Zone1 If Blacks Do What Whites Have Done We Will Be Successful

It's not whining about something that happened 100 years ago. The fact you don't recognize it as a rebuttal to your argument that Blacks were, in your words, "scabs" is a pretty glaring, conspicuous omission on your part. You're apparently not interested in an honest discussion. It's not honest to bring up an argument, have it rebutted, and come back with a total non-sequitur in response.

You didn't rebut jack. You repeated the same old crap about people who died hundreds of years ago had something bad happen to them, (as opposed to nearly everyone else 100 years ago who probably also had shitty lives, because living in the past kind of sucked in general) You cross a picket line, you are a scab and you deserve an ass-beating. Period. Full stop.

Again, another rebuttal that was completely, deliberately ignored. I thought you were interested in a fair discussion, but all you keep doing is pouting with speculative shit about how you lost a job due to AA..

No, I know that's exactly what happened. Seriously, you didn't have to work with this cow. Affirmative Action is bullshit and needs to end.

I mean, yeah, maybe she had that picture of the CEO and a sheep, but far more likely that some idiot in HR was just checking off a box.

Which Asian Americans? You do realize that many "Asian" Americans who immigrated here came here with STEM degrees and were recruited to work in high-paying IT jobs.

Some were. Some came her to start businesses. Some came here on marriage visas... a whole list.
You didn't rebut jack. You repeated the same old crap about people who died hundreds of years ago had something bad happen to them, (as opposed to nearly everyone else 100 years ago who probably also had shitty lives, because living in the past kind of sucked in general) You cross a picket line, you are a scab and you deserve an ass-beating. Period. Full stop.

Okay, I'm sorry, maybe you weren't being dishonest; maybe you're just mind-bendingly, abjectly stupid and incapable of comprehending the factual argument that I've laid out. And maybe you're also shockingly lacking the self awareness to see how your own contradictions and hypocrisies are a perfect illustration of the kinds of self-serving, short-sighted horse shit that Black people have had to endure not just in the past but, as you make quite clear, even right now, today.

Let's rewind the tape:

You said (paraphrasing) that blacks who "crossed picket lines" 100 years ago (and were subsequently murdered) were anti-union "scabs".

I said, no they're not - because they wanted to join the unions but it was white unions who shut them out. I also then pointed out that like all other natural born persons Black migrants still had to put food on the table, so despite the fact that they sympathized with the white labor movement, they could either starve or cross the picket line.

To which you said, they're anti-union scabs who crossed the picket lines and as such, deserved to have their lives violently snuffed out and chased on to the next town. That is a profound callousness and lack of basic human empathy on your part.

Yes, I get that we're discussing the kinds of white supremacist violence that might have taken place a hundred years ago, but go back and read your own words - you're basically writing as an apologist for the violence of 1922 today, in 2022.

Do you not see how you've just exemplified everything that I and others have written here in rebuttals to your "ZOMG! My life was screwed by Affirmative Action" rubbish?
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Point taken, but even if we don't inherit monetary wealth, we inherit other things, like collective social, economic, and political power as a group. And as a member of that ethnic majority, you are closer to power and power is more accessible to you than it is for Black Americans.
I don’t belong to any group with power. I have zero access to power. Being white does not give me that benefit.
Okay, I'm sorry, maybe you weren't being dishonest; maybe you're just mind-bendingly, abjectly stupid and incapable of comprehending the factual argument that I've laid out. And maybe you're also shockingly lacking the self awareness to see how your own contradictions and hypocrisies are a perfect illustration of the kinds of self-serving, short-sighted horse shit that Black people have had to endure not just in the past but, as you make quite clear, even right now, today.

If you keep saying so. Has it occurred to you that the reason why blacks aren't making economic progress TODAY because white liberals like you are enabling their defeatist attitudes? You start telling a kid from preschool the system is rigged against him and he might as well not even try, they probably aren't going to try very hard.

You said (paraphrasing) that blacks who "crossed picket lines" 100 years ago (and were subsequently murdered) were anti-union "scabs".

I said, no they're not - because they wanted to join the unions but it was white unions who shut them out. I also then pointed out that like all other natural born persons Black migrants still had to put food on the table, so despite the fact that they sympathized with the white labor movement, they could either starve or cross the picket line.

Except they were putting food on the table by taking it out of other people's mouths... then wondering why they got beaten up. Incidentally, I feel the same way about WHITE Scabs and union-breakers.

Again, if they wanted to put food on the table, they could have stayed where they were or gotten jobs that weren't crossing someone else's picket line.

To which you said, they're anti-union scabs who crossed the picket lines and as such, deserved to have their lives violently snuffed out and chased on to the next town. That is a profound callousness and lack of basic human empathy on your part.

Uh, you do something incredibly stupid, and subsequently get killed or injured, nope, I'm not going to have a lot of empathy for you. Shooting at a cop is incredibly stupid. Crossing a picket line is incredibly stupid. Driving after you've had half a dozen White Claws is incredibly stupid.

