Zone1 If Blacks Do What Whites Have Done We Will Be Successful

I think those who oppose the policy need to go back and take a real honest look at how things really happened.

Some people here don't really don't understand what personal responsibility entails. People of color face racism in this country all people of color. Whites like Joe and a few others have adopted Asians as racial mascots and try using them as examples. If you look at the Asian population, the highest earners are Indians. They are the ones making over 100,000 per year. And many of them came here because of a special government preference called the H1B Visa that assures them high paying jobs once they get here.

Actually, they are a good example because they work hard. And even if you take Indians out of the equation, Asians still do pretty well. One of my dearest friends is a Filipina who came here on a marriage visa. She started out as a purchasing intern 15 years ago. Today she's a director of Supply Chain. What makes that more impressive is she took a couple of years off to have a baby. Another coworker of mine was a Japanese woman who came here on a student Visa, went to work for various companies. She could probably make a lot more money working for a Japanese company because she is fully bilingual, but she realizes as a woman, she'll get treated with more respect at an American company. (Or to be precise, the British company we both worked for at the time.)

Take away the Indian income and the so called successful Asians income is much closer to black and hispanic, with some ethnicities in the Asian diaspora living at 30 percent poverty or higher with a high rate of high school dropouts.

Whites who are racists love Asians because their culture practices what is called gaman. Gaman is basically, shut up and take the abuse. The racist white subculture in America cherishes those who take the bullying and don't fight back. However, that's about to change because younger Asians are rejection gaman and there is a generational discussion going on in the Asian community on how to properly address the white racism they face.

That's actually a Japanese term meaning "perseverance" ... and frankly, what they actually practice is Rōdō rinri (A work ethic). Frankly, I know a lot of Second and third generation Asians. And rather than having this resentment of white people you seem to have, they assimilate. They marry white people, they move into white neighborhoods, they get nice office jobs. I've worked with Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Filipinos, and frankly, I'd rather work with them than a lot of white people.

Taking responsibility is more than blaming yourself for your problems so some white people on the internet can feel superior. Taking responsibility means looking at the problems, finding the root cause of that problem, then address it. I have stated that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism and I have all kinds of evidence that supports this assertion. Hollering about somebody being a victim is not a rebuttal to that evidence nor are opinions about blacks taking responsibility for our decisions from people who never have done the same.

Again, every ethnic group that isn't WASP has faced some kind of discrimination. The real problem is while other groups were working hard, blacks listened to race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, adopting what Heinlein called the Socialist Disease in its worst form, the belief the world owes you a living.

We don't have 20 times less wealth than whites because we made poor decisions. We don't have 2.7 percent of the wealth in this country while being 13 percent of the population because a man is not sitting on a recliner in a house with his woman and kids every night. Payscale and other human resource firms along with the National Women's Law Center have done work that shows that black men and black women earn less than white and that includes when everything else is the same.

Oh, get real. 80% of the population owns only 13% of the wealth.

A black couple makes something like 85 cents for every dollar a white couple makes and that pay disparity is not due to bad choices blacks have made and it certainly isn't because every black person is less qualified than whites.

Actually, 85 cents on the dollar isn't that bad. By comparison, women still make 84% of what men earn.
We're getting into the weeds on the specific issue of affirmative action. I have opinions on the topic that probably both you and IM would disagree with (though I don't know - maybe not). I basically support AA in principle, though how it's applied in specific contexts, etc is something that might be worth revisiting, IMHO.

Quite the contrary, AA should have ended in the 1990's. Bill Clinton wanted to end it, then Jesse Jackson threatened to run against him as a third party candidate and he chickened out and backed down.

But then there's the group aspect to this discussion. I go back to something I've already said, which is that if you want to compare groups A and B and you wonder, why is there more this behavior among group A than group B, then you have to have an honest appraisal of history. I think most Americans understand some of that history but not all of it, and because we don't, we don't fully appreciate the extent to which we're still living with the consequences of that history. I don't expect to persuade anyone, but if nothing else, I can at least present facts and challenge ignorance.

If you want to talk about history, then let's talk about history. I think the worst thing that happened to black people is actually the welfare state. The illegitimacy rate among blacks was 20% in 1965. Bad, compared to whites, but not horrible. Then you opened up welfare programs for single mothers and lo and behold, the illegitimacy rate sprung up to 72%. (It also sprung up with poor whites, but that's another story.)

Another great example of how the welfare mentality leads to people screwing themselves. People who only work 32 hours a week because if they hit a certain threshold, they lose their eligibility for Medicaid, SNAP and Section 8. Going back to my discussion about a work ethic, everything I have I've worked for except a piece of property my parents left to me and my siblings, which is actually more of a liability than an asset. And, yes, over the years, I've been downsized, had some shitty jobs, lost property value when the housing market crashed in '08. I can't imagine someone who gets Food Stamps instead of a paycheck and gets a Section 8 voucher instead of paying a mortgage is going to value things the same way.
Uh, guy, the government doesn't pay... we all do. Where do you think government gets it's money? From us. I mean, do you not understand how this works?

