross burning on your robe... that shit is really hard to get out.

LOL, you still think we can take guns away from "everyone else". You are quite a dullard.

Sure we can.... Make the penalties for keeping a gun high enough, they can't wait to turn them in.
I've told you this repeatedly, a police officer (or armed citizen) is not restricted to only shoot another armed person. By law, a citizen or officer may use deadly force anytime they believe that there is a threat of serious bodily harm or death to themselves or other people.

and that's what needs to change... this crazy idea that you can shoot Negroes because they scare you.

Well that's never going to change. We did it your way in the 70's by having laws that protected the criminal instead of the law abiding citizen. Now things are turned around and innocent people are the better for it.

As the interest in guns and self-defense are growing, so are the laws favoring us over them.
Well that's never going to change. We did it your way in the 70's by having laws that protected the criminal instead of the law abiding citizen. Now things are turned around and innocent people are the better for it.

As the interest in guns and self-defense are growing, so are the laws favoring us over them.

Only until the majority of us who don't need to compensate get sick of your shit.

We're sick of your shit.

Cleetus, the cleaners said you need to avoid getting soot from the cross burning on your robe... that shit is really hard to get out.

LOL...I have defintely won this debate. Falling back to the trusty ole' "racist" argument now huh dullard?

Sure we can.... Make the penalties for keeping a gun high enough, they can't wait to turn them in.

Penalties for murder are as high as they get. If people are willing to shoot someone with a gun to kill them and commit murder, I fail to understand how a harsh penalty for having the gun in the first place would be a deterant.

Gangster #1 - "Hey man, when you going to knock that guy off for dissin' us?
Gangster #2 - "Right after I run by and turn in my gun, can't risk going to jail.

Well that's never going to change. We did it your way in the 70's by having laws that protected the criminal instead of the law abiding citizen. Now things are turned around and innocent people are the better for it.

As the interest in guns and self-defense are growing, so are the laws favoring us over them.

Only until the majority of us who don't need to compensate get sick of your shit.

We're sick of your shit.

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It doesn't matter how sick of our shit you are. We are the majority. MOST Americans believe in the right to self-defense and that interest is growing by leaps and bounds. How did it get this way? Because we got sick of your shit.
I've told you this repeatedly, a police officer (or armed citizen) is not restricted to only shoot another armed person. By law, a citizen or officer may use deadly force anytime they believe that there is a threat of serious bodily harm or death to themselves or other people.

and that's what needs to change... this crazy idea that you can shoot Negroes because they scare you.
Human history is full of people who act like barbarians. To you they must take ones property and then maim or kill the person afterward and they are not supposed to be scared. There are many people affected by the empowered though over the ears. Do you notice that not one who messed with people from other areas of the nation ha shown up to defend people from the rioters. Not one. And they know who they are. But they are collecting pensions and benefits. You need to find a way to mess with that.
Penalties for murder are as high as they get. If people are willing to shoot someone with a gun to kill them and commit murder, I fail to understand how a harsh penalty for having the gun in the first place would be a deterant.

Most people who shoot someone don't have an intent to do that the day they do, dummy...

It's the gun that makes a bad situation a tragedy, as most gun murders are domestic disputes or tragedies.
It doesn't matter how sick of our shit you are. We are the majority. MOST Americans believe in the right to self-defense and that interest is growing by leaps and bounds. How did it get this way? Because we got sick of your shit.

Uh, no, guy, the polls show most people want stricter gun laws... and those numbers would be higher if people realized how lax our gun laws are to start with.
It doesn't matter how sick of our shit you are. We are the majority. MOST Americans believe in the right to self-defense and that interest is growing by leaps and bounds. How did it get this way? Because we got sick of your shit.

Uh, no, guy, the polls show most people want stricter gun laws... and those numbers would be higher if people realized how lax our gun laws are to start with.

All it shows is they don't know how devious Democrats are and they don't know statistics.

First off, you have to get a background check for all gun purchases from a dealer. Secondly, very few murders are committed from somebody buying a legal gun from a source not a dealer. They are purchased through straw buyers or off the street. In other words, background checks wouldn't change a thing.

Next is, what is mental illness? Depression? Anxiety attacks? OCD? ADD? I'd like to know if the pollster (whoever it is) explained that to the participants. And did the pollster explain that if Democrats ever gained power again with such a law, they would make all those conditions (and more) mental conditions that prohibited people from owning a gun? And did the pollster also explain that if it did get to that point, most people in need of mental health would not seek it because of that law?

