If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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yes, a gay baker should be able to refuse to make a cake for a straight couple's wedding. Who cares?

why would a gay couple go to a baker that they knew didn't approve of gay marriage? To stir up shit, no other reason.

If he doesn't agree with gay marriage or gay whatever, then he must be destroyed. You would think they physically harmed or murdered someone. Leftists are totally out of control.

Liberalism = intolerance. Think like we do or we will destroy you. Only liberal thoughts and beliefs are allowed. Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote accurately about it.
Bullshit. Discrimination is not allowed. GET USED TO IT.

Thankfully you don't have any control over how other people might think and feel about things. The ruling in this case says otherwise. The ruling was that you cannot force a person to overlook their religious convictions so that you can have a fucking cake. K? Go somewhere else for your cake. There are plenty of businesses out there who are more than willing to make you any damn cake that you want.
Chris, do you have a bunch of posters on ignore or what? Because it has been clearly shown and restated over and over what the SC actually decided, and it was not that.
Oh? Considering that legal gay marriage has only been around for a few years, what do you base your data on?

Gay Marriage was piloted in our nation's penal institutions and penitentiaries, and plenty of guys were involved in the institutions. Few outlasted the prison terms of the men involved
Thought control only works if we let it.
That's what the people in control want you to think.

"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing." -- George Orwell, 1984
Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Thought control only works if we let it.

Getting in the mud with them just makes you muddy.

I see it as fighting for what I see as the right way to go about doing things, or against what I feel is the wrong way about going about things. Why in the hell did you think I joined this board anyways? Lol.
Fair point!

I think it depends on the point of view. Some want to fight to win. I just want to fix problems, I don't care whose idea it is.

The problem is fixed when people stop trying to control other people's thoughts and feelings through the use of the law and lawsuits and destroying their livelihoods. While it may not matter to you right now, if it happened to you, you would have another opinion entirely I'm sure. :)
Well, there's no one on this board more consistently and virulently anti-PC than me, and that's what PC is all about.

I just don't think that attacking and insulting people who disagree with me is a terribly effective way to change their mind, if that's my goal.

I guess my approach is to let them hang themselves with their own words -- point at it and say, "see?"


Or you can point out how stupid their ideas are. Hopefully, if they can't see it, at least somebody else will. :D
Not very many Gay Marriages last that long.
I take it you know that from personal experience.
A liberal using homosexuality to insult someone. How tolerable you are.

They do it all the time. They're puppets and morons.

Yup, they do. Lol. While they claim to stand for gays being equal, they don't hesitate at the opportunity to use being gay as an insult whenever the opportunity might present itself. Just another example of blatant leftist hypocrisy, and then they wonder why people don't like them?
they don't hesitate at the opportunity to use being gay as an insult whenever the opportunity might present itself.
That's just dumb guys in the FZ. I don't see that at all amongst people being serious.
liberals use homosexuality to insult people all the time. How tolerable.
I'd rather not cast a vote in this poll.

People should be able to conduct run their businesses in whatever way they see fit. Within just law of course.

Discrimination is wrong no matter who is doing it. But on the other hand it is morally wrong to force someone to violate deeply held religious beliefs in order to keep his business and livelihood.

Is it wrong to force someone to violate deeply held non-religious beliefs? Should it be only religious beliefs that get that kind of protection?
Actually, made-up religious beliefs are cool now. Like the made-up belief that it's against your religion to bake a cake for a reception.
Oh? Considering that legal gay marriage has only been around for a few years, what do you base your data on?
Once again your premise is flawed. Obergefell was not arrived at legally. Two of the 9 Justices openly advertised bias previous to the Hearing and did not recuse themselves as law required (Caperton v AT Massey Coal 2009).

So once again we see an LGBT advocate using a false premise upon which to launch an argument.
Is it wrong to force someone to violate deeply held non-religious beliefs? Should it be only religious beliefs that get that kind of protection?

Religion is explicitly protected under the First Amendment. So Constitutionally, religious beliefs are more protected than non-religious beliefs.

I, for one, don't think that was the intent behind the First. But if it was, d

I take freedom of conscience as being strongly implied in the First Amendment. If one has a sincere, deeply-held moral value, then it is certainly wrong to compel that person to violate that value, even if it is not religious-based.[/QUOTE]
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

No such thing as a 'gay, you must mean mentally ill, neurotic,homosexual fetishists, and they already discriminate against Christians and suffer no legal consequences for it, while you and most other sociopaths and deviants get special legal protections and exemptions for your bigotry and hate crimes.

