If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
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I really can't understand why someone would want to ruin their life with a lifelong commitment to a relationship.

Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
I take it you know that from personal experience.
A liberal using homosexuality to insult someone. How tolerable you are.
I'm very tolerant. I was just wondering if the Polishprince was speaking from personal experience.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Nope, since most Christian's are not bigots; those who are do not serve Jesus Christ, who they claim to deeply revere.

As to the most recent Supreme Court Decision, it seems the bigots and their supporters want to believe Christians have been given permission to discriminate against Gay and Lesbian's, which is not what the Supreme Court decided.

However, states have the right and duty (IMO) to protect everyone from discrimination in the public domain, and one must hope that at the very least the owners of Bakery's, and of all other business establishments licensed in the state, are required to post signs in a prominent place in their windows and in all of their advertisements, that that alert the customers to their policy:

"We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, and that includes Gay and Lesbian Couples who want us to be complicit in their Sin, and their attack on Marriage"

This will allow the couples to keep their dignity and not be embarrassed and hurt by a callous disregard for their feelings (and allow heterosexual men and women who believe in the Golden Rule the ability to boycott the establishment, as many of us have done to Hobby Lobby and Chic Fil A).
I know this isn't going to fly, but I think it would be helpful to EVERYONE on both sides of this issue to have little signs that can be posted in the window or on the door of a business that indicates if the owner has a strong aversion to gays. Like a Christian fish symbol or .... more positively, for businesses that don't have an aversion, a sign saying We Welcome ALL
Like the We Accept VISA sign. It would be helpful but I'm sure there's got to be something wrong with it, because it's too simple.

Sure, just like your fellow Nazis drew stars on Jewish shop windows, so it would be easy for the thugs to come along later and vandalize them, a fun thing homos love to do, vandalize other's property when they don't get their way. See the aftermath of the Prop 8 vote in california for all the fun things homos ran around doing to people in their sicko fits and diaper wetting dramas.
That whole post is too retarded to bother with.

Yes, it had nothing in it you could deny or question.
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:

Who gives a damn what some guy said in the desert a few thousand years ago. Your language says a lot about you and your sexual insecurities. You "the bible says" people are a deluded bunch.
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
Who gives a damn what some guy said in the desert a few thousand years ago. Your language says a lot about you and your sexual insecurities. You "the bible says" people are a deluded bunch.
Once again, I'm not a Christian, and quoting verses directly from the Bible doesn't have anything to do with insecurities.

The Bible says what it says.

And to be a "real" Christian, means to adhere to the teachings and guidance contained within its pages. ... :cool:
So I can say that the act of doing any business with any Christian is a sin according to my deeply held personal beliefs right?
you have an absolute right to choose never to buy anything that a Christian is selling (Obamcare aside (-:)

How about an absolute right to choose never to sell anything to a Christian who is buying?
That's what JC and the boys didn't get (-:

The Sup Ct held that under Colo's law a Christian baker doesn't have an absolute right to not bake a cake for a gay couple, but neither does the state have the power to order him to do so without "fairly" considering his religious beliefs in the matter. It held, that Colo's commission was "unfair." But the Sup Ct didn't offer much guidance in how this was all to be accommodated.
that isn't what they held at all. they held that the State official was mean and discriminated against the baker. Nothing about religion. that is why the scope was narrow. The lawyer stated she didn't need to go to freedom of religion.
Supreme Court rules for Colorado baker in same-sex wedding cake case - CNNPolitics

"Kennedy wrote that there is room for religious tolerance, pointing specifically to how the Colorado commission treated Phillips by downplaying his religious liberty concerns.
"At the same time the religious and philosophical objections to gay marriage are protected views and in some instances protected forms of expression," Kennedy wrote, adding that the "neutral consideration to which Phillips was entitled was compromised here."
"The commission's hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment's guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion," Kennedy said, adding to say that the case was narrow."
The opinion "may" mean that when a state's law creates a protected class, such as gays, and a sincere religious belief must be compromised in order to comply with the law, and there are many other providers of comparable services, then the law has to bend to allow for the religious belief.

All people are in protected classes. Read the laws sometime. All you need to have is a race, a gender, a national origin, an ethnic background, or any other unchangeable characteristic, except for religion, which is a characteristic that is a choice and that one can change. Bear in mind, though, that you have to prove that the bad thing that was done to you was done because you have this particular characteristic.

If a boss of race A fires an employee of race B, the employee has a case IF there is evidence that the boss said something like that he was "damned tired of all the B's around here," or there is evidence that the boss consistently rated the performance of B's below the A's, the employee has a case. If the employee was fired for poor performance, the employee has a problem.
Er.. um.. "anyone" is all inclusive and doesn't require clarification but personally I prefer "We reserve the right to deny service to anyone, at any time, for any reason we deem worthwhile".

LOL, "disregard for their feelings", fuck their feelings and their "dignity", if refusal of service is all it takes to destroy your self-esteem then you've got bigger problems than being refused service and society can't help you.
'Fuck their feelings and their "digntity" '
That's it right there in a nutshell. The law is in place EXACTLY because of people like you. If no one ever taught you any better, the law will.

I guess just because you are old does not mean you are necessarily wise.
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Doing a little trolling? Fuck off.


More likely pointing out that you really have no clue as to what "better" means and because you seem to think you do, then you must be a left wing jerkwad.

