If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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What does that have to do with whether or not the only septic service that will come to my home should be allowed to refuse to pump queer shit?

Because queer- lifestylists eat and shit just like everyone else. It isn't a direct-condoning of that which is a new and unique repugnant concept to a Christian: the bastardization of the word "marriage" where children are involved and used to get the benefit of both mother and father. A new contract instead banishes them from that benefit. Christians believe that marriage requires both mother and father as the nuclear family unit where children are always assumed to arrive or be part of; whether or not the rare exception happens.
there is even a need to consummate the marriage. I bet these leftists toads don't even know this. It's what annulled many a marriages.

There is no requirement in Government sanction marriage for consummation of the marriage via sexual contact. But can you imagine if there were and it was left to the State Legislatures to legislate what sexual consummation might be. Would a new Bride be allowed to deny Anal Sex as a way to consummate her Marriage?
What does that have to do with whether or not the only septic service that will come to my home should be allowed to refuse to pump queer shit?

Because queer- lifestylists eat and shit just like everyone else. It isn't a direct-condoning of that which is a new and unique repugnant concept to a Christian: the bastardization of the word "marriage" where children are involved and used to get the benefit of both mother and father. A new contract instead banishes them from that benefit. Christians believe that marriage requires both mother and father as the nuclear family unit where children are always assumed to arrive or be part of; whether or not the rare exception happens.
there is even a need to consummate the marriage. I bet these leftists toads don't even know this. It's what annulled many a marriages.

There is no requirement in Government sanction marriage for consummation of the marriage via sexual contact. But can you imagine if there were and it was left to the State Legislatures to legislate what sexual consummation might be. Would a new Bride be allowed to deny Anal Sex as a way to consummate her Marriage?
it may not be a requirement, but it is used for annulments.
That is quite an unhinged rant. What the hell do you mean by "my lifestyle"?? You don't know me and don't presume to. Discrimination in the name of religion is still discrimination. If a person is treated differently that another person based on characteristic, that is discrimination. Maybe there is not other baker that has what they want. Maybe there is no other baker at all. Maybe it is just an annoyance to go elsewhere. Think about how you would feel if it were you. People like you make me fucking crazy
I genuinly empathize with those who are victims of discrimination.

What I ask them to do is let freedom take priority to the greatest extent possible, and find a solution that preserves freedom above all else.

In the situation at hand, I am asking gay couples to let bigoted assholes have their liberty. I don't like it either, but there is a much more important primciple I wish to preserve. I am asking you to trust liberty and have faith in people.

It takes courage to put faith in people and trust that, for the most part, they will treat others with respect and dignity in the marketplace. Applying government force is the antithesis of faith in people and the enemy of liberty. Using force to get what you want allow others to use force to get what they want, until liberty is dead.

If gay couples would demonstrate their support for liberty and openly support the right of the bigot baker to refuse service, many, including the bigot baker, will appreciate it, and many bigots, including the baker, could have a change of heart and recognize their error.

It happened to me. I am living proof that liberty is reciprocated. Liberty is powerful.
That is rather idealistic and I'm not sure how realistic it is.

Ok I might be open to allowing bigoted shop owners discriminate, although it is against my principles. But where does it stop?

What about the bigoted employer who fires someone after seeing pictures of their same sex wedding on social media?

What about the bigoted land lord who wont rent that apartment to the gay couple that they really wanted?

What about the bigots who-right now in Texas- are pursuing litigation to get the City of Huston to stop providing employee benefits to spouses of a gay worker claiming that it goes beyond the intent of Obergefell?

