If Biden wins we will all need to get a gun.

All black people want is for the police to stop murdering them.

Hmmm...Do ya think that maybe a positive way to achieve that would be for the black people in question to do something about their tendency to committ crime, and then when caught, NOT try to harm the officers effecting arrest?
...you ''guess''...
Correct. Guess. Speculate. Opine. Predict. Project. All references to speculation on future events and conditions.

And, unless you've got a crystal ball that the rest of us don't, you do exactly the same thing.

...with Biden in, the country will turn to shit...
The country did not turn to $hit when Clinton was in office, nor Obama. I don't think it will turn to $hit in the hands of an old-fashioned Democrat like Uncle Joe.

...proof? look at the Dem cities ruled by Dems = shithole crime capitals
Well... you've got me there, but national governance and local governance are different critters, and the alternative is just too dangerous to leave in power.
You have white guilt. The only reason for someone to feel guilty is if they have done something or feel something they believe to be wrong. I have no guilt so therefore my concsious doesn't bother me. White folks with these feelings need to figure out what is causing this guilt.

I'm sure your conscience doesn't bother you at all, Cleetus.
We should feel bad when we see police misconduct and we don't do anything about it.

Guns don't kill people. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens doesn't mean criminals will turn them in. The vast majority of gun deaths are at the hands of criminals with illegal guns, not law abiding citizens with legal ones. You still haven't figured these things out? Oh that's right, you live one of the ultra-brainwashed cities of the US, Chicago.

Look, you inbred redneck, every other industrialized country limits or bans guns.
Their criminals don't have guns because there are no guns to be had.

Most gun deaths are domestic violence and suicide... a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Notice you still haven't told us what city or state you live in. Are you embarrassed?
...you ''guess''...
Correct. Guess. Speculate. Opine. Predict. Project. All references to speculation on future events and conditions.

And, unless you've got a crystal ball that the rest of us don't, you do exactly the same thing.

...with Biden in, the country will turn to shit...
The country did not turn to $hit when Clinton was in office, nor Obama. I don't think it will turn to $hit in the hands of an old-fashioned Democrat like Uncle Joe.

...proof? look at the Dem cities ruled by Dems = shithole crime capitals
Well... you've got me there, but national governance and local governance are different critters, and the alternative is just too dangerous to leave in power.
yes--it did turn to shit with Obama
I'm not the one guessing--you are--so your claims are really worthless--as you state
..Dem cities ARE shitholes--highest murder rates/poverty/etc- a mirror of Africa--under Obama
Everyone was united in the murder of George Floyd and the need for accountability and change. But that wasn’t good enough for the BLM movement and thugs who used the opportunity to burn, loot, and murder.

It shouldn't have taken until George Floyd for people to say, Um, Yeah, we need to have accountability.

Frankly, that should have happened when Rodney King was beaten.

Instead, we've made nothing but excuses for brutal cops time after time. Oh, look, Mike Brown stole some cheap cigars, that totally justified shooting him 8 times when he had his hands up.

Colin took a knee and guys like you wanted to destroy his life.

So don't come whining to me about "riots" when you passed up dozens of opportunities to solve this peacefully.
...you ''guess''...
Correct. Guess. Speculate. Opine. Predict. Project. All references to speculation on future events and conditions.

And, unless you've got a crystal ball that the rest of us don't, you do exactly the same thing.

...with Biden in, the country will turn to shit...
The country did not turn to $hit when Clinton was in office, nor Obama. I don't think it will turn to $hit in the hands of an old-fashioned Democrat like Uncle Joe.

...proof? look at the Dem cities ruled by Dems = shithole crime capitals
Well... you've got me there, but national governance and local governance are different critters, and the alternative is just too dangerous to leave in power.
---but Biden is a DEM!!!! ---on the side of BLACKS = whose communities and cities are shitholes--with a self destructive culture cycle
...Biden is anti-police law and order and PRO-criminal = dumbshit
no shit???????!!!!!
...and blacks are MUCH MUCH more likely to be MURDERED by a black than die by a cop---especially if you are not a criminal ----AND don't resist
...SO,, why the big deal about cops and not blacks!!!!!!????

Because blacks are held accountable when they kill someone and cops aren't.
you fked up again!!! NO they are NOT held accountable
..and the police ARE held accountable--there are always FAIR investigations
...yes--it did turn to shit with Obama...
Not really. Obumble was a disaster on the foreign policy front but did a fine job on the domestic front pulling us out of Shrub's Great Recession.

