If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

The racists of today are those that support discrimination in favor of blacks, to make up for past injustices.
You help those who need help

The ones that get shafted are the poor whites, who need help too.

GWBush, Chelsea Clinton, those kids are going to be alright. The miner worker's son who got the grades but not the money? He's the one that takes the hit to pay for the sins of the ancestors of the Kennedys and the Rockefellers.

And when you make that call based on race, to punish one racial group to punish another?

THat is racism.
that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

I am liberal, hypocrite is thy name.

If a person of color says they voted Democrat because Democrats are for the people of color, the liberals praise them because they voted for their own self interest. If a white votes for a candidate because the candidate supports a white self interest, he's a racist.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

The racists of today are those that support discrimination in favor of blacks, to make up for past injustices.
You help those who need help

The ones that get shafted are the poor whites, who need help too.

GWBush, Chelsea Clinton, those kids are going to be alright. The miner worker's son who got the grades but not the money? He's the one that takes the hit to pay for the sins of the ancestors of the Kennedys and the Rockefellers.

And when you make that call based on race, to punish one racial group to punish another?

THat is racism.
Great news...we help the poor whites too

Not the Republucans.....but those of us who care
Those aren't problems?

not how to approach people of color.

if you all didn't sound like racists, they'd probably vote GOP.... because they're naturally conservative, church-going types.

but you'd have to drop the stereotypes to know that. and you might want to talk about the fact that they have to be afraid their young men are going to be shot by cops if they get pulled over for a blown tail light.

how 'bout that?

Police don't shoot anybody because they have a blown taillight, they shoot people who present some kind of threat to them.

I guess we Republicans will never get the black vote because we don't lie as well as Democrats.

Very true

The problem today is that police look at every traffic stop of a black man as a potential threat. The result is unarmed black men being shot for reaching for identification or not responding correctly to a command

Usually the cop gets off once he claims he felt "threatened"
The black community is outraged that an unarmed black man was killed for no reason
They want it know that those lives matter

As I stated so many times on this topic, all police shootings of unarmed "people" have one thing in common: they didn't listen to the orders of the police.

The problem with blacks is not the police, the problem is that some blacks feel they are not obligated to respect authority.

Living in a black neighborhood I understand how this happens. I monitor our police scanner and listen to calls. I would estimate that 80% of our police calls are about kids; many times it's the parent calling the cops on their own children.

When these kids hit the teen years--especially boys, the single mother can no longer control them, so they call the police every time the kid acts out. Our city created an ordinance that anymore than three calls per year to a residence will result in fees being charged for each additional call. They assess those charges to your property tax bill so there is no way of avoiding them, plus if you rent, the landlord would have to pay those fees.

Our police don't have the time or resources to be surrogate fathers. They have better things to do. So the problem with blacks stem from (like always) single-parent homes. After the mother gives up because she can no longer summon police and can't control the kid, the kid realizes he doesn't have to listen to anybody. He takes that attitude to school and even the police, and eventually ends up getting killed.

That's the problem.

The problem is when police get ingrained about young black males and their attitudes and a responsible black young man gets shot because a policeman misinterpreted what he is doing

And if that is the case where a police officer had no reason to shoot a black suspect, that officer is arrested and charged.
that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

I am liberal, hypocrite is thy name.

If a person of color says they voted Democrat because Democrats are for the people of color, the liberals praise them because they voted for their own self interest. If a white votes for a candidate because the candidate supports a white self interest, he's a racist.

Depends what that white interest is

If the interest is in preserving the preferential treatment of whites...then it is racist
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

The racists of today are those that support discrimination in favor of blacks, to make up for past injustices.
You help those who need help

The ones that get shafted are the poor whites, who need help too.

GWBush, Chelsea Clinton, those kids are going to be alright. The miner worker's son who got the grades but not the money? He's the one that takes the hit to pay for the sins of the ancestors of the Kennedys and the Rockefellers.

And when you make that call based on race, to punish one racial group to punish another?

THat is racism.
Great news...we help the poor whites too

Not the Republucans.....but those of us who care

NOt generally.

Indeed, you and people like you have generally attacked me for even suggesting the whites are a group that has interests and that they should be represented or pursued.

Who voted for the white new haven firefighters that were denied promotion based on race? Dem appointed justices or republican appointed justicies?
As I stated so many times on this topic, all police shootings of unarmed "people" have one thing in common: they didn't listen to the orders of the police.

The problem with blacks is not the police, the problem is that some blacks feel they are not obligated to respect authority.

Living in a black neighborhood I understand how this happens. I monitor our police scanner and listen to calls. I would estimate that 80% of our police calls are about kids; many times it's the parent calling the cops on their own children.

