If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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No one has forced the baker to be a baker or bake wedding cakes. He chose to do that, in a state with PA laws and then he chose to discriminate against customers based on their lifestyle.
How is that not coercion to serve someone against his will? If he does not comply, there will be negative, government forced consequences. It is complete coercion to involuntarily serve another.

No one forced the gay dudes to buy a wedding cake. This guy CERTAINLY had no monopoly on the local wedding cake industry. Nor is wedding cake consumption a NECESSARY service, like utilities.

The "no one forced him to have a job" claim is complete bullshit.

Let's apply that one to EVERYTHING ELSE, shall we? What individual rights can we fuck over with that standard? This should be fun.
What individual rights can we fuck over with the standard (lack of standard, actually) that we are allowed to be bigoted asswipes to one another? A decision on this can open the gates to putting that sign back in the window that "We refuse to serve ...." and I don't think that is what America is about. We are supposed to be about individual freedom to be EQUAL and treated FAIRLY, no matter who we are or what we look like.
On all sides, politically correct people get a pass. They have it very easy...
If someone does not want to provide a service to me because of the way I look etc.
I don’t want to give them my business, and me not being a control freak I certainly do not want to force their service... That’s fucking cowardly
On all sides, politically correct people get a pass. They have it very easy...
If someone does not want to provide a service to me because of the way I look etc.
I don’t want to give them my business, and me not being a control freak I certainly do not want to force their service... That’s fucking cowardly
And, by forcing bigots to serve people, I cannot learn who they are so I can boycott them. It's a two-way street that government force has artificially suppressed.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Let the bigots out themselves so we can avoid them. Let bigots be bigots. Let consumers make informed decisions.
Yes. But it doesn't matter. This is part of our system, which is designed to bring order to society. The guy was licensed and expected to observe the relevant laws. Observing relevant laws is what we do here in the U.S. I'm not for anarchy.
So, fuck his rights. That's what you are saying, isn't it?

That bastard should be forced to serve another individual against his will?

The system works the same way for everybody, not just this little bimbo.
And, by forcing bigots to serve people, I cannot learn who they are so I can boycott them. It's a two-way street that government force has artificially suppressed.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

Let the bigots out themselves so we can avoid them. Let bigots be bigots. Let consumers make informed decisions.

If someone wants to eat something the cook is forced to serve them against their will ...
They obviously haven't worked around a public kitchen ...
And don't understand that eating something is only slightly different than sticking a needle in their arm and mainlining it.

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Freedom in this country also requires embracing the fact that all people are created equal. We have been forced, kicking and screaming, to stop refusing housing or jobs to blacks. We have been forced, kicking and screaming, to allow women to serve in the military. We will not do it willingly, so government must step in to enforce it. Freedom from tyranny may sound pretty good--pretty damned romantic, even--but your vision of it, where people are allowed to refuse treating fellow Americans as equals, is not so pretty as it sounds.

Yes, we are created equal but there is no promise of equal outcome.

Had the government NOT FORCED SEGREGATION we would not have had the problems we have, the races would have merged peacefully.

Women have no place in ground combat roles. If they are able to pass the same physical requirements, then they should be allowed to fly fighter jets. I can't help but believe that women on a ship would be a distraction as well. The military should not be a social experiment. The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people.

The SCOTUS ruled, overwhelmingly, that a private businessman may choose not to serve someone who compromises their religious beliefs. That is as it should be.
And what religion is okay with paganism and divorce but not gay marriage?

Are there bakeries that will bake cakes for pagan ceremonies and divorces, that won't do it for Gay Marriage?

They claim they are Christian. I’d like to se the Christian Bible where Jesus condemns gays marrying but is totally cool with divorce and following other gods.

They are bigots. It has nothing to do with religion.
Shit for brains, religion is man-made… Christianity is a face. And by the way you don’t get to determine anything about Christianity. There is a book for that dumbass
No shit, Red Rider. That's the book I'm talking about. In that book, Jesus is very clear on divorce and absolutely mum on gays.
He refused to serve them due to their lifestyle.

