If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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yes, a gay baker should be able to refuse to make a cake for a straight couple's wedding. Who cares?

why would a gay couple go to a baker that they knew didn't approve of gay marriage? To stir up shit, no other reason.

If he doesn't agree with gay marriage or gay whatever, then he must be destroyed. You would think they physically harmed or murdered someone. Leftists are totally out of control.

Liberalism = intolerance. Think like we do or we will destroy you. Only liberal thoughts and beliefs are allowed. Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote accurately about it.
Bullshit. Discrimination is not allowed. GET USED TO IT.
I take it you know that from personal experience.
A liberal using homosexuality to insult someone. How tolerable you are.

They do it all the time. They're puppets and morons.

Yup, they do. Lol. While they claim to stand for gays being equal, they don't hesitate at the opportunity to use being gay as an insult whenever the opportunity might present itself. Just another example of blatant leftist hypocrisy, and then they wonder why people don't like them?
they don't hesitate at the opportunity to use being gay as an insult whenever the opportunity might present itself.
That's just dumb guys in the FZ. I don't see that at all amongst people being serious.

then why don't the serious people condemn the "dumb guys"?

Because they don't really care when it comes from their own side. It is all about an agenda obviously.
I take it you know that from personal experience.
A liberal using homosexuality to insult someone. How tolerable you are.

They do it all the time. They're puppets and morons.

Yup, they do. Lol. While they claim to stand for gays being equal, they don't hesitate at the opportunity to use being gay as an insult whenever the opportunity might present itself. Just another example of blatant leftist hypocrisy, and then they wonder why people don't like them?
they don't hesitate at the opportunity to use being gay as an insult whenever the opportunity might present itself.
That's just dumb guys in the FZ. I don't see that at all amongst people being serious.

We were just discussing where someone here and not in the flame zone was trying to use being gay as an insult to another member over a relatively mild comment.
Really? I didn't read all the pages. Sorry.
yes, a gay baker should be able to refuse to make a cake for a straight couple's wedding. Who cares?

why would a gay couple go to a baker that they knew didn't approve of gay marriage? To stir up shit, no other reason.

If he doesn't agree with gay marriage or gay whatever, then he must be destroyed. You would think they physically harmed or murdered someone. Leftists are totally out of control.

Liberalism = intolerance. Think like we do or we will destroy you. Only liberal thoughts and beliefs are allowed. Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote accurately about it.
Bullshit. Discrimination is not allowed. GET USED TO IT.

Thankfully you don't have any control over how other people might think and feel about things. The ruling in this case says otherwise. The ruling was that you cannot force a person to overlook their religious convictions so that you can have a fucking cake. K? Go somewhere else for your cake. There are plenty of businesses out there who are more than willing to make you any damn cake that you want.
I don't see what the problem is- if someone is really committed to homosexuality that they don't care to deal with people that have moral problems with it- they shouldn't have to.
This kinda says it all.
Yep. And the opposite applies, as well.

We're all just so damn desperate to attack the other tribe, that "live and let live" is a thing of the past.
I remember the days when being homosexual was NEVER discussed. People knew who was and who wasn't, and for the most part it WAS "live and let live," by remaining mum and politely refusing to "see." One of my favorite relatives was gay, and it broke my heart how lonely he was in the end of his life. As a teacher, he could not possibly have "come out" in that day and age, although everyone knew. He taught in a community hours from home, boarded with a family there for years. He was a highly respected teacher and I'm not sure if they knew and also ignored it. I doubt it; even in my much more progressive high school, the teacher it was rumored was gay would have been fired on the spot if it had been confirmed. He was a great teacher, but at that time, homosexuals were considered pedophiles.

It could be really hard for homosexuals then, but just like Queen Elizabeth the First politely ignoring the alternate religions being practiced in her Kingdom although they were illegal, it brought relative peace in daily life. Now I'm not sure if things have gotten easier or not. Guess we'd need an old gay person to tell us if it's better.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.
I don't see what the problem is- if someone is really committed to homosexuality that they don't care to deal with people that have moral problems with it- they shouldn't have to.
This kinda says it all.
Yep. And the opposite applies, as well.