So you can F**k off you yourself and shove your little commentay.

The law just taught you something different.
"Fuck their feelings and their dignity." You know better, so don't blame me for reminding you how wrong that is. Call me what you like, it doesn't change that that is wrong. You know it.

Oh, there you go again....telling others what is wrong.

A true left winger.
If I think being a christian violates my deepest religious beliefs should I be forced to do business with christians?

Now you're getting the question. What do you think, should you?
I'm not sure it is getting at the question. The Sup Ct's holding doesn't have any issue with the notion that if someone doesn't want to buy from a gay baker or a Christian baker ... they don't have to buy.

The Sup Ct DID find that that if one is a Christian baker saying baking the cake forces him into a sin then the State must seek to find some unspecified neutral decision that took into account those beliefs along with the right to be free of biz discrimination based on sexual orientation.
So I can say that the act of doing any business with any Christian is a sin according to my deeply held personal beliefs right?
you have an absolute right to choose never to buy anything that a Christian is selling (Obamcare aside (-:)
Involuntary Servitude Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

"Involuntary servitude refers to being forced through coercion to work for another."

How can government forcing a business owner to serve people against his will be anything other than involuntary servitude?
No one has forced the baker to be a baker or bake wedding cakes. He chose to do that, in a state with PA laws and then he chose to discriminate against customers based on their lifestyle.
no he didn't. try again. He didn't wish to partake in their wedding due to his religious beliefs. COTUS just told the state they couldn't force him.
He refused to serve them due to their lifestyle.
And I have an absolute right to deny service to any Christian if my deeply held belief is that Christians are the spawn of Satan and serving them in my business is a sin
I guess just because you are old does not mean you are necessarily wise.
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
Doing a little trolling? Fuck off.


More likely pointing out that you really have no clue as to what "better" means and because you seem to think you do, then you must be a left wing jerkwad.

So you can F**k off you yourself and shove your little commentay.

The law just taught you something different.
"Fuck their feelings and their dignity." You know better, so don't blame me for reminding you how wrong that is. Call me what you like, it doesn't change that that is wrong. You know it.
no, no it isn't. Freedom of religion cannot be mandated in our country. why does that bother you so?

What's even funnier, is you are ok with forcing someone to do something they don't want to do to accommodate someone else. can't get anymore insane than that.
It's not insane. It is following the law. It is not legal to discriminate against gays. It's time you stopped whining over it.

Actually, it seems it is.
Are there bakeries that will bake cakes for pagan ceremonies and divorces, that won't do it for Gay Marriage?

They claim they are Christian. I’d like to se the Christian Bible where Jesus condemns gays marrying but is totally cool with divorce and following other gods.

They are bigots. It has nothing to do with religion.
Shit for brains, religion is man-made… Christianity is a face. And by the way you don’t get to determine anything about Christianity. There is a book for that dumbass
No shit, Red Rider. That's the book I'm talking about. In that book, Jesus is very clear on divorce and absolutely mum on gays.
The Bible is absolute worthless gibberish if not taken as a whole… Dumbass

You're just proving my point about the hypocrisy of these so called Christians. Thanks!
To cherry pick the Bible is politically correct, Which means it’s always wrong.
You can’t just choose the parts you like, if you do that makes you a fucking coward
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
God said plenty about gays... He burned them to the ground.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…
Are there bakeries that will bake cakes for pagan ceremonies and divorces, that won't do it for Gay Marriage?

They claim they are Christian. I’d like to se the Christian Bible where Jesus condemns gays marrying but is totally cool with divorce and following other gods.

They are bigots. It has nothing to do with religion.
Shit for brains, religion is man-made… Christianity is a face. And by the way you don’t get to determine anything about Christianity. There is a book for that dumbass
No shit, Red Rider. That's the book I'm talking about. In that book, Jesus is very clear on divorce and absolutely mum on gays.
The Bible is absolute worthless gibberish if not taken as a whole… Dumbass

You're just proving my point about the hypocrisy of these so called Christians. Thanks!
The Bible and Same-Sex Attraction | Living Out
Look, we could say buttsex lifestyles are gibberish too. The point is the Court said that buttsex lifestyles do NOT have the legal power to compel people of faith in the marketplace to abdicate their faith via promoting or assenting to or participating in any celebration of that deviant lifestyle. The Court says that the 1st Amendment extends to the church, down its steps, down the street and into the market place.

Let me know where it says in the US Constitution that same sex sexual orientation (but you know, no other sexual orientation) "is a protected class". Take your time.

Sorry. :itsok:
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
Hey man, I have NOTHING bad to say about gays. I support gay rights. I believe that marriage is a contract and other than interpreting, enforcing, and rescinding contracts on request by a party to said contract, government has no place therein.

I am a friend and defender of gay rights.


Using government to force one person to provide goods or services to another against his/her will, even as a condition on participation in the market, is fundamentally wrong on all levels. That is some nuclear-grade bullshit.

To support government forcing individuals to provide goods or services to other individuals is as authoritarian as it gets. No amount of good intentions can overcome that intolerable level of statism.
Indeed, it makes members of those groups “more equal than others”, and makes a mockery of the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

So if I put a big sign in front of my business that said, "I don't serve Mormons!" you'd be totally cool with that, right?


I wouldn't want to do business with you anyway.

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