No, they were not refused service due to their lifestyle. How? Did they have "Husband" and "Husband" tattooed on their foreheads? If they had simply walked in and ordered a dozen Napoleon's, there would never have been an issue.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Nope, since most Christian's are not bigots; those who are do not serve Jesus Christ, who they claim to deeply revere.

As to the most recent Supreme Court Decision, it seems the bigots and their supporters want to believe Christians have been given permission to discriminate against Gay and Lesbian's, which is not what the Supreme Court decided.

However, states have the right and duty (IMO) to protect everyone from discrimination in the public domain, and one must hope that at the very least the owners of Bakery's, and of all other business establishments licensed in the state, are required to post signs in a prominent place in their windows and in all of their advertisements, that that alert the customers to their policy:

"We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, and that includes Gay and Lesbian Couples who want us to be complicit in their Sin, and their attack on Marriage"
Er.. um.. "anyone" is all inclusive and doesn't require clarification but personally I prefer "We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, at any time, for any reason we deem worthwhile".

This will allow the couples to keep their dignity and not be embarrassed and hurt by a callous disregard for their feelings .
LOL, "disregard for their feelings", fuck their feelings and their "dignity", if refusal of service is all it takes to destroy your self-esteem then you've got bigger problems than being refused service and society can't help you.
'Fuck their feelings and their "digntity" '
That's it right there in a nutshell. The law is in place EXACTLY because of people like you. If no one ever taught you any better, the law will.

I guess just because you are old does not mean you are necessarily wise.
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Doing a little trolling? Fuck off.


More likely pointing out that you really have no clue as to what "better" means and because you seem to think you do, then you must be a left wing jerkwad.

So you can F**k off you yourself and shove your little commentay.

The law just taught you something different.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Nope, since most Christian's are not bigots; those who are do not serve Jesus Christ, who they claim to deeply revere.

As to the most recent Supreme Court Decision, it seems the bigots and their supporters want to believe Christians have been given permission to discriminate against Gay and Lesbian's, which is not what the Supreme Court decided.

However, states have the right and duty (IMO) to protect everyone from discrimination in the public domain, and one must hope that at the very least the owners of Bakery's, and of all other business establishments licensed in the state, are required to post signs in a prominent place in their windows and in all of their advertisements, that that alert the customers to their policy:

"We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, and that includes Gay and Lesbian Couples who want us to be complicit in their Sin, and their attack on Marriage"

This will allow the couples to keep their dignity and not be embarrassed and hurt by a callous disregard for their feelings (and allow heterosexual men and women who believe in the Golden Rule the ability to boycott the establishment, as many of us have done to Hobby Lobby and Chic Fil A).
I know this isn't going to fly, but I think it would be helpful to EVERYONE on both sides of this issue to have little signs that can be posted in the window or on the door of a business that indicates if the owner has a strong aversion to gays. Like a Christian fish symbol or .... more positively, for businesses that don't have an aversion, a sign saying We Welcome ALL
Like the We Accept VISA sign. It would be helpful but I'm sure there's got to be something wrong with it, because it's too simple.

Sure, just like your fellow Nazis drew stars on Jewish shop windows, so it would be easy for the thugs to come along later and vandalize them, a fun thing homos love to do, vandalize other's property when they don't get their way. See the aftermath of the Prop 8 vote in california for all the fun things homos ran around doing to people in their sicko fits and diaper wetting dramas.
That whole post is too retarded to bother with.

Uh...what he says is true.

People were fired from their jobs for exercising their first amendment rights. Others were harrassed and churches were vandalized.

I know it sucks to be you....but truth is truth.
And what religion is okay with paganism and divorce but not gay marriage?

Are there bakeries that will bake cakes for pagan ceremonies and divorces, that won't do it for Gay Marriage?

They claim they are Christian. I’d like to se the Christian Bible where Jesus condemns gays marrying but is totally cool with divorce and following other gods.

They are bigots. It has nothing to do with religion.
Shit for brains, religion is man-made… Christianity is a face. And by the way you don’t get to determine anything about Christianity. There is a book for that dumbass
No shit, Red Rider. That's the book I'm talking about. In that book, Jesus is very clear on divorce and absolutely mum on gays.
The Bible is absolute worthless gibberish if not taken as a whole… Dumbass
He refused to serve them due to their lifestyle.