We're all just so damn desperate to attack the other tribe, that "live and let live" is a thing of the past.
I remember the days when being homosexual was NEVER discussed. People knew who was and who wasn't, and for the most part it WAS "live and let live," by remaining mum and politely refusing to "see." One of my favorite relatives was gay, and it broke my heart how lonely he was in the end of his life. As a teacher, he could not possibly have "come out" in that day and age, although everyone knew. He taught in a community hours from home, boarded with a family there for years. He was a highly respected teacher and I'm not sure if they knew and also ignored it. I doubt it; even in my much more progressive high school, the teacher it was rumored was gay would have been fired on the spot if it had been confirmed. He was a great teacher, but at that time, homosexuals were considered pedophiles.

It could be really hard for homosexuals then, but just like Queen Elizabeth the First politely ignoring the alternate religions being practiced in her Kingdom although they were illegal, it brought relative peace in daily life. Now I'm not sure if things have gotten easier or not. Guess we'd need an old gay person to tell us if it's better.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.

It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
I don't see what the problem is- if someone is really committed to homosexuality that they don't care to deal with people that have moral problems with it- they shouldn't have to.
This kinda says it all.
Yep. And the opposite applies, as well.

We're all just so damn desperate to attack the other tribe, that "live and let live" is a thing of the past.
I remember the days when being homosexual was NEVER discussed. People knew who was and who wasn't, and for the most part it WAS "live and let live," by remaining mum and politely refusing to "see." One of my favorite relatives was gay, and it broke my heart how lonely he was in the end of his life. As a teacher, he could not possibly have "come out" in that day and age, although everyone knew. He taught in a community hours from home, boarded with a family there for years. He was a highly respected teacher and I'm not sure if they knew and also ignored it. I doubt it; even in my much more progressive high school, the teacher it was rumored was gay would have been fired on the spot if it had been confirmed. He was a great teacher, but at that time, homosexuals were considered pedophiles.

It could be really hard for homosexuals then, but just like Queen Elizabeth the First politely ignoring the alternate religions being practiced in her Kingdom although they were illegal, it brought relative peace in daily life. Now I'm not sure if things have gotten easier or not. Guess we'd need an old gay person to tell us if it's better.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.

It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.
This kinda says it all.
Yep. And the opposite applies, as well.

We're all just so damn desperate to attack the other tribe, that "live and let live" is a thing of the past.
I remember the days when being homosexual was NEVER discussed. People knew who was and who wasn't, and for the most part it WAS "live and let live," by remaining mum and politely refusing to "see." One of my favorite relatives was gay, and it broke my heart how lonely he was in the end of his life. As a teacher, he could not possibly have "come out" in that day and age, although everyone knew. He taught in a community hours from home, boarded with a family there for years. He was a highly respected teacher and I'm not sure if they knew and also ignored it. I doubt it; even in my much more progressive high school, the teacher it was rumored was gay would have been fired on the spot if it had been confirmed. He was a great teacher, but at that time, homosexuals were considered pedophiles.

It could be really hard for homosexuals then, but just like Queen Elizabeth the First politely ignoring the alternate religions being practiced in her Kingdom although they were illegal, it brought relative peace in daily life. Now I'm not sure if things have gotten easier or not. Guess we'd need an old gay person to tell us if it's better.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.

It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.

Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Using the law or destroying a person's life because of his thoughts when he has not actually physically harmed or damaged ANYONE tells me that these people are getting out of control with their demands. You are just as bad if not worse for targeting a person because of his religious beliefs and trying to destroy his life over it.
Yep. And the opposite applies, as well.

We're all just so damn desperate to attack the other tribe, that "live and let live" is a thing of the past.
I remember the days when being homosexual was NEVER discussed. People knew who was and who wasn't, and for the most part it WAS "live and let live," by remaining mum and politely refusing to "see." One of my favorite relatives was gay, and it broke my heart how lonely he was in the end of his life. As a teacher, he could not possibly have "come out" in that day and age, although everyone knew. He taught in a community hours from home, boarded with a family there for years. He was a highly respected teacher and I'm not sure if they knew and also ignored it. I doubt it; even in my much more progressive high school, the teacher it was rumored was gay would have been fired on the spot if it had been confirmed. He was a great teacher, but at that time, homosexuals were considered pedophiles.

It could be really hard for homosexuals then, but just like Queen Elizabeth the First politely ignoring the alternate religions being practiced in her Kingdom although they were illegal, it brought relative peace in daily life. Now I'm not sure if things have gotten easier or not. Guess we'd need an old gay person to tell us if it's better.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.

It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.

Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Thought control only works if we let it.