Get the picture? If the Baker can discriminate, who then cannot?
Why force gay lifestyle on people that want nothing to do with it?
To some the gay lifestyle is absolutely repugnant, the collective has no right to make people conform to politically correct viewpoints.
In early American Indian cultures gay people were though of as evil poltergeists, at very least they would be exiled forever, But most times they were just brutally killed like skinned alive and such things...
There is a simple care to this, everyone should be able to have the right to refuse service to anybody for personal reasons… That way no one tries to spread the political correctness bullshit around to people that want nothing to do with it.
Getting along is way overrated, and we are not all in this together.
So who gets to discriminate? There’s only one propane company and one honey dipper that services where I live. Should they be able to discriminate? The only gas station? Grocery store?
It's a private business if they want to lose money by discrimination its their decision . I'm sure you are one of those with the "you didn't build that" mentality but no one has the right to tell private citizens how to run their own business certainly not the Fed. Nothing has ever been improved by the government getting involved.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan

They are not concerned with losing that one customer, but that customer has no other option. I guess minorities just have to pump their own shit and grow their own food, right?

Cake is not essential to life. But this is funny in a way. The reason a Wedding Cake is Historically the centerpiece of a wedding is so the Bride and Groom is ensured fertility.

Nobody said it is essential to life. Why should one private business be allowed to legally discriminate and not another?

You really just pull shit out of your ass don’t you?

One of the first traditions began in Ancient Rome where bread was broken over the bride’s head to bring good fortune to the couple.[2]

Wedding cake was originally a luxury item, and a sign of celebration and social status. The bigger the cake, the higher the social standing. Wedding cakes in England and early America were traditionally fruit cakes, often topped with marzipan and icing with tiers, Cutting the cake was an important part of the reception. White icing was also a symbol of money and social importance in Victorian times, so a white cake was highly desired.[3] Today, many flavors and configurations are available in addition to the traditional all-white tiered cake.[4]

In Medieval England cakes were stacked as high as possible for the bride and groom to kiss over. A successful kiss meant they were guaranteed a prosperous life together.[2] From this the Croquembouche was created.


Out of my ass? It appears the cake is up your ass:

The history of the wedding cake

The history of the wedding cake
It hasn't always been flowers and ribbons. Once upon a time, rather than being eaten, cakes were thrown at the bride as a symbol of fertility, says Catherine Gee.

History of the Wedding Cake

Today’s wedding cake has evolved out of many traditions. It is believed that the wedding cake began in Ancient Rome where wheat bread was broken over the bride’s head symbolizing fertility and good fortune.

Then there is the Cake AND other Wedding celebrations, all historically ABOUT THE COUPLES ABILITY TO PROCREATE - FROM A FEMINIST WEBSITE!

Wedding Traditions that Want to Get You Pregnant

1. Getting Married in June: Marrying in June was a way to honor Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth. Marrying in June also meant pregnant mom could still work the fields and babies born in warmer months were more likely to survive. To read more about why couples marry in June click here.

2. The Flower Girl and Ring Bearer: These little cherubs are miniature bobble heads of the bride and groom. The fact that they are children represents the newlyweds’ future youngsters, because, you know, they’re expected to look like mom and dad. Hence the identical uniform.

3. Flowers as Decoration: Flower bouquets, boutonnières and centerpieces are not just for décor. The Flower Girl throwing petals everywhere is sort of like magic fertility dust. Flowers are symbols for fertility and…the vagina. Just ask Georgia O’Keefe; she knows what I’m talking about. (I will also admit that flowers were also used as a way to mask everyone’s smell. Deodorant is a modern convenience, when people showered sparsely back in the day the flowers doubled as a B.O. cover up.)

4. Bridal Shower Ribbon Cutting Game: There’s a common bridal shower game where for every ribbon the bride breaks when opening her gifts – a child she shall have. I suppose one could interpret the broken ribbon as her hymen since it’s supposed to be ultimately about getting her pregnant. Wedding > Bride > Virgin > Hymen Breaking > Baby; cuz married sex is supposed to lead to an immediate conception, right? (Bleh.)

5. The Wedding Cake: The wedding cake is not just dessert, it’s a fortuitous sex symbol meant to produce many offspring. The cake dates back to ancient Rome. Ancient cakes baked symbolic fertility grains into an uninspiring carb used to bless the couple. A seventeenth-century French chef sweetened it into the towering confection we know today.

