If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

As a good capitalist if Biden wins I will dump every penny i have into relevant consumer fire arm stocks or whatever the proper term is.

Thank you NRA lobbyists for your service. I too want to profit on this boom

edit - I'd say good for you, but according to the data most of you are just buying extra weapons you don't have time to train on so probably not good a good idea control yourselves.

If Creepy Joe wins, firearm sales will go up, and the stock market will go down. I didn't want to touch my IRA until later in life, but if it looks like he's going to win, I just may make a withdrawal out of there.
Like which one? If people have never been in the trouble with the law before, they are legally allowed to purchase firearms. That guy in Las Vegas led a model citizen life. He became wealthy, took care of his elderly mother, was well known to the establishment at the casino and hotel he stayed at.

And how would they go about doing a "mental illness" background check?

Probably a lot of ways. 30 day waiting period. Names of new applicants go out to the Shrinks, and the shrinks say, "Holy Shit, not Ray, that guy's nuts... he wanks off all day about shooting his HUD neighbors!!!"

Because it would give the Communists a way to subvert the US Constitution, and these people are the enemy of the Constitution. We can't let them get away with it, and we won't.

Two more Supreme Court Justices decide that the Second is about Militias, not guns... how does that subvert the constitution... Sorry, man, a lot of us are sick and tired of sharing our streets with gun weilding madmen.

We don't know that. If it was his fathers gun, then he probably took it without his permission. Therefore background checks, mental illness checks, and age restrictions wouldn't' have prevented this.

Sure it would have. Charge his father for not controlling the weapons. DONE.

The real problem is that Democrats are like terrorists. They are very patient people. If the country accepted any one of your ideas, and when found it didn't work, you'd move on to the next one. If you got the next one passed, and of course wouldn't accomplish anything, you'd keep going to the next one, and the next one, and the next one.

Actually, it's kind of the opposite. 50 years ago, the NRA supported common sense gun laws. Then they realized that if you don't let crazies buy guns, who else would want them.

So the goal has been to weaken gun laws so the bad guys have them so everyone else got scared and wanted them too.
Frankly, I'm kind of tired of living in a society where we have to bend our lives around your fetish.

Ditto, in reverse. Democrats are all about appeasing every imaginable fetish, except for fetishes they don't agree with.(e.g. guns) BTW, before you say it, and I know you were thinking it, guns don't kill people. People kill people.
Ditto, in reverse. Democrats are all about appeasing every imaginable fetish, except for fetishes they don't agree with.(e.g. guns) BTW, before you say it, and I know you were thinking it, guns don't kill people. People kill people.

People with guns kill people... much too easily.

The rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't let just anyone have a gun.
Ditto, in reverse. Democrats are all about appeasing every imaginable fetish, except for fetishes they don't agree with.(e.g. guns) BTW, before you say it, and I know you were thinking it, guns don't kill people. People kill people.

People with guns kill people... much too easily.

The rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't let just anyone have a gun.

You think elites primary concern when disarming their citizens is them killing each other?


You need to do some reading on the founding fathers....Or what the Chinese think about their own population.

Just absurdly naive.

There is a reason we have some of the highest individual rights on this planet...If not the most. And a lot of it has to do with our elites fear of us.
If Creepy Joe wins, firearm sales will go up, and the stock market will go down. I didn't want to touch my IRA until later in life, but if it looks like he's going to win, I just may make a withdrawal out of there.

But you'll still be living in a slum collecting welfare... so there's that.

Yeah, but that's what happens when Democrat policies go into action. Hopefully someday soon, much of the country starts to think like me, and decide we need two countries instead of one. You will get the west half of the country next to your precious border for third-worlders to invade, and we'll take the east side. I guarantee you after all the Democrats are gone, my property value will triple overnight.
Probably a lot of ways. 30 day waiting period. Names of new applicants go out to the Shrinks, and the shrinks say, "Holy Shit, not Ray, that guy's nuts... he wanks off all day about shooting his HUD neighbors!!!"

Right, so every shrink in the country is going to research a million or more names a year? Who's going to pay them for all that work? And what if the crazy applicant has no history with any institution or psychiatrist?

Two more Supreme Court Justices decide that the Second is about Militias, not guns... how does that subvert the constitution... Sorry, man, a lot of us are sick and tired of sharing our streets with gun weilding madmen.

No, the founders wrote it about arms. That's what it says. You do know that people of yore didn't have a Kroger's in every town, don't you? They had to hunt to feed their families.

Sure it would have. Charge his father for not controlling the weapons. DONE.

