If church signs were honest ...

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
If Church Signs Were Honest About Easter | Happy Place






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I drove past a church that had a cemetary in their front and side lawn. This was the tradition with many southern church goers ( to be buried on church grounds ) but this church added a sign out front that said, We like to keep our members! lol.

true story.
My favorite church sign I ever spotted
was a simple yellow sign that said:



...true story.

So were the signs I posted.

Three things if people got, then we wouldn't need preaching anymore:

* Believing in "Jesus" means believing in "Justice;"
Seeking the Kingdom of "God" means to seek "Truth,"
as the basis of lasting peace and justice, with "Love" that conquers all Fear.

* The point of "Christianity" means "Charity,"
where Forgiveness is the greatest act of Charity.
Forgiveness is chosen and given freely, not forced or earned.

* "Christ Jesus" as the judge and authority over all laws means
"Restorative Justice" corrects all wrongs and fulfills the spirit of the laws.

Christ Jesus --> Restorative Justice with Mercy not Revenge
Love of God --> Love of Truth or Wisdom, Perfect Love instead of fear or ignorance
Holy Spirit --> Love of Humanity, Compassion that brings Healing and Peace

Whatever obstructs people from understanding these three points, all these debates, discussions and fights back and forth, are steps or stages in the process of finding out the root causes of the conflicts and resolving them point by point to reach agreement on truth.

When we understand we are in the process TOGETHER of establishing peace and justice by trial and error, by making mistakes and corrections by experience, we no longer need to preach to each other. We would be too busy fixing mutual problems to argue over them!
My favorite church sign I ever spotted
was a simple yellow sign that said:



...true story.

So were the signs I posted.

Three things if people got, then we wouldn't need preaching anymore:

* Believing in "Jesus" means believing in "Justice;"
Seeking the Kingdom of "God" means to seek "Truth,"
as the basis of lasting peace and justice, with "Love" that conquers all Fear.

* The point of "Christianity" means "Charity,"
where Forgiveness is the greatest act of Charity.
Forgiveness is chosen and given freely, not forced or earned.

* "Christ Jesus" as the judge and authority over all laws means
"Restorative Justice" corrects all wrongs and fulfills the spirit of the laws.

Christ Jesus --> Restorative Justice with Mercy not Revenge
Love of God --> Love of Truth or Wisdom, Perfect Love instead of fear or ignorance
Holy Spirit --> Love of Humanity, Compassion that brings Healing and Peace

Whatever obstructs people from understanding these three points, all these debates, discussions and fights back and forth, are steps or stages in the process of finding out the root causes of the conflicts and resolving them point by point to reach agreement on truth.

When we understand we are in the process TOGETHER of establishing peace and justice by trial and error, by making mistakes and corrections by experience, we no longer need to preach to each other. We would be too busy fixing mutual problems to argue over them!

I have sat through enough church services to know that your sign is spot on.
My favorite church sign I ever spotted
was a simple yellow sign that said:



So were the signs I posted.

Three things if people got, then we wouldn't need preaching anymore:

* Believing in "Jesus" means believing in "Justice;"
Seeking the Kingdom of "God" means to seek "Truth,"
as the basis of lasting peace and justice, with "Love" that conquers all Fear.

* The point of "Christianity" means "Charity,"
where Forgiveness is the greatest act of Charity.
Forgiveness is chosen and given freely, not forced or earned.

* "Christ Jesus" as the judge and authority over all laws means
"Restorative Justice" corrects all wrongs and fulfills the spirit of the laws.

Christ Jesus --> Restorative Justice with Mercy not Revenge
Love of God --> Love of Truth or Wisdom, Perfect Love instead of fear or ignorance
Holy Spirit --> Love of Humanity, Compassion that brings Healing and Peace

Whatever obstructs people from understanding these three points, all these debates, discussions and fights back and forth, are steps or stages in the process of finding out the root causes of the conflicts and resolving them point by point to reach agreement on truth.

When we understand we are in the process TOGETHER of establishing peace and justice by trial and error, by making mistakes and corrections by experience, we no longer need to preach to each other. We would be too busy fixing mutual problems to argue over them!

