If Cantor knew about Petraeus, then why didn't he say anything?

Cantor knew about it October 27th. If there is a cover up for the affair, Cantor is part of it.

Deal with it Rabid Lie.

Let's see: Cantor found on Oct 27 and Mueller was told on the 31st. In the meatime Hurricane Sandy caused disruptions in communications.

You really are a stupid moron. And that's probably an insult to all the stupid morons out there.

:lol: Yeah, right, Cantor couldn't communicate with anyone.

What I find more interesting is why was Cantor the one told to begin with.
A national security issue??

Hell. The Kennedys had affairs all over the place and no one ever considered those a National Security issue.

Personally I could care if P had an affair. Thats between he and his wife.

I doubt seriously that the General would be spilling national secrets to his little on the side honey. Hell. He probably doesn't spill anything to his wife either.

Hell. I never could figure out why he was made the director of the CIA but then some rather odd people have held that position.
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.


If I were to hazard a guess as to why Cantor didn't say anything, it's probably because they all learned from the Lewinsky thing, you don't bitch about someone else's affairs.

Or someone is likely to expose yours...

Just ask Newt and Livingstone.
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

Because Petraeus' name was involved, criminal investigators kept an open eye for potential national security violations. They had to investigate Broadwell's background but found no evidence she was a spy.

But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew of Petraeus' affair with Broadwell almost two weeks before the former CIA director resigned his post.

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said

Hurricane Sandy delayed the message to Mueller until Oct. 31. Petraeus admitted the extramarital relationship and submitted his resignation nine days later.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News
It doesn't fit the narrative you see.

Shhhhhh....don't tell no one. :eusa_shhh:

what narrative???? that the op created a strawman. Please stay dem atl cause you fit right in.
After watching the news on this thing today, it just keeps getting stranger and stranger......................
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

Because Petraeus' name was involved, criminal investigators kept an open eye for potential national security violations. They had to investigate Broadwell's background but found no evidence she was a spy.

But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew of Petraeus' affair with Broadwell almost two weeks before the former CIA director resigned his post.

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said

Hurricane Sandy delayed the message to Mueller until Oct. 31. Petraeus admitted the extramarital relationship and submitted his resignation nine days later.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News

yours isn't the only thread on this:rolleyes:


oh and what you appear to be saying is, the FBI guy cantor got it from had not pushed it up his chain of command? seriously?

if you're taking this as proof ( see below) that cantor knew and meuller didn't, well, I have a bridge to sell you..........

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said.
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

Because Petraeus' name was involved, criminal investigators kept an open eye for potential national security violations. They had to investigate Broadwell's background but found no evidence she was a spy.

But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew of Petraeus' affair with Broadwell almost two weeks before the former CIA director resigned his post.

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said

Hurricane Sandy delayed the message to Mueller until Oct. 31. Petraeus admitted the extramarital relationship and submitted his resignation nine days later.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News

Damn good question and we need answers. Holder and obama knew as well.
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

Because Petraeus' name was involved, criminal investigators kept an open eye for potential national security violations. They had to investigate Broadwell's background but found no evidence she was a spy.

But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew of Petraeus' affair with Broadwell almost two weeks before the former CIA director resigned his post.

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said

Hurricane Sandy delayed the message to Mueller until Oct. 31. Petraeus admitted the extramarital relationship and submitted his resignation nine days later.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News

Damn good question and we need answers. Holder and obama knew as well.

The President, DOJ, National Security Advisor and the FBI knew, take it to the bank. Not everyone was raised on a turnip truck.
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News

Damn good question and we need answers. Holder and obama knew as well.

The President, DOJ, National Security Advisor and the FBI knew, take it to the bank. Not everyone was raised on a turnip truck.

I'm betting the State Department knew as well.
Didn't take long for the Libs to find a way to blame all this on republicans.
Won't be too much longer until they blame the Benghazi mess on them as well..
Dumbfuck....the investigation was either TS, Secret or confidential.

Also, he has no business addressing the issue in public before the POTUS. If someone is going to call out the CIA director for bad behavior, that would be Clapper or Obamination not someone in Congress, dumbfuck.

The point is Obamination used the information as blackmail against Petreaus. Last I checked, Cantor didn't have some angle to use the information against Petreaus you simpleminded twit. Cantor just knew of the investigation but he had nothing to do with the Libya cover up.

Carry on homo....

Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

Because Petraeus' name was involved, criminal investigators kept an open eye for potential national security violations. They had to investigate Broadwell's background but found no evidence she was a spy.

But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew of Petraeus' affair with Broadwell almost two weeks before the former CIA director resigned his post.

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said

Hurricane Sandy delayed the message to Mueller until Oct. 31. Petraeus admitted the extramarital relationship and submitted his resignation nine days later.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News
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To give you dumbfuck liberals a real world example of mine.

Years ago working in a Headquarters for a 4-star I was aware of an investigation of a Lt Col for child porn found on his computer by his soon to be ex-wife. The 4-star General and a handful of people in the building including me knew about the investigation by the police and the military.

I would have been insane to brag about knowing the information to other people like you assholes believe Cantor should have done regarding the CIA Director under a major FBI investigation. When you are in the loop, you keep your mouth shut until the investigation is complete and the "boss" makes a statement.

The Lt Col in my situation could have been set up by his wife that was divorcing him, so that would've made it worse someone leaking the story around the building to show their so-called importance. Cantor's career would've ended on the spot if he was found to be leaking the investigation especially if Petreaus was innocent.

I'm not shocked this situation is too deep for the OP since he was a nobody in the Navy that was left out of the loop.
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Cantor covered up, just like obama did, because they are both part of the political elite establishment.....they are happy to piss and moan and flail about with political rhetoric, but in the end neither will ever do a thing to advance this country in any meaningful way.
Quick question for all you right wingers on the board. You've been bitching about the FBI director knowing about Petraeus' affair, yet not saying anything about it until after the election.

Cantor knew about it on October 27th, and yet did nothing, why aren't you calling for his skull as well? Because apparently Cantor knew about it before Mueller.

Because Petraeus' name was involved, criminal investigators kept an open eye for potential national security violations. They had to investigate Broadwell's background but found no evidence she was a spy.

But House Majority Leader Eric Cantor knew of Petraeus' affair with Broadwell almost two weeks before the former CIA director resigned his post.

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said

Hurricane Sandy delayed the message to Mueller until Oct. 31. Petraeus admitted the extramarital relationship and submitted his resignation nine days later.

FBI Deemed Petraeus Affair Part of Criminal, Not Intel Probe - ABC News

yours isn't the only thread on this:rolleyes:


oh and what you appear to be saying is, the FBI guy cantor got it from had not pushed it up his chain of command? seriously?

if you're taking this as proof ( see below) that cantor knew and meuller didn't, well, I have a bridge to sell you..........

A senior Cantor aide told ABC News that the Republican congressman from Virginia learned about the FBI investigation that brought the affair to light in a phone conversation with an FBI agent Oct. 27.

Cantor then asked his chief-of-staff to pass the information along to the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Cantor spoke to no one else about the investigation, the aide said.

Actually, the FBI agent was a whistleblower, who because he thought the investigation had been pushed aside, went to Cantor as a way to try to get it started up again.
This isn't about the affair.

He did something that pissed them off.

And we won't ever know what it was
This whole thing is reminding me of the kind of shennanigans lots of senior officers I knew had going on, especially on deployment. My command had their own gaggle of groupies waiting whenever we flew into Christchurch. The Ladies, so to speak, were working their way thru the Dept Heads, CO, XO, and the Sr & Master Chiefs.
This whole thing is reminding me of the kind of shennanigans lots of senior officers I knew had going on, especially on deployment. My command had their own gaggle of groupies waiting whenever we flew into Christchurch. The Ladies, so to speak, were working their way thru the Dept Heads, CO, XO, and the Sr & Master Chiefs.

Yeah..........it is kinda like that, ain't it?

Know what I find really funny? The whole reason the top blew off on this thing is because Blackwell was jealous (and probably didn't realize that Petraeus and his wife were friends with the lady and her husband), so she decided to send some e-mails that made her sound like she knew something. I've seen it with people in the military who are decent at their jobs, but like to brown nose anything wearing a set of khakis.

Then............because the other lady is so well connected (she threw soriees for the local movers and shakers), when she got the e-mails, she goes to her FBI friend to look into it.

The FBI agent is a partisan hack, and because he thinks the investigation has been stalled, he takes it to Cantor to try to get something going again.

Now, it's been found out that the FBI agent was sending shirtless texts to the woman that asked him to look into the mess.

This is kinda like Homeland meets Desperate Housewives. I don't think that even the most talented writers in Hollywood could have dreamed something like this up.

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