You could, but that wouldn't have stopped this kid. But we can agree whoever allowed him to have this weapon should be held liable for his actions.

Actually, it's kind of the opposite. 50 years ago, the NRA supported common sense gun laws. Then they realized that if you don't let crazies buy guns, who else would want them.

So the goal has been to weaken gun laws so the bad guys have them so everyone else got scared and wanted them too.

I have news for you, the bad guys don't care about laws. That's why they're the bad guys in the first place.

No, what happened is that our liberal courts turned our prisons into lowlife playgrounds. Three squares a day, you don't have to work if you don't want to, they have a little room setup if your wife or girlfriend wants to come over so you can start a family from prison, they have workout rooms, fields to play sports outside, a pool room..........

We have the same things in the outside world, and we call them get away weekends. Turn prisons into what they were in the movie Cool Hand Luke. Then nobody will want to go to prison.
You need to do some reading on the founding fathers....

I could care less what a bunch of dead slave rapists thought.

There is a reason we have some of the highest individual rights on this planet...If not the most. And a lot of it has to do with our elites fear of us.

Not that I want to have THIS conversation again, but our elites have little to fear. Why should they. You dumbasses are easily controlled.

It's the rest of who have to worry when one of you snaps.
I have news for you, the bad guys don't care about laws. That's why they're the bad guys in the first place.

No, what happened is that our liberal courts turned our prisons into lowlife playgrounds. Three squares a day, you don't have to work if you don't want to, they have a little room setup if your wife or girlfriend wants to come over so you can start a family from prison, they have workout rooms, fields to play sports outside, a pool room..........

Uh, guy, we lock up too many people and our prisons are awful places...

But since most gun violence is domestic, that's really not the issue here.

No, the founders wrote it about arms. That's what it says. You do know that people of yore didn't have a Kroger's in every town, don't you? They had to hunt to feed their families.

Actually, most people of yore couldn't afford a gun, which often cost a month wages for a skilled workman. Military grade muskets of the time were kind of useless for hunting. They had pigs, cows, chickens and other domesticated animals to eat, When they did eat wild animals, they used traps and arrows.

Right, so every shrink in the country is going to research a million or more names a year? Who's going to pay them for all that work? And what if the crazy applicant has no history with any institution or psychiatrist?

They really don't have that. They have these things called "Computers" now. The shrink can keep their file on their very dangerous or scary patients, when a new list comes out, you do a V-Lookup, and find that Ray the Crazy guy who keeps describing murdering HUD people just applied for an AR-15 license.

Easy- Peasy.

Of course, you need to also be able to hold gun sellers liable for selling to crazy people. Watch how fast they weed out the crazies.
You need to do some reading on the founding fathers....

I could care less what a bunch of dead slave rapists thought.

There is a reason we have some of the highest individual rights on this planet...If not the most. And a lot of it has to do with our elites fear of us.

Not that I want to have THIS conversation again, but our elites have little to fear. Why should they. You dumbasses are easily controlled.

It's the rest of who have to worry when one of you snaps.

What do you imagine our modern elites are?


Extreeeemley naive
If Creepy Joe wins, firearm sales will go up, and the stock market will go down. I didn't want to touch my IRA until later in life, but if it looks like he's going to win, I just may make a withdrawal out of there.

But you'll still be living in a slum collecting welfare... so there's that.

Yeah, but that's what happens when Democrat policies go into action. Hopefully someday soon, much of the country starts to think like me, and decide we need two countries instead of one. You will get the west half of the country next to your precious border for third-worlders to invade, and we'll take the east side. I guarantee you after all the Democrats are gone, my property value will triple overnight.

Ray you need to learn about geopolitics

You want two massive powers with nuclear weapons staring each other down? Are you insane?

It would be like India and Pakistan just much better armed.

What the fuck? Same reason people with confederate flags are idiots. We'd be eyeing eachother with nukes by now....Assuming we hadn't ended it all.

Everyone was united in the murder of George Floyd and the need for accountability and change. But that wasn’t good enough for the BLM movement and thugs who used the opportunity to burn, loot, and murder.
Instead, we've made nothing but excuses for brutal cops time after time. Oh, look, Mike Brown stole some cheap cigars, that totally justified shooting him 8 times when he had his hands up.

Joey does not care.
I have not fired a gun in many years. I do not want to get a gun and go through training to use one again but at 73 I am an easy target for the current final solution of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I have white skin and like the Jews who saw what was coming in Germany in the 1930’s I know I must act to protect myself.