...I'm not the one guessing--you are...
You are opining that the country will turn to $hit if the Democrats regain the White House. Either product your crystal ball or admit that you, too, are guessing.

And, if you are not man (or woman) enough to admit that, then you're a partisan hack, and an intellectual idiot, not worth the time for discussion purposes.

...so your claims are really worthless--as you state...
1. I make no claims
2. I guess (speculate)
3. I freely admit doing so
4. speculation of future events and conditions is of great value as the basis for planning and action
5. your viewing of well-grounded speculation as 'worthless' is partisan-motivated, laughable and worthless in its own right

...Dem cities ARE shitholes--highest murder rates/poverty/etc- a mirror of Africa--under Obama
True, our Big Cities were, indeed, $hithole$ under Obumble.

And under George W. Bush (R).

And under Bill Clinton (D).

And under George H. W. Bush (R).

And under Ronald Reagan (R).

And under Jimmy Carter (D).

And under Gerald Ford (R).

And under RIchard Nixon (R)

And under Lyndon Baines Johnson (D).

And on and on and on...

Going back at LEAST as far as the so-called Great Migration of the 1915-1955 timeframe, when Blacks poured into the Big Cities from the Old South.

America's Big Cities have been $hithole$ since at LEAST the 1950s when Blacks moved-in en masse and turned inner cities into $hithole$ that never recovered.

Not that some of them weren't headed in that direction already, even when they were still mostly White.

And, of course, as Blacks moved-in, Whites bailed in their hundreds-of-thousands, taking their businesses with them, leaving the Big Cities to deteriorate.

None of that is Obumble's fault.

None of that will get any worse under Sleepy Old Uncle Joe, the 4th President of the United States.

None of that will get any better under your Orange Baboon-God, if the country is stupid enough to reelect that Robber Baron to a second term.
Everyone was united in the murder of George Floyd and the need for accountability and change. But that wasn’t good enough for the BLM movement and thugs who used the opportunity to burn, loot, and murder.

It shouldn't have taken until George Floyd for people to say, Um, Yeah, we need to have accountability.

Frankly, that should have happened when Rodney King was beaten.

Instead, we've made nothing but excuses for brutal cops time after time. Oh, look, Mike Brown stole some cheap cigars, that totally justified shooting him 8 times when he had his hands up.

Colin took a knee and guys like you wanted to destroy his life.

So don't come whining to me about "riots" when you passed up dozens of opportunities to solve this peacefully.

Where has it been verified that Mike Brown had his hands up? Mike Brown took a few cigars after he assaulted a Brown immigrant store owner. Mike Brown was shot after he went for the officer’s gun. These are inconvenient facts you choose to leave out.

Colin took a knee for something he believed yet he also felt entitled to be anointed a starting QB in the NFL despite the fact his skills had diminished. Colin is making more money off the backs of children making slave wages producing Nike. Who’s the truly oppressed?

You want to justify the riots in the cities, fine. Why then should businesses care to return to the cities? Why should we rebuild the cities? BLM is calling the loot justifiable for reparations and dismiss any business owner’s loss replaceable by insurance so why rebuild?
...yes--it did turn to shit with Obama...
Not really. Obumble was a disaster on the foreign policy front but did a fine job on the domestic front pulling us out of Shrub's Great Recession.

...I'm not the one guessing--you are...
You are opining that the country will turn to $hit if the Democrats regain the White House. Either product your crystal ball or admit that you, too, are guessing.

And, if you are not man (or woman) enough to admit that, then you're a partisan hack, and an intellectual idiot, not worth the time for discussion purposes.

...so your claims are really worthless--as you state...
1. I make no claims
2. I guess (speculate)
3. I freely admit doing so
4. speculation of future events and conditions is of great value as the basis for planning and action
5. your viewing of well-grounded speculation as 'worthless' is partisan-motivated, laughable and worthless in its own right

...Dem cities ARE shitholes--highest murder rates/poverty/etc- a mirror of Africa--under Obama
True, our Big Cities were, indeed, $hithole$ under Obumble.

And under George W. Bush (R).

And under Bill Clinton (D).

And under George H. W. Bush (R).

And under Ronald Reagan (R).

And under Jimmy Carter (D).

And under Gerald Ford (R).

And under RIchard Nixon (R)

And under Lyndon Baines Johnson (D).

And on and on and on...

Going back at LEAST as far as the so-called Great Migration of the 1915-1955 timeframe, when Blacks poured into the Big Cities from the Old South.