No, they were not refused service due to their lifestyle. How? Did they have "Husband" and "Husband" tattooed on their foreheads? If they had simply walked in and ordered a dozen Napoleon's, there would never have been an issue.
Their lifestyle includes their marriage.
Should gov't be allowed to discriminate against Christians? Why is it there are cases like this where a Christian gets sued, but I don't see anybody suing a Muslim baker. Why is it okay for a baker to deny service to somebody who wants a cake with anti-gay writing on it, but not a cake with pro-gay stuff on it? The way I heard it, these 2 guys bypassed some 65 other bakeries to target the Christian guy, where's the tolerance there? Did the Christian baker offer them a wedding cake already made with no artistic stuff on it? Is he off the hook then? Isn't there a difference between denying any service at all and denying specific service for artistic impression?

This subject is not over, we're going to see it again, this time without the animus against the Christian person. Wonder how it will come out then.
Involuntary Servitude Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

"Involuntary servitude refers to being forced through coercion to work for another."

How can government forcing a business owner to serve people against his will be anything other than involuntary servitude?
No one has forced the baker to be a baker or bake wedding cakes. He chose to do that, in a state with PA laws and then he chose to discriminate against customers based on their lifestyle.
no he didn't. try again. He didn't wish to partake in their wedding due to his religious beliefs. COTUS just told the state they couldn't force him.
He refused to serve them due to their lifestyle.
No one has forced the baker to be a baker or bake wedding cakes. He chose to do that, in a state with PA laws and then he chose to discriminate against customers based on their lifestyle.
To force anyone to serve a customer they do not want to serve is un American...when did we decide that the government can tell a private business owner who he must serve? We used to have signs that said we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone....now that is Freedom from tyranny....
Freedom in this country also requires embracing the fact that all people are created equal. We have been forced, kicking and screaming, to stop refusing housing or jobs to blacks. We have been forced, kicking and screaming, to allow women to serve in the military. We will not do it willingly, so government must step in to enforce it. Freedom from tyranny may sound pretty good--pretty damned romantic, even--but your vision of it, where people are allowed to refuse treating fellow Americans as equals, is not so pretty as it sounds.
I don't even know what the fk created equal means. can you explain? how can someone not be a human? what one does after birth is on the one. there is no equal after birth. so please explain. someone born with no hands isn't equal. someone born without speech or blind or any other illness isn't created equal. you all throw that out like that means something.
Nope, since most Christian's are not bigots; those who are do not serve Jesus Christ, who they claim to deeply revere.

As to the most recent Supreme Court Decision, it seems the bigots and their supporters want to believe Christians have been given permission to discriminate against Gay and Lesbian's, which is not what the Supreme Court decided.

However, states have the right and duty (IMO) to protect everyone from discrimination in the public domain, and one must hope that at the very least the owners of Bakery's, and of all other business establishments licensed in the state, are required to post signs in a prominent place in their windows and in all of their advertisements, that that alert the customers to their policy:

"We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, and that includes Gay and Lesbian Couples who want us to be complicit in their Sin, and their attack on Marriage"
Er.. um.. "anyone" is all inclusive and doesn't require clarification but personally I prefer "We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, at any time, for any reason we deem worthwhile".

This will allow the couples to keep their dignity and not be embarrassed and hurt by a callous disregard for their feelings .
LOL, "disregard for their feelings", fuck their feelings and their "dignity", if refusal of service is all it takes to destroy your self-esteem then you've got bigger problems than being refused service and society can't help you.
'Fuck their feelings and their "digntity" '
That's it right there in a nutshell. The law is in place EXACTLY because of people like you. If no one ever taught you any better, the law will.

I guess just because you are old does not mean you are necessarily wise.
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Doing a little trolling? Fuck off.


More likely pointing out that you really have no clue as to what "better" means and because you seem to think you do, then you must be a left wing jerkwad.

So you can F**k off you yourself and shove your little commentay.

