If Brexit Why Not Texit? Will Britain’s American Children Follow The Mother Country’s Populism?

Depending on the election, we may have no choice but to exit the union ran by a traitor ho.
Some dumb assholes tried that a hundred and fifty some years ago. You might consider the result.
If the far right traitors revolt again, if they survive they will forfeit citizenship and their property. They will be put out for contract labor to corporations, which will take and use them out in a heart beat.

No, mike, your nonsense is only nonsense.
lI did say I could be wrong. Fortunately I don't care to "run tell the teacher" so you need have no fear.

Meanwhile, whether or not Obama was born in Kenya, Hawaii, or even on your planet is of no consequence. What matters is that any mention of the subject puts liberal knickers in a twist.

Now if you don't mind our returning to the topic, I have no direct knowledge of how Texas might shake off the chains. I do recall, however, that New Hampshire was sufficiently prudent to include in the terms of their joining the union (along with 12 more former colonies) that they could opt out at any time. So, theoretically, breaking away is not impossible. Perhaps they'll address that in American History which, as I recall, in states not under "Common Core" diktat, is taught in fourth grade. So you won't have long to wait.
So Henry red jammies backed down once his silliness was once again outed.

What matters is that Obama is our president, nothing you can do about that.

NH joined the Union as one of the original 13 and is bound by constitutional law. It can go nowhere without Congress's permission.

Where do you get the idea that Common Core prevents the teaching of US history? That is simply an example of your creeping senility.
Anybody who thinks Britain is the "mother country" of the United States of America is a victim of liberal education. The Founding Fathers of the fledgling United States risked their lives and fortunes to create a document that changed the world forever. Thanks to the United States, the people of what we used to call the "free world" are able to live in freedom rather than subjects of the whims and insanity of monarchs and kings. For that reason you could call the U.S. "the mother of democracy" and who's offspring includes the country formerly known as England.
Perhaps we ALL need to think about the topic:

If Brexit Why Not Texit? Will Britain’s American Children Follow The Mother Country’s Populism?

Is it really "populism"? Is it "populism" when neighbors whose homes have been vandalized join forces to make it stop? The EU has had, from the beginning, rules and procedures that, under specified circumstances, allow withdrawal. In what we knew as "America" that was (with the exception of New Hampshire) not the case. The temptation to break away may be strong but it would take more than a vote in Texas or any state (again, possibly save New Hampshire). Such a vote might cause Congress to take up the matter but I doubt it would get serious consideration.

So, no, no Texit. But it is not impossible that, in November, the presidential election will be a sort of referendum and chains will be cast off. But the process is different and the probability of it grows with each day and with each "presidential" blunder.
Oh, Texas, please, please declare independence from the United States!!

I live in dread of another Texan American President. After Lyndon Johnson and George W. Bush, a third one would be the charm that would destroy America!
Oh, Texas, please, please declare independence from the United States!!

I live in dread of another Texan American President. After Lyndon Johnson and George W. Bush, a third one would be the charm that would destroy America!

Please do not become overconfident. This is post-constitutional America. There are no longer any place-of-birth or even residency requirements permitted.
Anybody who thinks Britain is the "mother country" of the United States of America is a victim of liberal education. The Founding Fathers of the fledgling United States risked their lives and fortunes to create a document that changed the world forever. Thanks to the United States, the people of what we used to call the "free world" are able to live in freedom rather than subjects of the whims and insanity of monarchs and kings. For that reason you could call the U.S. "the mother of democracy" and who's offspring includes the country formerly known as England.
Anyone who writes trip like the whims and insanity of monarchs and kin" in reference to the USA and GB since 1825 is a fucking idiot who does not know our history.
Perhaps we ALL need to think about the topic:

If Brexit Why Not Texit? Will Britain’s American Children Follow The Mother Country’s Populism?

Is it really "populism"? Is it "populism" when neighbors whose homes have been vandalized join forces to make it stop? The EU has had, from the beginning, rules and procedures that, under specified circumstances, allow withdrawal. In what we knew as "America" that was (with the exception of New Hampshire) not the case. The temptation to break away may be strong but it would take more than a vote in Texas or any state (again, possibly save New Hampshire). Such a vote might cause Congress to take up the matter but I doubt it would get serious consideration.

So, no, no Texit. But it is not impossible that, in November, the presidential election will be a sort of referendum and chains will be cast off. But the process is different and the probability of it grows with each day and with each "presidential" blunder.
Only old senile guys in their red jammies think the "presidential election will be a sort of referendum and chains will be cast off." A presidential election will return HRC because the GOP was stupid enough to saddle itself with Dangerous Donald, no other reason.
Conservative radicals pushed for Brexit. They got what they wanted. Now, they get to live with the consequences.
Conservative radicals pushed for Brexit. They got what they wanted. Now, they get to live with the consequences.

As was the case with Comrade Obama's election. Yes, elections DO have consequences. Surprised?

Why would average voters want austerity and wealth inequality?

Scapegoating immigrants for economic suffering is easier than confronting the politicians that crafted austerity policy.

Political Elites’ Program of Austerity Set the Stage for Brexit
You forget all the time, yes, my red jammied friend. To the OP: there will be no Texit.

Ah, so I did say "ALL" without realizing your reading comprehension issues would preclude your understanding such a L-O-N-G word!

Thank You.

Good, too, that Texit is not likely as we Americans will continue to be able to extradite those who threaten.

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