If Civil Rights Act of 1964 Were Repealed Who Would it Hurt More, Blacks or Smug White Liberal Egos?

Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Why do we need it in 2018? You don’t think people could get along without it? Or is because liberals need the specter of racism to constantly hang over our nation so they can push their socialist agenda?

Why do you want to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Your desire to do so means the law is needed.
It is always those who are not being discriminated against who decide it is no longer needed
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Why do we need it in 2018? You don’t think people could get along without it? Or is because liberals need the specter of racism to constantly hang over our nation so they can push their socialist agenda?

Why do you want to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Your desire to do so means the law is needed.
It is always those who are not being discriminated against who decide it is no longer needed
Who is being discriminated against in the United States of America 2018? Or do you need that fantasy to fulfill a political agenda?
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Like Antifa disruption of traffic in Portland or the smear campaign against Brett Kavanaugh? Whiny? Liberals are the epitome of whiny.
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost

What we need less of, is people like you who go around believing terrible things and spreading libelous talk about tens of millions of people whom you have never even met.

You do not know even 1/10,000'th of all American liberals. Yet you claim to know EXACTLY what they believe and 'thrive' on.

What utter and complete, hate-filled nonsense.

(and the same goes for ANYONE who negatively judges millions of law-abiding citizens whom they have never met - no matter their political bent)
I was a liberal. I was involved deeply in liberal politics. But I saw through the ruse. Idiots like you who post in bold 28 point fonts are the reason I left the violent and hostile Marxist left.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Why do we need it in 2018? You don’t think people could get along without it? Or is because liberals need the specter of racism to constantly hang over our nation so they can push their socialist agenda?

Why do you want to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Your desire to do so means the law is needed.
I don’t. What I am saying is that it is none of the federal governments business. Very dangerous idea and a threat to our Republic.
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost

I guess if you want another Civil War, then go ahead & get rid of it but it would not be advisable IMO.

Hell, why don't you just put slaves back on the plantations? I mean, that is what you want; right?

MAWA = Make America WHITE Again

And while you're at it, go ahead and erase the little thing in the history books about a TWO TERM black POTUS that Trump & his GOP bombers absolutely hate. Go ahead.
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost

I guess if you want another Civil War, then go ahead & get rid of it but it would not be advisable IMO.

Hell, why don't you just put slaves back on the plantations? I mean, that is what you want; right?

MAWA = Make America WHITE Again

And while you're at it, go ahead and erase the little thing in the history books about a TWO TERM black POTUS that Trump & his GOP bombers absolutely hate. Go ahead.
You are a racist who has no faith in your fellow citizens. So you believe in Nazi, Germany where people were told how to act? You believe in North Korea where the “Dear Leader” tells you how to think. You want Orwell’s 1984 in America?
If we are really to become a nation of one people, than we need to become a nation that does not require the federal government to force us to get along. I absolutely believe that if the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...we would get along together just fine. I know Democrats thrive on racism and racial divisions. If it were repealed the people that would be hurt most are the limousine liberals. Their ego would be crushed. It would be an admonition that the 1960’s are over...and we...as nation get along just fine. Liberal press constantly tries to divide Americans.
The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal | HuffPost

I guess if you want another Civil War, then go ahead & get rid of it but it would not be advisable IMO.

Hell, why don't you just put slaves back on the plantations? I mean, that is what you want; right?

MAWA = Make America WHITE Again

And while you're at it, go ahead and erase the little thing in the history books about a TWO TERM black POTUS that Trump & his GOP bombers absolutely hate. Go ahead.
You are a racist who has no faith in your fellow citizens. So you believe in Nazi, Germany where people were told how to act? You believe in North Korea where the “Dear Leader” tells you how to think. You want Orwell’s 1984 in America?


You're sending the 'irony meter' over the Moon :206:
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Why do we need it in 2018? You don’t think people could get along without it? Or is because liberals need the specter of racism to constantly hang over our nation so they can push their socialist agenda?

Why do you want to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Your desire to do so means the law is needed.
It is always those who are not being discriminated against who decide it is no longer needed
Who is being discriminated against in the United States of America 2018? Or do you need that fantasy to fulfill a political agenda?
Odd that those who have historically discriminated are so quick to call Even Stephen.

Tell it to the black voters in GA that are being blocked from voting
We need to add to it not take it away.
The addition that needs to be added is political ideology.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Why do we need it in 2018? You don’t think people could get along without it? Or is because liberals need the specter of racism to constantly hang over our nation so they can push their socialist agenda?

Why do you want to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Your desire to do so means the law is needed.
I don’t. What I am saying is that it is none of the federal governments business. Very dangerous idea and a threat to our Republic.

We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What part of that is a very dangerous idea, and a threat to our republic?
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.
Why do we need it in 2018? You don’t think people could get along without it? Or is because liberals need the specter of racism to constantly hang over our nation so they can push their socialist agenda?

Why do you want to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Your desire to do so means the law is needed.
I don’t. What I am saying is that it is none of the federal governments business. Very dangerous idea and a threat to our Republic.

We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What part of that is a very dangerous idea, and a threat to our republic?
Inalienable. God...not the federal government gives us these natural rights. We as a society can regulate ourselves with the least amount of federal government oversight.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Who gets shouted down, conservatives or liberals? These days it seems to be the liberals swing set and they don't play well with others.
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Who gets shouted down, conservatives or liberals? These days it seems to be the liberals swing set and they don't play well with others.
Who gets bombs sent to them?

Radical Rightwing Terrorism is a bigger threat than Muslims
Right wingers want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. I didn't believe they could be so hateful and crazy the first time I heard they wanted to do that, but I believe it now.

Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Who gets shouted down, conservatives or liberals? These days it seems to be the liberals swing set and they don't play well with others.

Oh my. Nobody has ever been shouted down before, have they?
Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Who gets shouted down, conservatives or liberals? These days it seems to be the liberals swing set and they don't play well with others.

Oh my. Nobody has ever been shouted down before, have they?

The left doesn’t like free speech.
Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Who gets shouted down, conservatives or liberals? These days it seems to be the liberals swing set and they don't play well with others.
Who gets bombs sent to them?

Radical Rightwing Terrorism is a bigger threat than Muslims
Your a nut case.
Why would we need a law or an act if we live in a time and place where all races are treated equally and have the same rights?

I agree with the OP: The left is motivated by their belief that this country is so full of racial division.

We wouldn't need a law or act if we lived in a time and place where all people were treated equally and have the same rights. Until then, we need the law.
People are not treated equally in this country? I think the loud mouth minority on the left forces their views on everyone else by turning up the volume and getting attention from a biased liberal media.

Of course you think that. You're a whiny right winger on the playground who doesn't anyone but your group to get a turn on the swing set.
Who gets shouted down, conservatives or liberals? These days it seems to be the liberals swing set and they don't play well with others.
Who gets bombs sent to them?

Radical Rightwing Terrorism is a bigger threat than Muslims
Who gets ricin sent to them? Mattis and Trump that’s who.
So then it’s agreed that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is an artificial action by the federal government to modify what should be a free society?

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