Zone1 If Blacks Do What Whites Have Done We Will Be Successful

I was administered IQ-like tests as a 5 year-old and supposedly rated well above average. All my black classmates performed better in school than I did. They had more self-discipline, more curiosity, more whatever it takes to perform in an academic environment. They are doctors, lawyers, bankers, and other professionals today. What's more their achievements are impressive when you consider the lack of access to social networks like mine and many of the other systemic obstacles they've had to overcome. Their parents made damn sure they got an education, as they had come out of the Jim Crow era and understood an education's value better than most. I knew that was bullshit even then and I'm quite sure of it now.

Dating back to the Enlightenment, scientific or biological racism is nothing new, but people are not inherently racist. Inherently tribal and in-group oriented maybe, but not racism. Race is an invented concept. Racism was created as a way to justify capitalism's exploitation of indigenous peoples of the Americas and African slaves. Sure, create a system that willfully deprives people of education, money, freedom, from one generation to the next, and then devise a test that tests for "intelligence". Color me shocked when the people who've suffered actual deprivation don't perform as well as a group on said tests, which in the end, as I alluded to above, really don't mean shit anyway.
Of course the "scabs" were willing to take the job because they had no job and they weren't allowed into the whites-only unions. I can't believe how badly you're missing something that should be quite obvious: had whites supported the Black vote, had whites supported Blacks joining their union, they collectively would have had far greater power -- at least until the whites made the catastrophic decision to vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980, who basically helped to crush unions once and for all. Not surprisingly, income and wealth inequality for all people has increased to levels not seen since 1928, and white life expectancy in many parts of the country has declined with it.

Right, and those compromises meant inequality, which is the point. Yes, whites benefited from FDR's reforms, and maybe Blacks did as well, but considerably less so.

And union-busting.

Which is precisely what the plutocrats are counting on - divide and conquer.

To be candid, I am sometimes skeptical when people say that they lost out on a job due to AA, but at the same time, I'm sure it happens in some cases, and in any case, I wasn't there, so I'll assume you're correct. I'm sorry you lost out on those opportunities.
Joe didn't lose a job due to AA. If anyone told him that he could have sued. Employers are not allowed by law to discuss things like that with employees.
Wow! 5% to 2%.
Blacks commit much more crime per capita.
Whites commit more crime. Per capita is a racist dodge. If 5 whites commit 1 crime each and 2 blacks commit 1 crime each, there are 5 crimes by whites and 2 by blacks. You don't get to divide that by the total population to create a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that 2 blacks committed more crime than 5 whites.
Whites commit more crime. Per capita is a racist dodge. If 5 whites commit 1 crime each and 2 blacks commit 1 crime each, there are 5 crimes by whites and 2 by blacks. You don't get to divide that by the total population to create a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that 2 blacks committed more crime than 5 whites.

Whites commit more crime.

5 times the population, I'd be shocked if they didn't commit at least 50%.

Per capita is a racist dodge.

Your avoidance is the racist dodge.

If 5 whites commit 1 crime each and 2 blacks commit 1 crime each, there are 5 crimes by whites and 2 by blacks.


You don't get to divide that by the total population to create a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that 2 blacks committed more crime than 5 whites.

But when 13 blacks commit more crime than 62 whites, you can claim that blacks are more criminal.
Whites commit more crime.

5 times the population, I'd be shocked if they didn't commit at least 50%.

Per capita is a racist dodge.

Your avoidance is the racist dodge.

If 5 whites commit 1 crime each and 2 blacks commit 1 crime each, there are 5 crimes by whites and 2 by blacks.


You don't get to divide that by the total population to create a percentage then multiply it by 100,000 to claim that 2 blacks committed more crime than 5 whites.

But when 13 blacks commit more crime than 62 whites, you can claim that blacks are more criminal.
Blacks don't commit more crimes than whites. That's what doesn't seem to get through your anti black hate filled head.

Whites have 5 times the number of blacks due to one of the greatest crimes ever committed in the history of humanity. And if blacks and whites had equal numbers there are things that change dramatically for black that reduces whatever crime is being committed.
Blacks don't commit more crimes than whites. That's what doesn't seem to get through your anti black hate filled head.

Whites have 5 times the number of blacks due to one of the greatest crimes ever committed in the history of humanity. And if blacks and whites had equal numbers there are things that change dramatically for black that reduces whatever crime is being committed.