The law just taught you something different.
"Fuck their feelings and their dignity." You know better, so don't blame me for reminding you how wrong that is. Call me what you like, it doesn't change that that is wrong. You know it.
Er.. um.. "anyone" is all inclusive and doesn't require clarification but personally I prefer "We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, at any time, for any reason we deem worthwhile".

LOL, "disregard for their feelings", fuck their feelings and their "dignity", if refusal of service is all it takes to destroy your self-esteem then you've got bigger problems than being refused service and society can't help you.
'Fuck their feelings and their "digntity" '
That's it right there in a nutshell. The law is in place EXACTLY because of people like you. If no one ever taught you any better, the law will.

I guess just because you are old does not mean you are necessarily wise.
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Doing a little trolling? Fuck off.


More likely pointing out that you really have no clue as to what "better" means and because you seem to think you do, then you must be a left wing jerkwad.

So you can F**k off you yourself and shove your little commentay.

The law just taught you something different.
"Fuck their feelings and their dignity." You know better, so don't blame me for reminding you how wrong that is. Call me what you like, it doesn't change that that is wrong. You know it.
no, no it isn't. Freedom of religion cannot be mandated in our country. why does that bother you so?

What's even funnier, is you are ok with forcing someone to do something they don't want to do to accommodate someone else. can't get anymore insane than that.
And what religion is okay with paganism and divorce but not gay marriage?

Are there bakeries that will bake cakes for pagan ceremonies and divorces, that won't do it for Gay Marriage?

They claim they are Christian. I’d like to se the Christian Bible where Jesus condemns gays marrying but is totally cool with divorce and following other gods.

They are bigots. It has nothing to do with religion.
Shit for brains, religion is man-made… Christianity is a face. And by the way you don’t get to determine anything about Christianity. There is a book for that dumbass
No shit, Red Rider. That's the book I'm talking about. In that book, Jesus is very clear on divorce and absolutely mum on gays.
The Bible is absolute worthless gibberish if not taken as a whole… Dumbass

You're just proving my point about the hypocrisy of these so called Christians. Thanks!
'Fuck their feelings and their "digntity" '
That's it right there in a nutshell. The law is in place EXACTLY because of people like you. If no one ever taught you any better, the law will.

I guess just because you are old does not mean you are necessarily wise.
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Doing a little trolling? Fuck off.


More likely pointing out that you really have no clue as to what "better" means and because you seem to think you do, then you must be a left wing jerkwad.

So you can F**k off you yourself and shove your little commentay.

The law just taught you something different.
"Fuck their feelings and their dignity." You know better, so don't blame me for reminding you how wrong that is. Call me what you like, it doesn't change that that is wrong. You know it.
no, no it isn't. Freedom of religion cannot be mandated in our country. why does that bother you so?

What's even funnier, is you are ok with forcing someone to do something they don't want to do to accommodate someone else. can't get anymore insane than that.
It's not insane. It is following the law. It is not legal to discriminate against gays. It's time you stopped whining over it.
If I think being a christian violates my deepest religious beliefs should I be forced to do business with christians?

Now you're getting the question. What do you think, should you?
I'm not sure it is getting at the question. The Sup Ct's holding doesn't have any issue with the notion that if someone doesn't want to buy from a gay baker or a Christian baker ... they don't have to buy.

The Sup Ct DID find that that if one is a Christian baker saying baking the cake forces him into a sin then the State must seek to find some unspecified neutral decision that took into account those beliefs along with the right to be free of biz discrimination based on sexual orientation.
So I can say that the act of doing any business with any Christian is a sin according to my deeply held personal beliefs right?
you have an absolute right to choose never to buy anything that a Christian is selling (Obamcare aside (-:)
Involuntary Servitude Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

"Involuntary servitude refers to being forced through coercion to work for another."

How can government forcing a business owner to serve people against his will be anything other than involuntary servitude?
No one has forced the baker to be a baker or bake wedding cakes. He chose to do that, in a state with PA laws and then he chose to discriminate against customers based on their lifestyle.
no he didn't. try again. He didn't wish to partake in their wedding due to his religious beliefs. COTUS just told the state they couldn't force him.
He refused to serve them due to their lifestyle.

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