You must feel wonderful about your support of a 'Gay Rights' movement that was founded by a pedophile Communist and had such fine groups as NAMBLA openly loved and embraced in its leadership for decades.

You're missing the point. Widely.
In the past week, I've been thinking about "right" and "wrong" in a few different situations that I would normally expect there not to be any disagreement. But there is. If somehow I was asked to be part of that "wrong-ness " in a direct way, I would not like it either and would probably refuse. If I were forced, for some reason, to participate in it, I'd be very upset.
I suppose we all need to remember that to the folks who strongly disagree with gay marriage or even gay lifestyle, they have as deep convictions about that as we do about other things that we consider fundamentally wrong.

Geez, it's hard though.
yes, a gay baker should be able to refuse to make a cake for a straight couple's wedding. Who cares?

why would a gay couple go to a baker that they knew didn't approve of gay marriage? To stir up shit, no other reason.

If he doesn't agree with gay marriage or gay whatever, then he must be destroyed. You would think they physically harmed or murdered someone. Leftists are totally out of control.

Liberalism = intolerance. Think like we do or we will destroy you. Only liberal thoughts and beliefs are allowed. Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote accurately about it.
Bullshit. Discrimination is not allowed. GET USED TO IT.

Thankfully you don't have any control over how other people might think and feel about things. The ruling in this case says otherwise. The ruling was that you cannot force a person to overlook their religious convictions so that you can have a fucking cake. K? Go somewhere else for your cake. There are plenty of businesses out there who are more than willing to make you any damn cake that you want.
Chris, do you have a bunch of posters on ignore or what? Because it has been clearly shown and restated over and over what the SC actually decided, and it was not that.

Maybe you should look up things for yourself instead of blindly accepting the words of leftists?

Supreme Court sides with Colorado baker on same-sex wedding cake

The justices' decision turned on what the court described as anti-religious bias on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission when it ruled against baker Jack Phillips. The justices voted 7-2 that the commission violated Phillips' rights under the First Amendment.
In the past week, I've been thinking about "right" and "wrong" in a few different situations that I would normally expect there not to be any disagreement. But there is. If somehow I was asked to be part of that "wrong-ness " in a direct way, I would not like it either and would probably refuse. If I were forced, for some reason, to participate in it, I'd be very upset.
I suppose we all need to remember that to the folks who strongly disagree with gay marriage or even gay lifestyle, they have as deep convictions about that as we do about other things that we consider fundamentally wrong.

Geez, it's hard though.
Doing the right thing isn't as hard as it seems. You simply listen to that churning feeling in your gut when you know something is wrong and you just don't do it. Just like the clerk in Kentucky. You choose jail over promoting an abomination unto God. You take the lesser of two evils because you know your very soul is at stake.

See how easy that is?
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

How exactly would a gay discriminate against a christian?
For example; a gay cake shop owner could refuse to bake cakes for Christian Weddings, which I'm sure would be labelled by certain hyper-sensitive segments of society as "unfair discrimination". Not exactly a wise business move but perfectly within the rights of said gay cake shop owner.

On the other hand I'm fairly certain we wouldn't have widespread outbreaks of Christians losing their minds over it nor would the gay cake shop owner face ridiculous and exorbitant fines and other government sanctions.

"When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." -- Thomas Sowell
At one time, I supported these "anti-discrimination" laws until I started to realize that they are just another form of thought control, and that you can't force people by destroying their businesses to accept things that might go against their very nature. I do understand why gay people would be upset about being discriminated against, and I do think it is rather ignorant to open up a business that serves the public and then refuse to serve a particular portion of the public when there are all kinds of "sinners" out there that you are probably serving every day. The only catch there is that you probably would have no way of knowing about their alleged sins, whereas the homosexuals kind of have to make it obvious that they are homosexuals when ordering a wedding cake for their gay wedding. Lol.

The bottom line though is that you cannot force people to think like you do, and to ruin their lives and their financial well being over it is pretty fucking harsh when they haven't really harmed anyone else.

Supreme court sides with baker who refused to make gay wedding cake

Writing for the majority, justice Anthony Kennedy said the CCRC showed “hostility” to Phillips’ religious beliefs in ordering him to undergo anti-discrimination training.

“The laws and the constitution can, and in some instances must, protect gay persons and gay couples in the exercise of their civil rights,” Kennedy wrote, “but religious and philosophical objections to gay marriage are protected views and in some instances protected forms of expression.”

The decision focused narrowly on the handling of Phillips’ case, however, leaving open the question of whether anti-discrimination laws should supersede religious beliefs in future cases.

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