If both parties worked for real Americans wouldn't issues such as immigration be easy to solve?

Democrats in particular act as if the immigration issue is one very complex in nature....but is it really?
Don't the parties 'sell' the issues they have no interest in solving as difficult and complex?
For every complex problem there is a simple solution. Unfortunately it is always the wrong solution.
Immigration isn't a problem.
Are illegal invaders a problem?
Yes, that's THE problem. Illegal invaders isn't immigration.
Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" and less fortunate.

Most of them coming in on foot are probably refugees not people who can afford a tourist visa.
Refugees form a Spanish speaking nation can relocate in a Spanish speaking nation.
We have a Statue of Liberty. Want to give it back to the French, right winger. You get All of the blame.
We're full. How many are you taking into your house?
I don't believe you.
Immigration isn't a problem.
Are illegal invaders a problem?
Yes, that's THE problem. Illegal invaders isn't immigration.
Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" and less fortunate.

Most of them coming in on foot are probably refugees not people who can afford a tourist visa.
Refugees form a Spanish speaking nation can relocate in a Spanish speaking nation.

But some people would explain that this IS a Spanish-speaking nation.

That is to say, they would explain that the Yankees stole Texas from Mexico.

Then the United States started a war to steal California. Even a young Congressman named A. Lincoln condemned the war.

Our Hispanic friends refer to La Conquista, the (peaceful) reconquest of what was stolen from them.

Much of the Southwest is now Hispanic, such as my city of Los Angeles.

And demographers predict that by the end of this century, Hispanic people will be the largest ethnicity in this nation and maybe even the majority.

I am not being rude when I respectfully ask everyone to wake up and smell the coffee. Be sure to have your children and/or grandchildren learn to speak and write Spanish. It is a beautiful language.
Democrats in particular act as if the immigration issue is one very complex in nature....but is it really?
Don't the parties 'sell' the issues they have no interest in solving as difficult and complex?
Upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital campus on it.

One of its tasks could be to create better drugs at potentially lower cost; any drugs created could be generically priced to the general populace to lower costs via returns to scale.

Can someone please show Danny a map...he obviously believes Ellis Island is on the route from Mexico to America.
Capitalism, What is That, Sayeth the Right-Wing every time it comes up.
Are you a communist?
No. We are not moral enough to establish a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

thanks, right-wingers.
You don't the meaning of the word "moral".
Thanks for proving my point, Right-Winger.
Democrats in particular act as if the immigration issue is one very complex in nature....but is it really?
Don't the parties 'sell' the issues they have no interest in solving as difficult and complex?
Upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital campus on it.

One of its tasks could be to create better drugs at potentially lower cost; any drugs created could be generically priced to the general populace to lower costs via returns to scale.

Can someone please show Danny a map...he obviously believes Ellis Island is on the route from Mexico to America.
Capitalism, What is That, Sayeth the Right-Wing every time it comes up.

Capitalism is what AMERICANS practice within the borders of America.
Americans are not required to practice capitalism with the people of Mexico.
Sorry Gustavo.
Y'all are all Talk; Capitalism, What is That, sayeth the right wing, every time it comes up.
If truth be told, there are very few politicians who are genuine patriots, and -- sadly -- that also goes for the heads of big corporations & media empires.

The genuine patriots are found only among some ordinary Americans, and they -- sadly -- lack any power.
A person can be, or act patriotic, by standing for the NA with a hand on their heart, or waving a small US flag on the 4th of July.

A genuine Patriot is a citizen that would be willing to fight and die for their country. The politicians and CEOs are usually too well heeled to be willing to leave their wonderful lives for anything, unlike the salt of the earth Patriots.
Democrats in particular act as if the immigration issue is one very complex in nature....but is it really?
Don't the parties 'sell' the issues they have no interest in solving as difficult and complex?
For every complex problem there is a simple solution. Unfortunately it is always the wrong solution.
What would be "wrong" with expecting our politicians to ALWAYS put Americans first?
If they did so immigration would be solved tomorrow.
If truth be told, there are very few politicians who are genuine patriots, and -- sadly -- that also goes for the heads of big corporations & media empires.