Getting in the mud with them just makes you muddy.
I remember the days when being homosexual was NEVER discussed. People knew who was and who wasn't, and for the most part it WAS "live and let live," by remaining mum and politely refusing to "see." One of my favorite relatives was gay, and it broke my heart how lonely he was in the end of his life. As a teacher, he could not possibly have "come out" in that day and age, although everyone knew. He taught in a community hours from home, boarded with a family there for years. He was a highly respected teacher and I'm not sure if they knew and also ignored it. I doubt it; even in my much more progressive high school, the teacher it was rumored was gay would have been fired on the spot if it had been confirmed. He was a great teacher, but at that time, homosexuals were considered pedophiles.

It could be really hard for homosexuals then, but just like Queen Elizabeth the First politely ignoring the alternate religions being practiced in her Kingdom although they were illegal, it brought relative peace in daily life. Now I'm not sure if things have gotten easier or not. Guess we'd need an old gay person to tell us if it's better.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.

It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.

Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Thought control only works if we let it.

Getting in the mud with them just makes you muddy.

I see it as fighting for what I see as the right way to go about doing things, or against what I feel is the wrong way about going about things. Why in the hell did you think I joined this board anyways? Lol.
It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.

An important distinction and the legal crux of the issue that people ALWAYS leave out is that when it comes to BEHAVIORS, the list is endless to those habitual ones we could attempt to paint out "that feel innate". If we can't object to any habitual behavior (remember, if one objectionable one gets special treatment, precedent says they all can), then we can't have any religion because religion is nothing but WHICH BEHAVIORS ONE MUST DISCRIMINATE AGAINST AND AVOID PROMOTING AT ALL COSTS.

Think about it. This decision exposed the lie from the LGBT cult. They are NOT innate behaviors. They are a chosen lifestyle based on a habitual acquired mode of behaviors. As such, no lifestyle may force itself on another in the US.
This is another one of those topics just made worse by our ever-increasing tribalism and intolerance.

People are choosing to do what they're doing, on both ends. We can't just let something go. We've become a terribly narcissistic culture.

It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.

Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Thought control only works if we let it.

Getting in the mud with them just makes you muddy.

I see it as fighting for what I see as the right way to go about doing things, or against what I feel is the wrong way about going about things. Why in the hell did you think I joined this board anyways? Lol.
Fair point!

I think it depends on the point of view. Some want to fight to win. I just want to fix problems, I don't care whose idea it is.
It is the principle of the matter, in that leftists are trying to use laws to dictate how people should think or feel. If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. You have to take a stand against that sort of thing, forced acceptance.
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.

Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Thought control only works if we let it.

Getting in the mud with them just makes you muddy.

I see it as fighting for what I see as the right way to go about doing things, or against what I feel is the wrong way about going about things. Why in the hell did you think I joined this board anyways? Lol.
Fair point!

I think it depends on the point of view. Some want to fight to win. I just want to fix problems, I don't care whose idea it is.

The problem is fixed when people stop trying to control other people's thoughts and feelings through the use of the law and lawsuits and destroying their livelihoods. While it may not matter to you right now, if it happened to you, you would have another opinion entirely I'm sure. :)
“Allowed”? What kind of totalitarian, statist communist question is that? Free peoples should be allowed to associate as they please.

Association wasn't the question.

Choosing who you associate with, and who you don't (and for what reasons), is the key ingredient of "discrimination".
Everybody thinks they have to "take a stand" against anything that causes them any discomfort.

This country needs less caffeine, less ego. Live and let live, a little. Let it go.

Well yeah, thought control makes me rather uncomfortable? You?
Thought control only works if we let it.

Getting in the mud with them just makes you muddy.

I see it as fighting for what I see as the right way to go about doing things, or against what I feel is the wrong way about going about things. Why in the hell did you think I joined this board anyways? Lol.
Fair point!

I think it depends on the point of view. Some want to fight to win. I just want to fix problems, I don't care whose idea it is.

The problem is fixed when people stop trying to control other people's thoughts and feelings through the use of the law and lawsuits and destroying their livelihoods. While it may not matter to you right now, if it happened to you, you would have another opinion entirely I'm sure. :)
Well, there's no one on this board more consistently and virulently anti-PC than me, and that's what PC is all about.

I just don't think that attacking and insulting people who disagree with me is a terribly effective way to change their mind, if that's my goal.

I guess my approach is to let them hang themselves with their own words -- point at it and say, "see?"


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