I have sat through enough church services to know that your sign is spot on.

I am a member of Moral Mondays: Christians Jews, Muslims, straight gay and Non believers

The Leader of the movement the Dr Rev Barber walks the talk I was one of the 940 arrested on a Moral Monday last Summer, not all religious are right wing kooks their are a lot of progressive voices
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My favorite church sign I ever spotted
was a simple yellow sign that said:



Three things if people got, then we wouldn't need preaching anymore:

* Believing in "Jesus" means believing in "Justice;"
Seeking the Kingdom of "God" means to seek "Truth,"
as the basis of lasting peace and justice, with "Love" that conquers all Fear.

* The point of "Christianity" means "Charity,"
where Forgiveness is the greatest act of Charity.
Forgiveness is chosen and given freely, not forced or earned.

* "Christ Jesus" as the judge and authority over all laws means
"Restorative Justice" corrects all wrongs and fulfills the spirit of the laws.

Christ Jesus --> Restorative Justice with Mercy not Revenge
Love of God --> Love of Truth or Wisdom, Perfect Love instead of fear or ignorance
Holy Spirit --> Love of Humanity, Compassion that brings Healing and Peace

Whatever obstructs people from understanding these three points, all these debates, discussions and fights back and forth, are steps or stages in the process of finding out the root causes of the conflicts and resolving them point by point to reach agreement on truth.

When we understand we are in the process TOGETHER of establishing peace and justice by trial and error, by making mistakes and corrections by experience, we no longer need to preach to each other. We would be too busy fixing mutual problems to argue over them!

I have sat through enough church services to know that your sign is spot on.

I am a member of Moral Mondays: Christians Jews, Muslims, straight gay and Non believers

The Leader of the movement the Dr Rev Barber walks the talk I was one of the 940 arrested on a Moral Monday last Summer, not all religious are right wing kooks their are a lot of progressive voices

I agree. Its the nutter frauds that I hate.
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You mean like the progressives? They claim to want to help the small guy, but they always support those who kill the small guy in huge numbers. Hypocrisy thy name is progressivism....

•H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
•The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
•The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
•Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
•McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
•After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
•Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
•NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
•FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
•New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
•Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks
You mean like the progressives? They claim to want to help the small guy, but they always support those who kill the small guy in huge numbers. Hypocrisy thy name is progressivism....

•H. G. Wells, one of the most influential progressives of the 20th century, said in 1932 that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis.” Regarding totalitarianism, he stated: “I have never been able to escape altogether from its relentless logic.” Calling for a “‘Phoenix Rebirth’ of Liberalism” under the umbrella of “Liberal Fascism,” Wells said: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.”
•The poet Wallace Stevens pronounced himself “pro-Mussolini personally.”
•The eminent historian Charles Beard wrote of Mussolini’s efforts: “Beyond question, an amazing experiment is being made [in Italy], an experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism.”
•Muckraking journalists almost universally admired Mussolini. Lincoln Steffens, for one, said that Italian fascism made Western democracy, by comparison, look like a system run by “petty persons with petty purposes.” Mussolini, Steffens proclaimed reverently, had been “formed” by God “out of the rib of Italy.”
•McClure’s Magazine founder Samuel McClure, an important figure in the muckraking movement, described Italian fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
•After having vistited Italy and interviewed Mussolini in 1926, the American humorist Will Rogers, who was informally dubbed “Ambassador-at-Large of the United States” by the National Press Club, said of the fascist dictator: “I’m pretty high on that bird.” “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government,” Rogers wrote, “that is, if you have the right dictator.”
•Reporter Ida Tarbell was deeply impressed by Mussolini's attitudes regarding labor, affectionately dubbing him “a despot with a dimple.”
•NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois saw National Socialism as a worthy model for economic organization. The establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, he wrote, had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937 DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”
•FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It's the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I've ever seen. It makes me envious.”
•New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”
•Playwright George Bernard Shaw hailed Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as the world’s great “progressive” leaders because they “did things,” unlike the leaders of those “putrefying corpses” called parliamentary democracies.

Progressive Support for Italian and German Fascism - Discover the Networks

And Ayn Rand and Charles Lindbergh were Nazis.


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