6. Cutting the Cake: That ancient Roman cake was broken over the virginal bride’s head by her husband. This represented her hymen being broken (by him) later that night. The crumbs that fell over her were like Tinker Bell’s dust but instead of blessing her with the power of flight, it was more like blessing her with fertility. Guests would clamber for the fallen floor crumbs so they could get their own prosperous good luck to take home. This is also why we now share the cake with wedding guests. This eventually evolved into the cake cutting performance we see today, which is more about sexual intimacy and nurturing in a weird Freudian way.

7. Putting Wedding Cake Under Your Pillow: Sounds like creating laundry for yourself, but this was a commonly practiced tradition at one time. Female guests would take a slice of wedding cake home, put it under their pillow and sleep over it. It was thought that doing so would bless them with the same fertility bestowed upon the bride. (Why they thought pillow cake would do this is a great mystery.) Letting guests take home a slice stems back to those ancient Roman floor crumbs guests wanted. It was a little slice of superstitious prosperity and fertility to take home. Nowadays, while some guests may make off with butter cream frosting, most just get little tchotchkes as a thank you.

8. Throwing Rice: Throwing rice holds the same meaning as the wedding cake and the flower girl throwing petals. Its purpose is to spread well wishes of prosperity and fertility on the couple. At this point you might be asking yourself – what’s with all this grain and fertility business? All types of grain from barley to rice to wheat translate to prosperity (i.e. wealth) all across the world both physically and metaphorically. Ancient civilizations relied heavily on good harvests, not just to survive but as a type of currency. When harvests experienced bad years, birth rates most likely dropped; hence why they are so correlated. And since women were limited to the home and were considered economically unviable, their value rested on their ability to produce children. Children were only legitimate if consummated in marriage and were part of intricate laws regarding inheritance and social status. It’s a complicated web of social values, but the foundation of it all is food’s nurturing power and it’s associated symbols.


9. The Open Bar: I know what you’re thinking, how could the open bar be guilty of trying to knock up the bride? Well, it’s not the open bar’s fault per se, but there is a historical precedence of booze in relation to fertility. One of the possible explanations for the term honeymoon comes from mead, the honey wine. Mead was drunk by the newlyweds because, like grain, honey was also seen as a fertility and prosperity symbol. It was drunk for typically one month, which was also the length of most honeymoons in Victorian times. It also thought to lower the inhibitions of any nervous newlywed virgins.

What does that have to do with whether or not the only septic service that will come to my home should be allowed to refuse to pump queer shit?

Because queer- lifestylists eat and shit just like everyone else. It isn't a direct-condoning of that which is a new and unique repugnant concept to a Christian: the bastardization of the word "marriage" where children are involved and used to get the benefit of both mother and father. A new contract instead banishes them from that benefit. Christians believe that marriage requires both mother and father as the nuclear family unit where children are always assumed to arrive or be part of; whether or not the rare exception happens.
there is even a need to consummate the marriage. I bet these leftists toads don't even know this. It's what annulled many a marriages.

There is no requirement in Government sanction marriage for consummation of the marriage via sexual contact. But can you imagine if there were and it was left to the State Legislatures to legislate what sexual consummation might be. Would a new Bride be allowed to deny Anal Sex as a way to consummate her Marriage?
it may not be a requirement, but it is used for annulments.

It can be used as annulment reasoning, I agree, but a State sanctioned requirement for sexual contact is not a requirement to maintain a legal Marriage.
What does that have to do with whether or not the only septic service that will come to my home should be allowed to refuse to pump queer shit?

Because queer- lifestylists eat and shit just like everyone else. It isn't a direct-condoning of that which is a new and unique repugnant concept to a Christian: the bastardization of the word "marriage" where children are involved and used to get the benefit of both mother and father. A new contract instead banishes them from that benefit. Christians believe that marriage requires both mother and father as the nuclear family unit where children are always assumed to arrive or be part of; whether or not the rare exception happens.
there is even a need to consummate the marriage. I bet these leftists toads don't even know this. It's what annulled many a marriages.