Age requirements: Like background checks, wouldn't solve anything. People under the age of 21 are not buying guns from a dealer and killing people with them.
First off, you have to get a background check for all gun purchases from a dealer.

you realize the background checks are so weak that any fool can get a gun, right.

Here's the thing. Most mass shooters had NO PROBLEM getting guns... This twit in Kenosha last night, 17 years old, still had an AR-15.

Next is, what is mental illness? Depression? Anxiety attacks? OCD? ADD? I'd like to know if the pollster (whoever it is) explained that to the participants. And did the pollster explain that if Democrats ever gained power again with such a law, they would make all those conditions (and more) mental conditions that prohibited people from owning a gun?

And this would be a bad thing, why?

Age requirements: Like background checks, wouldn't solve anything. People under the age of 21 are not buying guns from a dealer and killing people with them.

So where did 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse get the gun he shot three people in Kenosha with last night?
you realize the background checks are so weak that any fool can get a gun, right.

Here's the thing. Most mass shooters had NO PROBLEM getting guns... This twit in Kenosha last night, 17 years old, still had an AR-15.

And we don't have many details on that story just yet. How are background checks weak? They take positive ID like your drivers license, and run it through the government computer system.

And this would be a bad thing, why?

Because many of what's considered mental illnesses are not dangerous to the public. If we are to restrict those people from guns, they should be restricted from automobiles, knives and bats. Given the fact most people have some sort of mental hangup, it would be an invitation to strip weapons out of the hands of most Americans.

So where did 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse get the gun he shot three people in Kenosha with last night?

Again, early reports don't state where. But I'd be willing to bet my dollar to your dime he didn't walk into a gun store and legally buy it.
Most people who shoot someone don't have an intent to do that the day they do, dummy...

It's the gun that makes a bad situation a tragedy, as most gun murders are domestic disputes or tragedies.

You are too ignorant to have a conversation with...mindbogglingly ignorant. I see why you vote for Democrats. It doesn't take much to fool a dullard.
And we don't have many details on that story just yet. How are background checks weak? They take positive ID like your drivers license, and run it through the government computer system.

And yet in too many mass shooting cases, they miss criminal convictions and mental illness checks.

Because many of what's considered mental illnesses are not dangerous to the public. If we are to restrict those people from guns, they should be restricted from automobiles, knives and bats. Given the fact most people have some sort of mental hangup, it would be an invitation to strip weapons out of the hands of most Americans.

Again, that would be a bad thing, why?

Again, early reports don't state where. But I'd be willing to bet my dollar to your dime he didn't walk into a gun store and legally buy it.

No, I'm guessing his parents did. And then let him drive up from Antioch to Kenosha (21.2 miles) with an AR-16 and god knows how much ammo.

You are too ignorant to have a conversation with...mindbogglingly ignorant. I see why you vote for Democrats. It doesn't take much to fool a dullard.

Frankly, I'm kind of tired of living in a society where we have to bend our lives around your fetish.
And yet in too many mass shooting cases, they miss criminal convictions and mental illness checks.

Like which one? If people have never been in the trouble with the law before, they are legally allowed to purchase firearms. That guy in Las Vegas led a model citizen life. He became wealthy, took care of his elderly mother, was well known to the establishment at the casino and hotel he stayed at.

And how would they go about doing a "mental illness" background check?

Again, that would be a bad thing, why?

Because it would give the Communists a way to subvert the US Constitution, and these people are the enemy of the Constitution. We can't let them get away with it, and we won't.

No, I'm guessing his parents did. And then let him drive up from Antioch to Kenosha (21.2 miles) with an AR-16 and god knows how much ammo.

We don't know that. If it was his fathers gun, then he probably took it without his permission. Therefore background checks, mental illness checks, and age restrictions wouldn't' have prevented this.

The real problem is that Democrats are like terrorists. They are very patient people. If the country accepted any one of your ideas, and when found it didn't work, you'd move on to the next one. If you got the next one passed, and of course wouldn't accomplish anything, you'd keep going to the next one, and the next one, and the next one.

Liberalsim is like cancer. It has to be stopped right at the first sign of a problem.
As a good capitalist if Biden wins I will dump every penny i have into relevant consumer fire arm stocks or whatever the proper term is.

Thank you NRA lobbyists for your service. I too want to profit on this boom

edit - I'd say good for you, but according to the data most of you are just buying extra weapons you don't have time to train on so probably not good a good idea control yourselves.

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