When these kids hit the teen years--especially boys, the single mother can no longer control them, so they call the police every time the kid acts out. Our city created an ordinance that anymore than three calls per year to a residence will result in fees being charged for each additional call. They assess those charges to your property tax bill so there is no way of avoiding them, plus if you rent, the landlord would have to pay those fees.

Our police don't have the time or resources to be surrogate fathers. They have better things to do. So the problem with blacks stem from (like always) single-parent homes. After the mother gives up because she can no longer summon police and can't control the kid, the kid realizes he doesn't have to listen to anybody. He takes that attitude to school and even the police, and eventually ends up getting killed.

That's the problem.

You are woefully uninformed or intentionally misstating.

And the caregiver taking care of the artistic young man was laying in his back with his hands up when he was shot.

Another gentleman informed the officer that he had a gun permit and a lawful weapon and was shot to death. Neither of them disibeyed the police.

And what happens to young black men does not happen to young white men.

But your misunderstanding of the situation is one of many reasons that blacks don't vote with you.

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

I'm just going to point out that when the GOP took over the house in 2010, democrats got a million more votes nationwide. gerrymandering is everything for them. their "ideas" wouldn't fly if they had to compete in an actual marketplace of ideas. instead their only challenges come from the right. so they're loons.

Correct, because only the Republicans gerrymander. The Democrats would never dream of doing that when the opportunity presents itself.
that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

I am liberal, hypocrite is thy name.

If a person of color says they voted Democrat because Democrats are for the people of color, the liberals praise them because they voted for their own self interest. If a white votes for a candidate because the candidate supports a white self interest, he's a racist.

Depends what that white interest is

If the interest is in preserving the preferential treatment of whites...then it is racist

Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Pssst. I'll let you in on a little secret. While the Democrats believe they are scoring points with minorities by calling everybody and everything racist, the rest of the country is sick to their stomach hearing about racism all the time, especially when (in mosts all cases) the discussion has nothing to do with race.

But please, it''s our little secret. We don't want the Democrats to realize they are making most of America sick with their race talk, and that's the real reason they've been losing so many elections. We want them to keep calling Republicans racist for just sneezing in public.

"Folks, when your adversary begins to make a fool of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
Yet they all knew not to invade. That decision was made by pnac.

You would think it was a mistake but the men involved in pnac profited majorly.

This illustrates the difference between the parties. The democrats gave speeches but bush chaney acted.

Even trump admitted no wmds

Here Congress voted to use force against Iraq. As did the United Nations. Why so many lies?


Oh, don't forget that Hillary Clinton voted to use force as well!
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Gee, if blacks started voting Republican, that would mean the Republican Party would finally have purged itself of the plague of racists under which it currently suffers.

Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?
What about the racists in the dems party?
Doesn't make much sense
What problems should they focus on?
The problem is when police get ingrained about young black males and their attitudes and a responsible black young man gets shot because a policeman misinterpreted what he is doing

How is it that anyone, including police, gets ingrained about young black males their attitudes?

Think it might have anything to do with their dress, speech, music, TV hero's, people whom they admire?

What happened in the cases of a wrong shooting by the police?
the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

Great, now we are getting into specifics instead of generalizations that can't be seriously discussed. I didn't click the link because it has all the information to support my side: Officer Charged. That's all I need to know because it's what I've been saying all along.

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

No, it was one mans opinion of the differences between white and black gun permit holders. No evidence to support it. And again, the officer was charged with one count of manslaughter, heard by a jury of his peers, and was found not guilty of the charges.

When you have a firearm, you do exactly as the police officer asks. You don't make a move until he instructs you to do so. This was heavily stressed in our CCW class which I held at my home. While all we can see on the video is the dash cams perspective, it's clear to me that the officer yelled at the suspect (twice) to stop moving (for whatever) before he shot him. I really have a hard time believing that the suspect was frozen and the officer just started to shoot for no reason. Apparently the jury (consisting of two black jurors) seen it the same way.

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
You are woefully uninformed or intentionally misstating.

And the caregiver taking care of the artistic young man was laying in his back with his hands up when he was shot.

Another gentleman informed the officer that he had a gun permit and a lawful weapon and was shot to death. Neither of them disibeyed the police.

And what happens to young black men does not happen to young white men.

But your misunderstanding of the situation is one of many reasons that blacks don't vote with you.

Unless you post links of what you're talking about, I can only go from memory.

So what happened to the officer who shot this autistic man? What did the investigation reveal?

I do remember the case of the CCW holder who was told repeatedly by the officer to freeze, and he didn't. That's why he was shot.