There is no requirement in Government sanction marriage for consummation of the marriage via sexual contact. But can you imagine if there were and it was left to the State Legislatures to legislate what sexual consummation might be. Would a new Bride be allowed to deny Anal Sex as a way to consummate her Marriage?
it may not be a requirement, but it is used for annulments.

It can be used as annulment reasoning, I agree, but a State sanctioned requirement for sexual contact is not a requirement to maintain a legal Marriage.
not government no, but in christian beliefs it is.
It's a private business if they want to lose money by discrimination its their decision . I'm sure you are one of those with the "you didn't build that" mentality but no one has the right to tell private citizens how to run their own business certainly not the Fed. Nothing has ever been improved by the government getting involved.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan

They are not concerned with losing that one customer, but that customer has no other option. I guess minorities just have to pump their own shit and grow their own food, right?

Cake is not essential to life. But this is funny in a way. The reason a Wedding Cake is Historically the centerpiece of a wedding is so the Bride and Groom is ensured fertility.

Nobody said it is essential to life. Why should one private business be allowed to legally discriminate and not another?

You really just pull shit out of your ass don’t you?

One of the first traditions began in Ancient Rome where bread was broken over the bride’s head to bring good fortune to the couple.[2]

Wedding cake was originally a luxury item, and a sign of celebration and social status. The bigger the cake, the higher the social standing. Wedding cakes in England and early America were traditionally fruit cakes, often topped with marzipan and icing with tiers, Cutting the cake was an important part of the reception. White icing was also a symbol of money and social importance in Victorian times, so a white cake was highly desired.[3] Today, many flavors and configurations are available in addition to the traditional all-white tiered cake.[4]

In Medieval England cakes were stacked as high as possible for the bride and groom to kiss over. A successful kiss meant they were guaranteed a prosperous life together.[2] From this the Croquembouche was created.


Out of my ass? It appears the cake is up your ass:

The history of the wedding cake

The history of the wedding cake
It hasn't always been flowers and ribbons. Once upon a time, rather than being eaten, cakes were thrown at the bride as a symbol of fertility, says Catherine Gee.

History of the Wedding Cake

Today’s wedding cake has evolved out of many traditions. It is believed that the wedding cake began in Ancient Rome where wheat bread was broken over the bride’s head symbolizing fertility and good fortune.

Then there is the Cake AND other Wedding celebrations, all historically ABOUT THE COUPLES ABILITY TO PROCREATE - FROM A FEMINIST WEBSITE!

Wedding Traditions that Want to Get You Pregnant

1. Getting Married in June: Marrying in June was a way to honor Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth. Marrying in June also meant pregnant mom could still work the fields and babies born in warmer months were more likely to survive. To read more about why couples marry in June click here.

2. The Flower Girl and Ring Bearer: These little cherubs are miniature bobble heads of the bride and groom. The fact that they are children represents the newlyweds’ future youngsters, because, you know, they’re expected to look like mom and dad. Hence the identical uniform.

3. Flowers as Decoration: Flower bouquets, boutonnières and centerpieces are not just for décor. The Flower Girl throwing petals everywhere is sort of like magic fertility dust. Flowers are symbols for fertility and…the vagina. Just ask Georgia O’Keefe; she knows what I’m talking about. (I will also admit that flowers were also used as a way to mask everyone’s smell. Deodorant is a modern convenience, when people showered sparsely back in the day the flowers doubled as a B.O. cover up.)

4. Bridal Shower Ribbon Cutting Game: There’s a common bridal shower game where for every ribbon the bride breaks when opening her gifts – a child she shall have. I suppose one could interpret the broken ribbon as her hymen since it’s supposed to be ultimately about getting her pregnant. Wedding > Bride > Virgin > Hymen Breaking > Baby; cuz married sex is supposed to lead to an immediate conception, right? (Bleh.)