America's Big Cities have been $hithole$ since at LEAST the 1950s when Blacks moved-in en masse and turned inner cities into $hithole$ that never recovered.

Not that some of them weren't headed in that direction already, even when they were still mostly White.

And, of course, as Blacks moved-in, Whites bailed in their hundreds-of-thousands, taking their businesses with them, leaving the Big Cities to deteriorate.

None of that is Obumble's fault.

None of that will get any worse under Sleepy Old Uncle Joe, the 4th President of the United States.

None of that will get any better under your Orange Baboon-God, if the country is stupid enough to reelect that Robber Baron to a second term.
..it's different now--Biden and the Dems want to get rid of/defund the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very stupid
....and police can't arrest criminals--= MORE crime
this is simple
...yes--it did turn to shit with Obama...
Not really. Obumble was a disaster on the foreign policy front but did a fine job on the domestic front pulling us out of Shrub's Great Recession.

...I'm not the one guessing--you are...
You are opining that the country will turn to $hit if the Democrats regain the White House. Either product your crystal ball or admit that you, too, are guessing.

And, if you are not man (or woman) enough to admit that, then you're a partisan hack, and an intellectual idiot, not worth the time for discussion purposes.

...so your claims are really worthless--as you state...
1. I make no claims
2. I guess (speculate)
3. I freely admit doing so
4. speculation of future events and conditions is of great value as the basis for planning and action
5. your viewing of well-grounded speculation as 'worthless' is partisan-motivated, laughable and worthless in its own right

...Dem cities ARE shitholes--highest murder rates/poverty/etc- a mirror of Africa--under Obama
True, our Big Cities were, indeed, $hithole$ under Obumble.

And under George W. Bush (R).

And under Bill Clinton (D).

And under George H. W. Bush (R).

And under Ronald Reagan (R).

And under Jimmy Carter (D).

And under Gerald Ford (R).

And under RIchard Nixon (R)

And under Lyndon Baines Johnson (D).

And on and on and on...

Going back at LEAST as far as the so-called Great Migration of the 1915-1955 timeframe, when Blacks poured into the Big Cities from the Old South.

America's Big Cities have been $hithole$ since at LEAST the 1950s when Blacks moved-in en masse and turned inner cities into $hithole$ that never recovered.

Not that some of them weren't headed in that direction already, even when they were still mostly White.

And, of course, as Blacks moved-in, Whites bailed in their hundreds-of-thousands, taking their businesses with them, leaving the Big Cities to deteriorate.

None of that is Obumble's fault.

None of that will get any worse under Sleepy Old Uncle Joe, the 4th President of the United States.

None of that will get any better under your Orange Baboon-God, if the country is stupid enough to reelect that Robber Baron to a second term.
Obama started the Hate Whitey and Hate America movement
.....the economy isn't the only standard
...It shouldn't have taken until George Floyd for people to say, Um, Yeah, we need to have accountability...
Agreed. Body Cameras are a good start. Standardized, realistic and practical policies are another step. Educating blacks on proper response to police are another.

Frankly, that should have happened when Rodney King was beaten...
Localized incidents usually don't carry much weight of a lasting nature.

Same goes for a series of scattered localized incidents spanning a broad geographic area.

Instead, we've made nothing but excuses for brutal cops time after time...
True. We give our police the power of life-and-death over us when danger is present. Sometimes, cops can over-react; a human failing, and systemic weakness.

Also, given the terrible reputation of the inner-cities with roving packs of pointless, Godless, soul-less Black gangs, pushers and thugs, it's understandable.

Oh, look, Mike Brown stole some cheap cigars, that totally justified shooting him 8 times when he had his hands up. ..
Incorrect. He was shot for (a) attempting to grab an officer's gun, (b) fleeing, then (c) charging-at a pursuing officer with intent to harm.

As confirmed by a St. Louis -area Grand Jury and the US Department of Justice.

...Colin took a knee and guys like you wanted to destroy his life...
People don't like the disrespect being shown to their country... entirely understandable.

...So don't come whining to me about "riots" when you passed up dozens of opportunities to solve this peacefully.
The riots have nothing to do with 'protesting for justice'.

They may very well have begun in that mode but they quickly morphed and degenerated into something malevolent and anarchic and it's time to stop them.

Best way to put down the riots is to form an infantry company at one end of the street and then fire into the crowd of looters with full-on automatic.

Let God sort 'em out.

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