Yes, I get that we're discussing the kinds of white supremacist violence that might have taken place a hundred years ago, but go back and read your own words - you're basically writing as an apologist for the violence of 1922 today, in 2022.

Do you not see how you've just exemplified everything that I and others have written here in rebuttals to your "ZOMG! My life was screwed by Affirmative Action" rubbish?

Well, no, because I don't deny those things happened. You guys like to pretend that Ms. Affirmative Action didn't get a job that should have gone to me. Because you don't like to admit that white people who did nothing wrong ARE getting screwed by your 'Restorative Justice" bullshit. Then you scratch your heads wondering why they vote for a Reagan or a Trump. ( I did vote for Reagan, I didn't vote for Trump). Not that my life was "Screwed" by that incident, because I eventually got an even better job and put more emphasis on my side business. Not everyone has the same options.

Now, if you are talking about a black man who got lynched because he had sex with a willing white woman, or was running for office.. I'd be the first one to say that was wrong. But if you are a strikebreaker crossing a picket line when working people in a community are trying to get some economic fairness.... um, yeah, that's incredibly stupid.

Today, I'm not sure that this kind of tactics are necessary. Mobility means that workers and companies can easily move whenever they want to. There simply ISN'T that symbiotic relationship. We don't have the "lifetime jobs" that we had in an earlier day. It's rare that I see a resume where someone worked at the same place for 30 years. But 100 years ago, that was the case, and strikebreakers were used to try to keep working people down.
Again, if they wanted to put food on the table, they could have stayed where they were or gotten jobs that weren't crossing someone else's picket line.

I already explained why they couldn't just stay where they were or get jobs that weren't crossing "someone else's" picket line, and how it was racist whites who wouldn't let Blacks join their unions.

The best you got is an endorsement of violence.

Fucking weak, dude. There's really no point in having a discussion with someone who argues that racially-motivated political violence is acceptable.

You're not a victim, so fucking stop thinking and acting like one.
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I already explained why they couldn't just stay where they were or get jobs that weren't crossing "someone else's" picket line, and how it was racist whites who wouldn't let Blacks join their unions.

The best you got is an endorsement of violence.

Fucking weak, dude. There's really no point in having a discussion with someone who argues that racially-motivated political violence is acceptable.

You're not a victim, so fucking stop thinking and acting like one.

I refuse to be a victim, and I am all for violence. I was in the Violence business for 11 years. And I at the age where "life in prison" just isn't that much of a threat anymore.

You take something away from me I really care about, you can see how violent I can get. I just didn't care that much about the full time job with the nitwits to get violent about it. I just moved on to something better.

Considering the black scab was going to get the same well-deserved ass-kicking the white scab got, just not seeing it as a "racial" issue.
Someone you really care about gets a serious medical diagnosis.

Treatment comes down to two doctors. One loses 2% of patients, the other loses 5%.

Which one are you much more likely to choose?
We aren't talking about medical diagnosis.
Point taken, but even if we don't inherit monetary wealth, we inherit other things, like collective social, economic, and political power as a group. And as a member of that ethnic majority, you are closer to power and power is more accessible to you than it is for Black Americans.
Molly has been shown factual evidence of how various white women have benefitted more from AA than anyone else and still denies it to argue the nonsennse you read.

Until you are black and live do not try lecturing me based on your being white with just an opinion. Especially when your opinion is unbalanced and refuses to do the research necessary to come forth with a better argument than "IM you're a a victim" because you are ignorant of American history.
Whites are 62% of the population. Are you surprised they are the majority?

Nobody is going to look at 2 categories,

Just admit you're scared.

Why don't we look at the 2 categories where whites aren't the majority?
Not scared, the fact that whites lead in 27 or 28 categories of crime should be enough to make you recognize the problem.
No it's not a huge difference but you want to make it one because it fits your narrative.

95 is 47.5 times 2 and approx. 1900% geater than 5.

No it's not a huge difference

It's a massive difference. But you're really bad at math, so.........

95 is 47.5 times 2 and approx. 1900% geater than 5.

95 is approximately 1900% greater than 5? LOL!

Why don't you tell me exactly how much greater it is?
We're talking about the huge difference between 2% and 5%.
No, we're talking about if whites want blacks to do what whites have done to get where they are at.

There is no huge difference. You want to make it huge to fit your narrative.
No it's not a huge difference

It's a massive difference. But you're really bad at math, so.........

95 is 47.5 times 2 and approx. 1900% geater than 5.

95 is approximately 1900% greater than 5? LOL!

Why don't you tell me exactly how much greater it is?
It is not a massive difference and I don't have to tell you anything but that 95 percent of all blacks do not commit crimes and 98 percent of whites don't.

Now the question here is do whites REALLY want blacks to do as whites have done?

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