5. The Wedding Cake: The wedding cake is not just dessert, it’s a fortuitous sex symbol meant to produce many offspring. The cake dates back to ancient Rome. Ancient cakes baked symbolic fertility grains into an uninspiring carb used to bless the couple. A seventeenth-century French chef sweetened it into the towering confection we know today.

6. Cutting the Cake: That ancient Roman cake was broken over the virginal bride’s head by her husband. This represented her hymen being broken (by him) later that night. The crumbs that fell over her were like Tinker Bell’s dust but instead of blessing her with the power of flight, it was more like blessing her with fertility. Guests would clamber for the fallen floor crumbs so they could get their own prosperous good luck to take home. This is also why we now share the cake with wedding guests. This eventually evolved into the cake cutting performance we see today, which is more about sexual intimacy and nurturing in a weird Freudian way.

7. Putting Wedding Cake Under Your Pillow: Sounds like creating laundry for yourself, but this was a commonly practiced tradition at one time. Female guests would take a slice of wedding cake home, put it under their pillow and sleep over it. It was thought that doing so would bless them with the same fertility bestowed upon the bride. (Why they thought pillow cake would do this is a great mystery.) Letting guests take home a slice stems back to those ancient Roman floor crumbs guests wanted. It was a little slice of superstitious prosperity and fertility to take home. Nowadays, while some guests may make off with butter cream frosting, most just get little tchotchkes as a thank you.

8. Throwing Rice: Throwing rice holds the same meaning as the wedding cake and the flower girl throwing petals. Its purpose is to spread well wishes of prosperity and fertility on the couple. At this point you might be asking yourself – what’s with all this grain and fertility business? All types of grain from barley to rice to wheat translate to prosperity (i.e. wealth) all across the world both physically and metaphorically. Ancient civilizations relied heavily on good harvests, not just to survive but as a type of currency. When harvests experienced bad years, birth rates most likely dropped; hence why they are so correlated. And since women were limited to the home and were considered economically unviable, their value rested on their ability to produce children. Children were only legitimate if consummated in marriage and were part of intricate laws regarding inheritance and social status. It’s a complicated web of social values, but the foundation of it all is food’s nurturing power and it’s associated symbols.


9. The Open Bar: I know what you’re thinking, how could the open bar be guilty of trying to knock up the bride? Well, it’s not the open bar’s fault per se, but there is a historical precedence of booze in relation to fertility. One of the possible explanations for the term honeymoon comes from mead, the honey wine. Mead was drunk by the newlyweds because, like grain, honey was also seen as a fertility and prosperity symbol. It was drunk for typically one month, which was also the length of most honeymoons in Victorian times. It also thought to lower the inhibitions of any nervous newlywed virgins.


Dropping a car on your head will allow you and your butt buddy to conceive a child together? Is that what you're going with?

Is that your version of breaking cake over the Brides head?
There is a mountain of research that was conducted with no political, religious or social agenda and that was peer reviewd that found that children of same sex parents did as well in all areas as other children. If you say please I will share it with you.
peer review, smear review. that means absolutely nothing. Not a damn thing. stick that word back in the book you pulled it from.
That you for that brilliant and cogent analysis of the methods of empirical social research. No doubt that you come well credentialed. Now lets see how well you can refute the findings
findings of what?
If you have to ask it is useless to try to explain. Thank you for admitting that you cannot refute the findings of the PEER REVIEWED studies that I posted regarding children of gay parents
I didn't read your peer review, I find peer review material useless in a discussion. peer means my way, and I don't follow anyone's way. Education leads individuals to use judgement, and I use mine daily. peer means shit to me.
So do tell O Wise one.What sort of study would you approve of? Oh I know, the sort that would support your bigoted lies
peer review, smear review. that means absolutely nothing. Not a damn thing. stick that word back in the book you pulled it from.
That you for that brilliant and cogent analysis of the methods of empirical social research. No doubt that you come well credentialed. Now lets see how well you can refute the findings
findings of what?
If you have to ask it is useless to try to explain. Thank you for admitting that you cannot refute the findings of the PEER REVIEWED studies that I posted regarding children of gay parents
I didn't read your peer review, I find peer review material useless in a discussion. peer means my way, and I don't follow anyone's way. Education leads individuals to use judgement, and I use mine daily. peer means shit to me.
So do tell O Wise one.What sort of study would you approve of? Oh I know, the sort that would support your bigoted lies
one that recognizes all input.
funny how the left post and hide. I don't understand, don't they ever have evidence of anything of which they speak? Sorry Rhetorical I know.
Ok I might be open to allowing bigoted shop owners discriminate, although it is against my principles. But where does it stop?