Again: more unarmed white suspects get shot by police than blacks every year, it's just that you don't know about them being a slave to MSM and only knowing what they tell you..

the officer did not shoot the autistic man. he shot his caregiver who was laying on the floor with his hands up... on his back

that is not true about the CCW holder. he was never told to freeze. the officer started to shriek because the 2nd amendment doesn't get to be used by black people.

I don't think you're intentionally not understanding this. but I do think you are determined to avoid any type of understanding about what being black in this country is. if you tried, you probably would find blacks voting GOP because on many issues they're very conservative ... church going.... and they would easily agree with you on a lot of issues.

but the lack of understanding and empathy keeps them away from you. what I'll say is no one should have to talk to their kid about the fact that the color of his skin means he can't behave the way white males behave and that it is not unlikely that they can be shot for no reason.

btw, this is the video of the unarmed caregiver being shot for no reason

Officer charged with shooting autistic man’s unarmed caregiver

this article discusses the disparate treatment of white and black gun permit holders

Police shooting of gun permit holder concerns others who legally carry – Twin Cities

as for that shooting...they did not say don't move. they said "don't pull [the gun] out".

he didn't. he was going for his license and registration which they had asked for. in the article above, you will note that when a white guy said he was licensed to carry and had a gun, the cops turned their backs on him and went about their business

Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event - CNN
Republicans determined they do better being racist towards blacks than they are trying to win them over. Same with Mexicans, muslims and gays. And they're right. They control all three houses

Republicans have been fighting racism since before fighting racism was cool.

And we've never wavered on that

I googled Republicans fighting Racism and couldn't find shit to back up your comment that they've been fighting racism.

I did find

A top Democrat says GOP is 'the party of racism - CNNPolitics

Here is a link to some Republicans who are fighting racism. TRUMPS racism that is These Republicans are denouncing Trump by name - CNNPolitics

And maybe we are being too hard on you guys How Democrats Might Help the Republican Party Be Less Racist

that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

I am liberal, hypocrite is thy name.

If a person of color says they voted Democrat because Democrats are for the people of color, the liberals praise them because they voted for their own self interest. If a white votes for a candidate because the candidate supports a white self interest, he's a racist.

Depends what that white interest is

If the interest is in preserving the preferential treatment of whites...then it is racist

How about stopping the Democrats from their constant strive to make whites a minority in this country no matter what the cost? Is that racist too?
Here's something to think about. If Republicans started "focusing on their problems", blacks would start voting for them!

Neat, huh?

Other than being taught and preached to that they are not smart enough to compete with other races by their race-baiting leaders, what has voting for Democrats done for blacks?
The problem is when police get ingrained about young black males and their attitudes and a responsible black young man gets shot because a policeman misinterpreted what he is doing

How is it that anyone, including police, gets ingrained about young black males their attitudes?

Think it might have anything to do with their dress, speech, music, TV hero's, people whom they admire?

What happened in the cases of a wrong shooting by the police?
Doesn't excuse killing unarmed innocent people
that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

I am liberal, hypocrite is thy name.

If a person of color says they voted Democrat because Democrats are for the people of color, the liberals praise them because they voted for their own self interest. If a white votes for a candidate because the candidate supports a white self interest, he's a racist.

Depends what that white interest is

If the interest is in preserving the preferential treatment of whites...then it is racist

How about stopping the Democrats from their constant strive to make whites a minority in this country no matter what the cost? Is that racist too?
What a drama queen
The problem is when police get ingrained about young black males and their attitudes and a responsible black young man gets shot because a policeman misinterpreted what he is doing

How is it that anyone, including police, gets ingrained about young black males their attitudes?

Think it might have anything to do with their dress, speech, music, TV hero's, people whom they admire?

What happened in the cases of a wrong shooting by the police?
Doesn't excuse killing unarmed innocent people

Those have been arrested and have been or are being prosecuted. What's the excuse for blacks?
that hasn't been true since the passage of the civil rights act. that is why black people who used to vote for the party of Lincoln ran from what was obviously the "southern strategy" which said "make America white again"... which is pretty much what you voted for in Donald.

I am liberal, hypocrite is thy name.

If a person of color says they voted Democrat because Democrats are for the people of color, the liberals praise them because they voted for their own self interest. If a white votes for a candidate because the candidate supports a white self interest, he's a racist.

Depends what that white interest is

If the interest is in preserving the preferential treatment of whites...then it is racist

How about stopping the Democrats from their constant strive to make whites a minority in this country no matter what the cost? Is that racist too?
What a drama queen

So that's what truth is to you????

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