If Civil Rights Act of 1964 Were Repealed Who Would it Hurt More, Blacks or Smug White Liberal Egos?


May 23, 2014
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost
means nothing; we have a better understanding of the terms in our Constitution in modern times.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
f we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine.

There are some people that don't want to become a "nation of one". Some rather "incite" violence, just so they can grab attention from what really matters the most - "a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along". They see division, in which a nation on one side rather see the government give out hand outs - like free healthcare, free food, free college education, free contraceptives. And so on. While the other side sees an opportunity to work and make a living. Be part of the community, and sees Capitalism. Instead of Socialism.

There are some that feel that it's the way of the Democrats to "help" those like illegals come into the country (so they can use them for their votes during election seasons), because they feel they are "part of us" (Huh?)

There are some that truly feel that we should ban guns of all sorts. Because, they don't want anyone getting hurt. But they find it okay to take away stuff on the playground (like monkey bars and slides), because they don't want to see any kids getting hurt.

There are some people that rather "incite" violence, but rather not take any responsibility for whatsoever their actions do or say to others.

There are some people that rather live in the USSA = United States of Socialist America.

There are some people that really have no clue whatsoever why they even believe any of this crap from the Democrats. Even though, they say it's ok to call people names, and protest for obvious reasons because they are somehow a "victim" (i.e. #MeToo). And they were mistreated by other people.

There are some people that seriously shouldn't quit their day jobs. Or even worse, quit living, period.

Those are the people that seriously need to take a second look at themselves and say, "Is this the country I want to live in?"

Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Umm, what happens when whites become the minority?
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Umm, what happens when whites become the minority?

Then we will be the minority, and glad that those laws protect us. I hope the law gets a little stronger before then, though.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.

Who isn't being treated equally and doesn't have the same rights as everyone else?

You people always confuse "rights" with "privileges."
f we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine.

There are some people that don't want to become a "nation of one". Some rather "incite" violence, just so they can grab attention from what really matters the most - "a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along". They see division, in which a nation on one side rather see the government give out hand outs - like free healthcare, free food, free college education, free contraceptives. And so on. While the other side sees an opportunity to work and make a living. Be part of the community, and sees Capitalism. Instead of Socialism.

There are some that feel that it's the way of the Democrats to "help" those like illegals come into the country (so they can use them for their votes during election seasons), because they feel they are "part of us" (Huh?)

There are some that truly feel that we should ban guns of all sorts. Because, they don't want anyone getting hurt. But they find it okay to take away stuff on the playground (like monkey bars and slides), because they don't want to see any kids getting hurt.

There are some people that rather "incite" violence, but rather not take any responsibility for whatsoever their actions do or say to others.

There are some people that rather live in the USSA = United States of Socialist America.

There are some people that really have no clue whatsoever why they even believe any of this crap from the Democrats. Even though, they say it's ok to call people names, and protest for obvious reasons because they are somehow a "victim" (i.e. #MeToo). And they were mistreated by other people.

There are some people that seriously shouldn't quit their day jobs. Or even worse, quit living, period.

Those are the people that seriously need to take a second look at themselves and say, "Is this the country I want to live in?"


You have just described Trump perfectly.
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost
Republicans would use it as an excuse to persecute gays, Muslims and Mexicans
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
why take the right wing seriously in abortion threads. we know they don't care about natural rights.
Republicans are still trying to block blacks from voting

Of course they want to repeal the Civil Rights Act
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost
Republicans would use it as an excuse to persecute gays, Muslims and Mexicans
Your dumb.
Republicans are still trying to block blacks from voting

Of course they want to repeal the Civil Rights Act
only lousy capitalists do that. where are the fine and wonderful right wing Capital solutions? Government solutions is all the right wing seems to know.
How could the Court overturn California’s Proposition 8 when the voters passed it and they said that marriage legally should be only between a man and a woman? Your sexual preference is NOT a civil right. The Supreme Court should NEVER undermine democracy.
The Supreme Court ended Proposition 8. Here’s what that means.
The People ceded their authority on that matter when California ratified our federal Constitution.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Social-ism, at its finest.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Umm, what happens when whites become the minority?

Soon you will find out, I imagine whites will hide under their beds.
Whites will never do that. But thanks for another example of liberal racism and white people should never vote Democrat.
How could the Court overturn California’s Proposition 8 when the voters passed it and they said that marriage legally should be only between a man and a woman? Your sexual preference is NOT a civil right. The Supreme Court should NEVER undermine democracy.
The Supreme Court ended Proposition 8. Here’s what that means.
The People ceded their authority on that matter when California ratified our federal Constitution.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Social-ism, at its finest.
A Constitution with a 9th and 10th Amendments. When California entered the Union there was no fucked up 14th Amendment. That Amendment was passed by the Radical Republicans of an authoritarian regime.

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