It stops where we want it to stop as a society. And it will be a collaborative, mutual and voluntary decision. That means it might not settle out the way you like. But we shouldn't allow one group in society to force its values on another, even if they are a majority.
That is quite an unhinged rant. What the hell do you mean by "my lifestyle"?? You don't know me and don't presume to. Discrimination in the name of religion is still discrimination. If a person is treated differently that another person based on characteristic, that is discrimination. Maybe there is not other baker that has what they want. Maybe there is no other baker at all. Maybe it is just an annoyance to go elsewhere. Think about how you would feel if it were you. People like you make me fucking crazy
I genuinly empathize with those who are victims of discrimination.

What I ask them to do is let freedom take priority to the greatest extent possible, and find a solution that preserves freedom above all else.

In the situation at hand, I am asking gay couples to let bigoted assholes have their liberty. I don't like it either, but there is a much more important primciple I wish to preserve. I am asking you to trust liberty and have faith in people.

It takes courage to put faith in people and trust that, for the most part, they will treat others with respect and dignity in the marketplace. Applying government force is the antithesis of faith in people and the enemy of liberty. Using force to get what you want allow others to use force to get what they want, until liberty is dead.

If gay couples would demonstrate their support for liberty and openly support the right of the bigot baker to refuse service, many, including the bigot baker, will appreciate it, and many bigots, including the baker, could have a change of heart and recognize their error.

It happened to me. I am living proof that liberty is reciprocated. Liberty is powerful.
That is rather idealistic and I'm not sure how realistic it is.

Ok I might be open to allowing bigoted shop owners discriminate, although it is against my principles. But where does it stop?

What about the bigoted employer who fires someone after seeing pictures of their same sex wedding on social media?

What about the bigoted land lord who wont rent that apartment to the gay couple that they really wanted?

What about the bigots who-right now in Texas- are pursuing litigation to get the City of Huston to stop providing employee benefits to spouses of a gay worker claiming that it goes beyond the intent of Obergefell?

Get the picture? If the Baker can discriminate, who then cannot?
Let me ask this:

Shouldn't employers have the right to decide who they hire or retain?

Do you really want to work for an employer who fires someone for being gay?

Shouldn't the bigoted land lord get to decide how he uses his property and to whom he leases?

Do you really want to live in an apartment owned by a bigot?

But, look what that exposed bigotry does. There's a business opportunity for the non-bigoted, not just because they gay couple needs space, but also people who have learned that their land lord is a bigot.

Liberty is all-powerful. Liberty is the ultimate arbiter of justice.

Liberty exposes the bigot. Liberty also punishes the bigot. The liberty that allowed the bigot to discriminate is the same liberty that makes the bigot penniless. Liberty is the ultimate disinfectant.

You must trust people to do the right thing. We will not let you be homeless. We will not let you be jobless. Many of us will gladly accept your business (no homoerotic pun intended :lol:).

For lack of a better way to put it, Liberty is a god that rewords those who put faith in her.