At least the Jews who were paying attention to the scapegoating ethnic cleansing that was underway in 1938 had someplace to run. As a new Jew in America my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and I are in the crosshairs not for anything we did, but for what we are and if Joe Biden wins there will be no place to go.

No white American I know ever said Black lives do not matter. Those words were put in mouths of innocent victims by academics and politicians that needed a banner to march under. The truly wicked in every society always find a way to incite a violent overthrow of a concocted enemy. Our colleges and universities are rife with hateful ideologues unsatisfied and angry that a good plumber, a certified welder, or a master electrician can make loads more money than a college professor. They need an excuse for their failures.

Yes, there was a history of slavery, but slavery did not start in the United States. Black slavery began in Africa and was essentially an invention of African royalty. African slave traders were getting rich long before Columbus ever discovered America. This is not taught in our schools. What is implied is that white people came up with idea and have been holding blacks back just like the Jews were blamed for Germany’s poor decisions in Word War One.

George Floyd died from a combination of Meth and Fentanyl because he was the product of bad policies resulting from the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Corrupt black politicians have been running many of our major cities into to the ground for over half a century. Trump’s election put a spotlight on this, and many blacks agreed that they had been sold out, not by their white American brethren but by a crooked coalition of white and black liberals holding onto power.

If Joe Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

I suggest you put the cork in the bottle well before 3 AM. Actually, you should have corked the bottle more than 50 years ago.

What policies or laws do you oppose and find corruptive? Integration of our armed forces? Brown v. Board of Ed? The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts? AA, replaced by Consent Decrees?

Your excuse for Slavery is a ludicrous effort of sophistry.
Are you intoxicated?
If Creepy Joe wins, firearm sales will go up, and the stock market will go down. I didn't want to touch my IRA until later in life, but if it looks like he's going to win, I just may make a withdrawal out of there.

But you'll still be living in a slum collecting welfare... so there's that.

Yeah, but that's what happens when Democrat policies go into action. Hopefully someday soon, much of the country starts to think like me, and decide we need two countries instead of one. You will get the west half of the country next to your precious border for third-worlders to invade, and we'll take the east side. I guarantee you after all the Democrats are gone, my property value will triple overnight.

Ray you need to learn about geopolitics

You want two massive powers with nuclear weapons staring each other down? Are you insane?

It would be like India and Pakistan just much better armed.

What the fuck? Same reason people with confederate flags are idiots. We'd be eyeing eachother with nukes by now....Assuming we hadn't ended it all.


I think it'a a great idea; well I guess because I'm a conservative.

The Democrat party has gone from Democrat to liberal. From liberal to progressive. From progressive to Socialist Democrat. From there, they will move to totally Socialist, then Socialist/ Communist, and finally just Communist.

The Communists said many years ago they will take over the US, but without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within, which is what we are currently experiencing.

My proposal is not mine I have to admit. I call it Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought as children and my mother could not get us to play in peace, she forced us to play in separate rooms. When we decided to put our differences aside so we could play together, we were reunited once again.

We are slowly losing this country thanks to the Communists in the Democrat party. My belief is it's better to save half of the country than lose the entire nation.

You see, when you on the left decide this capitalist wealthy country is not to your liking, you can move to one of your socialist utopias like North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba or others. If you decide it wasn't what it was cracked up to be, you can move back to the USA if your new country will allow you to. But once you people destroy this place and you find out it's not what you thought it would be, there is no other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America, and that needs to be preserved even if it means using Mom's law to do it.
If Creepy Joe wins, firearm sales will go up, and the stock market will go down. I didn't want to touch my IRA until later in life, but if it looks like he's going to win, I just may make a withdrawal out of there.

But you'll still be living in a slum collecting welfare... so there's that.

Yeah, but that's what happens when Democrat policies go into action. Hopefully someday soon, much of the country starts to think like me, and decide we need two countries instead of one. You will get the west half of the country next to your precious border for third-worlders to invade, and we'll take the east side. I guarantee you after all the Democrats are gone, my property value will triple overnight.

Ray you need to learn about geopolitics

You want two massive powers with nuclear weapons staring each other down? Are you insane?

It would be like India and Pakistan just much better armed.

What the fuck? Same reason people with confederate flags are idiots. We'd be eyeing eachother with nukes by now....Assuming we hadn't ended it all.


I think it'a a great idea; well I guess because I'm a conservative.

The Democrat party has gone from Democrat to liberal. From liberal to progressive. From progressive to Socialist Democrat. From there, they will move to totally Socialist, then Socialist/ Communist, and finally just Communist.