Blacks don't commit more crimes than whites. That's what doesn't seem to get through your anti black hate filled head.

Pick a specific crime and we'll look a little deeper.

And if blacks and whites had equal numbers there are things that change dramatically for black that reduces whatever crime is being committed.

Really? Because looking at areas of Chicago that have more blacks also have more crimes.
Blacks don't commit more crimes than whites. That's what doesn't seem to get through your anti black hate filled head.

Pick a specific crime and we'll look a little deeper.

And if blacks and whites had equal numbers there are things that change dramatically for black that reduces whatever crime is being committed.

Really? Because looking at areas of Chicago that have more blacks also have more crimes.
Whites commit more crumes. We don't need to dig deeper than that.

I said if blacks had the same numbers as whites things would change. Chicago is majority white with whites holding most of the wealth. Even out the wealth and things change. Try again and do so without using the racist Chicago claim. Because white criminals have been presidents.
Whites commit more crumes. We don't need to dig deeper than that.

I said if blacks had the same numbers as whites things would change. Chicago is majority white with whites holding most of the wealth. Even out the wealth and things change. Try again and do so without using the racist Chicago claim. Because white criminals have been presidents.

Whites commit more crumes.

Which crime? Be specific.

Chicago is majority white


It means that 95 percent of blacks don't commit crime amd 98 percent of whites don't commit crime.
Let me get this clear, you are now saying that FIVE PERCENT of blacks commit crimes, but only TWO PRECENT of whites commit crimes?
That fool thinks blacks are genetically dumb. That racist argument has been debunked for decades.
It’s disturbing that it keeps getting brought up new banners like “race realism” ….but dig down and it is the same old racist canard.
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It’s disturbing that it keeps getting brought up new banners like “race realism” ….but dig down and it is the same old racist canard.
True. And it's sad that a belief from the 1600's is still being used today by some people.
Wow! 5% to 2%.
Blacks commit much more crime per capita.
It’s all in how you frame it….IM2 states it as 95% and 98%, you as 5% and 2%. Same stat, yet very different inferences depending on how you say it.

People who make big point of “black crime” never say 95% of blacks don’t commit crime. I guess that doesn’t sound as good.

In the end, there is very little difference between 5% and 2%.
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It’s all in how you frame it….IM2 states it as 95% and 98%, you as 5% and 2%. Same stat, yet very different inferences depending on how you say it.

People who make big point of “black crime” never say 95% of blacks don’t commit crime. I guess that doesn’t sound as good.

In the end, there is very little difference between 5% and 2%.
He can claim that blacks commit 2.5 times more crime which sounds so severe. But the reality is that crime in both groups are committed in low numbers. There is no high black crime rate.

The small number argument is all he and those like him have. That and twisting percentages without using the real numbers that percentage represents. It's a disingenuous tactic that has caused needless death and suffering in non white communities..
Whites are the largest demographic in Chicago. And whites commit more crime. There are 30 categories of crime listed by the FBI and annually whites lead in 27 or 28 of those categories.

Whites are the largest demographic in Chicago.

You said they were the majority.
Were you lying or just ignorant?

And whites commit more crime.

Which crimes?

There are 30 categories of crime listed by the FBI and annually whites lead in 27 or 28 of those categories.

Pick your 2 favorite categories.
It’s all in how you frame it….IM2 states it as 95% and 98%, you as 5% and 2%. Same stat, yet very different inferences depending on how you say it.

People who make big point of “black crime” never say 95% of blacks don’t commit crime. I guess that doesn’t sound as good.

In the end, there is very little difference between 5% and 2%.

It’s all in how you frame it….IM2 states it as 95% and 98%, you as 5% and 2%. Same stat, yet very different inferences depending on how you say it.

Frame it any way you like. IM2's own claim shows blacks are much more likely to commit crimes.

In the end, there is very little difference between 5% and 2%.

Only if you're really bad at math. Like IM2.
He can claim that blacks commit 2.5 times more crime which sounds so severe. But the reality is that crime in both groups are committed in low numbers. There is no high black crime rate.

The small number argument is all he and those like him have. That and twisting percentages without using the real numbers that percentage represents. It's a disingenuous tactic that has caused needless death and suffering in non white communities..

There is no high black crime rate.

My Chicago newspaper begs to differ.

It's a disingenuous tactic that has caused needless death and suffering in non white communities..

High crime has caused needless death and suffering in all communities.

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