I will address the City of Houston issue in a separate post.
That is quite an unhinged rant. What the hell do you mean by "my lifestyle"?? You don't know me and don't presume to. Discrimination in the name of religion is still discrimination. If a person is treated differently that another person based on characteristic, that is discrimination. Maybe there is not other baker that has what they want. Maybe there is no other baker at all. Maybe it is just an annoyance to go elsewhere. Think about how you would feel if it were you. People like you make me fucking crazy
I genuinly empathize with those who are victims of discrimination.

What I ask them to do is let freedom take priority to the greatest extent possible, and find a solution that preserves freedom above all else.

In the situation at hand, I am asking gay couples to let bigoted assholes have their liberty. I don't like it either, but there is a much more important primciple I wish to preserve. I am asking you to trust liberty and have faith in people.

It takes courage to put faith in people and trust that, for the most part, they will treat others with respect and dignity in the marketplace. Applying government force is the antithesis of faith in people and the enemy of liberty. Using force to get what you want allow others to use force to get what they want, until liberty is dead.

If gay couples would demonstrate their support for liberty and openly support the right of the bigot baker to refuse service, many, including the bigot baker, will appreciate it, and many bigots, including the baker, could have a change of heart and recognize their error.

It happened to me. I am living proof that liberty is reciprocated. Liberty is powerful.
That is rather idealistic and I'm not sure how realistic it is.

Ok I might be open to allowing bigoted shop owners discriminate, although it is against my principles. But where does it stop?

What about the bigoted employer who fires someone after seeing pictures of their same sex wedding on social media?

What about the bigoted land lord who wont rent that apartment to the gay couple that they really wanted?

What about the bigots who-right now in Texas- are pursuing litigation to get the City of Huston to stop providing employee benefits to spouses of a gay worker claiming that it goes beyond the intent of Obergefell?

Get the picture? If the Baker can discriminate, who then cannot?
Let me ask this:

Shouldn't employers have the right to decide who they hire or retain?

Do you really want to work for an employer who fires someone for being gay?

Shouldn't the bigoted land lord get to decide how he uses his property and to whom he leases?

Do you really want to live in an apartment owned by a bigot?

But, look what that exposed bigotry does. There's a business opportunity for the non-bigoted, not just because they gay couple needs space, but also people who have learned that their land lord is a bigot.

Liberty is all-powerful. Liberty is the ultimate arbiter of justice.

Liberty exposes the bigot. Liberty also punishes the bigot. The liberty that allowed the bigot to discriminate is the same liberty that makes the bigot penniless. Liberty is the ultimate disinfectant.

You must trust people to do the right thing. We will not let you be homeless. We will not let you be jobless. Many of us will gladly accept your business (no homoerotic pun intended :lol:).

For lack of a better way to put it, Liberty is a god that rewords those who put faith in her.

I will address the City of Houston issue in a separate post.
and yet the left wish to take liberty away.
Having said that, again, what you call discrimination, others call religious freedom. None of which demonstrates "hate", which, in my opinion, must be present, or at least a malicious intent, to prove discrimination. One person, who holds a sincere belief that homosexuality is a sin, does not mean they hate the person, and in no way proves discrimination. Just as if one guy is a raging alcoholic, and his friends disapprove of his behavior, but are still friends with him non the less, or they may avoid him because of his behavior.

Your contention that underlying hate must be proven in order for a behavior to be deemed discriminatory is just YOU opinion and rubbish at that.
I said hate or at least malicious intent. To me, discrimination is not an act, it's a feeling, or an animosity toward someone, or a dislike of something about them, this feeling can sometimes culminate in an act, but the act is just a by product of the feeling.

You are correct though, it is my opinion, just like you thinking it's rubbish is yours.
You're entitle to your opinion, but the fact is that regardless of what is in ones heart and mind, the discrimination has the same devastating effect on the victim. You're just trying to redefine discrimination and it's not working
Actually, it's you who is trying to redefine discrimination, by trying to label what the Christians believe as hate, when it is not hate.