The Communists said many years ago they will take over the US, but without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within, which is what we are currently experiencing.

My proposal is not mine I have to admit. I call it Mom's Law. When my siblings and I fought as children and my mother could not get us to play in peace, she forced us to play in separate rooms. When we decided to put our differences aside so we could play together, we were reunited once again.

We are slowly losing this country thanks to the Communists in the Democrat party. My belief is it's better to save half of the country than lose the entire nation.

You see, when you on the left decide this capitalist wealthy country is not to your liking, you can move to one of your socialist utopias like North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba or others. If you decide it wasn't what it was cracked up to be, you can move back to the USA if your new country will allow you to. But once you people destroy this place and you find out it's not what you thought it would be, there is no other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America, and that needs to be preserved even if it means using Mom's law to do it.

Ray we'd spend each other into poverty out arming each other.

Both would be shit holes

And last I checked most conservative states were takers so I'm not sure why you think you're gonna end up better.

Conservatives contrary to their rhetoric don't do capitalism well

Centrists on the other hand.....Control every major industrial base in this country
Uh, guy, we lock up too many people and our prisons are awful places...

But since most gun violence is domestic, that's really not the issue here.

They are such awful places which would explain our high recidivism rate, huh?

When I go to an awful restaurant, an awful movie theater, an awful grocery store, I make sure I never go back again.

Actually, most people of yore couldn't afford a gun, which often cost a month wages for a skilled workman. Military grade muskets of the time were kind of useless for hunting. They had pigs, cows, chickens and other domesticated animals to eat, When they did eat wild animals, they used traps and arrows.

Oh please. Guns were not that expensive back then and ammo even less expensive. True, some used alternative means, but others hunted with guns which the founders expected. That's one reason why firearms were protected in the Constitution. The other is for reasons we see today in these Democrat cities.

They really don't have that. They have these things called "Computers" now. The shrink can keep their file on their very dangerous or scary patients, when a new list comes out, you do a V-Lookup, and find that Ray the Crazy guy who keeps describing murdering HUD people just applied for an AR-15 license.

Easy- Peasy.

Of course, you need to also be able to hold gun sellers liable for selling to crazy people. Watch how fast they weed out the crazies.

How is a person with mental illness blocked from buying a gun?

Under federal law, a person can be tallied in a database and barred from purchasing or possessing a firearm due to a mental illness under two conditions: if he is involuntarily committed to a mental hospital, or if a court or government body declares him mentally incompetent.

When is someone considered committed?

In many states, including Florida, law enforcement can take an individual to a mental hospital against his or her will for an initial evaluation. If after 72 hours the doctors observing the individual want to continue that treatment, then they can petition a court for permission, even against the patient's wishes.
That -- a court order allowing a person's continued involuntary institutionalization -- is one thing that should stop an individual from purchasing a firearm.
If the person was taken in for mental treatment involuntarily but was not requested to be held past 72 hours, he is not blocked from buying a gun.
In Florida, if the court chose to commit even an underage individual, he would fail a background check on that basis.

What does it mean to be adjudicated as mentally incompetent?

The other way to wind up in the database that could cause an individual to fail a background check for mental illness is if a court or government body were to rule that due to his mental health, a person is a danger to himself or others or is unable to manage his own affairs.
The issue commonly arises when a court or government agency is appointing a conservator or a guardian for an adult because of mental impairment.

So you see, we have been doing what you suggested. And guess what? It still doesn't stop a bad guy from getting a gun.
Just curious, did FOX ever run any peaceful protest footage, or only when some rioting took place? Making you think it was non stop rioting? INSTILLING FEAR FEAR FEAR....

Remember, this unrest that you fear, is happening under Trump's reign, not Joe Biden's.

Biden likely would have less civil unrest...He wouldn't be fuelling the flames via TWEET.

And governors would trust him, When offering federal help.

If you want more safety, then vote Biden! :)
You are ignorant if are trying to blame any tweet for this nonsense.........its the lefties using the OLD FEAR and CHAOS to try to seize power trick---something they have used often including in Socialist Nazi Germany. The dem governors obviously don't care about their people dying (and again how crazy to blame a twee) if they are letting criminals and terrorists attack their people instead of accepting help from a man because they supposedly don't like his tweets............

Why do all the trump haters lack the ability to apply logic to anything?

Biden would not and can not bring safety...the dems allowing the criminals and terrorists who they let out of prison and other places to attack has in essence fed the sharks a taste for blood---they will not stop their attacks without being hit back with more violence. Sorry it is human nature of the ignorant that once you reward their bad behavior they will continue on.

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