The genuine patriots are found only among some ordinary Americans, and they -- sadly -- lack any power.
A person can be, or act patriotic, by standing for the NA with a hand on their heart, or waving a small US flag on the 4th of July.

A genuine Patriot is a citizen that would be willing to fight and die for their country. The politicians and CEOs are usually too well heeled to be willing to leave their wonderful lives for anything, unlike the salt of the earth Patriots.

Your last sentence sums it up well.
The reason immigration is still an issue is because both parties work for business/wall street and they do not want the issue addressed. They want the low wages and the money being spent here.
And to flip the country to a socialist country by creating government dependents.

These 20 million illegals will have 80 million children who ARE American citizens and WILL be dependent on the Democrat Party

Blame Wall Street and those who work exclusively for them.

You often offer this OPINION and never offer any proof of what you assert. Should we just go on "because you say so"?
I say they come for the free shit and to work at cousin Gustavo's tire shop.....because I say so.

I've addressed this many times. There is very little in free anything here for them. Yes they come here to work. I've said that all along. He isn't working for a legal wage at the tire shop.
You've "addressed" it with nothing more than an unreasonable opinion...no facts, no substantiation.

Right, they aren't really working here by the millions. It's all made up.
The reason immigration is still an issue is because both parties work for business/wall street and they do not want the issue addressed. They want the low wages and the money being spent here.
And to flip the country to a socialist country by creating government dependents.

These 20 million illegals will have 80 million children who ARE American citizens and WILL be dependent on the Democrat Party

Blame Wall Street and those who work exclusively for them.
I blame the Democrats

Which is why nothing will ever get done. If this is so bad for Republicans why do they not address it?

You mean like denouncing sanctuary cities, like building a wall, like removing incentives and holding asylum seekers in Mexico?
I'm certain you supported the aforementioned....right Guadalupe?

None of which addresses the thousands employing them. Cut your own throat if you wish.

Post the data...go beyond "I said so".......how many companies are "employing them"?

We don't even really know how many illegals are here.
Come on now....substantiate your OPINION with some data....that's what intelligent people do.

You are asking from a forum troll who is highly allergic to facts, he will not back up his bullshit.
Why would the parties work together when immigration serves as a wedge issue...

Aren't there plenty of other "wedge issues"?
Are average Americans benefitting by the presence of 20-40 million illegals.....how are they benefiting?
Democrats in particular act as if the immigration issue is one very complex in nature....but is it really?
Don't the parties 'sell' the issues they have no interest in solving as difficult and complex?
For every complex problem there is a simple solution. Unfortunately it is always the wrong solution.
What would be "wrong" with expecting our politicians to ALWAYS put Americans first?
If they did so immigration would be solved tomorrow.
Good luck getting ANY two Americans to agree on what is best for America.
Most of them coming in on foot are probably refugees not people who can afford a tourist visa
No, they are opportunists. They need to respect our laws if they expect to live here.

If they are "refugees" then they have plans to RETURN HOME.

They are NOT REFUGEES and the left knows it. It isnt compassion that motivates you but the destruction of this country.
I made a living all through the 1980s into the early 1990s going behind underpaid illegals and fixing there screw ups on residential construction sites. You ask how do I know there illegals? Sleeping on the site on floor s on ground in blankets. and when a white guy shows up or a cop they vanish quick. Its those who employees these people are the ones that need put in prison with a strong fine.
Most of them coming in on foot are probably refugees not people who can afford a tourist visa
No, they are opportunists. They need to respect our laws if they expect to live here.

If they are "refugees" then they have plans to RETURN HOME.

They are NOT REFUGEES and the left knows it. It isnt compassion that motivates you but the destruction of this country.
How did you reach the conclusions you did?
Upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital campus on it, to save money.
Secure the border, deport all illegals and enforce our immigration laws including punishing all who employ them.
Why would the parties work together when immigration serves as a wedge issue...

Aren't there plenty of other "wedge issues"?
Are average Americans benefitting by the presence of 20-40 million illegals.....how are they benefiting?

Fixing immigration will require compromise. The two parties are not going to find common ground when one is more focused on granting amnesty while the other is on border wall security.

Thus it continues as a wedge issue...

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