Let me ask you this, so, now we are at the point where bakers (or any business) has to concede their personal values to accommodate the wishes of someone else. How far of a stretch is it to envision that, if a business refuses to buy supplies from a company, because that company supports things that go against their values. Will that also start to come under attack? Will businesses have to purchase their supplies from companies they don't support the values of? If someone wants a chick fil a on Sunday, will people try to claim discrimination because they have to wait til Monday, and that because they don't believe in a religion, that chick fil a must open on Sunday to accommodate them?

If we open the doors to allow people to get their way because they got their feathers ruffled, there is no telling how far this could go.
Having said that, again, what you call discrimination, others call religious freedom. None of which demonstrates "hate", which, in my opinion, must be present, or at least a malicious intent, to prove discrimination. One person, who holds a sincere belief that homosexuality is a sin, does not mean they hate the person, and in no way proves discrimination. Just as if one guy is a raging alcoholic, and his friends disapprove of his behavior, but are still friends with him non the less, or they may avoid him because of his behavior.

Your contention that underlying hate must be proven in order for a behavior to be deemed discriminatory is just YOU opinion and rubbish at that.
I said hate or at least malicious intent. To me, discrimination is not an act, it's a feeling, or an animosity toward someone, or a dislike of something about them, this feeling can sometimes culminate in an act, but the act is just a by product of the feeling.

You are correct though, it is my opinion, just like you thinking it's rubbish is yours.
You're entitle to your opinion, but the fact is that regardless of what is in ones heart and mind, the discrimination has the same devastating effect on the victim. You're just trying to redefine discrimination and it's not working
Actually, it's you who is trying to redefine discrimination, by trying to label what the Christians believe as hate, when it is not hate.

Let me ask you this, so, now we are at the point where bakers (or any business) has to concede their personal values to accommodate the wishes of someone else. How far of a stretch is it to envision that, if a business refuses to buy supplies from a company, because that company supports things that go against their values. Will that also start to come under attack? Will businesses have to purchase their supplies from companies they don't support the values of? If someone wants a chick fil a on Sunday, will people try to claim discrimination because they have to wait til Monday, and that because they don't believe in a religion, that chick fil a must open on Sunday to accommodate them?

If we open the doors to allow people to get their way because they got their feathers ruffled, there is no telling how far this could go.
again, the term you are looking for is Pandora's Box.
If anything, it is the "tolerance" crowd that is trying to stigmatize religion and are actually the oppressors, because they are trying to force everyone else to comply with their own beliefs.
Oh please. Give me a break. I do not give a rats hind parts about what you believe, and most people are smart enough to know that they cannot control anyone else's beliefs. The issue is how you behave towards, and treat others
I don't blame you for believing, or not believing what others do, what people are simply asking is, don't try to force your lifestyle on others who don't agree with it, and don't get bent out of shape when someone refuses to act the way they think you should act.

If a baker doesn't want to serve you due to religious convictions, then move along to the next baker, and stop trying to turn every case into discrimination when it's not. I'm not saying discrimination doesn't exist, but it's not around every corner when something doesn't go the way you want it to. I mean, if we're going to levy that charge any time our feathers get ruffled, well shoot, I can make a whole lot of people do things they don't want to do, based on discrimination.

And In this post, when I say "you", I don't mean you, I mean you as in general people.
That is quite an unhinged rant. What the hell do you mean by "my lifestyle"?? You don't know me and don't presume to. Discrimination in the name of religion is still discrimination. If a person is treated differently that another person based on characteristic, that is discrimination. Maybe there is not other baker that has what they want. Maybe there is no other baker at all. Maybe it is just an annoyance to go elsewhere. Think about how you would feel if it were you. People like you make me fucking crazy
Ok, if discrimination is defined by treating someone differently because of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc..then all of these organizations that only accept people because of their race or gender must all go away, right? Because anything less would be discrimination.

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