If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Indeed, it makes members of those groups “more equal than others”, and makes a mockery of the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

So if I put a big sign in front of my business that said, "I don't serve Mormons!" you'd be totally cool with that, right?


I wouldn't want to do business with you anyway.

By him putting a sign out, it would tell me he is a small minded bigot and though I’m not Mormon, I find his bigotry as something I would not want to support. So, in this case it would help consumers make better informed decisions on who we would do business with.
They claim they are Christian. I’d like to se the Christian Bible where Jesus condemns gays marrying but is totally cool with divorce and following other gods.

They are bigots. It has nothing to do with religion.
Shit for brains, religion is man-made… Christianity is a face. And by the way you don’t get to determine anything about Christianity. There is a book for that dumbass
No shit, Red Rider. That's the book I'm talking about. In that book, Jesus is very clear on divorce and absolutely mum on gays.
The Bible is absolute worthless gibberish if not taken as a whole… Dumbass

You're just proving my point about the hypocrisy of these so called Christians. Thanks!
To cherry pick the Bible is politically correct, Which means it’s always wrong.
You can’t just choose the parts you like, if you do that makes you a fucking coward

Wow! With every post you are proving my point more and more. Bless you!
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
God said plenty about gays... He burned them to the ground.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…

Jesus never said a word. He spoke very strongly against divorce. Have you ever seen a baker or a florist refuse to do a wedding because one of the couples was divorced? Me neither.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…
That is precisely my point! The bigots are ignoring what Jesus said about adultery. That's how you know their claims to be bible compliant are total horseshit.

Bigots have been using the bible has a hypocritical shield for centuries.
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
God said plenty about gays... He burned them to the ground.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…

Jesus never said a word. He spoke very strongly against divorce. Have you ever seen a baker or a florist refuse to do a wedding because one of the couples was divorced? Me neither.

I refuse to go to weddings where the first marriage ended in divorce. The vows are meaningless.
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
God said plenty about gays... He burned them to the ground.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…

Jesus never said a word. He spoke very strongly against divorce. Have you ever seen a baker or a florist refuse to do a wedding because one of the couples was divorced? Me neither.
It is still a man and a woman. It's not like it was a wedding between two perverts.
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
Hey man, I have NOTHING bad to say about gays. I support gay rights. I believe that marriage is a contract and other than interpreting, enforcing, and rescinding contracts on request by a party to said contract, government has no place therein.

I am a friend and defender of gay rights.


Using government to force one person to provide goods or services to another against his/her will, even as a condition on participation in the market, is fundamentally wrong on all levels. That is some nuclear-grade bullshit.

To support government forcing individuals to provide goods or services to other individuals is as authoritarian as it gets. No amount of good intentions can overcome that intolerable level of statism.
As I have pointed out many many times, this whole issue is about government gifts. It has nothing to do with religion.

Heterosexuals have been demanding all kinds of government cash and prizes for their marriages, and now they are upset gays are asking for the same cash and prizes.

Nothing to do with religion.

If government was not all wrapped up in marriage, we would not even be talking about gay marriages.
That is precisely my point! The bigots are ignoring what Jesus said about adultery. That's how you know their claims to be bible compliant are total horseshit.

Bigots have been using the bible has a hypocritical shield for centuries.
I agree. It's the most convenient way to fuck with other people.

Cuz thu bible sayuz!

At the same time, this is not a religious issue. It's a liberty issue. I cannot support government forcing bigots to serve people they hate. I will never give such bigots a dime of my money. But, I will defend their liberty just like I will defend gays.
That is precisely my point! The bigots are ignoring what Jesus said about adultery. That's how you know their claims to be bible compliant are total horseshit.

Bigots have been using the bible has a hypocritical shield for centuries.
I agree. It's the most convenient way to fuck with other people.

Cuz thu bible sayuz!

At the same time, this is not a religious issue. It's a liberty issue. I cannot support government forcing bigots to serve people they hate. I will never give such bigots a dime of my money. But, I will defend their liberty just like I will defend gays.
I am also against government forcing a business to comply with simple human decency. However, by their intransigence during the civil rights era, the bigots screwed the pooch, and now here we are.
As I have pointed out many many times, this whole issue is about government gifts. It has nothing to do with religion.

Heterosexuals have been demanding all kinds of government cash and prizes for their marriages, and now they are upset gays are asking for the same cash and prizes.

Nothing to do with religion.
Oh, I totally agree. No argument here See post #420 (that's a fun number).
Consider who wrote it. These were ancient tribal laws from way back thousands of years ago. Read the rest of Leviticus. Read the rest of the Old Testament. There are lots of "sins" in there that specify the death penalty. Look 'em up. I guess cherry-picking is a hobby of yours.
The Bible says fudge packers should be culled from society.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :dunno:
The bible has a lot more to say about adulterers than homosexuals. Jesus specifically addressed adultery, and never said a word about gays.

And yet I don't see any bakers refusing to bake a cake for people getting married for the second, third, fourth, fifth time even though they are in total violation of the bible.

That's how you know this has NOTHING to do with bible compliancy.

It is the same tired bullshit of bigots using the bible as an excuse for their inexcusable bigotry. There is a special place in the hell they claim to believe in for those kind of hypocrites.

Jesus had a great deal to say about hypocrites, too. Probably more than any other category of people.
God said plenty about gays... He burned them to the ground.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…

Jesus never said a word. He spoke very strongly against divorce. Have you ever seen a baker or a florist refuse to do a wedding because one of the couples was divorced? Me neither.
It is still a man and a woman. It's not like it was a wedding between two perverts.
Is that what Jesus said? Divorce is only okay if you're straight?
Involuntary Servitude Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

"Involuntary servitude refers to being forced through coercion to work for another."

How can government forcing a business owner to serve people against his will be anything other than involuntary servitude?
No one has forced the baker to be a baker or bake wedding cakes. He chose to do that, in a state with PA laws and then he chose to discriminate against customers based on their lifestyle.

Which is their prerogative, according to a vast majority of the SCOTUS.

The business is privately owned, not a corporation. Why should their religious freedom be stomped on? What about their rights?
What individual rights can we fuck over with the standard (lack of standard, actually) that we are allowed to be bigoted asswipes to one another? A decision on this can open the gates to putting that sign back in the window that "We refuse to serve ...." and I don't think that is what America is about. We are supposed to be about individual freedom to be EQUAL and treated FAIRLY, no matter who we are or what we look like.

Nonsense. All people are prejudiced to one degree or another. There is not a thing in the world is wrong with being prejudiced or biased. It would be a wildly boring world if we were not different.

I have been a Realtor for over 40 years, taught Fair Housing and Diversity across our state and country. There is not a thing in the world illegal or wrong about a buyer who chooses to discriminate against any protected class. Where it becomes illegal is if I help them. It is also legal for an independent owner to discriminate in selling his own home against any of the protected classes except for race.

You're prejudiced toward certain people. Perfectly normal, everyone is. Knowing it and what we do about it are two, very different things.

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