He doesn't understand how simple math works, you expect him to understand economics?
Molly has been shown factual evidence of how various white women have benefitted more from AA than anyone else and still denies it to argue the nonsennse you read.
What evidence? How is it proven that a white woman is hired because of her race and gender? You can cut and paste “studies” but how is that proof? What kind of “study” could possible show that? I, personally have never been given anything. I have zero power to influence anyone. You constantly try to put down white posters by claiming to be more successful and harder working. Total bullshit, you don’t know anyone on these forums. Your lies make everything you say totally bogus.
Why didn't the black couple get a better education and choose a higher paying field?
Payscale and other human resource firms along with the National Women's Law Center have done work that shows that black men and black women earn less than white and that includes when everything else is the same.
He doesn't understand how simple math works, you expect him to understand economics?
I understand math better than you and Joe. Both of you are full of excuses and those excuses have no merit.
Payscale and other human resource firms along with the National Women's Law Center have done work that shows that black men and black women earn less than white and that includes when everything else is the same.

You know that attractive people get paid more than Ugly People, right? I know, it's this amazing thing.
Thin people get paid more than fat people.
Guys with a good head of hair get paid more than bald guys, on average.

I understand math better than you and Joe. Both of you are full of excuses and those excuses have no merit.

Then why can't you refute the points made. A white single mother is more likely to be a divorcee getting alimony and child support. A black single mother is more likely to be guest on the Maury Povich Show.

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Payscale and other human resource firms along with the National Women's Law Center have done work that shows that black men and black women earn less than white and that includes when everything else is the same.

How often is everything else the same?
Taking responsibility is more than blaming yourself for your problems so some white people on the internet can feel superior. Taking responsibility means looking at the problems, finding the root cause of that problem, then address it. I have stated that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism and I have all kinds of evidence that supports this assertion. Hollering about somebody being a victim is not a rebuttal to that evidence nor are opinions about blacks taking responsibility for our decisions from people who never have done the same.

We don't have 20 times less wealth than whites because we made poor decisions. We don't have 2.7 percent of the wealth in this country while being 13 percent of the population because a man is not sitting on a recliner in a house with his woman and kids every night. Payscale and other human resource firms along with the National Women's Law Center have done work that shows that black men and black women earn less than white and that includes when everything else is the same.

A black couple makes something like 85 cents for every dollar a white couple makes and that pay disparity is not due to bad choices blacks have made and it certainly isn't because every black person is less qualified than whites.

First off any evidence I seen you present are not apples to apples, they are apples to oranges. Secondly having the same job or same degree does not mean the employee puts out the same amount of work as all others. A business owner does have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the owner the most green are that employers favorite employees, and financial compensation ensures they stay with the company.
It is not a massive difference and I don't have to tell you anything but that 95 percent of all blacks do not commit crimes and 98 percent of whites don't.

Now the question here is do whites REALLY want blacks to do as whites have done?

To be honest we don't care what you do. But don't expect us to subscribe to all your failures being because of race instead of action or inaction.
First off any evidence I seen you present are not apples to apples, they are apples to oranges. Secondly having the same job or same degree does not mean the employee puts out the same amount of work as all others. A business owner does have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the owner the most green are that employers favorite employees, and financial compensation ensures they stay with the company.
It is apples to apples Ray. Like others of your ilk, you're full of excuses.
To be honest we don't care what you do. But don't expect us to subscribe to all your failures being because of race instead of action or inaction.
Your opinion is not based on life experience or research. Therefore it's irrelevant.
First off any evidence I seen you present are not apples to apples, they are apples to oranges. Secondly having the same job or same degree does not mean the employee puts out the same amount of work as all others. A business owner does have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the owner the most green are that employers favorite employees, and financial compensation ensures they stay with the company.

Bullshit. I've seen employers fire people who are good producers for petty reasons, and I've seen absolutely worthless slugs maintain employment for years. Employers are like anyone else, they are a mixture of good and bad, smart and dumb.

To be honest we don't care what you do. But don't expect us to subscribe to all your failures being because of race instead of action or inaction.

Uh, IM is very successful in his field if he is to be believed.

You live in a slum and collect a government check.
It is apples to apples Ray. Like others of your ilk, you're full of excuses.

No, it's you that's full of excuses. Blacks are shooting each other in the street, it's racism. Blacks are not working, it's racism. Blacks as a group have less money than whites, it's racism. Blacks can't hold their families together, it's racism. Blacks lag in education, it's racism. Blacks are bad drivers and get pulled over all the time, it's racism. Stores and industry move out when blacks move in, it's racism.

Is there anything blacks are responsible for in your world?
Joe, just face the truth of what has happened. No white group faced Jim Crow. Understand?

Those same groups practiced apartheid against blacks, burned down black communities, bombed black homes and killed entire black families.

As usual, you are wrong. Look up how the Irish were treated.
Says the guy who refuses to acknowledge "per capita" because it doesn't fit his "arguments".
You only use per capita for one thing and that's to fit your argument. Your per capita argument only shows that 95 percent of all blacks don't commit crime and so you use it only to deny the larger problem of white crime. So like I said, my math is good, you guys have the problem.

This thread is about the reality of blacks doing EVERYTHING whites have done to get where they are as suggested by so many whites in this forum.
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